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1、RoomReservations预订房间KeySentences(重点句子)1IdliketobookadoubleroomforTuesdaynextweek下周二我想订一个双人房间。2Whatsthepricedifference?两种房间的价格有什么不同?3Adoubleroomwithafrontviewis140dollarspernight,onewitharearviewis115dollars pernight一间双人房朝阳面的每晚140美元,背阴面的每晚115美元。4IthinkIlltaketheonewithafrontviewthen我想我还是要阳面的吧。5Howlon

2、gwillyoubestaying?您打算住多久?6WellbeleavingonSundaymorning我们将在星期天上午离开。7AndwelookforwardtoseeingyounextTuesday我们盼望下周二见到您。8Idliketobookasingleroomwithbathfromtheafter-noonofOctober4tothemorningof October10我想订一个带洗澡间的单人房间,10月4日下午到10月10日上午用。9Wedohaveasingleroomavailableforthosedates我们确实有一个单间,在这段时间可以用。10Whati

3、stherate,please?请问房费多少?11Thecurrentrateis 50pernight现行房费是50美元一天。12Whatservicescomewiththat?这个价格包括哪些服务项目呢?13ThatsoundsnotbadatallIlltakeit听起来还不错。这个房间我要了。14Bytheway,Idlikeaquietroomawayfromthestreetifitispossible顺便说一下,如有可能我想要一个不临街的安静房间。对话AA:RoomReservationsGoodafternoonB:IdliketobookadoubleroomforTues

4、daynext weekA:Thatsfine,sirAdoubleroomforTuesday,September12th,withafrontvieworrearview?B:Whatsthepricedifference?A:Adoubleroomwithafrontviewis140dollarspernight,onewitharearviewis115dollars pernightB:IthinkIlltaketheonewithafrontviewthenA:Howlongwillyoubestaying?B:WellbeleavingSundaymorningA:Thatwi

5、llbefivenights,sirThankyouverymuch,andwelookforwardtoseeingyounextTuesdayB:GoodThatsallsettledthenGood-byeA:Good-byeDialogueBA:AdvanceReservationsCanIhelpyou?B:Yes,IdliketobookasingleroomwithabathfromtheafternoonofOctober4tothe morningofOctober10A:Yes,wedohaveasingleroomavailableforthosedatesB:Whati

6、stherate,please?A:Thecurrentrateis50pernightB:Whatservicescomewiththat?A: For50youllhavearadio,acolortelevision,atelephoneandamajorinternational newspaperdeliveredtoyourroomeverydayB:ThatsoundsnotbadatallIlltakeitA:VerygoodCouldyoutellmeyourname,sir,please?B:Yes,itisMooreA:Howdoyouspellit,please?B:I

7、tsM-O-O-R-EA:M-O-O-R-EAndwhatisyouraddress,please?B:Itis .A:Excuseme,sir,butcouldyouspeakalittlemoreslowly,please?B:Sure,noproblemIts.Haveyougotit?A:Yes,soitis.B:ThatsrightA:Whataboutyourtelephonenumber?B 264-9716Bytheway,Idlikeaquietroomawayfromthestreetifthatis possibleA:Aquietroomawayfromthestree

8、tispreferredOKWellmailyouareservationcard confirmingyourbookingassoonaspossibleWelookforwardtoyourvisitB:Thankyouandgood-byeA:Good-bye对话D B:Hello,this is Grand Hotel.Can I help you?A:Yes,I want to book a single room for my business trip.Can you give me some information about that kind of room?B:Sure

9、,you can have a comfortable bath after a busy work in the room.And of course,there is a big TV set and a fridge there so you can watch the programme and cool your self in this hot season.A:Great ,that is my favourite.I will book one.对话E Receptionist(前台接待员): Can I help you?Mary: We want to book two r

10、ooms.R: For how many nights?Tom: For two nights.R: Ok, then, would you like two double rooms or one double room and one single room?Jane: One double room and one single room.R:Ok. May I have your names?Mary: Mary White. M-A-R-Y W-H-I-T-E.R: Thank you, Mary White. Then how about you, the other lady?J

11、ane: Jane Smith. J-A-N-E S-M-I-T-H.Tom: This is my wife. My name is Tom Smith. T-O-M S-M-I-T-H.R: Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Wait a moment, please. (After a few minutes) Ive got it. Your room numbers are 401 and 402. 401 is a single room, and 402 is a double room.对话C(不)Receptionist: Good afterno

12、on. Welcome to Oyster Point Village. Can I help you? Customer: Oh, yes. You can help me. I have a booking for three people for a holiday.Receptionist: Yes, Madam. Now could I have your name, please?Customer: Li LingrongReceptionist: OK. Um, let me see. Umm, ah yeah yes, theres a booking for Mrs Li.O

13、h, sorry. The room you booked is not available.Customer: Oh, terrible! I booked in October 30th and paid for the room. Youshould left a room for us in advance. We are so tired in the whole dayand really need to have a rest in your hotel. Now you still tell me thatthe booked room is not available. I

14、think your service for customers isvery bad.Receptionist: Oh Im terribly sorry Madam but all the rooms have been fully bookedbecause of the Sunshine Festival. Could we put you another room foryou?Customer: What kind of room?Receptionist: A room for three people, but there is a balcony with an ocean

15、view forthis room.Customer: What is the price of the room?Receptionist: It is $ 280 per night.Customer: Im still not happy and I just hope its not too expensive for us.Receptionist: Well this rooms beds are more comfortable than that you booked. Sothe price is a little higher. Because of our mistake

16、, we could have 8.5discount for you in return.Customer: Good. I will take it. By the way, does the price include breakfast?Receptionist: Yes of course Madam. Ah well bring you up breakfast every morningof you stay into your bed.Customer: Thank you.Receptionist: Youre welcome, and how long do you expect to stay?Customer: About five days.Receptionist: Oh, yes. Now your room is 712. There are the keys and your breakfastvouchers. The lift is at the corner and to the left. So have a pleasantday.Customer: Thanks again.Receptionist: Youre welcome.


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