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1、走进英语小屋五年级篇一:pep 五年级Unit 3 B Lets talk Grade 5 Unit3 My Birthday B Lets talk 执教者: Specific target sentences: 听懂及正确问答句型:Whats the date? Its October 1st. Who has a birthday in October? Me. Specific functional exponents: 能运用所学的语言介绍和询问自己的生日。 Source of materials:课件、录音带。 Assumptions:谈论生日是深受学生们喜爱的一个话题,学生大都很

2、重视自己的生日,结合这一心理特点,对学生的生日进行统计,让学生说出自己的生日,将统计的全班生日贴在班务栏里,当有同学过生日时,让全班祝贺和唱生日歌曲,既能增进全班同学的感情,又能结合课文内容学习英语语言知识。 Step 1 Warm up Lets chant. P26 Step 2: Revision 1. Play a game.(规则:手向上,说出上一个月份;手向下, 说出下一个月份。) 2. Free talk. Step 3:Presentation IFinish 3 tasks. Task1:Learn “Whats the date?” Calendar,picture,rid

3、dle,song. Task2: Finish Lets try. Listen and tick. a. Read the date in the pictures. b. Listen twice. c. Check the answers. Task 3: Practice 1.Show a birthday chart of their classmates. -Who has a birthday in? -Me. /Bin Yuan. -Whats the date? II. Lets talk. 1. Watch the video and answer the question

4、s. a. Who has a birthday in October? Whats the date? b. When is Sarahs birthday? 2. Read the dialogue.a. Read after the tape (teacher) twice. b. Pair work. Step 4.Practice 1. Im a famous star. ( Liu Xiang, Zhou Jielun, Cheng Long, and Yao Ming.) Who has a birthday in? Whats the date? Is your birthda

5、y in ? Yes,it is. /No, it isnt. When is your birthday? 2. Listen and choose. (英语小屋P27) 3. Fill in the blank. Step 5.Homework 1. Read the dialogue. 2. Make a personal calendar. P34 3. 英语小屋P27 Blackboard Design Unit 3 My Birthday B Lets talk Who has a birthday in_? Me./Zhang Peng. / Whats the date. It

6、s _. Step 1. Warm-up : Lets chant.P26(Purpose: ?Well begun,half done?,俗话说:?良好的开端是成功的一半。上课铃一响,学生刚刚从激烈的课外活动回到教室,注意力很难较快地集中到课堂上来。此时我与学生唱富有欢快节奏感的歌谣When is your birthday?,在欢快的节奏下,配上形象的动作,既能集中学生的注意力,又能复习了12个月份,为新课的导入做铺垫。 Step 2 Revision 复习旧知, 激趣导入 在Lets chant完学生仍然余兴未犹,于是我通过与学生free talk和Before and after,小乐

7、迷等游戏,既复习了月份与日期的表达法,又激发学习英语的兴趣.学生通过优美的歌曲,了解各个节假日所唱的歌曲,培养学生的跨文化学习的意识,实现英语与音乐学科的整合。 Step 3 Presentation多向互动,探索新知 1、Lets try. Listen and tick.学习英语是一个听-说-读-写循序渐进的过程,在复习完月份之后让学生听录音,然后引导他们谈论话题:When is your birthday?从谈论生日设置情景今天森林里在举行Party,我们一起去参加Mickey的生日Party,引出新句子,在我们班Who has a birthday in March? 2、Game:

8、转盘。利用CIA呈现一个Flash的月份转盘,通过转盘游戏巩固刚才所学的新句型,也符合了这节课我们在参加party,玩中学,学中玩的情景。 3、在学生一边玩游戏,一边操练句型时,我留住最后一个参加游戏的同学,问:Your birthday is in October. 自然过渡到Whats the date? 在这一环节,我设计了两个游戏,因为游戏是儿童学习的一种重要途径,也是激发学生学习兴趣的最佳方法。 Game 1: Choose the month and date in the box to practice the sentences. 通过在小组里?抽签?的游戏来进行机械操练,使枯

9、燥的句型练习变成有趣的活动,能调动学生的学习积极性。 Game 2:谁是今天的名人?先投影出一些名人的生日卡片,让学生瞬间记住日期后,让学生上讲台从盒子里抽出一个日期,全班问:Whats the date? 该学生说出日期后让全班猜出是谁S1:Who has a birthday in? S2: *(最后让学生谈论名人的生日) (Purpose:用学生的偶像,身边的名人来做对话,玩游戏,能激发学生的学习兴趣,加强注意力,防止疲劳。不仅可以巩固本课时所学句型,同时还能教育学生要树立正确的人生观,长大为.做贡献。) 4、Lets talk. (Purpose:通过前面的学习,对话的认读就显得简单容

