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1、口试框架及语言表述范例Introduction: Capture attention greeting welcoming, gratitude, compliment Establish credibility self-introduction Give an overviewtopic, purpose, importanceoutlineCapture attention 时可参考的例句 Good afternoon everyone. Its a very great pleasure for me to be able to attend this conference. Good

2、 morning, Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen. It is my honor to have the opportunity to stand here to give my presentation. Thank you very much, Prof. Smith, for your kind introduction. Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. I consider it a great honor to be asked to talk about in this session of our s

3、ymposium. (讨论会)Give an overview可参考下面的例句 Today Im going to give a presentation on it is necessary to . First, Id like to talk about Then, Ill Finally, Ill In my presentation today Ill be discussing The purpose of it is to My presentation will be given in four parts. The first part deals with The seco

4、nd part relates to The third part concernsAnd the last part discussesBody:在介绍主体部分时要根据一定的逻辑顺序展开内容 Chronological progression Spatial progression Progression from most to least Cause and effect Problem and solution Compare and contrast Classification Case study Hypothesis and proving在每个内容之间要用过渡(Transit

5、ion),例如: Weve discussed/looked at , now lets move on to Now that Ive discussed , Id like to continue by discussing In addition to (what you just covered), another important aspect is Next, let me talk about Conclusion: Signal and give a conclusion End the presentation and express gratitude Invite qu

6、estionsSignal and give a conclusion可参考的例句: Now I am about to conclude my presentation. I have explained Well, let me sum up the main points again. I introduced I talked about I mentioned To conclude/end my presentation, I would like to mention the main points again. I have dealt with End the present

7、ation and express gratitude可参考的例句: Thats the end of my presentation. Thank you very much for your attention/ listening. So much for my presentation. I appreciate your time and attention.Invite questions可参考的例句: Do you have any questions? I hope I have been able to explain all aspects of our project. If there are any questions left, Im very willing to answer them. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me. Im quite willing to discuss them with you at any time.


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