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1、新目标英语七年级上学期第一次月考试题(人教新目标)考试范围: Starter Units 1-3 ; Units 1-4考试时量: 100 分钟 分值: 150 分只要你 书写整哦。亲爱的同学们, 开学近 2 个月了, 你的英语学得怎么样?现在就让我们来试一试吧。平时用心学习了, 做题时认真仔细, 相信你会取得好成绩的。 可别忘了认真审题,选择题部分(95 分)一、单项选择( 25 分)()1. -Good morning, Dale! -.A. Good afternoon, Cindy!B. Good morning , Cindy!C .Good evening, Cindy!()2.-

2、? -Tm OK.A. What s your name?B. How are you?C. What s your telephone number?()3. -Whats this in English? Tts eraser.A. a B. The C. an() 4. -What s that ? -is a jacket.A. It B. It sC. This()5.-. J-A-C-K-E-T, jacket.A. How do you spell it?B. What color is it ?C. What s this in English?()6. What color

3、is your pencil? Tts.A. a redB. the redC. red()7. -Is this your eraser? -.A. Yes, it isB. Yes, this is.C. No, it is.() 8. Please call Mary 078-9876.A. inB. at C. to() 9.下列不属于元音字母的是: A. I iB. Y yC. U u()10.不明飞行物的英文缩写是A.CCTVB.UFOC.NBA() 11. The boy is Tony Miller. Tony is his.A. Last name B. family nam

4、e C. first name()12. -? -Its 980-0238.A. What s your phone number?B. What s your name?C. Whos she?() 13 Grace is friend. last name is White.A. my, Her B. I, Her C. my, She()14. -Nice to meet you. -.A. Hello! A. How are you? C. Nice to meet you, too.()15. -do you spell your name? -F-R-A-N-K.A. What B

5、. Who C. How() 16. Look, this is schoolbag.A. mine B. my C. me()17. - Are those books yours? -. They are his.A. No, they arent. B. No, it isn t.C. Yes, they are.()18. Is it yours? Ask Helen it.A. for B. in C. of()19.I have(有) uncle and cousin.A. an ; a B. a; an C. the; a()20. Whats that English? Tts

6、 a map.A. in B. at C. of D. to()21. -How you? T fine. And he fine, too.A. are; am; am B. are, am; is C. am; is; are()22. Whats the English for 不明飞行物”?A. BBCB. CCTV C. UFO() 23. -, Sonia. Is this your pencil case? -Yes, thank you.A. Hello B. Hi C. Excuse me()24.are my books? -They are on the sofa.A.

7、Where B. WhoC. Wheres()25.- Is this your mother? -.A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, she is. C. Yes, he is.IIA. Thank you.B. Good morning, teacher.C. Its an orange.D. My name is Alan Smith.E. Fine, thank you.F. No, it isnt.G. Its blue.H. M-A-R-Y, Mary.I. Hello! Jim.J. Nice to meet you, too.二、从II栏中找与I栏相适合白答语。(2

8、0分)( )26. Good morning, class.()27. Whats your name?()28. How are you, Mr. Green?()29. Sit down, please.()30. Whats this?()31. Hello! Kate.()32. Spell it, please.( )33. Is this your computer game?()34. Nice to meet you.()35. What color is your eraser?三、完形填空:(20分)Hello!My 36 is Jim Smith. My first na

9、me is 37 , and Smith is my 38 _name_39 am 40 English boy. Whats that over there? Oh, its my 41 . Its an 42 dictionary. I like_43_very much. 44 is it? Its red. Can you45_dictionary? Yes, D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y.()36. A. nameB. telephone numberC. number D. family()37.A. JimB.SmithC. Jim SmithD. Jim()38.A.

