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1、直接引语与间接引语学案由直接引语变为间接引语需注意的四个变化时态变化人称变化状语变化(时间状语和地点状语)句型变化(陈述句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句和祈使句) 直接引语时态 间接引语时态一般现在时一般过去时现在进行时过去进行时现在完成时过去完成时一般将来时过去将来时现在完成进行时过去完成进行时一般过去时过去完成时He said,“The earth goes around the sun.”He said that the earth goes around the sunMr. Wang said, “I was born in China in September,1972. ”Mr. Wa

2、ng said he was born in China in September,1972.She said,“They had left when I arrived there. ”She said they had left when she arrived there.She says, “Miss liu is good at English.”She says Miss liu is good at English.He said, “ Where there is a will,there is a way. ”He said that where there is a wil

3、l,there is a way. He said, “The plane takes off at 6:30 am.”He said that the plane takes off at 6:30 am.“I was driving carefully when my car hit the tree.”He told the police.He told the police that he had been driving carefully when his car hit the tree.”He told the police.注意主从复合句的直接引语变为间接引语时,从句中的一般

4、过去时通常不变为过去完成时。直接引语变间接引语时态不变的情况当直接引语是客观真理时。当直接引语中有具体的过去某年、某月、某日作状语时。当直接引语是过去完成时态时。当主句谓语动词是一般现在时、现在完成时、一般将来时态时。当直接引语表示的是谚语或名人名言时。当直接引语表示客观的时刻表时。人称变化直接引语代词 Iweyoumeusthisthese间接引语代词he/she theyIhim/herthemthatthoseHe said,“I like it very much.”He said that he liked it very much.He said to me,“Ive left m

5、y book in your room.”He told me that he had left his book 直接引语中的状语间接引语中的状语nowthenagobefore/earliertodaythat daythis morning/this weekthat morning/weekyesterdaythe day beforeyesterday morningthe morning beforetomorrowthe next day/the following daylast week/monththe week/ month beforenext week/monthth

6、e following/ next week/month.herethereShe said to me,”I lived there five years ago.” She told me she had lived there five years before. She said to me,”I will see her next week.” She told me she would see her the next week.句型变化直接引语为陈述句时变间接引语的句型变化:直接引语若为陈述句,变为间接引语时,间接引语往往变成由从属连词that(在口语中可省略)引导的宾语从句,引

7、述动词常用say、tell等,从句中的人称、时态、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等都要作相应的变化“Im tired,”he said.He said (that) he was tried.Jim said, “Ive read Tony s book and I didnt understand it.”Jim said (that) he had read Tony s book and he didnt understand it.直接引语为疑问句时变间接引语的句型变化直接引语为疑问句时,变为间接引语时除注意在人称、时态和状语等方面相应变化外,还应注意:间接引语应改为陈述语序。特殊疑问句

8、的疑问词应保留。一般疑问句、选择疑问句和反意疑问句在变为间接引语时要用连词whether(或if)。 “Is there something wrong,Madam?”asked the policeman. The policeman asked the woman whether/if there was something wrong. She asked, “What it is? Whats going to happen now?”She asked what it was and what was going to happen then. “Its Mary,isnt it?”

9、asked Jane. Jane asked whether it was Mary.“Is it Mary or Lucy?”asked Jane. Jane asked whether it was Mary or Lucy.注意Whether 可与or not 连用, 表示一种选择。而if 则不可。 He wants to know whether or not we went to dinner.当疑问词作主语时,间接引语的语序不变。 “Whats the matter with you?”said the docotor. The docotor asked whats the ma

10、tter with me.直接引语和间接引语练习I.请选出正确的答案:1. “Youve already got well, havent you?” she asked. She asked _.A. if I have already got well, hadnt youB. whether I had already got wellC. have I already got well D. had I already got well.2. He asked , “ Are you a Party member or a League member?”He asked me _.A.

11、 am I a Party member or a League memberB. was I a Party member or a League memberC. if I was a Party member or a League memberD. whether was I a Party member or a League member.3. He asked, “How are you getting along?” He asked _.A. how am I getting alongB. how are you getting alongC. how I was gett

12、ing alongD. how was I getting along4. He asked me _ with me.A. what the matter is B. what the mater wasC. whats the matter D. what was the matter5. He said, “Dont do that again.” He _ me _ that again.A. said to me; not to do B. said to me; dont doC. told me; dont do D. told me; not to do6.Canyoumake

13、sure_? A.thathewillcomeheretoday B.whenhewillcomeheretoday C.willhecomeheretoday D.whetherwillhecomeheretoday7.Doyouhappentoknow_? A.whereisheraddress B.inwhichplaceisheraddress C.whatheraddressis D.theplaceheraddressis8.Excuseme,butcanyoutellme_? A.wherecanIgettothelibrary B.whereIcangettothelibrar

14、y C.howcanIgettothelibrary D.howIcangettothelibrary9.Johnaskedme_tovisithisunclesfarmwithhim. A.howwouldIlike B.ifornotwouldIlike C.whetherIwouldlike D.whichIwouldlike10.Idliketoknow_Chinese. A.whenhebegantolearn B.whendidhebegintolearn C.whendidhebeginlearning D.forhowlonghebegantolearn II.将下列句子变为间

15、接引语:1.“Youshouldbemorecarefulnexttime,”hisfathersaidtohim.2.Mr. Wangsaid, “IwillleaveforShanghaionbusinessnextmonth,children”3.“Ihaventheardfrommyparentsthesedays,”saidMary.4.Thegeographyteachersaidtous,“Themoonmovesaroundtheearthandtheearthgoesroundthesun.”5.Shesaidtohim,“Itstimethatyoulefthere.”6.


17、elp,isntshe?”heasked.12.“Whereareyougoing?”thefatheraskedhisson.13.“Areyousorryforwhatyouhavedone?” themotheraskedthenaughtyboy.14.Shesaid,“Didyoumeetthismanatthestationtwohoursago,Mr.Li?”15.“Writeyournamesonyourpapersfirst,”theteachersaidtous.16.“Pleasecomehereagaintomorrow,”herfriendsaidtoher.17.“









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