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1、()()()()it downturn it overD. strongD. henD. harvestC. turn it off D.初三期末英语综合训练Listening PartI、Listen to the tape and choose the right word or phrase you hear in the sentence(听录音,选择你在句子中所听到的单词或词组,每题念一遍。)(5分)B.Straight C.streetB.healthyC.hangingB.hardC.halfB.turn it on()bag of sweetsB. a bag of saltD

2、. a bag of cardsC. a bag of sugar11. Listen to the tape and choose a similar sentence. 0听录音,选择与原句意思相近的句子,每题念二遍.)(5分)( )1. A. The Class3 runners were in front.B. The Class3 runners were behind.C. The Class3 runners run as fast as the Classi runners.D. The Class3 runners run faster than the Classi run

3、ners.( )2. A. I prefer English to maths.B. I prefer maths to English.C. I think English is interesting and maths is interesting,D. r m interested in English and maths.( )3. A. The suit cost him ten yuan.B. He pays ten yuan for the suit.C. He has ten yuan for the suit.G. he has ten yuan for she suit.

4、( )4. A. It s dry todayB. Its wet todayC. Its cloudy todayD. It was cloudy lastSaturday.( )5. A. Have you had a letter from him for a week?B. Have you written to him?C. Have you heard of him?D. Have received a letter from him?III. Listen to the dialogue and choose the right answer.(听对话选择正 确的答案,对话念二遍

5、。)(5分)( ).To the shop.B. To the bus stopC. To the bookshopD. To the fruit shop.( )2 A. She has studied there since 1997.B. She studied at Middle School.C. She studies at Middle School.D. She has studied there since 1999.( ).They are talking in the library.B. They are making a telephone call.C. They

6、are doing some shopping.D. They are having a meeting.( ).From England. B. From UAS C. From Canada D. From Japan().Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt.C. I dontD. She cant decide.IV. Listen to the passage and choose the right answer (听短文选择正 确的答案,短文念三遍)(5分)( ).He was born in a small village in England .B

7、. He was born in a small town in the USA.C. He was born in a small village in the UAS.D. He was born in a small village in England.( ). When he was five.B. When he was six.C. when he was eight().Yes, he did .D. when he was twelveB. No, he didnt.C. Yes, he was.D . No, he wasnt.( )4 A. He was ill in b

8、ed.B. He went to school at last.C. He was a doctor at last. D. He was a teacher in the end.( ).For about 5 years.B. For about 6 years.C. For about 8 yeas.D. For about 12 yearsV . Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.(听短文,填上所缺的单 词,短文念三遍)(10分)1 people like to use Thank you whenever 2 help them

9、 or saysomething 3 to them. People of many other 4 do so, too. You 5 say ,zThank you When someone 6 you something on the table, when someone7 you have done your work well, or you have 8 a nice thing. “Thank you is used not to only between 9 , but also between 10 and children , brothers and sisters,

10、husbands and wives.Writing Part1 .辞汇:(10分)(一)依照所给词语释义写出相应的单词,首字母已给出。(5分)1. day or time of rest from work h2. feeling of being happy, enjoyment p3. come or go after someone or somethingf4. pick out from a number of things c5. make or become different c(二)选出以下句子中能代替划线部份的最正确选项。(5分)()1.A.say hello toB.

11、give a message toC.give my thanks toD. buy a present to()2.I often go to see mygrandmother on Saturday.A.visitB. moveC. watchD.meet()3.They havegoneto England and they havent returnedyet.A.come backB.turned back C. get backD. be back()4.There arelotsof shops on either side of the street.A.bothB.allC

12、. eachD. somePlease give my best wishes to everyone else in class.()5.-I like English. So does heA.So he does B. He does so. C. He also likes it. D. What abouthim?H、依照要求改写以下句子,每空只填一词。(15分)train has already left.(改否定句)The trainleftteacher asked me to speak as much English as possible.(就戈U线部份提问)did th

13、e teacher ask mepolicemen watched the traffic yesterday.(川 at that time 改写)The policemen the traffic yesterday.little Tom always have a lot of questions. Jack asked me( 改成宾语从句)Jack asked me little Tom a lot of questions.left Washington three weeks ago.(同义句改写)Tom sWashington for three weeks.6. It too

14、k me a quarter to finish the letter.(同义句改写)I minutes the letter.川.翻译:依照汉语意思完成以下句子,每空只填一词。(10分)1 .吉姆夺得男子 400 米冠军。Jim the 400-metre race.2 .我来那个地址刚过两年。Ive for just two years.3 .假设她缺了那么多课,她英语考试极可能不合格。If she so many lessons, she may the English exam.4 .把“坏”学生撵出学校是不对的。Its wrong to the bad students school