10、 firstB.MiddleC. fullD. family()39. A. MyB.YouC. ID. He()40.A. aB.anC. theD. /()41.A. bookB. eraserC. nameD. dictionary()42.A. ChineseB. EnglishC. dogD. good()43.A. thisB.that C.itD. me()44.A. WhatB. WhoC. HowD. What colorIs this your pen? Please call Mary at 831-6796.Alan,Is that your watch in the

11、lost and found case?LilyFound: A jacket, red and green. Please call Tom. Phone # 831-6788.Lost: My school ID card. My name is Nick. Please call 831-6717()45. A. say B. spell C. speak四、阅读理解:(20分)(A.)D. tell阅读上面四则启事,选择准确答案回答问题:()46.lost a watch.A. Nick B. Alan C. Lily D. Tom()47. Marys telephone numbe

12、r is.A. 831-6796 B. 831-6788 C. 831-6717 D. 831-7696()48. If (如)you lost a red and green jacket, you can call.A. Lily B. 831-6796 C. 831-6717 D. Tom()49. Is this pen Marys?.A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn I C. Sorry, I dont know.D. No, it is.()50. Nick lost.A. a pen B. a watch C. a jacket D. a school I

13、D card.(B.)Cindy: Hi, Bob.Bob: Hello, Cindy.Cindy: How are you today?Bob: I nfine, thanks. And you?Cindy: I fine, too.Bob: Who nthe boy?Cindy : He is Alan.Bob: Is he your brother?Cindy: No, he isn He is my good friend.Bob: I see. Who are these girls?Cindy: Oh, they are my sisters.Bob: What are their

14、 names?Cindy: The girl in red is Jenny, and the girl in blue is Kate.Bob: Let 论战们)go to school(上学)together(一起).Cindy: OK. Let go.根据所给对话,判断句子准确与否,准确的写 T,错误的写F。()51. Cindy isn fine today.()52. Alan is Cindy brother.()53. These girls are Bob sisters.()54. Jenny is in red.()55. Bob and Cindy go to schoo

15、l together.五、补全对话:(选择题号即可.)(10分)A : Good morning!B: Good morning! I,m Jim.56?A : My names Lily.Nice to meet you!B : 57!A : Is it your family photo?B:_58_.A : And whos the girl ?B : 59A : Here you are(给你)!B : Thank you very much!A : 60!A.Nice to meet you,too.B.Whats your name , please?C.Yes,it is.D.S

16、hes my sister.E.Youre welcome!第二卷非选择题(共55分)六.根据句意选择准确的单词填空。(每小题2分,共10分)61(I/ My) first name is Alice.62. (These/ This) are his friends.63. This book is(he/ his).64. (They / It ) is a blue cup.65. You are(an/ a) nice girl.七.根据语境,用所给词的准确形式填空。(每小题2分,共10分)66. Sam(be) a lovely(可爱的)boy.67. Those are my(pa

17、rent).68. Some(ruler) are on the table.69. Those bags are(you).70. This is my family(photo).八.根据汉语意思完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)71. 我的朋友们在中国。My (朋友)are in (中国).72. 这是他的全家福照片。Here is a (照片) of his (家庭)。73. 这些棒球是她的。These (棒球) are (她的)。74. (感谢)you for your (协助)。75. 我必须找到我的学生证。I (必须) (找至U) my school ID card.八.按要求做题

18、,每空一词。(10分)76. This is a schoolbag.(划线提问)in English?77. That is his dictionary.(改为一般疑问句) his dictionary?78. Is this your ruler?(否定回答) , it.79. My computer game is under the desk.(划线提问) your computer game ?80. Are these her friends?(否定回答。)Yes, 九.书面表达。(共15分)假设彳是Lily ,根据ID CARD及Family members(家庭成员)表格所给

19、情况介绍自己的基本 情况,并介绍你的家庭,至少五句话。ID CARDFirst Name: LilyLast name: GreenTelephone Number: 235-4569Family membersGrandmotherCindyFatherBobMotherJaneSistersMary and Kate七年级上册Unit 5测试题第一部分听力理解(共计25分)第一题、听句子,判断所给图画与其内容是( T)否(F)相符。读一遍。 (5分)1.( ) 2. ( ) 3.( )4.() 5.()第二题、听句子,选择最佳答语。读一遍。(5分)()6. A. No, we don t.