10、易.利用多媒体呈现整个对话内容,让学生身临其境,让学生带着问题去学习,培养他们的思维能力。) Step 4 Practice (课堂生活化,课内延伸,能力升华) 1、学习英语,目的在于用英语进行交际。在本课新授内容教学完毕后,帮助Mickey完成他的生日愿望,调查参加生日聚会的朋友的生日,当个小小人口普查员。教师要求每一个学生分别担任2月份的人口普查员,用Who has a birthday in? Whats the date? What about you? Is your birthday in , too?等句型提问,将具体的时间记下来.看谁记得最多,要求活用所学知识。(Purpose

11、:正如叶圣陶先生所说,只有来自生活的语言才是自己的语言。语言的实质是交际,交际的环境是生活。通过调查表这一任务,学习生活化, 调查表的使用激发了学生的学习兴趣,活跃了课堂气氛,扩大了训练面,拓展了知识,又培养了学生的语言交际能力。) 2. Exercises :Listen and match,Fill in the blank。(根据学生的个体差异,因材施教,设计难易程度不一的练习,让学生选择自己喜欢的一项去完成,此任务不仅是学生知识掌握情况的一个反馈,更是面向全体学生,尊重个性差异,满足各层次学生的需要。) Step 5 Summary 1、总结本课所学重点。 2、学生作自我评价。(Pur

12、pose:对学生的表现进行总结评价,以评价促发展,调动学生的积极性,让学生树立自信心。) Step 6 Homework 课外延伸,巩固知识 1.居民委员会的人口普查活动开始了,请你帮助居委会阿姨调查小区里邻居的生日,并做好统计。写下对话内容。 2. Finish the workbook Part B Lets talk.(Purpose:通过听说读写的课后复习,让学生把习得知识转化为自身的能力,实现课内与课外的互动.) 一、 说板书设计(Blackboard design) (板书是一节课的浓缩,这节课的板书简明扼要,突出重难点,利用右边的蛋糕设计竞赛机制,有趣新颖,也符合了整节课去参加生

13、日聚会的主题。)篇二:苏教版五年级英语上册期末试卷及答案 周集实验学校五年级英语上册期末测试卷 Class_Name_Number_ 听力部分(30分) 一、 选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。(10分,每题1分) ( )1.A/d?k/B/b?s/C/s?n/ ( )2.Afridge BfrontCfrom ( )3.AthereBtheseChere ( )4.Abear Bnear Chear ( )5.AswingBswim Csing ( )6.Athirsty Bthirty Cthird ( )7.Anice BjuiceCnine ( )8.Ayellow Byou

14、 Cyour ( )9.Ago swimming Bgo boatingCgo climbing ( )10.Ano legs Blong legs Clong ears 二、听录音,根据所听到的内容,选择相应的答句。(10分,每题1分) ()1. A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, there are. C. Yes, it is. ()2. A. No, I cant.B. Yes, I like. C. No, I dont. ()3. A. He likes swimming. B. I like singing. C. She likes dancing. ()4 A

15、. There is one.B. I have five apples. C. There are five dogs. ()5. A. He can swim. B. He has a cat. C. He likes climbing. ()6、A. Yes , there is . B. No, she doesnt. C. Yes , I can . ()7、A. Yes , therere five .B. Therere five . C. No, there arent . ()8、A. Im a worker . B. Hes a teacher .C. Theyre pol

16、icemen . ()9、A. She likes swimming .B. He has a dog. C. I usually play football . ()10、A. She has a robot. B. No , he doesnt . C. Yes , they do . 三、听录音,把对话填充完整。(10分,每空1分) 1、There is a tree in _our classroom . 2、 A: _ your father have any hobbies ? B: No, he _ . 3、They have big _and big _. 4、 A: What

17、 does Nancy _doing ? B: She likes _. 5、 My uncle is a _. He _sweets. 笔试部分(70分) 一、英汉互译。(10分,每空1分) 1、我的爱好_2、play with my son _ 3、擅长弹钢琴_ 4、help sick people _ 5、如此多的人_6、every evening _ 7、在周末_8、have a good time _ 9、在第二层_ 10、buy a Christmas tree _ 二、按要求,写单词。(10分,每空1分) 1. The elephant has a big_(/b?d?/) 2.

