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1、By Nina HEU1 Helping those in need8B 【学科王】新Reading单词: adj. 筹募;增加;提高v. 准许;批准n. 丧失能力的; 有残疾的 v. 主动提出 v. ( 因疾病等)受苦;受折磨青少年n.v. 表达;表露; :短语 筹钱 主动提出做某事残疾人拍照片讲故事因一而受苦难根据课文内容填空Three teenagers to do some voluntary work the schoolholidays.单项选择 reallydangerous. I always tell my students on the road because its1.

2、A , not to playB. to play not C. not playing D. not play-Would you like some tea, please?2.-Yes, and I prefer tea some sugar.A . to B. for C. with D. fromWe are money for charity.3.A . putting B. giving C. raising D. rising of skilled workers.Many companies suffer a shortage (缺少) 4.A .a t B. to C. f

3、or D. fromThe kids offered the dishes .5.A . do B. to do C. doing D. does单词拼写 a better job, but he didnt accept it.1. They ohimWe plan to rsome money to repair the roof. 2.He is absent because of i.3.She is sfrom a bad cold. 4.The poor boy got a sillness. 5.根据汉语意思完成句子 1. 每个人都应该帮助残疾人。 Everybody shoul

4、d help 2. 他们上星期在儿童医院做了些志愿工作。 They in the childrens hospital last week.?你认识那个叫约翰的男子吗 3.Do you know the boy John.小时候奶奶常常给我讲故事。 4.My grandmother often whenI was young.空闲时间里,他会继续在医院帮忙。 5.He will continue to help at the hospital Reading单tffJ: n. 孤独的;寂寞的;痛苦;苦恼;n. adj. 友 情;友谊;n. n. 愉快;喜悦 n.平静;宁静;困难;费劲;n. n

5、.情绪;心境;勇气;勇敢;(使)疼痛;受伤v.v. 付费:短语 需要帮助的 义务性工作 报请批准目的在于;为了使振奋;使鼓起勇气 做某事有困难 继续做某事在空闲时间By Nina HE单项选择1. I couldnt do it your great help. Thanks a lot!A . with B. without C. for D. to2. He was, but he was not.A . alone ; alone B. lonely ; lonely C. alone ; lonely D. lonely ; alone3. She had a lot of diffi

6、culty that book.A . read B. readingC. to readD. reads4. Taking her in both hands, she opened the door and walked in.A , love B. courage B. confidence D. care5. Tim used to sports until he hurt his leg in an accident.A . love B. loves C. loving D. loved单词拼写1. I hope the wet weather will not c2. Your

7、f is very important to me.3. He has been a good friend to me, both in j and in sorrow.4. After years of war, the people long for a lasting p.5. We found the house without d完成句子1 .你必须设法保持高昂的情绪。You must try to keep.2 .我毫不费力地表达了自己的意思。I had myself understood.3 .你将继续工作多久?How long w川 you?4 .他跌倒时伤了背部。He hi

8、s back when he fell.5 .他用微笑表示同意。He smiled his agreement.单元语法 用方框内所给动词的适当形式填空1. The taxi driver failed(stop )at the red light.2. The manager didnt agree(hold) the party in their restaurant .3. I tried(solve) the problem.4. They wish(have) a happy new year.5. Teachers told students(do) their homework

9、by themselves.6. Mary will remember(send) Lucy a birthday card.7. Eva said she wanted(take) evening classes of English.完形填空AMr Evans lives in a city. He was a maths 11 three years ago. He taught 12 and hisstudentsliked him. So he decided to work in the middle school all his life.13 a terrible accide

10、ntchanged his fortune(命运).One spring he took his class to 14 a place of interest. The children saw a lot of15things and had a good time there. But 16 their way back to school, their bus was hit by atruckbecause the young driver was drunk( 醉的).Five students 17 and more than half of thechildren were18

11、 in the accident.He didnt know how it had happened and was very 19 it and after he came out of hospital,he leftthe school and became a 20. He tried his best to stop the drivers from breaking the trafficregulations (违反交通规贝 1 ). He worked hard and was strict with the drivers. So the drivers were afrai

