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1、学院概况 学院简介 武汉软件工程职业学院是武汉市人民政府主办的综合性高等职业院校。是“国家骨干高职院校立项建设单位”、“全国示范性软件职业技术学院”、高职高专人才培养工作水平评估“优秀”院校;是“国家软件技术实训基地”、教育部等六部委确定的“计算机应用与软件技术”、“汽车运用与维修”技能型紧缺人才培养培训基地、全国高职高专计算机类教育师资培训基地;是中国高职教育研究会授予的“高等职业教育国家职业资格教学改革试点院校”,湖北省职业教育先进单位。 学院地处“国家自主创新示范区”武汉市东湖高新技术开发区,即“武汉中国光谷”腹地,环境优美,设施优良。占地面积1200余亩,建筑面积40余万平方米,仪器设

2、备总值8000余万元,计算机5113台,实训(实验)室186间;图书馆馆藏图书210余万册,其中纸质图书40余万册,电子图书169余万册,学院师生可通过校园网共享清华同方、万方数据等中文数据库。 学院设有计算机与软件学院、机械制造工程系、电子与电气工程系、光电子与通信工程系、汽车运用工程系、经济管理系、艺术设计系、环境与生化工程系、公共课部、体育工作部等院系部。 学院现有教职工741人,其中专任教师495人,高级职称教师205人,双师素质教师244人。现有国务院政府特殊津贴专家1名,教育部高职高专教学指导委员会委员1名,湖北省楚天技能名师3名,武汉市政府津贴专家10名,武汉市学科带头人18名,

3、武汉市优秀青年教师24名,院专业带头人45名。 现开设专业50个(其中国家骨干高职院重点建设专业4个,省级重点专业1个,省级教学改革试点专业2个,“楚天技能名师”设岗专业3个),面向全国29个省市招生,全日制学生近14000人。 学院始终坚持“谋发展、重质量、出特色、上水平”,坚持走内涵发展、特色强校之路。人才培养质量获得企业广泛认可,可持续发展的综合实力显著增强。新生报到率连续多年居全省高职院校前列,毕业生就业率稳定在90%以上,形成了“规模大、进口旺、出口畅”的良性循环。 学院建有实训(实验)室186间,其中已有或正在建设模具设计与制造、计算机技术、激光加工车间、服装制作车间等生产性实训基


5、校外实习实训基地,基本保证了学生完成直接获取工作经验及综合能力的生产实习和顶岗实习。与“东风楚凯”、“豪申光电”、“楚天激光”等企业合作,共建模具设计与制造、计算机应用技术、激光加工技术等校内生产性实训基地;与IGA全球合作建立IGA中国零售学院,为中国的零售连锁企业培养符合IGA全球标准的中高级经营管理人才。 学院不断深化校企合作,重构课程体系、实训体系和保障体系;充分利用现代信息技术手段,构建融“教、学、做”为一体的教学模式,形成“双向基地、双向订单、双向培养”(实习与培训双向基地,人才与项目双向订单,学生与员工双向培养)的人才培养模式。围绕“光谷”核心圈、武汉都市圈和“1+8”城市圈,以

6、市场为牵引,服务武汉高新技术产业、先进制造业和现代服务业,对接产业链,优化专业链,形成人才链。旨在培养立足“光谷”,服务武汉,面向湖北,辐射全国,以人为本,厚德尚能,培养忠诚企业、胜任岗位、计算机应用能力突出的高素质技能型专门人才。 学院将继续坚持以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观为指导,全面贯彻党的教育方针,坚持以服务为宗旨、以市场为牵引、以就业为导向,把我院建设成为国家示范性软件职业技术学院,打造创新型、开放型和就业型高等职业学院。Introduction Wuhan Vocational College of Software and Engineering (WHVCSE)

7、 is a comprehensive vocational college of higher education supervised by Wuhan Municipal Government. So far, it has been awarded as “National Major Construction Unit for Vocational Colleges”, “National Demonstration Vocational College of Software and Engineering”, “Excellent College for Cultivation

8、of Vocational Talents”, “National Practice Base for Software Technology”, “Training Base for Scarce Skilled Talents on Computer Application and Software Technology and Automobile Application and Repair”, “National Training Base for Vocational Computer Teaching Qualification”, “Teaching and Reform Tr

9、ial College for National Vocational Qualification” and “Hubei Provincial Excellent Unit for Vocational Education”. The college is located in the National Independent Innovation Demonstration Areathe East Lake High-tech Development Area of Wuhan City, that is, the beautiful and convenient “Wuhan Chin

