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1、英文收入证明模板-条据书信 英文收入证明模板怎么写,英文收入证明模板分享给大家,以下就是我整理的英文收入证明模板,一起来看看吧! 英文收入证明模板1 Income Declaration This is to certify that our company staff, XXX who hails from Huailai county, Hebei Province, I/C no. xx-xxx-xxx-x, has been working in the staff hospital of 4th Division of 4th Railway Bureau in Hefei City

2、 for_years since 19xx. At present, he is the principal physician in the department of stomatology of our hospital. XXXs recent 5 years income are as follows: Year Monthly Salary Annual Salary Contact Person Signature Position Telephone: Address: staff hospital of 4th Division of 4th Railway Bureau Z

3、hangwa road, Hefei City, Anhui Province. Income Certificate # # Phosphate Fertilizer Factory,founded in Noverber,1998 with registered capital CNY 2,300,000, is a individual enterprise. The factory mainly produces phosphate fertilizer and pig iron, and contributes near CNY1,000,00 taxation to the sta

4、te every year. Mr. # # is the owner as well as the director of the factor. His after tax income in recent three years are specialized as follows: Monthly salary CNY 6,000, Year-end bonus CNY 120,000, Yearly total income CNY 192,000. # # Phosphate Fertilizer Factory 10 June 20xx 收入证明模板2 # # 磷肥厂成立于199

5、8年11月,为个人独资企业。企业注册资金贰佰叁拾万元,主要生产和销售磷肥和生铁,每年上缴国家利税近百万元。 兹证明# #先生,为工厂全部者,并担当厂长,近三年得税后收入状况如下: 每月工资6000元,每年年底分红约12万元,年总收入约为192,000元。 # #磷肥厂 二零xx年六月十日 英文收入证明模板3 Statement of Employment and Income This is to certify that Ms. Zhijin Liu, born on June 12, 1958, is a staff member of our school. She is now in

6、position of mathematic teacher. Her monthly income is RMB 3,600 yuan and annually income is RMB 43,200 yuan. No. 76 Middle School, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, China Date: 10 June 20xx 收入证明模板4 兹证明刘志金,女,诞生日期1958年7月12日,在我校担当数学老师,月薪为人民币3, 特此证明。 600元,年薪为人民币43,200元 河北省唐山市第七十六中学 单位(盖章) 年 月 日 收入英文证明离职证明中英文对比版离职证明中英文英文工证明格式_英文离职证明书范本参考工作单位英文证明


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