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1、九年英语教学目标与课时计划 章节教学内容重点短语、句型或语法教学目标课时Unit 1 How do you study for a test?1. 现在完成时态2. 课文讲解短语,句型,if引导的条件状语从句3. 以ing 结尾的形容词和以ed 结尾的形容词的区别4. practice, enjoy 只能加动词的ing形式。1. 短语:make mistakes, be afraid to do sth, look up, make up, deal with, break off 2. 句型:(1) by+名词,代词,doing (2) 表示建议的句型:How/what about doin

2、g sth/why not do sth /let do sth/would you like to do sth (3) 以ing结尾的形容词词和以ed 结尾的形容词的区别及用法(4) 掌握get sth right (动词+宾语+宾补)这种句型结构(5)掌握动词practice, enjoy, decide的用法及句型结构 语法:(1)unless 和if 引导的条件状语从句(2)主要时态现在完成时及一般现在时的特殊疑问句形式1. 学会用英语谈论怎样学习(talk about how to study in English)2. 掌握本单元考试重点及要点3. 重点掌握语法现在完成时的结构及

3、用法,能够熟练运用现在完成时做题4 回忆一般现在时及其特殊疑问句的变换方式现在完成时重点讲解(2)课文重点内容讲解(4)共6个课时Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark. used to do sth/get (be) used to doing sth 用法及区别短语:go to sleep, in the end, make a decision to do sth, to ones surprise, even though, no longer, take pride in/ be proud of, pay attention to , give

4、 up句型:1.used to do sth/get/be used to doing sth 2. be terrified of doing sth 3. cant afford to do sth 4.worry about 5. miss doing sth6. spend 用法(take, cost, pay区别)7. little, a little, few, a few 区别及用法语法:1. used to do 结构及用法及与get used to doing 区别(考点)2. 合成形容词的构成及用法及注意事项1. 学会使用句型used to 谈论自己, 他人过去的习惯爱好及

5、经常做的事。 2. 掌握used to句型的各种变形,及它与get/be used to doing 的用法及区别3. 掌握本单元重点单词及句型用法共需要4 课时Unit3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.1. 被动语态的用法构成及各个时态的被动语态,主动语态与被动语态的相互转化2. get +宾语+宾补结构, allow, stop, need, keep 用法短语:instead of, stay up, concentrate on, at present, get in the way, care abou

6、t, be serious about句型1. should be allowed 2. get +名词+过去分词3. 宾语从句中的否定转移4. seem to do 5. allow sb to do sth /allow doing sth6. stop to do sth/stop doing sth/stop sth/sb from doing sth/cant stop doing sth7. 人+need to do sth /物+need doing sth= need to be done8. keep+ sth +形容词/ keep doing sth /keep sb /s

7、th from doing sth 9.bothand/eitheror用法语法:被动语态的用法,各个时态的被动语态的构成,主动变被动的步骤,被动语态的注意事项1. 学会使用should be allowed to do sth 谈论允许或不允许做的事,及针对允许或不允许做的事发表自己的观点,并叙述出理由。2. 掌握本单元重点单词,短语及句型用法3. 熟练掌握各个时态的被动语态的构成及用法。重点语法被动语态的讲解需2课时,课文重点难点讲解需4课时。 共需6课时。Unit 4 What would you do?1. 虚拟语气2 tooto 结构, hundred, million, billi

8、on 用法, 特殊疑问词+动词不定式用法短语:notin the slightest, plenty of, get along with, letdown, come up with, come out, be sure, deal with/do with, give advice on, by accident, hardly ever句型:1. What would you do if?2. If I were you, Id 3. What if4.Tooto(与sothat./enough to互换)5. 特殊疑问词+动词不定式的用法(与宾语从句的相互转换)语法:1.主要语法点:虚

9、拟语气及其结构用法特点2. hundred, million, billion语法特点3. if 引导的条件状语从句虚拟条件和真实条件的区别。1. 学会用虚拟语气谈论假定的事,掌握虚拟条件句的结构和用法2. 能够熟练区分if 引导的条件状语从句虚拟语气和真实语气的区分,并熟练掌握各自的用法3. 掌握本单元重点单词,短语及句型的用法语法讲解及练习共需2课时,课文重点难点讲解及练习需4课时,共需6课时Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.情态动词表示推测尤其是对过去事情的肯定推测和否定推测为常考内容短语:belong to, make up, use up, turn of

