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1、JNCE-For Children,Tweenagers&Teenagers TracyChildren Learn to speak word by word, phrase by phrase Interested in the new language Not afraid of making mistakesTweenagers Go through a transition period from imaginative thinking to real world interest Frequently drop back into childlike behaviour, att

2、itude and interests Become increasingly insecure and need a lot of supportTeenagers Rebellion Stubborn Willing to take risksWhy JNCE? Junior- friendly Natural Considerate Encouraging人教版小学英语26年级的语言知识点年级重要语法点2年级一般现在时,渗透,但不具体讲解3年级一般将来时,现在进行时,渗透和掌握,There be 句型4年级一般过去时,祈使句,渗透和巩固5年级一般过去时,继续巩固和强化;比较级和最高级6年

3、级一般过去时JNCE在语法上提供更多的语言输入和强化,通过复现来强化重要语法点,比如structural words,时态,语态等。弥补中国学生缺乏语境的问题。人教版小学英语26年级的语言技能要求: 年级 语言技能要求 2年级简单介绍,了解,学写字母和单词 3年级描述,询问,表达喜好,学习字母在单词中的发音 4年级描述,说明,表达喜好,阅读小故事,学习字母组合在单词中的发音 5年级询问,描述,表达,阅读小故事,学习字母组合的发音 6年级描述,表达心情和理想,阅读小故事,学习字母组合的发音JNCE在听说读写语言技能方面提供更多的语言输出和强化训练,全方位的提高学生的语言能力。是一个强有力的补充。

4、Recycling and progression of language syllabusVocabulary小学词汇初中词汇(不包括小学词汇)高中词汇(不包括小学和初中词汇)JNCE1(710词)300词370词汇40词JNCE2(710词)105词403词汇202词JNCE3(510词)30词270词汇210词总计1990词全部412词1000词左右(几乎全部初中课标词)高中500词左右NCE909词260词374词275词Q:新概念很经典,学语法扎实,可以提高学习成绩。不知道新概念青少版能否做到这一点? A:新概念青少版继承了新概念语言的精髓,教学大纲同样循序渐进,而且进度更加平缓,更

5、适合青少年学习;另外,青少版内容趣味性更强,更时尚。Q:对于小学生和初中生来说,NCE和JNCE该如何选择? A:新概念青少版继承了新概念的精髓,同样培养语言基础能力,而且从语法学习进度更缓慢,词汇输入更丰富,语音训练更专项,话题更时尚更有趣,所以JNCE更适合青少年学习。Q:JNCE要学6本才能达到NCE1一本书的水平,这样进度太慢了吧? A:JNCE虽然语法覆盖同NCE1类似,但词汇量已经达到初中毕业水平,比NCE1词汇量大,还补充了语音学习内容;内容容量大,基础奠定更扎实。对于小学生来说学习不能操之过急,拔苗助长。Q:如何帮助孩子记单词? A:通过情景中使用单词,通过背诵和复述故事来记住

6、单词。单词分为认知词汇和掌握词汇,有些单词能够认知即可,不一定要背下来的。世界英语教学主要流派 一,翻译法Translation Method 二,直接法Direct 三,听说法 Audiolingualism 四,情景法 Situational 五,认知法 Cognitive Approach 六,交际法 Communicative Language 七 ,任务型 Task-based Language Teaching Approach 好学校的类型 1,教得好 2,卖得好 3,管得好 4,买得好例如:华尔街学校;昂立集团;诺基亚手机(“视能”效果,先打造高端视能,再打造低端品牌)百度气死

7、Google广告消费者行为学怪诞行为学1.主谓宾状2.主系表 三个句型:3.There be循序渐进学语法Be动词不代表“是”,而是一个标记/旗帜,而是问什么是什么;什么在哪里;哪里有什么?英语语法新思维 你怎么翻译? 我昨天晚上在厨房里用刀干掉了一只小强。 I killed a cockroach with a knife in the kitchen last night. 一个公式 分析,研究英语语法规律,就该首先掌握英语简单句的组合规律,即: 1-2-3-4-5-6 Whowhat-whom-how-where-when (action)英语语法新思维 简单句-是最小的句子单位。一般只

