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1、解救托福口语必须讲究解题策略朗阁托福考试研究中心首先,这部分考题涉及的内容很广泛,包括学校健康中心,餐饮改革,图书馆,艺术画廊,教学楼,学生会竞选,志愿者申请,学校新政策,停车位问题,维修学生宿舍,大学广播站扩大范围,垃圾回收系统,雕塑课程,教室取暖,学生辅导员等话题。话题集中在大学新政策,新举措,改革,考试制度等,都是和大学生活息息相关的东西。所以,应对这部分考题时,朗阁托福考试研究中心建议考生首先要熟练掌握校园词汇,如permit, assignment, due time, requirement, announcement, grade, credit等。其次,在听对话时,我们需要记下

2、关键词,词组和例子,并且笔记应当有条理,有层次。在答题时,要理顺答题思路。首先,要理解阅读内容,并用一句话概括阅读的大意。然后表明说话人的立场也可以描述说话人的态度和心情。此外,非常重要的一点是要论述理由,最后用一句话进行概括。托福口语中的第三部分是一个integrated task, 学生有45秒钟来阅读一篇小短文,然后听一篇和这段小短文内容相关的听力对话,在30秒钟准备时间后,考生即被要求根据听力和阅读内容作出一分钟的回答。这部分考题涉及的都是校园场景,因此阅读和听力内容都不会对考生的理解带来太大的困难,而且这部分考题的出题角度非常单一,所以只要有较好的解题策略,就能够很顺利的解答这部分考

3、题。绝大多数的阅读段落的中心句都是该段落的首句,所以考生们不用太担心在短短的45秒钟内看不完整个段落。此外,阅读部分的题目本身就是大意最简要的概括。而且考生们在总结大意时不需要加入任何的细节,所以在阅读时不需要在细节上花费太多时间。在概括大意时,我们可以记熟一些常用语句,如:The reading passage introduces Professor Xs policy on等,这样在考场中就不需要临时组织语言了。Listening is the most essential skill that a candidate should have in order to have an id

4、eal score in TOEFL Ibt oral English. In the test, there are six tasks and task 3,4,5,6 requires the student to listen and understand the given topic before answering. Candidates usually have a hard time to understand not only because their listening skill is not good but also because of the conversa

5、tion topic or academic topics such as lectures and experiments.Toefl ibt Oral English task 5 is an integrated task that is based on a conversation between two people talking about a problem and then the examinee have to choose which is the best solution to the problem . This task have high demand in

6、 listening for student and It is the only task in speaking 3,4,5,6 that requires the examinees to give opinion.The TOEFL iBT will probably not ask a “gist-content” question. Instead, the first question after the conversation will probably be a “gist-purpose” question. A gist-purpose question asks ab

7、out the main reason why one speaker is talking to the other. For example, the question might ask, “Why did the student go to the professors office?”In this type of test the student should have to listen to the main problem first and grasp the speakers two possible solutions to the problem. At the en

8、d, he/she should give her own choice of solution to the problem. To be able to do so, students have to learn to listen to important or key words and phrases to make it easier for them to catch the answer. They should also know some brief tips for taking main-idea notes. In this article, we will look

9、 further into what things should be noted. In particular, which notes can be valuable for “gist-purpose” listening questions.I. Interviewing homeless people:What is the best way to approach this study on the homeless people living downtown?This kind of expression is asking which is the best method t

10、o chooseThe best way to get the true data for this study is to review them in person.It is telling you that you dont have to think of other optionHowever, I understand your concern for personal safety.A contrast of the first concern that the speaker saidBut then I still cant get over my fearsIt mean

11、s the speaker is still afraid This is exactly what terrifies meA definite way of saying what makes the speaker scaredWe both agree that in order for your report to be a success you need to interview these people.Both speakers think the this idea is excellentMy first suggestion would be to schedule t

12、he interview at the coffee shop across the street.You can expect that there will be a second suggestionNow, my other suggestion is to have your interviews in a busy place.This is the second advice following the first one I think I prefer the coffee shop moreIt means the speaker chooses from the choi

13、ce and he/she prefers the coffee shopII. Future planHave you decided what youll do upon graduation?A kind of asking if you are not sure what to do after finishing schoolIm currently faced with two choices.It means now he/she have two things to choose fromActually, Im not interested in looking for so

14、mething full time right now The speaker does not want to do itWhat were you planning on studying in grad school; Master of Fine Arts?A kind of question asking if you he/she would like to study Master of Fine ArtsYes, that is the plan!Very firm expression that the speaker will do itWhy not try look f

15、or work now?Giving a suggestion and expects the listener to think about it The way I see it, you will only benefit by gaining some work experience.A way of telling his /her opinion about having some work experienceI guess youre right!Thinking that the suggestion may be actually rightIII. Choosing A

16、PlayI have been asked to produce/direct my first play for the “Theater under the Stars festival” this season and I dont know which play to chooseConfused about which one should be chosen for the playIt has been an interesting mix for everything really, from the old classics like Shakespeares A Midsu

17、mmer Nights dream to comedies by unknown playwrights commonly found at fringe festivalA good combination of two good thingsWell, I guess its really up to you and the audience thenIts for the people who will watch can decide which one is betterI must say the classics have been the big money makers fo

18、r usA kind of expression where the speaker is very sure of the informationWell, I think you have answered your own question You dont need to listen opinion anymoreYour advice sounds good BY hearing the suggestion, you think it the best optionOk you have convinced me The listener was successfully per

19、suaded by the speakerIV. Work ShiftIm really happy with all the terms and conditions, but I have one important decision to make.Have to make a confirmation which is necessary to make the decisionWell, its really not a big problem; however, my employer wants to know during my first week, what schedul