10、f, try to do sth/try doing sth, be anxious for /about sb/sth, be anxious to do sth, 句型:It must belong toIt may beIt might beIt must beIt cant beIt could beThere be +名词+doingMust have doneCant have done语法:情态动词表示推测时的用法(1)掌握情态动词表示推测时的用法,并熟记must 表示肯定推测,而表示否定推测时要用cant 来表达。(2)熟练掌握本单元出现的重点单词,短语及句型的用法。共需3个课

11、时Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to1. who, which, that 引导的定语从句为必考内容2. prefer 的用法3. 强调句型短语:remind sb of sth, on display, to be honest, be bad for(be good for/be bad to/be good to ), stay away from sth/doing sth, be in agreement, a kind of, 句型:1. prefer A to B 2. prefer doing to doing 3. prefer t

12、o do rather than do4. I like music that5. I prefer music that6. what kind of music do you like?语法:1.关系代词引导的定语从句2. do, does, did, 用于肯定句中表示强调3. It is/was+被强调部分+that+强调句型4. whatever 引导的让步状语从句1. 熟练掌握有关系代词引导的定语从句,会做相关习题,并学会在写作的过程中使用定语从句2. 掌握本单元重点单词短语及语法的用法语法讲解及练习3课时,课文重点内容讲解3课时,共需6课时Unit 7 Where would yo

13、u like to visit?1.关系代词引导的定语从句与关系副词引导的定语从句常以关系代词和关系副词的寻找来出题,故此为重点内容又为难点内容。2. would like, consider用法3. ing 结尾的形容词和以ed 结尾的形容词的区别短语:take it easy, in general, as soon as possible, be willing to do, quite a few, dream of, provide sb with sth/afford sb sth/afford sth to sb句型:1. Where would you like to go o

14、n vacation?2. I hope3. 表示建议的句子语法:1. would like 的用法2. 关系副词引导的定语从句3. 以ed 结尾的形容词和以ing结尾的形容词的用法4. consider 用法1. 熟练掌握would like/love to do sth 的用法2. 熟练掌握以关系副词引导的定语从句,并能快速并准确的区分关系代词和关系副词的选择3. 掌握本单元重点单词短语及句型的用法语法讲解及练习3课时,课文讲解3课时,共需6课时Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks.1.短语动词的构成及用法尤其是动词+副词构成的短语动词,代词做宾语

15、要放在短语中间位常考内容2. Id like to do Would you like to do 常以单选的形式,让选出后面带to的不定式形式。短语:clean up, give out, put off, think up, take after, fix up(repair), put up, ask for, hand out, fillinto, work out, help sb out, at once句型:Id like/love to What would like to do?语法:短语动词的构成及用法(尤其是以动词+副词构成的短语动词,副词做宾语时要放在其其中间位置)1.

16、 学会使用提出建议的句型在写作中的表达2. 掌握短语动词的特点及用法3. 掌握本单元出现的重点单词,短语及句型的用法共需3课时Unit 9 When was it invented?1.被动语态为常考内容,常以单选,选择填空,或用于写作中2. notuntil, prefer, a number of 和the number of 区别及用法也为常考内容短语:be used for, by mistake, by accident, according to, fall into, in this way, knock into, in the end, add to, addto, add

17、up to句型:1. When was invented?2. Who invented ?3. The was invented by.4. It is believed that语法:1. 被动语态2. not until 用法3. prefer 用法4. a number of /the number of 用法及区别1. 掌握各个时态的被动语态2. 学会被动语态在写作中的使用3. 掌握本单元出现的重点单词短语及句型的用法。被动语态是属于回忆内容,故整个单元讲解共需4课时Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left

18、1. 过去完成是是必须掌握的时态2. sothat 引导的结果状语从句,marry 表示状态的时候要和时间段的时间状语连用短语:by the time, go off, run off, on time, break down, show up, April Fools Day, set off, sell out, get married, a piece of 句型:Have you ever?What happened to ?By the time I got up, 语法:1. 过去完成时2. sothat引导的结果状语从句3. marry 表示动作和表示状态时的用法1. 熟练掌握过