20、 B. That sounds good. C. You have a tennis racket.()7. A. No, they arent. B.It s difficult. C. No, Idon t.()8. A. Yes, it does. B. Yes, it is. C.It s interesting.()9. A. Yes, he is. B. No, she isnt. C. Yes, he does.()10. A. Thanks. B. Please. C. Fine.第三题、听对话,选择所提问题的最佳答案。读一遍。(5分)()11. Does Betty have

21、 a soccer ball?A. No, she doesnt B. Yes, she has C. Yes, she does.()12. What does he have?A. A bat. B. A tennis racket. C. A tennis ball.()13. What sport does Barry play every day?A. Soccer. B. Baseball. C. Volleyball.()14. Do they like ( 喜欢)computer games?A. No, theydon t. B. Yes, they do. C. Yes,

22、they are.()15. How many ( 多少)collections does Mike?A. One B. Two. C. Three.第四题、听下面一段对话,根据内容判断正(T)误(F)。读两遍。(10分)()16. Julie thinks playing volleyball is very difficult.()17. Sarah wants to play tennis, because she has a tennis racket.()18. Julie wants to play computer games.()19. Children like playin

23、g computer games.()20. At last, Sally and Julie watch TV at home.第二部分语言知识使用(共计30分)第一题、单项选择。(15分)从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。()21. your father a brother?A. Is, have B. Do, has C. Does, have D. Does, has()22.Do Barry and Peter have a baseball?Yes,.A. they are B. they do C. they have D. he does()23.

24、Tim and Jim,let s play soccer.A. a B. the C. / D. an()24. I often watch MTVs TV.A. on B. in C. of D. with()25. Does your sister volleyball?Yes, she does.A. plays B. play C. playing D. to play()26. Let s TV show(电视剧)。A. watch B. watches C. to watch D. watching()27. We Chinese books.A. are B. is B. ha

25、s D. have()28. Math is difficult, it is interesting.A. and B. only C. but D. so()29. My cousin a white bag.A. Doesnt has B.don t have C. don t has D. Doesnt have()30. Wehave things in the room: a bookcase, a sofa, a dresser, and .A. many, many B. much, more C. many, more D. much, much()31. I have a

26、soccer ball.on the floor.A. It B. They C. It s D. They re()32.Let s play tennis.That very good.A. sounds B. sound C. Has D. have()33. The math class is. Idon t like ( 喜欢)it.A. interesting B. relaxing C. fun D. boring()34.Let s play baseball. Do you have a baseball bat?.A. Sorry, I do B. Sorry, Idon

27、t C. Yes, Idon t D. Yes, I can()35. She doesnt play sports, so (所以)she is not.A. good B. healthy C. relaxing D. nice第二题、补全对话。(5分)根据对话情景,从方框中选出适当的句子完成对话。A: Let s play computer games.B: That sounds good. 36A: I don t have a computer. Do you have one?B: No, I don t. But I have a TV. 37A: No, it s borin

28、g. Let s play tennis. 38B: Good. Where is it?A: on the sofa. 39B: No, I don t. But I think your brother has one.A: Yes, he does. 40A. Let watch TV. B. Do you have a racket?C. Let play soccer. D. And he has tennis balls.E.I have a tennis racket. F. Where your computer?G. And he has soccer balls. 36.3

29、第三题、完形填空。(10分)阅读下面的短文,根据其内容,从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。41 nameis Jim and I am 42 American boy. I 43 soccer very much. Owen44 my favorite ( 最喜爱的)soccer player. I 45 a very good friend. 46 name is George. He also47 sports and he 48 somesports collections. 49 like 50 soccer together (一起)a

30、fter school (放 学后).()41. A. My B. His C. Her D. I()42. A. the B. an C. a D. ()43. A. am B. are C. like D. likes()44. A. is B. are C. am D. one()45. A. have B. has C. am D. are()46. A. He B. Her C. She D. His()47. A. like B. likes C. to like D. is()48. A. have B. is C. has D. had()49. A. He B. Him C.

