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1、练习:将下列句子变成否定句1. I am ateacher.amnot5 / 8a teacher.2. Wearestudents.Wearen, tstudents.3. Janeisa girtJane运n ta girt4. TheylikeEnglish.They don tlikeChinese5. I come from China.I don, tcome fromChina.6. He likes Chinese.Hedoesn tlike Chinese.7. Maria comes from Cuba.Mariadoesn, tcome fromCuba.8. We kn

2、ow Maria.Wedon1 tknow Maria.练习:将下列句子变成一般疑问句1. I am a teacher.Areyoua teacher?2. They are students. Students?3. Jane is a girl.a girl?4. They like English. English?5. I come from China. China?AretheyIsJaneDotheylikeDoyoucomefrom6. He likes Chinese,Does he likeChinese?7. Maria comes from Cuba.Does Mar

3、ia come from Cuba?8. We speak Chinese. Do you speak Chinese?练习:给下列句子做肯定回答或否定回答l.Are you a student?Yes,Iam. No,r mnot 2. Do they likeYes, theyEnglish?_do.No, _theydon t .3.1s Jane a girl?Yes,sheis.No,sheisn t.4. Does Maria likeYes,sheChina?does No, _shedoesn t 5.1s Kangkang aYes ,hestudent?is.No ,hei

4、sn t.6.1s that a girl?Yes , itis.No ,itisn t7 .Are those telephones?Yes , theyare No , theyaren t8 .Does Tom know Jane?Yes , hedoes No , hedoesn t9 .Do they come from the U.S.A?Yes ,they do No , theydon t .10 .1s this an egg?Yes , itis No , itisn t 练习:划线部分提问l.My name is Nancy.What syour name?2.1 am

5、from China,Whereareyou from?3.1 am fine How are you?4. Miss.Wang is our English teacher.Who is your English teacher? are you?5.Lucy is ten years old.Howold6 .He is in Class One Grade Two.Whatclassis he in?7 .My telephone number is What is your telephone number?8 .They are cars. What are these ?9 .Th

6、is is my cap.Whose cap isthis?10 .My favorite movie star is Bruce Lee.Who is your favorite movie star ?11 .It is yellow What coloris it?What doesshe look12.She is tall,like ?同义句转换.1.Please give Janethe book.PleasegivethebooktoJane.2. Could you please tell me your name?Could you please your name me?3

7、. He has short hair. His hair is short.4. I have a big nose. Mynoseis big.5 . You have a wide mouth.Yourmouth is wide.6 .My English teacher is old My English teacher is not young7 . Betty is not short. Betty is tall .8 .This is my book. This is mine 9 .This jacket is not new. This jacket is old .10

8、.My ruler is not long.My ruler isshort 1 l.She looks like her mom. She and her mom lookthesame12.They come from China.They arefrom China.将下列句子变成复数.They _areIt is a box boxes This is a ruler.rulers.TheseareThat is an eraser, erasers.Those _areHe is a student.students.TheyareThis is a bus. _buses These areThat is a pen.pens将下列句子变成单数。Those_arel.They are pencils.pencil.It isa2.These are erasers.This is7 / 8_ aneraser.3.They areboys.Heisaboy.4. They aregirls Sheisa girl.5.Those are books.Itisabook.6.These aredesks .Itisadesk.7.These areboxes.Itisabox 8.Those arecars.Itisacar


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