15、.M选择填空。(15分)( )1. We won t go to the party tonight. We .A. dont mind.B. have Changed our mind.C. keep it in mind.D. mind it.()2 .hard work it is!A. HowB. How aC. What D. What a()3. Please say Happy New Year to all my friend,A. dont youyou D. do youB. aren,t you C. will( )4. David woke up early, gota

16、nd went out without breakfast.A. went toB. dressed C. dressing D. dresses()5. Mr. GreenEngland since two months ago.A. went toB. has gone toC. hasbeen to D. has been in( )cant use the telephone. It A. is a bad linebroken downB. wasC. has broken downD. is wrongA. No, sorrythink I cant( )you do this f

17、or me, please?B. No, Excuse meD. no, thanks()8. Where and when the accident ?A. hashappenedB. did happenC. does happenD. ishappening( ) was nine o clock whenwethe cinema.A.gotB. reachedC.arrived inD.reached at()10.The boy becamecomputerwhenhe was ten.A.interesting inB.interested about C.interested i

18、n D.interestin()11.Themeetingstarts at seven.Please comeA.intimeB. on timeC. at timeD. onthe time)12.Youcanmy pen , but youmustn,tit toothers.A.lend borrowB.borrow lendC. borrowborrowD.lendlendasked mehim the bad mans.A. didnt tellB. not tellC. notto tellD. to nottellfast as light.A. not travelB.doe

19、snt travel soC. travels not soD.isnt travel so( )15. Would you like to look after my babyr m away.A. untilB. duringC. whileD. beforeV . 口语应用:(20分)(1) .从H栏当选出I栏中每句话的正确答语.(6分)I( ) me, could you show me the way to the nearest hospital?( )s the weather like today?( ) colour do you like best?( )4. what d

20、o you mean by this?( ) dont have much time left.()6. Merry Christmas.IIA. I prefer blue.B. The same to you.C. Yes. Go down this road to the end.D. Its “island“ inEnglish.E. Very cold, isn t it.F. r m hurrying as fast as possible, you see.(2) .选择正确的答语补全对话.(8分)A: Hello! May I speak to Miss smith, plea

21、se?B: r m sorry, . Could I take a message?A: Sure, I want to speak to her about my daughter Joy.m afraid he cant go to school today.B: r m sorry to hear that .A: I leave my phone number for you ?B:0K. 11 get a pen . OK! Please give me your phone numberA:3728963. My name is Mary Green.B: All right I

22、11 tell him call youA: . Thank you very much . Goodbye!B: Goodbye .a moment, please.on for a moment please.3. thats very kind of you. 11 be fine.5. I hope he 11 be all right soon. 6. Thank you .7. She isn t here right now. 8. He has got a bad cold today.(三)在以下对话的每一个空格中填上一个词,使对话完整正确。(6分)A: Could you

23、do for me, please?B: Certainly! What you like me to do?A: Well, you know my radio has broken . Can you it me?B: With !A: OK, r 11 it to school tomorrow morning. Thank you.B: Not at all.完型填空:(10分)Museums (博物馆)are often full 1 interesting and beautiful things, but in most museum you can only 2 the thi

24、ngs there. You cant touch then. This is not very interesting for most of us. People want to touch things. They want to use them and 3 them. That is 4 we learn about things. If we are interested in something, we learn about it 5 . If we are bored we do not learn very much. But some museums are 6 , Fo

25、r example, at the Boston Childrens Museum in Boston, young people can use computers and 7 modern machines. They can 8 make movies and play games there. Inthis kind of museum,children are not bored (厌倦).They can 9 a lot 10the same time.()1. A. of()2. A. lookD. eat()3. A. play B.B. withC. inB. look at

26、makeC. play withD. look forC. lookedD. how()4. A. why B.whereC. whenD. how( )5. A. much easilyB. more easilyC. much easierD. more easier()6. A. differentB. samedifference()7. A. these B. thatC. otherC. difficult D.D. anther()8. A. also B. tooC. thenD. either()9. A. see B. watchC. lookD. learn()B. at

27、 C. fromD. in阅读明白得(30分)(-)依照短文内容选择正确答案(10分)How much sleep do we need? We are all different. Some people need only three hours of sleep a night. Others need ten hours of sleep a night. Most Americans sleep an average (平均)of seven to eight hours a night . After age fifty, the average sleep time goes d

28、own to hours a night.About one in three Americans has a problem with sleep. Many of these people can not fall asleep. The name of this problem is insomnia.This is not a new problem. Many famous people in history had insomnia. Some of these people had special ideas to make them sleep. Benjamin Frankl

29、in, the famous statesman and inventor had for beds. He moved from one to the other to sleep. King Louis XII of France had 413 beds and hoped to fall asleep in one of them. Mark Twain, the famous writer, had a different way. He lay on his side across the end of the bed!( )1. Most Americans sleepA. th