8、有一个谓语动词,如do/be/shall do等,并且由一个主谓结构组成。 并列句-一般是由并列连词,如:and ,but, so, yet等,分号或分号后跟一个并列连接副词,如:however, above all, in addition, as far as等,将两个或两个以上的简单句连接而成。 复合句-通常是用从属连词把简单句连接起来。其中包括一个独立的简单句(或称为主句)和一个或几个从属简单句(或称为从句)。主句往往可以独立存在。 状语从句 复合句 名词性从句(包括主语从句;宾语从句等) 定语从句英语语法新思维 这个句子标点符号对吗? In the end I could not b

9、ear it. 逗号原则 当句子的4-5-6中任何一项放到1-2-3前面时: 不到3个单词:(可点也可不点逗号) At last(,) he answered my phone call. Sadly(,) he left the house. 达到或超过3个单词: To my surprise, he bought me a ticket!英语语法新思维 这个句子为什么有问题 I sat down beside her said nothing. I walked up say hello to her. 一个句子一个2原则 英语句法界定:一个句子一个2,出现多个动词时,一定要界定它们的逻辑

10、关系 两种方式: 并列:I sat down beside her and said nothing. 从属:Sitting down beside her, I said nothing. I sat down beside her, saying nothing. I walked up to say hello to her.英语语法新思维 这个句群对吗? She hurried back she found the door half open. 一个句子一个句号原则 如果两个句子(或多个句子)组合在一起,必须赋予它们相应的逻辑关系 并列 She hurried back and sh

11、e found the door half open. 从属 When she hurried back, she found the door half open.英语语法新思维 从属: Im very poor I wont accept her offer. Im very poor, but I wont accept her offer. Although Im very poor, I wont accept her offer. Though Im very poor, I wont Even though/if Im very poor, I wont. Despite the

12、 fact that Im very poor, I wont英语语法新思维 几个句子的1相同,按照一个句子一个2原则处理 A young man was tired of sleeping on the floor. He saved up for years to buy a real bed. Tired of sleeping on the floor, a young man saved up for years to buy a real bed. 或按一个句子一个句号原则处理: A young man was tired of sleeping on the floor and

13、he saved up for years to buy a real bed. As/Since/Because a young man was tired of sleeping on the floor, he saved up for years to buy a real bed.英语语法新思维 这个怎么讲? This is the house where I was born. 我会这么讲: This is the house. I was born in the house. This is the house the house I was born in. This is t

14、he house which I was born in. This is the house in which I was born. This is the house where I was born.英语语法新思维 回到附件2各类从句的简化提升 1.定语从句: 关系代词为3(whom)时,可以省略 关系代词为1(who)时,可以简化提升 方法:去掉1,如果2里有be动词,去掉即可;如果2为其它动词,加ing即可 The dog which is playing with the boy is really smart. The dog playing with the boy is r

15、eally smart.英语语法新思维 2.状语从句: 当状语从句的1与主句的1相同时,可以对状语从句作简化提升 方法:去掉从句的1,如果2里有be动词,去掉即可;如果为其它动词,变ing即可 Even though he speaks very good English, he can not read. Even though speaking very good English, he can not read. Speaking very good English, he can not read.英语语法新思维 动手试试: Jimmy was dressed up as father

16、 Christmas. He was accompanied by a guard of honor of six pretty girls. He set off down the main street of the city. He rode a baby elephant. The baby elephant was called Jumbo. Dressed up as father Christmas and accompanied by a guard of honor of six pretty girls, Jimmy set off down the main street

17、 of the city, riding a baby elephant called Jumbo.英语语法新思维再试试: I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I had a very good seat and the play was very interesting, but I did not enjoy it, f

18、or a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me and they were talking loudly. ,talking loudly. 授课过程中,遇到复杂的句子便拆分成简单句,然后组装起复杂句;遇到简单句,尝试组装为复杂句动手能力英语语法新思维 When Bill was very young, they had been in love. Many night they had spent walking, talking together. Then something not very important had c

19、ome between them, and they didnt speak. Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved. Bill went away, bitter about women. Bill was very young. They had been in love. They had spent walking together many nights. They spent talking together many nights. There is something had come between them. Something was not very important. They didnt speak. She married a man. She thought she loved the man. Bill went away. He was bitter about women.


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