31、 We D. Us()50. A. play B. playing C. played D. to play第三部分综合阅读(共计30分)第一题、阅读理解。(20分)AMy nameis Kitty. I have a very big and nice room and I have a great school things collection.My brother s room is near my room. He is Mike. And he has a small sports collection. I havetwenty erasers, ten pencils, nin

32、e rulers and eight pens in myschoolbag. My brother has twobaseballs, four soccer balls and five basketballs under his bed.根据短文内容,选择准确答案。()51. Does Kitty have a brother?A. No, she doesnt. B. Yes, she does. C. Yes, she has. D. No, she hasnt.()52. Does Mike have a great sports collection?A. Yes, he doe

33、s. B. No, he don t. C. Wedon t know. D. No, he doesnt. ()53. How many ( 多少)erasers does Kitty have?A. 10 B. 20 C. 9 D. 8()54. How many balls does Mike have?A. 4 B. 5 C. 11 D. 10()55. Where are Mike s sports collection?Kitty s bed.A. Under his bed. B. UnderC. In his schoolbag. D. In Kitty s schoolbag

34、.(B)阅读下面的对话,根据其内容,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。(星期天,打Dave电话找Tommy玩。)Tommy Hello, this is Tommy.Dave: Hi, This is Dave. Are you free(有空)this afternoon?Tommy Yes.Dave: Good. Let s play volleyball.Tommy That sounds fun. But I don t have a volleyball.Dave: I don t have, too. Does your brother have one?Tommy No, he d

35、oesnt. He plays baseball. Le t s play baseball.Dave: It is difficult.Tommy Yes, ah- I have a computer. Let s play computer game.Dave: That sounds interesting.()56. Tommy has a volleyball.()57.Tommy s brother doesnt have a volleyball.()58.Tommy s brother doesnt play baseball.()59. Theydon t play base

36、ball because ( 因为)it is difficult.()60. Dave has a computer.第二题、任务型阅读。(10分)(C)阅读短文,将n栏中的词和I栏中的事物对应起来。Do you play sports? Well, I play sports every day. I play tennis, basketball and more.I play computer games, too. It is interesting. But Idon t havea computer. I playbasketball every day. I think ( 为

37、)it is fun. I don play volleyball. It is difficult. I don watch TV.I think it boring. I do morning exercises (早操)every day. It is good for my health (健康).i n()61. computer game A. boring()62. do morning exercises B. fun()63. volleyball C. interesting()64. basketball D. difficult()65.watch TV E .good

38、 for health第四部分语言综合使用(共计35分)第一题、词汇使用。(15分)A)根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。66 . Li Ming plays(篮球)every day.67 . Watching TV is very( 放松的).68 . Do you have a( 电脑)?69 . My friend, Tom, has a great sports(收藏品).70 . Kate has 8( 球).B)用所给词的准确形式填空71 .That (sound) interesting.72 .you ( have) a tennis racket?73 .My brother (

39、have) a baseball bat.74 .We have many (club) in our school.75 .Let watch (they) on TV.76 .She (play) sports every day.77. Can you (bring) your new picture books here?78. your friend (like) sports?79. Let (we) play tennis.80. That s an (interest) computer game.第二题、句型转换。(5分)按要求完成下列句子。81. I have an ora

40、nge.(改为一般疑问句)you an orange?82. He has a sister.(改为否定句)He a sister.83. My hat is on the bed.(对划线部分提问)对划线部分提问)your hat?84. Peter has a volleyball.(Peter?85. friend, have, doesnt, volleyball, my, a (连词成句)第三题、选词填空。(5分)从方框中选出恰当的词,并用其适当形式完成短文。have, be, like, not play, watchJohn is sixty-six. But he looks

41、young(轻).He 86 two children, one is a son and the other 87 a daughter.He has ten tennis rackets,eight baseball, 6 basketball, 12 soccer balls and 18 volleyballs.But he never(从不)plays sports. He only 88 collecting things. His son, Neal, likes soccer.He is a number of thecity soccer club. He plays soccer every day with his friends. Andhis daughter, Nancy, likes volleyball.But she 89 . She 90 it on TV.第四题、.书面表达。(10分)你的朋友到你家来做客,快来介绍一下你的体育收藏吧。记住好东西要一起分享呀。要求:字数:4050个词。


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