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1、Unit 5 Topic 1 SectionA 练习题一、单项选择1. Lets meet the school on foot.A. in B. to C. at D. for2. Its time go to bed.A. often B. for C.on D.to3. Allen gets to New York.A. by the plane B. on plane C.by plane D.in plane4. Its time supper.A. at B. for C. to D. on5. you often come to school on your bike?Yes,

2、I.A. Do,do B. Are, are C.Does, does D.Is, is6. How do you usually come to school?- I usually come to school foot.A. In B. by C. with D.on7. She looks. Ask her to help you.A. old B. sorry C.well D. kind8do you usually go to school? By bike.A.What B.When C.How D.Which9Happy New Year!A.Thank you B. Not

3、 at all C. The same to you D.You are welcome 10. My bool is interesting.yours?A.What is B.Whose is C.How about D.What is like二、句型转换1. Tom usually drives to work.( 变同义句 )Tom usually .2. 我们中有五人骑自行车上学。(完成译句)Five us go to school .3. The boy usually goes to school by bike .(对划线部分提问) the boy usually go to

4、 school?4. I come to school in my mother s car today.(对戈U线部分提问) you come to school today?5. Mr.Lee goes to work by bus.(变为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) Mr.Lee to work by bus?Yes, .6. 该睡觉了。(完成译句)time bed.7. 你看起来身体不错。(完成译句)第12页共12页You .8. Miss Wang goes to the park by bus.(变同义句) Miss Wang to the park.Unit 5 Topic 1 Se

5、ctionB 练习题一、单项选择1 . Miss Li! How can you get there?A. By a plane B. By foot C. On my feet D. By ship2 .weekdays we go to school at 7 o colck.A. For B. On C. Of D. In3 . Sam eats fish. He doesn;t like it at all.A. always B. often C. usually D. never1.1 often do homework at eight in the evening.A. her

6、 B. his C. my D. me5. 一 Do you usually go to school on foot?No, I walk to school.A. alwaysB. usuallyC. oftenD. seldom6. Mr. Green his car to work every day.A. drivesB. goesC. ridesD. sits7. My sister goes to work.A. by her bike B. on her bike C. by a bike D. on bike8does Tom go to school?- He goes t

7、o school at six o clock.A. How B. Where C. What time D. What about9.They always a bus to the zoo.about you, Sally?A. take; What B. ride; How C. take; When D. ride; Who 10.we dont have tea.A. Some times B. Some time C. Sometimes D. Some time二、句型转换1 .They go to the farm on foot. (变同义句) They the farm.2

8、 .Do you come to school by bike?(变同义句)Do you to school?3 .John often takes a bus to Beijing. (变同义句) John often Beijing .4 . My parents both go to work by train(对划线部分) your parents both to work?5 .他总是在八点坐地铁回家。(完成译句)He takes the subway 8.6.I usually get up at about nine at weekends.(对划线部分提问) you usual

9、ly get up at weekends?Im a middle school student. I m _1_ Class One Grade Seven. _2weekdays, I get up3 six. I 4 six thirty and then I go to school. My home is near 5 school. Sometime I go to school 6 bike. I don t like going to school by bus. I like walking. Classesbegin at eight.I 7 lunch with my c

10、lassmates. We play games (游戏) after lunch sometimes. Then we some homework. 9 are over at three forty. I go _10 at four. 5 Topic 1 SectionC 练习题完成译句。1 .一通常你怎样去上海? you go to school?一有时乘飞机,有时坐火车。 I go and .2 .在学校,我不再有时间去钓鱼了。I have time to go school.3 .上学的时候我们很少在外吃饭。We eat scho

11、ol days.4 .你想了解中国学生课外生活吗?Would you know the life of the Chinese students school5 .别听音乐了。学习第一。Dont . Work .6 .我想短暂地休息一下。I want .7 .在空余时间,我喜欢去钓鱼或见朋友等等。I like to or and so on in my free time.8 .一你多久去一次公园? do you ?一周一次。单项选择1 . does Jim write to his friend?Seldom.A. How much B. How often C. How D. How lo

12、ng2 .He to the park.A. goes never B. never goes C. never go D. go never3 .Michael often plays breakfast and Listen to music after school.A. the;the B. /;theC./;/ D.the;/4 .一 does your father go to work every day?-By car.A. WhatB. HowC. Where D. Why5 .We would like about the school life at American s

13、tudents.A. to knowB. knows C. knowing D. to knowing6 . Does he after lunch ? Yes, he does.A. Has a rest B. has an rest C. have a rest D. have an rest7 .Many students take a school bus. Very students ride a bike.A. a fewB. a littleC. fewD.little8 . do the classes begin in the morning?- At eight o clo