20、e I want to work for the rest of the summer.Its not a big deal, the employer just needs to know the schedule in the first weekThey are two different schedules and because of the length there will be no rotations.There are two things which the speaker can choose fromHere are my choicesThe following a

21、re the things that I can think aboutWell, they both sound great to me It hard to select cause two of them are goodDefinitely the ten days, and five days offSurely this is the best choiceI know that shifts sounds really great!This actually means that the time of work is really fascinatingI tend to li

22、ke the regular Monday to Friday shiftMonday to Friday shift is the better time to chooseYou have a point The speaker is making sense, very sensibleV. Working Holiday or TravelingIf you already know where you want to go, what decision do you have to make?What else should you think about? You are alre

23、ady decidedI must make up my mind whether to spend my time there traveling and seeing the sights, or whether to spend my time on a working holiday?Have to make the decision in choosing which one is worthyBoth ideas are appealing to meThese two choices are attracting me, having a hard time to choose

24、which one is better.I think it would be expensive .You helped me decide that I would rather take a working holiday.The speaker did not do the decision himself, the listener made it for himI have just decided at this moment not to continue my studiesOnly this time that I made this decision to pursue

25、my studiesVI. Mountain Climbing TrekIm a bit concerned about my fitness level. Im going with the local climbing club and they have suggested that this climb has a medium fitness and skills level.The speaker is worried that maybe he/she is not healthy enoughI guess by biggest concern is slowing down

26、the group, and also getting in over my head with my lack of climbing skills.Maybe the most important thing he is thinking about is wasting other peoples time in the groupWell, if you want my advice, Id go for a day hike in the novice level. Or, why dont you take a climbing workshop instead?If you ar

27、e asking my suggestion whether which one to chooseYoure right. I think it should cancel. Thanks for the adviceAgreeing that the advice is the best way to doVII. A Debate ClubI have already chosen my topic but I am having a hard time coming up with a good introduction in such a short time frame.The s

28、peaker is still having trouble to do the debate because the time is limitedWhat do you think of the death sentence anyway?What is the opinion about death penalty or capital punishmentPersonally, I dont believe in it Stating a personal opinion Well, what if the person executed were innocent The perso

29、n who had the death penalty does not have anything to do with the crimeI have an idea on how you can start on your debate I know what you have to do on your debate What a great ideaTerrific thing!比如下面这道考题的阅读内容为:Late Assignments Not AcceptedStudents who take Leadership & Supervision must complete 10

30、assignments which account for 50 percent of the final score. Requirements and the due dates of these assignments are listed; please note late assignments will not be accepted. It is your responsibility to submit each assignment on time. On the due date, no excuses, including medical excuses, will be

31、 accepted. Please make sure you start and complete your assignments early so that you will not miss the deadline even if something serious arises. Please also note that you will not receive any grade on late assignment.其实,不用阅读全文,但从题目中,我们就可以知道,这篇阅读文章是关于late assignment的举措。所以,即使在完全不阅读的状况下,我们也可以很好的归纳出段意

32、,即:The reading passage introduces the professors policy on late assignments.当然,也有一部分的考题无法使用这种方法,那么我们就应当做一定的阅读,但是所以的细节部分,如数字,时间等可以直接掠过。接下来我们需要做的就是归纳那个主要说话人的态度,在第三部分的考题中,一般常见的说话人态度有同意和不同意两种。如有时是同意学校的某项改革措施,而有时是反对某个新条例。还有说话的一方不了解情况,另一方予以解释,或予以确认。朗阁托福考试研究中心总结归纳了一些常用的态度表达句式,主要有:The man/woman thinksis a g

33、reat opportunity for him/her.The man/woman disagree.The man/woman findshard to understand and the woman/man is trying to explain to him/her.In the listening passage, the man/woman confirms to the woman/man that此外,表示支持的词有:favor, in favor of, be for, agree with, support, 而表示反对的词有:disagree with, be aga

34、inst, oppose态度表达完成后,考生就需要给出听力中的理由来支持说话人的态度。这部分需要学生掌握一定的速记方法,此外,由于记录下来的内容必须是听力中的主要内容,所以,考生需要能够在听的同时迅速辨认出听力中的层次和主干部分。这需要长期的练习和一些听力速记技巧,笔者在此就不在赘述了。同样的,在我们叙述理由时,也需要有清晰的层次感,也就是需要有连接词和描述理由的句式。连接词有despite, in addition, besides, moreover, plus, whats more等。描述例子的句式有:A good reason for this is thatThis is beca

35、use, explaining whyfor the following reasonsThe reasons are as follows.because of the following reasons.在描述理由时,如果听力部分出现例子,那么,我们在给出重述时,也应该将例子进行概括。用来表示举例内容的句式有:A good example isA case in point isis a perfect example.Takefor example.Think aboutfor a moment.最后,为了使答案有一个完整性,我们需要给出一个最后的总结句,同样的,总结部分也需要有提示词,

36、如:therefore, in conclusion, in summary等。总结句通常会重述听力中主要阐述人的观点,常见的重述语言有:Therefore, the man/woman thinks Professor Xs policy onis acceptable.The man/woman doesnt recommend the woman/man Therefore, the man/woman welcomes the idea that总之,在这部分的回答中,朗阁托福考试研究中心建议考生要力求使答案完整,有概括性及逻辑性,用词准确,并且精炼。概括能力和口语能力都是需要大家在不断的联想中去不断提高的,在有了一定能力的情况下,结合良好的答题思路,满意的考试成绩就唾手可得。(本文来自朗阁教育SAT培训教研组,供广大考生学习使用,转载请注明出处)


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