10、a Optical Valley”. The college covers an area of 80 hectares with a construction area of over 400,000 square meters. The total value for its equipment and facilities has reached more than 80 million RMB, including 5,113 computers, and 186 practice and experiment laboratories. Whats more, the library

11、 has over 2.1 million book resources, among which 400,000 are printed books and 1.69 million are electronic ones. Besides, the students and faculty members can also get access to famous data bases such as Tsinghua Tongfang and Wanfang Data and so on. The college mainly includes the following departm

12、ents and schools: School of Computer and Software; Department of Mechanical Manufacture Engineering; Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering; Department of Photoelectron and Communication Engineering; Department of Automobile Application Engineering; Department of Economics and Managemen

13、t; Department of Art and Design; Department of Environmental and Bio-chemical Engineering; Department of Fundamental Courses and Department of Physical Education. At present, the college has 741 faculty staffs. Among them, 495 are professional teachers, with 205 professors and 244 teachers with doub

14、le qualified certifications. In addition, there is 1 professor who receives Special Government Allowance of the State Council. Meanwhile, the college also has 1 member of the Higher Vocational Teaching Instruction Committee of the Ministry of Education; 3 Skilled Chutian Teachers of Hubei Province;

15、10 experts with Wuhan Municipal Government Allowance; 18 academic leaders of Wuhan city; 24 excellent young teachers of Wuhan city and 45 academic leaders in different majors. The college now has 50 majors, among which 4 are key majors for the national level construction, 1 is at the provincial leve

16、l, 2 are trial majors for provincial teaching and reform and 3 are particularly established for Skilled Chutian Teachers. Furthermore, the college recruits from 29 different provinces all over China and has approximately 14,000 full-time students. The college has always been adhered to the strategy

17、of “Seeking Development, Emphasizing Quality, Developing Features and Advancing toward Higher Levels”. By walking on the road of connotative and characterized development, the college has been widely accepted in talent cultivation by enterprises. Therefore, its comprehensive ability for sustainable

18、development has also been strengthened. Whats more, the rate of freshman registration has successively been top of all the higher vocational colleges in Hubei province. Besides, the rate of graduation employment has been over 90%. In fact, it has formed a positive cycle of “big scale, abundant influ

19、x and smooth output”. There are 186 practice and experiment laboratories, including those which are finished and under construction, such as, practice bases for mould design and manufacture, computer technology, laser processing workshops, clothes making workshops, etc. Meanwhile, there are also adv

20、anced equipment with frontier and high technology for laser processing technology, computer application and software technology, numerical control technology and movie animation. Besides, each department also has its own simulation practice laboratories, so that the students can have an easy access

21、to simulated virtual techniques and virtual experimental software systems to improve their practical professional abilities. Moreover, the college has signed cooperation agreements with 210 companies, including the famous ones like “Chery Automobile Co. Ltd.,”, “Hisense-Kelon Electrical Holdings Co.

22、 Ltd., Foxcoon SIDC”, “Chutian Industrial Laser”, “Zhongbai Supermarket”, “CCJEC”, etc. Through the cooperation with the above-mentioned companies, the college has established platforms for disciplinary construction, practice and experiment, cultivation of teachers with two qualified certifications,

23、 training of talents, technological research and development as well as sci-tech promotion. As a result, it has achieved successful cooperation in multiple ways, such as “overall cooperation”, “staging intervention”, “industrial embedment”, “full cooperation based on regional economy”, etc. Meanwhil

24、e, the college has also established 120 internship bases outside the campus to ensure the students availability of direct access to work experience, practical production internship and full-time working. Besides, it has founded practice and experiment bases for mould design and manufacture, computer

25、 application technology, laser processing technology with famous companies like “Dongfeng Chukai Motor Company”, “Haoshen Photoelectricity Company”, “Chutian Industrial Laser”, etc. Most importantly, it has established IGA China Retail School through the cooperation with IGA in order to train medium

26、 and high level management talents with qualifications of IGA for Chinas retail enterprises. By deepening its cooperation with various companies and reconstructing its curriculum system, practice system and guarantee system, the college has made full use of modern information and technology means, e

27、stablished an integral education mode of “teaching, learning and making”, formed its own featured training pattern of “two-way bases, two-way orders and two-way cultivation”, that is, the bases for both internship and training, orders for both talents and projects, and cultivation for both students

28、and employees. Meanwhile, taking the advantages of “Wuhan China Optical Valley” as well as Wuhan metropolis circle and the “1+8” city circle,the college is now developing under the guidance of market and aiming at high-tech industries, advanced manufacturing and modern service industries so as to co