19、去完成时的构成及用法2. 学会使用过去完成时写作3. 掌握本单元中出现的重点单词,短语及句型的用法共需3课时Unit 11 Could you pleased to tell me where the restrooms are?宾语从句是每年中考必考内容,而且经常放在单选的最后一题出现,主要考察连接词, 时态,和语序故必须掌握短语:make a phone call, save money, betweenand, decide to do sth, hang out, prefer doing sth, dress up, have fun in doing sth, both and,

20、make requests, depend on, on the other hand, in order to do sth, kind of 句型:1. Excuse me, Could you tell me where I can get a dictionary?2. Do you know where I can change my money?3. Could you please tell me where Center Street is?语法:1.宾语从句2.表示礼貌的请求及答语1. 学会礼貌的向别人询问信息2. 熟练掌握宾语从句3. 掌握本单元重点单词,短语及句型的用法语

21、法讲解及相关练习需用2个课时,课文讲解4课时共需6课时Unit 12 You are supposed to shake hands1. be supposed to do sth2. should have done 的用法。3. 被动语态短语:shake hands, drop by, after all, make noise, go out ones way to do sth, table manners, be used to doing sth, learn by oneself, be supposed to do sth, point at/to 句型:1. What are

22、 you supposed to do when you meet sb?2. You should have asked what you are supposed to wear.3. Its rude to stick your chopsticks into your food. 语法:1. 被动语态的构成及用法2. be supposed to 的用法3. should have done 的用法1 掌握初次见面时一些西方国家的礼仪及风俗习惯,学会用you are supposed to 来表达所需含义。2. 回忆被动语态的构成及用法3. 掌握本单元所出现的重点单词句型及语法。共需3

23、课时Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.1. 动词+宾语+宾补为常见句型必须掌握2. 动词不定式用法为必考内容短语:Would rather do, for instance, learn from , have sales, lead to , keep out, after all, be aimed at, to start with, more than, at times, to be honest句型:Id like to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music.

24、 Me too! Loud music make me tense. How do you feel about pollution? It makes me kind of angry. Have you ever had Beijing Duck?语法:1. make +sb +宾语补足语2. 动词不定式的用法1. 学会用英语表达谈论事物对人的影响和自己的感情。2. 掌握动词+宾语+宾语补足语的句型结构,及动词不定式的用法3. 掌握本单元所出现的重点单词短语及句型的用法语法讲解需1课时,课文内容重点及难点讲解需4课时,共需5课时Unit 14 Have you packed yet? 现在

25、完成时短语:clean out, not any more, in a minute, say goodbye to sb, in search of, so far, take for a walk, do some shopping, watch sb do sth, thank to , look forward to , bee off, believe in 句型:1. Have you watered the plants yet? Yes, I have already watered them. 2. Have they been on TV yet? Yes, they ha

26、ve been on TV lots of times. 3. Did you enjoy it? Yes, I enjoyed it very much. 语法:1. 现在完成时 2. 副词的用法1. 学会谈论或询问最近已经发生的事情。2. 掌握现在完成的定义,构成及用法。会做相关练习题。3. 掌握本单元所出现的重点单词短语及句型的用法语法讲解共需2课时。课文重点难点讲解及练习共需4课时,共需6课时Unit 15 2. We are trying to save the manatees.1. 初中8中基本时态必须掌握2. 被动语态3. It be+形容词+to do结构4. be used

27、 to 用法短语:turn off, try to do sth/try doing sth, be against, pull down, be suitable for, be made from, be surprised to do sth, in ones spare time, provide sb sth/provide sth for sb, hear of句型:1. It +be +形容词+to do sth2. They are about 10 feet long and they weigh about 1,000 pounds. 语法:1. 综合复习所学过的常见的六种

28、时态2. 被动语态的复习3. used to do sth 用法复习1. 结合对以前所学知识的复习,谈论如何拯救濒临灭绝的动物和如何保护环境等。 2. 掌握最常见的八种时态构成及用法,能够迅速准确的做对时态的相关习题,并且能够熟练的将时态运用到自己的写作中3. 掌握本单元所出现的新的单词,短语及句型的用法。语法复习及练习3课时,课文重点难点讲解3课时,共6课时注意: (1)1-5单元复习3课时,单元测试卷及讲评36-10单元复习3课时,单元测试卷及讲评311-15单元复习3课时,单元测试卷及讲评3(2)考试之前需要做至少3套模拟试卷,讲解需9课时(3)课文讲解需74个课时,加上单元复习的18个课时,在加上三套期末测试卷讲解需要的9个课时共需要101个课时。


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