14、ck.A. How often B. HowC. What time D. What9 .Jane often on Sunday (星期天) evening.A . listen a music B.listens to music C.listens music D. listen to a music10 . 一 What does Yu Jing usually do school ?She usually goes.A. at;swimming B.at; swim C.after;swimming D.after;swimUnit 5 Topic 1 SectionD 练习题、补全

15、对话。A : What 1 do you get up?B: I usually get up 2 a quarter to six.A: Its so _3_. I get up at 6:15. What do you usually _4_ for breakfast?B: I have apples, bread 5 milk. How 6_ you?A:I have bananas, eggs and cola. What time do you go to 7 ?C: I go to school at 7:00.A:Do you go to school 8_ bus or _9

16、_ foot?B:By bus.A:Which bus do you _1d ?B:No.104 bus.、用适当的介词填空。1 . Happy New Year!The same you.2 . This book is nice. What yours?3 . The boy often watches TV weekends.4 . On Sundays, I sometimes go shopping my mother.5 . Our classes begin eight.6 . I have supper home the evenin

17、g.7 . I want to watch TV a little while school.8 . They go back to London a plane.9 . 一 Do you get home a quarter five? No, not so early. I get home a quarter five. After that, I often watchesTV half an hour.三、 选择填空I.She four classes in the morning.A. have B.has C.having D.have10 Jane often has dinn

18、er at seven o clock.A.a B.the C. / D.an11 Do you go to schoolat eight o colck?-No.not soo early.I go to school at.A. a quarter past eight B. a quarter to eight C.half past seven D.half to eight12 Miss Wang his bike to the Great Wall.A.goes B.byC.ridesD.swims13 What does Fang Yan do in her free time?

19、-She often goesA.swimming B.swim C.for swim D.swims14 Mrs.Hudson often Tv in the evening.A. is reading B.reads C.watches D.are watching15 Maria sometimes gets at five.A.to home B.in home C.home D.at home16 do you go to the library? Three times a week.A.How much B.How often C.How many D.How long17 一

20、What does Jane usually do after class? She usually.A.plays soccer B.plays the soccer C.play the basketball D.play basketball18 . do you go to the library?-Never.A.How often B.How manyC.How longD. How much四、句型转换。1. Kang Kang often rides a bike to school.(同 义 句 转 换) Kang Kang often .2. Maria sometimes

21、 goes to the supermarket by subway.(对戈U 线部分提问) Maria sometimes goes to the supermarket?3. Yu Jing usually watches Tv after school. (对划线部分提问) Yu Jing usually after school?4. 他们总是乘坐公共汽车去动物园。 (完成译句) They to the .5. They goto thelibrarytwice aweek. (对划线部分提问) do they go to the library?6. She oftengets to

22、schoolat about7:30a.m.(对划线部分提问) she often get to school?7. I usually have lunch at home. (对划线部分提问) you have lunch?8. They often read books in the library.(改为一般疑问句) they often books in the library?9. 很 高 兴 和 你 聊 天。 (完 成 译 句) Nice you.1 .单项选择。(15分)()1. How do you go to school?-I go to school.A. by a b

23、us B. in a bus C. take a bus D. on a bus()2. do you watch TV? Twice a week.A. How long B. How often C. How many D. What time()3. Wow! What a nice dress you are wearing!一A. Thank you. B. I think so. C. Yes, it is.D. No, it s bad.()4. Wow! These flowersvery nice. Do you like them?A. look B. looks C. t

24、o look D. looked()5. Excuse me, is this watch? No, its not .It s Tom s.A. your; myself B. yours; mine C. your; mine D. your; my()6. They usually get up8:00Sunday.A. on; on B. at; at C. on; at D. at; on()7. It s seven thirty. It s time toA. get up B. getting up C. gets up D. geting up()8. Jane can pl

25、aypiano, but she can t pbayketball.A. /; / B. /; the C. the; / D. the; the()9. - May I have your name, please?A. I m a studentB. No, you cant.C. You can call me Tom. D. My friend is Tom.()10. Ann oftenlunch at home with her parents.A. have B. has C. eat D. eatingII.完形填空。(15分)What do you do at weeken

26、ds? Some people like to1 at home, but otherslike to go for a walk2 have a picnic. My friend Jack works hard in afactory on 3 . At weekends he always4 the same thing. On Saturdayhe 5his car and on 6 he takes his family to a nearby village. His uncleand aunt have a farm there. It isn7one, but ;theta s