12、d of him.11. A. workerBy Nina HEB. teacherC. reporterD. farmer12. A. wellB. niceC.goodD. badly13. A. SoB. AndC. OrD. But14 .A. buildB. breakC. visitD. find15. A. terribleB. dangerousC. safeD. interesting16. A. onB. inC. atD. to17. A. leftB. livedC. diedD. fell18. A. beatB. hurtC. touchedD. stopped19

13、. A. sad aboutB. afraid ofC. interested inD. worried about20. A . soldierB. policeman.C. booksellerD. cleanerFrom Monday to Friday, most people are busy working or studying. But in the evenings and weekends,they are 21 and enjoy themselves. Some watch television or go to the cinema, others 22 sports

14、, this is decided by their own interests.There are many different ways to spend our free time. Almost everyone has some kind of hobby: it may besomething from 23 stamps to making model planes.Some hobbies are very expensive,but others dont cost anything 24 . Some collections are worth a lot of money

15、, others are valuable(有价值的)onlyto their owners.I know a man who has a 25 collection worth (值) several thousand dollars. A short time ago, he bought an unusual fifty -cent piece which 26 him $250! He was very happy about it and thought the price was all right.On the other hand, my youngest brother co

16、llects 27 . He has almost 600 of them, but I wonder if they are worth any money. 28 , to my brother, they are quite valuable. 29 makes him happier than to find a new match box (火柴盒) for his collection.Thats what a hobby means, I think. It is something we 30 to do in our free time. The value in dolla

17、rs is not important, but the pleasure it gives us is.21. A. luckyB. cleverC. funnyD. free22. A. think aboutB. joinC. take part inD. take care of23. A. collectingB. gettingC. printingD. making24. A. first of allB. at allC. of all kindsD. in all25. A. bookB. clothC. stampD. coin26. A. spendB. tookC. c

18、ostD. waste27. A. stampsB. match boxesC. pensD. model planes28. A. SoB. HoweverC. BecauseD. But29. A. NothingB. EverythingC. AnythingD. Something30. A. haveB.needC. enjoyD. like动词不定式 V+ to do用词的正确形式和划线动词的不定式形式改写句子,每个动词只能使用一次。agree hoperememberwantfailknowtrywish1. Wed really like to go to the park t

19、oday, but its raining.We hope to go to the park today, but now we cant.2. Mary wont forget to send Lucy a birthday cards.Mary willLucy a birthday card. By Nina HE3. Eva would like to take English classes.EvaEnglish classes.4. They hope they will have a happy New Year.Theya happy New Year. 5. I worke

20、d hard but could not solve the Maths problem.Ithis Maths problem. 6. The manager wont let us hold the party in his restaurant.The manager wontus hold the party in his restaurant. 7. The taxi driver didnt stop at the red light.The taxi driverat the red light. 8. I dont know the way to the get to the

21、city library.I donthowto the city library. 选择正确的答案。()1.He has made manyfriends here sohe doesnt feel.A. aloneB.lonelyC.happyD.serious)2. Whenever people are in need, he always offers. A. to helpB.helpsC.helpD.helped)3. After a short rest, they continued. A. workingB. worksC. workD. worked)4. These d

22、isabled persons have difficultyA. walkB. walking.Lets help them. 一C. walksD. walked)5. In my childhood, I learnt to cook and wash and do manyA. the otherB. otherC. othersthings. D. the others用动词的形式填空。1. The teacher asked us not(make) so much noise. 2. Remember(put) back the newspaper when you have f

23、inish it.3. Would you please tell me what(do) next? 4. We are trying(make) people think about animals in danger.5. We sang the song for him because we want him(be) happy.完型填空。John lived with his mother in a very big house, and when she 1, the house became too big2 him, so he bought a 3 one in the ne

24、xt street. There was a very nice, old clock in his 4 house, and when the man came totake his things to the new house, John thought, Im not going to let them 5 my beautiful old clock in their truck. Perhaps they will break it, and then it will be very expensive to repair it. So he 6 and began to carr

25、y it down the road in his arms.It was heavy, so he stopped two or three times to have 7. Then suddenly a small boy camealong the road. He stopped and looked at John for 8 seconds. Then he said to John, Youre a 9 arent you? 10 dont you buy a watch like everyone else? ()1.A. worked B. studied C. diedD

26、. playedD. for B . with()2 A atC. about()3.A. largerD. newC. nicerD. smaller B. biggerC. first8. third ( ) 4.A. secondD. carry C. to take B. bring ( ) 5.A. to carryD. picked up itC. picks up it () 6.A. picked it up B. picks it upD. a restC. a walkB. a drink()7 A a lookBy Nina HE()8.A. a fewB. fewC.

