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1、英语学习资料:现在完成时;反意疑问句一现在完成时A.用法:1.表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。(经历,完成等) 2.表示过去就开始的某一动作或状态一直延续到现在。B.谓语动词形式:肯定句:主语(复数名词,I,you,we,they)+have+动词的过去分词.I have spoken to a foreigner. 主语(单数名词,she,he,it,)+has+过去分词. Mr Li has gone to KunMing.否定句:主语+havent/hasnt+过去分词. The Greens havent been to China. My friend hasnt ea

2、ten HaiShao Fish.一般疑问句:Have/Has+主语+过去分词?回答:Yes,主语+have/has. No,主语+havent/hasntHave you argued with your parents? Yes, I(we) have. No, I(we) havent.Has your mother ever traveled to Singapore? Yes, she has. No, she hasnt.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+have/has+主语+过去分词?例.Where have you been? How long has Jim studied Fren

3、ch?C. 标志词:1.七大副词:ever(曾经):常用于肯定句,疑问句中,放于助后实前(have/has后.过去分词前).Just(刚刚):用于肯定句,疑问句中,放于助后实前.never(从未):放于助后实前,表否定意思.already(已经):用于肯定句,疑问句中,放于助后实前或句末.yet(还,尚): 用于疑问句和否定句中,放于句末.before(以前):放于句末,不受句型限制.recently(最近): 放于句末或句首,不受句型限制.2.次数:once .twice. three times. Severai times. How many times等。3.从过去到现在的一段时间:

4、for+段时间 例:for ten years. for two days.since+点时间 例: since+过去时间(last,ago,过去年代,过去钟点,yesterday等) Since+从句(从句谓语动词用过去时)since I came here.ever since(此后一直),how long, so far(迄今为止),in the last/past+一段时间(在过去的多少时间里)相关练习1.-Have you_been to Paris? No, Ive_been there_. A. never,ever,before B.ever,never,before C.al

5、ready,ever,ago2.-Have you_learned English? Yes,Ive_a lot. A. never,ever B.ever,never C.ever,already D. already,ever3. We have learnt two thousand words_. A.two years ago B. since two years ago C.for two year4.What have you done since you_(join) Greener China?5. How many English words_they_(learn)sin

6、ce two years ago.D. have/has been to+地点,have/has gone to+地点,have/has been in+地点的区别.have/has been to+地点:某人去过某地(人回来了)I have been to KunMing.have/has gone to+某地:某人去了某地(人不在这)Where is Mr Li? He has gone to DaLi.have/has beeb in+某地:某人在某地呆过,住过或过去呆在某地直到现在。have your parents been to America?-Of course. They h

7、ave been in America for two years.练习1. Miss Gao isnt in the office. He_to the library already.2. Liping,_you_to Beijing before?-Sure. I have_Beijing for a long time.3. My mother_Hainan twice.注意: 当这三个短语后跟副词here, there, home, abroad(国外)where(在句首)时就不用介词to和in 了。例。 Have you been to Disneyland? Yes, I hav

8、e been there several times.Where have you been?E. 现在完成时的一个重要考点。在英语里短暂动词不能与一段时间连用。故现在完成时第二种用法中谓语动词不能是短暂动词。常见的短暂动词有:come, go, die(死) ,borrow, lend, open, close, buy, join, leave, begin, startfinish, put on等。如:他入团两年了。He has joined the League for two years.() He has been in the League for two years.() H

9、e has been a league member for two years. () Its two years since he joined the League.()若要表达带一段时间的句子,必须把短暂动词转化为延续动词或状态(be+adj/adv等)以下是常见短暂动词转化表。短暂动词延续动词短暂动词延续动词come/arrivebe here/ be in+某地joinbe in+组织/be a member of+组织gobe there/ be in+某地begin/startbe onleavebe awayput onweardiebe deadopenbe openbor

10、rowkeepclosebe closedbuyhavefinishbe over例:他的爷爷死了10年了。His grandfather has died for ten years.()His grandfather has been dead for ten years.()她自从1990年就离开了家乡。She has left her hometown since 1990. ()She has been away from her hometown since 1990. ()Its eighteen years since she left her hometown. ()She

11、left her hometown eighteen years ago. ()练习1. May I_your new bike? A.lend B. borrow C.keep D.have2. She has_the pen for a week. A. buy B. bought C. had D have3. How long has the film_?A. begun B.be on C.been on D.started4. -Im sorry to have kept you waiting so long.-Never mind.I_here for only a few m

12、inutes. A. have been B. have come C. have arrived D. waitedF.现在完成时的一个重要而特殊的句型:Its+ 一段时间+ since从句(过去时)“自从以来有多长一段时间了”。此句型可以与现在完成时带一段时间的句子替换,也可以与一般过去时的句子替换。例:I have been in QiaoDian for ten years.可替换为Its ten years since I came to QiaoDian.也看替换成I came to QiaoDian ten years ago.二反意疑问句1.定义:表示提问者有一定的主见,但没有