27、 odwaysodo. The children help with the animals and give them their9 . Jack and hiswife help in the fields. At the end of the day, they are all10 and Jackaunt gives them a big meal.( )1. A. play B. live C. stay D. like( )2. A. and B. or C. but D. so( )3. A. day B. time C. autumn D. weekdays( )4. A. d

28、oes B. makes C. borrows D. has( )5. A. watches B. drives C. sells D. washes( )6. A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Saturday D. Sunday( )7. A. small B. big C. hard D. short( )8. A. much B. little C. fast D. far( )9. A. clothes B. places C. food D. drinks( )105. A. clean B. late C. tired D. friendlyIII.阅读理解。(

29、20分)AMr. Green is from England. He and his wife are teachers. They teach English inChongqing. They have a son and a daughter. Their names are Jack and Mary.Jack is ten. He is a student in a school. But Mary isn t a student. StThey have two bikes and a car. One bike is big, the other is small. The bi

30、g one isfor Jack, and the small one is for Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Green go to work in theircar. They don t like to stay at home on Saturdays and Sundays. Theysometimes go to the park. Sometimes they go to their friends homes. Theyhave a lot of friends in China.阅读短文内容,选择正确答案。()1. The Green family is inno

31、w.A. England B. China C. the U.S.A. D. Japan()2. The Greens teachin China.A. English B. Chinese C. Japanese D. math()3. The small bike is .A. Mr. Green B. JackC: Mrs. Green D. Mary s()4. The Greens go to workA. on their bikes B. in their car C. on foot D. on feet()5. They don t like to stay at home

32、.A. on Sundays B. on Saturdays C. Both A and B.D. We don t know.BHello, my name is Jim Green. I m a student at No. 14 Middle School. I haveclasses from Monday to Friday. I have many things to do after class. On Monday and Wednesday, I help my friends with their English. On Tuesday, I make model plan

33、es. On Friday afternoon, I have a good rest at home and do my homework.Now it is 8:30 in the morning. I am sitting in the classroom and having a mathclass. I am listening to the teacher carefully. My friends Li Lei and David arelooking at the blackboard. Lucy is thinking. Li Mei is writing something

34、. All of them are working hard.阅读短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。()6. Jim Green is a student at No.14 Middle School.()7. He has classes from Monday to Saturday.()8. He helps his friends with their Chinese.()9. Now he is listening to his English teacher.()10. All the students are working hard.IV.句型转换。(15分)1. Hu Bin

35、plays soccer three times a week.(对划线部分提问)does Hu Bin play soccer?2. Jane often watches TV for a little while after supper.(对划线部分提问)does Jane often watch TV after supper?3. Mike usually walks to school every day.(变为同义句)Mike usually goes to schoolevery day.4. She goes to bed at about 9:45.(变为同义句)She g

36、oes to bed at about ato .5. Li Xiang often goes to school by bike.(变为同义句)Li Xiang oftena to school.V.情景交际。从方框内选择恰当的句子补全对话,使对话完整、通顺、其中有两项是多余 的。(10分)()A: Hello, Maria! 1()B: Sometimes. 2 So I ride a bike or walk to school sometimes.()A: 3B: No, he is busy and always goes to work very early.A: Does he

37、come back home very late?()B: Yes.()A: 5B: By bike. She is a teacher in our school.A: Really? That s good. Then you and your rhet can go to school together.VI.词汇。根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。(10分) 新课标第 一网x k 1. The early bird cthe worm.2. Our teacher usually goes to school very e .3. Wang Hua nplays soccer on Su

38、ndays because he has a lot of homeworkto do.4. 一 How often do you read novels?O a week.5. 一 What do you often do in your free time?Listen to m .VII.书面表达。(15分)根据下面图表所列的信息,写一则 50词左右的小短文。注意语句通顺,表达清晰,语法正确。时间活动 6:30 7:00 8:10 11:30 12:00 12:30姓名Ann Get up Go to school Begin class School over Have lunch H

39、ave a restUnit 5 Topic 1I . 15 DBAAC 610 DACCBII . 15 CBDAD 610 DBACCIII .15 BADBC 610 TFFFTIV . 1. How often 2. How long 3. on foot 4. quarter; ten 5. rides; bikeV .15 BFACGVI .1. 1. catches 2. early 3. never 4. Once 5. musicVII .Ann gets up at half past six every morning. She goes to school at seven oClasses begin at ten past eight and school is over at half past eleven. At about twelve o clock shelihnch at home. After lunch she has a short rest.


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