27、littleD. a littleB. foolC. clever()9.A. greatD. brightD. When()10A Where B. Why C. How阅读理解。IFRE V olunteers AbroadI saved $ 1250 When V olunteering Abroad with IFRE!Like you, I knew I wanted to make a difference in my life, and so I decided to volunteer abroad in Kenya.After searching over 100 deals

28、 online, I found the best deal available with IFRE V olunteers Abroad. They looked after me every step of the way and IFREs friendly coordinators were always on hand providing asafe and secure environment.Volunteering abroad gave me a life changing and unforgettable experience. Thanks IFRE!EmmaFor t

29、he pass 7 years IFRE has sent over 4000 volunteers abroad in projects ranging from 2 to 12 weeks in 18countries throughout Asia, Africa, and Latin America.Get your FREE volunteer information pack today!( )1. Where did Emma decide to volunteer?A. SomaliaB. KenyaC. TanzaniaD. India( )2. What is the me

30、aning of unforgettable?A.丰富的B.深刻的C.难忘的D.有意义的3. Why did Emma choose IFRE V olunteers Abroad?4. If you want to volunteer, do you choose IFRE? Why or why not?单词拼写。1. He is so brave that he has lots of c to fight with the tiger. -2. Mr. Leo can not drink any cold drinks because of the s toothache.-3. If

31、 you have p, you will feel quiet and happy. -4. She gets l now that the kids have all left home. -5. We will r money to help the disabled people this Saturday.- 完成句子。1 .有些世界上最好的运动员都忍受着哮喘的折磨。Some of the best athletes in the world asthma.2 .我们表示愿意帮助那些贫困的孩子们。We those poor children.3 .为了帮助那些需要帮助的孩子们,我们决

32、定去做一些志愿的工作。the children, we decide to somevoluntary work.4 .这位病人站立和行走都有困难。The patient and阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。New Year celebrations take many forms. Some are common while others are really strange. Here are some interesting examples.In Denmark, people stand on chairs and jump off)into cold

33、铅 In Finland, people pour molten lead(water.midnight comes, which means “jumping into the NewIf it becomes a ship, it is said to foretell travel,if its abail, good luck.Year” . People also throw plates at their friends housesBy Nina HEThe Dutch build big bonfires with their Christmas -Intraditional

34、甜甜圈)trees and eat sugary donuts(cultures,eating something round at New Year is believed to bring good luck.during the night -the more broken pieces you find outside your door in the morning, the more popular you are said to be.just before In Spain, people eat a dozen grapes midnight, each grape for

35、a month in the next year that will either be sweet or sour.In some countries of South American, people put on brightly colored underwear to attract good luck -red for love and yellow for business success.Although people in different cultures celebrate New Year in different ways, they share something

36、 in common.( )1. In which country do people throw plates at their friends houses?A. Finland B. Denmark C. Holland D. Spain( )2. If people in South America hope to attract good luck for making money, they may wear underwear.A. colorful B. red colored C. red or yellow D. bright yellow( )3. How many is

37、 “a dozen ?A. 1B. 10C. 12D. More than 12( )4. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?A. People in Finland pour molten lead into hot water to know about the New Year.B. The Dutch eat sugary donuts in New Year because they can ring good luck.C. People in Spain eat a dozen gr

38、apes because they like the fruit.D. In Denmark, the more broken pieces of plates you get, the fewer people like you.( )5. Whats the writer most likely to write about next?A. common things people share for celebrating the New Year.B. Reasons why people have different New Year celebrations.C. More unusual examples for celebrating the New Year.D. How people in his own country celebrate the New Year.


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