13、把握,希望对方来证实的问句,或提问者明知故问。这种问句主要用来和陌生人攀谈,寒暄,闲聊的。2. 结构: 这种问句有两种结构: 肯定句陈述句+ 简短的否定疑问句?即:前肯后否“+,-”? 否定陈述句+ 简短的肯定疑问句?即:前否后肯“-,+”?例:Its hot today, isnt it? They cant speak Japanese, can they?3.注意: 反意疑问句的前后两部分人称要相对一致,简短疑问句的主语必须是代词。 Bruce isnt a student, is he? Its a lovely day today, isnt it?反意疑问句的前后两部分谓语部分的人

14、称和数要相对一致。若前句有be动词,情态动词,时态助动词,基本助动词,简短疑问句就用这些词构成;若前句没有这些词则根据前句的动词形式及后句主语形式借助助动词do,does, did构成简短疑问句。例:Jim must clean the classroom, mustnt he?They havent been to an amusement, have they?We often get home on Sunday, do we?People will have robots in 50 years, wont they、She doesnt eat junk food, does she

15、? 这种疑问句的回答和一般疑问句的回答一样:肯定回答:Yes,主语+be动词/助动词。 否定回答:No, 主语+ be/助动词+not。但前否后肯的反意疑问句回答时“Yes”要译为“不”,“No”要译为“是”。(重要考点)例:He doesnt want to buy the present,does he?Yes, he does.(不,他想买) No, he doesnt.(是的,他不想买)-Lucy didnt come to school yesterday,did she?(2005年云南中考)-_, though she was not feeling very well.A. N

16、o, she didnt. B.Yes, she did. C. Yes,she didnt. D. No,she did.4.反意疑问句的特殊情况 陈述句部分是I am时,疑问句部分用arent I?例:I am a 12-year-old boy,arent I? 陈述句部分有否定词never,hardly,nothing, nobody,no one, none, few, little no,not, seldom(几乎没有,很少)等表示否定意义的词时,疑问句部分用肯定形式。例:He could hardly read English, could he?They have never

17、 traveled to foreign countries, have they?She had nothing this morning, did she? 陈述部分是there be 句型时,附加疑问句部分用there?例:There is a cup of tea on the table, isnt there?There wont be pollution in the future, will there? 陈述部分的主语是everyone,everybody,anyone,anybody,no one指人的复合不定代词时 疑问句部分的主语多用they代替而前句主语everyth

18、ing,nothing,anything,something指物的不定代词时,疑问句部分的主语多用it代替。例:Something is wrong with my radio, isnt it?Everyone is here,arent they? 祈使句的反意疑问句有三种情况:A: Lets开头的祈使句,后疑问句部分用shall we? Lets go together, shall we?B: 其它动词原形开头的祈使句,后疑问句部分用will you?或wont you? Please open the window, will you?/ wont you? Let me see,

19、will you/wont you?C: 否定祈使句的反意疑问句用will you? Dont laugh at me, will you? Please dont talk in class, will you? 当陈述部分是一个带宾语从句的复合句时,疑问句部分的主谓一般与主句的主谓保持一致。如: He said that I could do better,didnt he? My mother often asks me if I study hard at school,doesnt she?但当主句是I think/believe/guess/suppose/时,疑问句部分的主谓应与

20、宾语从句的主谓保持一致。例:I believe he is a good player, isnt he?I think health is more important than money, isnt it?注意:I dont think he will come, will he?练习,完成下列反意疑问句。1.Its sunny and hot. Lets go swimming,_?2.Hes just back from the office,_he?3.He has never visited the Great Hall of the People,_?4.It was fine

21、 yesterday,_?5.You go to school by bike,_?6.There is little water in the bottle,_?7.She has few friends,_?8.Nothing can change her idea,_?9.Dont talk so loudly here,_?10.There will be less pollution in the future,_? 11. Peter has been waiting for two hours,_?12.I dont think hes ever been to the Monk

22、ey Island,_?13. LiuLis twin sister has to leave now_?选择题1. LiWeiwei studies at a rural school, doesnt she? -_. She studies at a nice city school. A. Yes, she does. B.No, she doesnt. C. Yes, she doednt D. No, she does.2.There wont any theme parks in the small town, will there? -_. Because the town is poor and nobody wants to go there. A. Yes, there wont. B. No, there wont. C. Yes, there will. D.No, there arent.3.-She didnt come to school yesterday, did shs? -_, though she was not feeling well. A. No, she didnt. B. No, she did. C. Yes, she didnt. D. Yes, she did.5


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