29、nnect with industrial chains, optimize professional chains and thus form its own talent chains. In addition, the college also aims to train talents with high-quality and special skills who are able to serve Wuhan based on the background of “Wuhan China Optical Valley” and face Hubei province as well

30、 as the whole China by their good nature, sound morality and deep loyalty to the companies together with their capabilities and computer application proficiency in their work. In the future, guided by DENG Xiaopings Theory, Three Representatives and the concept of Scientific Development, the college

31、 will continue to carry out the overall education guidelines, keep its service tenet and insist the market guidance and employment orientation, so as to turn itself into an innovative, open and employment-oriented higher vocational college as well as a national demonstration college of software and

32、engineering. 校徽释义Connotation of the College Emblem 一、徽标主题图案由“SOFTWARE”和“ENGINEERING”两个单词的第一个字母“S”和“E”组合而成,有强烈的立体感、空间感和想象空间,外形酷似我院建筑外观,有较强的指向性。 二、徽标总体由立体“S”和“E”两个部分融会连接,象征学院地处“九省通衢”的武汉,寓意我院的教育是为武汉经济服务,同时也寓意我院发展的道路一路通畅。 三、徽标外形采用了工业螺帽的六边形,寓意我院以”工业、工程”为建设基石,以“软件业”和“制造业”为生长点,坚实、厚重的立体造型体现我院“厚德尚能”的办学理念,寓意我

33、院有厚重坚实的办学基础。 四、徽标外形又似一摞书籍、机械部件,寓意我院有厚实的办学实力。 五、徽标颜色以简洁的普色系列、灰色、白色构成,蓝色象征工业,也象征我院人才培养的定位是高素质技能型专门人才,俗称高级蓝领。 1. The core of the college emblem is made up of “S” from “SOFTWARE” and “E” from “ENGINEERING”, which reminds people of the college because the making-up of the two letters resembles the profil

34、e of the college buildings. The design is characterized by extensity, imagination and third dimension. 2. Third-dimension “S” & “E” melt into the whole in a harmonious way, which means a lot, e.g. the college is located in Wuhan, a thoroughfare leading to nine provinces; the college serves the econo

35、mic development of Wuhan; there will be a smooth way for the college future, etc. 3. The outline of the emblem takes a hexagon of a screw cap, which implies the fact the college considers specialties related to software and manufacturing as its growth point with great attention to industry and engin

36、eering. The third-dimension shape seems solid and massive, embodying the colleges solid foundation for education as well as the college motto “value ethics and pursue capabilities”. 4. The shape of the emblem seems like a pile of books and mechanical parts, representing the colleges solid foundation

37、 for education. 5. The emblem consists of colors such as gray and white. The blue stands for industry as well as advanced skill-oriented talents blue collars who are targets of our college education.校训:厚德尚能 释义Connotation of the College Motto “Value Ethics & Pursue Capabilities” “厚德”原意为增厚美德。用以指我院坚持“以

38、德为先”的办学理念,做到以德治校,以德治教,以德治学。重视品德修养,加强道德规范,胸怀博大,宽厚仁爱,勤奋敬业,与自然和睦相处,同社会谐调发展,做一个道德高尚的人。 “尚能” 意为重视能力培养,重视素质的全面提高。确立以能力为核心的质量观和以技能贡献于社会、以技能谋求自身发展的人生理念。努力提高知识应用能力、专业技术能力、同时加强继续学习能力、创新能力、创业能力等多种能力培养。开发潜能,发展个性,成为全面发展的高素质技能型专门人才。 “厚德尚能”的校训凝聚着学院的办学宗旨、办学理念和办学特色,蕴涵着学院人的科学态度和奋斗精神,构成我院人文环境与性格的表征。 “Value ethics” ori

39、ginally means adding to ethics. It refers to our education ideas putting ethics first with an eye to directing management, teaching and researching by ethics. Everyone in the college is expected to be open-minded, kind, hard-working with emphasis on cultivation of moral character and norms, so that

40、he or she lives and develops in line with nature and society. “Pursue capabilities” means focus on fostering of abilities and enhancement of quality in an all-around way. The college considers students abilities as the core of its education quality and helps its students hold the life philosophy con

41、tributing their skills to the society and winning their way through their skills. Its students are required to improve their abilities of knowledge application, professional skills, and abilities of learning, innovation, start-up and so on. The students should aim to develop potential and individual

42、ity in order to become advanced application-oriented talents in an all-around way. The college motto “value ethics and pursue capabilities” concentrates the colleges education objectives, ideas, characteristics, contains its peoples scientific attitudes and struggling spirit, and indicates a token of its humanistic environment and character.


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