18、 How many _ (library) are there in your school?3. Can you show _(she )around? 4._ is the third day of a week. 5. Lets go and_ (fly) a kite. 6. My brother (喜欢)going to the cinema . 7. There _any water in the bottle. 8. I dont like _ (skate). 9. My father can swim very_ (good). 10. _ (its) name is Bob

19、by. 三、选择正确的答案,把序号写在提前括号里。(10分,每题1分) ( )1.The boy cant play piano, but he can play football. A. / ;the B. the;/C. / ;/ ( )2.It has no arms legs. A. andB. or C. no ( )3.There _ a pencil , a book and two pens on the table. A. have B. are C .is ( )4. _this dog _a big mouth? A. Do; has B. Does; have C. D

20、oes; has ( )5.- _Helen have a rabbit? - _,she has a parrot. A. Does; Yes B. Do; No C. Does; No ( )6. Jim is really good at_. A. swiming B. swimming C. swim ( )7.Shelikes dancing. A. too B. bothC. also ( )8.One is red and_ is black. A .two B. the otherC. other ( )9.There are some treesmy house. A. be

21、hind B. betweenC. in ( )10. Helen always sends _ emails to her friends . A. an B. a C. some 四、按要求改句子,每空一词。(10分,每空1分) 1. It has two big eyes. (改为否定句) It two big eyes. 2. Nancy likes dancing.(对划线部分提问) What_ Nancy like _? 3.There is some tea in the cup. (改为一般疑问句) theretea in the cup? 4.Tim likes swimmi

22、ng. Sam likes swimming too. (合并为一句) Tim and Sam swimming. 5. She has a lot of books. (用They替换She) _ a lot of books. 五、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(10分,每题2分) 1.desks, there, many, in, are, how, classroom, the ( ? ) 2. brother ,reading , Jacks , stories , like , does ( ? ) _ 3. now , arent ,students , there , in

23、, any , classroom , the ( . ) _ 4. lets, and, go, a, this, have, picnic, afternoon ( . ) 5. likes, playing, also, he, piano, the ( . ) 六、根据中文完成句子。(10分,每空1分) 1、“李老师有什么爱好吗?”“有。她喜欢弹钢琴。” -_ Miss Li have any hobbies? -Yes . She likes _ the piano. 2、“南希周末通常做什么?”“她通常去看望她的祖父母。” -What _ Helen usually do at w

24、eekends? - She usually _ her grandparents . 3、我的动物朋友有长长的手臂和腿。 My animal friend _ long _ and legs. 4、迈克确实擅长于游泳。 Mike is really _ at _. 5、“你是干什么工作的?”“我是一名警察。” -_ do you do ?-Im a _. 七、阅读理解,判断正误,正确的打”T”,错误的打 “F”。 (5分) John is an old man. He has a big house. He likes dogs very much. He has three dogs. O

25、ne dog is from the UK. Her name is Cote. One dog is from the US. Her name is Dot. One dog is from China. Her name is Potty. John loves his dogs very much. He buys many toys for his dogs. Cote has a red cat. It is small and fun. Dot has a blue toy monkey. It can jump and run. Potty has a white toy ra

26、bbit. It has long ears. The dogs like their toys and they like John, too. They like playing with John vey much. ( )1. John has six dogs. ( )2. Cote is from China. ( )3. Dots toy monkey can jump and run. ( )4. Pottys toy is a blue rabbit. ( )5. The dogs like their toys and John very much. A.阅读短文,判断句子

27、正误,正确的写(T),错误的写(F)(共10分,每空2分). The animals take Snow White to a forest. There is a little hut(小屋). In the hut, there is a little sitting room, a little kitchen, and a little bedroom. In the middle of (在中间)the kitchen, there is a little table. Around the table, there are seven little chairs. On the t

28、able, there are seven little cakes and seven little glasses.“This juice is too sour.(酸的)” “ This juice is too sour too.” “Sour. Sour. Sour.”“Oh, this juice is sweet.” Snow White is tired. There are three beds in the bedroom.“This bed is too short.”“ This bed is too small.”“Small, short. Small, short

29、.”“I should put the beds together.” When Snow White awakes(醒来), she is surprised(惊讶的). The Seven Dwarfs (七个小矮人)stand near the bed. ( )1. There is a big hut in the forest. ( )2. There are seven chairs behind the table. ( )3. There are seven little cakes and seven little glasses on the table. ( )4. Al