30、ree hoursB. ten hours C. seven to eight hoursD. six and a half hours ( )2. People who have a problem with sleepA. are FrenchB. are Americans C. are Famous D.have insomnia( )3. Benjamin Franklin, King Louis XII of France, and Mark Twain all had.A. insomnia B. four beds C. mideasD. a headache()4. Whic

31、h of the following sentences is false?A. Many famous people in history had insomnia.B. Mark Twin was a famous statesman.C. Benjamin Franklin had four beds.D. Some people need only three hours of sleep a night.()5. The name of the passage should be A. Famous people B. sleep C. How to sleep D. Insomni

32、a(二)依照短文判定正误,正确的用“T”错误的用“F”No one knows how man learned to make words. Maybe he began by making sounds. As time went by, he made more and more sounds and more and more words. This is what we call languages.People in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hun

33、dred different languages in the world.Some animals also have their languages when a bee has found some food, it goes back to its home . It wants to tell other bees where the food is. But it can not speak, so it does a little dance in the air. In this way, it tells the other bees where the food is.(

34、)1. Everyone knows that mans language started by making sounds.( )2. People from different countries have their own languages.( )3. About 1500 different languages are spoken by people in the world.( )bee tells the other bees where the food is by a strange language.( )5. No animal but bees have a str

35、ange language.Do you know what a cold is? When you have a cold, liquid runs from year nose, and you are ill. A cold is not a bad illness. We call this illness cold or a clod in the head ,because people think that cold air cause illness. They say, I went out of my warn house into the cold air. I felt

36、 cold. So caught a cold.Many people catch cold in winter. But cold air does not always cause a cold. You catch a cold in summer when the air isn t cold. In fact germs cause a cold. The germs get into your mouth, or they get into your nose. They you have a cold.When you have got a cold, do not go out

37、 and give it to other people. Other people don,t want it. When you have a clod, stay in your house till you get well again. You 11 soon be well.A cold is not a illness, but it can bad illness. Whats a cold? is a kind of liquid running from your nose. You have caught a cold, because cause the illness

38、. Even if the is warm, someone can still a cold. When we got a cold, go out and give it to other people, stay till you get well again.书面表达:(10分) 依照所给的五幅图写一段。要求:L每幅图写一句准确完整的话,必需包括所给的提示语。2.句子之词意思连贯,符合逻辑。1. young man, ride, fast2. his bike, hit, old woman3. young man, not stop, ride away, quickly4. som

39、e children, take, old woman5. policeman, stop, take, police station答案IIIniIVI (一) 1. holiday 2. pleasure 3. follow 4. choose 5. change(二)IIt yet to do watching had away from fifteen finishingIII the boys here over fail away fromIVV(-)(二)2. 7. 3. 8. 5. 6. 1. 4(三)1. something 2. would 3. mend 4. for 5

40、. pleasure 6. bringVIvn(一)(2)(3) 6. catch/have t10. homeVIII. young man was riding (rode) a bike too fast.bike hit an old woman.3. The young man didnt stop and rode away quickly.4. Some children took the old woman to the hospital.5. A policeman stopped the young man and took him to the police statio

41、n.Listening MaterialI - Listen to the tape and choose the right word or phrase you hear in the sentence.(听录音,选出你在句子中所听到的单词或词组,每题念一遍。)1. He like something strange.2. The woolen sweaters are hanging over there.3. Father Christmas is very kind hearted.4. Dont you think her radio is too loud? Tell her t

42、o turn it down.5.Miss Forgetful dropped a box of sweets on the floor.II. Listen to the tape and choose a similar sentence.(听录音,选择你所听到的意思相近的句子,每题念二遍。)1. The class 3 and class 1 runners were still neck and neck.2. I think English is more interesting than maths.3. He spent ten yuan on that suit.4. Last

43、 Saturday the weather was not so wet as it is today.5. Have you heard from him?III. Listen to the dialogue and choose the right answer.(听对话,选择正确的答案。每题念二遍。):Lucy, could I borrow your bike? Im going to the book shop.B: Of course, Lily. With pleasure.Q: Where is lily going?:where does your sister study

44、?B: She studies at Middle School.A: How long has she studied in the school?B: She has studied there sincel999.Q: Where does she study?:Hello. May I speak to Alice, please?B: This is Alice speaking. Is that Davie?Q: What are they doing?:Where are you from. Mr Smith?B: r m from New York.Q : What count

45、ry is Mr Smith from?:Would you like and then moon-cake, Lucy?B: Thanks. They, re all delicious. But Im full.Q: Does Lucy like another moon-cake?IV. Listen to the passage and choose the right answer.(听短文,选择正确的答案,每题念二遍。)Tom was born in a very small town in England. He couldn,t talk until he was five y

46、ears old. When he was 8, he couldnt count or read well. His parents were worried about him and no school would take him in. Tom told his parents that he would learn by himself with his parents help. Tom studied at home for about 6 years and finished all the subjects for a schoolboy. He taught himself for an


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