30、l the seven glasses of juice are sour. ( )5. The Seven Dwarfs stand in front of the bed. B.阅读短文,完成下列句子(共10分,每空1分)。 There is a swan with golden feathers(羽毛). She lives in a lake. A woman lives in a small house near the lake with her two daughters. They work hard all year round, but still live a hard

31、life. Sometimes they dont have enough money to buy food. The swan is sad to see that. She says to herself, “Ill give one my feathers to them each day, then they can sell my feathers for money and live a happy life.” In the evening, she flies to the poor womans house and leaves a golden feathers on t

32、he table. From then on, the swan comes every day and gives them a feather. The woman is very happy because their life gets much better. 1. There is awith golden feathers in a lake. 2. A woman a small house near the lake. 3. Sometimes they dont have enough money to . 4. The swanto the womansanda gold

33、en feather. 5. The woman is verybecause their lifemuch better. 参考答案 听力部分(30分) 一、选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。(10分,每题1分) 1. /b?s/ 2.from 3.there 4.near 5.sing 6. thirty 7.nice 8.you 9.go boating 10.long legs. 二、听录音,根据所听到的内容,选择相应的回答句。(10分,每题1分) 1. Are they on the first floor? 2. Do you like playing the piano

34、? 3. What does your mother like doing? 4. How many apples are there on the table? 5. What does Mike have? 6. Does she like reading books ? 7. How many people are there in your family ? 8. What do you do ? 9. What does Su Hai like doing ? 10. What does she have ? 三、听录音,把对话填充完整。(10分,每空1分)笔试部分(70分) 一、

35、英汉互译。(10分,每空1分) 1.my hobby/hobbies 2.和我的儿子一起玩 3.be good at playing the piano 4.帮助病人 5.so many people 6.每个晚上 7.at weekends 8.玩得开心/过得愉快 9.at the second floor 10.买一棵圣诞树 二、按要求,写单词。(10分,每空1分) 1.body 2.libraries 3.her 4.Tuesday 5.fly 6.likes 7.isnt 8.skating 9.well 10.Its 三、选择正确的答案,把序号写在提前括号里。(10分,每题1分) 1

36、-5 BBCBC 6-10 BCBAC 四、按要求改句子,每空一词。(10分,每空1分) 1.doesnt have 2.does doing 3.Is any 4.both like 5.They have 五、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(10分) 1.How many desks are there in the classroom? 2.Does Jacks brother like reading stories? 3.There arent any students in the classroom now. 4.Lets go and have a picnic this a

37、fternoon.篇三:五年级快乐英语阅读试题 溱东镇学校(小学部)“双语阅读” 五年级快乐英语测试题 一Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs The animals take Snow White to a forest. There is a little hut(小屋). In the hut, there is a little sitting room, a little kitchen, and a little bedroom. In the middle of (在.中间) the kitchen, there is a little table. A

38、round the table, there are seven little chairs. On the table, there are seven little cakes and seven little glasses. “This juice is too sour(酸的).”“This juice is sour too.” “Sour. Sour. Sour.” “Oh, this juice is sweet.” Snow white is tired. There are seven beds in the bedroom. “This bed is too short.

39、” “This bed is too small.” “Small. Short. Small. Short.” “I should put the beds together.” When Snow White awakes(醒来),she is surprised(惊讶的). The seven Drafts(七个小矮人) stand near the bed. A. Please fill in the form according to the passage.B. Read and choose () 1 The animals take _ to a forest. A Snow

40、White B the Seven Dwarfs C Goldilocks D two bears () 2 There are seven little cakes and seven little glasses on the _.A chair B table C kitchen D bedroom () 3 There are seven _ in the bedroom. A bears B beds C Snow Whites D cats () 4 In the middle of the kitchen, there is a little _. A sitting room

41、B bedroom C table D chair () 5 When Snow White awakes(醒来),she is _. A surprisedB happyC sad(难过的) C. 如果你是七个小矮人之一,你会对白雪公主说些什么,至少写三 句话。 二No.1 Primary School Mr Green is a new English teacher. Today is his first day to come to No.1 Primary School. His students are happy to see him. And they want to show

42、 him around the school. Mr Green: What a big school! How mangy classrooms are there? Students: There are five buildings in our school. And there are ninety-three classrooms. Look, this is our computer room. That is our table tennis room. There are three computer rooms and two table tennis rooms in our school.Mr Green: How nice they are! Whats that over there? Students: Its our swimming pool. Mr Green: Is there a sports hall in your sc


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