三年级英语上册 Unit 5 Period 1-2教案 上海新世纪版.doc

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1、新世纪版三年级上册英语Unit 5 Which Is Your Favourite?教育目标:1.培养学生从小养成热爱劳动的好习惯。2. 引导学生建立正确、健康的审美观。知识目标:基础目标:1. Words and expressionsFrom WonderlandFrom FarmlandFrom Grand Theatre*headkidcute*earwithwhich*eyefavourite*mouth*face*nose*hand*foot2. Sentence patternsFrom FarmlandFrom Grand TheatreWhat can you do with

2、 ?Watch me.3.根据课文内容回答Questions and Answers 中的问题,并根据实际情况回答On your own中的问题。4.Music Box 掌握字母i和j在单词中的读音。元音字母i在单词重读音节中一般发/ai/和/i/。引导学生区分/ai/, /i/这两个音素,并体会字母i在单词中的发音与拼写特点。 5.Disneyland这是一个音素/b/组成的绕口令。启发学生找出学过的含有/b/的单词,进行绕口令的练习。Difficult Points1. 使学生初步掌握情态动词can的用法及如何用于陈述句(肯定、否定形式)和疑问句及如何用来回答。2. 学会在can句型中加入

3、介词with的用法。例如:I can see with my eyes。发展目标:1. 创设一个情境,鼓励学生整合已有的语言知识,分组进行主题为“Which is your favourite?”的小品表演。2. 能根据实际情况用can造句并用I can进行对话和讨论,表示自己的能力。能力目标:能用I can do sth. with my来描述人体基本部位的功能。情感、策略和文化等有关目标:懂得学会在适当的场合展示自己的才能。教学资源:Students book 3A P31P 37 Cassette 3A Unit 5Students workbook 3A P27P32 Word and

4、 picture cards 3A Unit 5Teaching Transparencies 3A Unit 5 教学时间:5课时(每课3540分钟)课时安排:建议本单元安排5教时。第一课时:Wonderland & Language Lab第二课时:Farmland第三课时:Grand Theatre & Language Lab第四课时:Lan guage Lab & Music Box第五课时:DisneylandLesson Plan ( 1 )ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationWarming-upSong: He

5、ad, shoulders, knees and toes.Sing the song in chorus通过歌曲为接下来的新课做准备。While task procedures Task 1Quick responseTask 2Distinguish “head” and “hand”“foot” and “feet”Task 3Listen and act1.T: Touch your mouth. Touch your Touch your nose with your right hand. Pull your right ear with your left hand 2. Stu

6、dents do what the teacher says.3. Learn the words about the parts of the body.1. Listen to the teacher and point to the head/hand/foot/feet.2. Listen and fill in the blanks.Eg: head hand foot feet3. Choose the correct answerEg: Nod your _ A. head B. hand1. Show a rhyme. For example:My Little BodyTwo

7、 little hands clap, clap, clap.Two little feetstamp, stamp, stamp.Two little armsraise, raise, raise.Two little legsjump, jump, jump.My little body turns around.Stand still and sit down.2. Encourage the students to read and act.通过老师发出的指令学生做相应的动作,学习有关身体部位的单词。通过身体动作和书面练习辨析形近单词,学习比较特殊的单复数形式:foot-feet通过

8、朗读和表演儿歌复习巩固单词,相关的动词。通过多种形式帮助学生记忆单词。Post-task activities Finish Language Lab Part 2Spell the new words.Lesson Plan ( 2 )ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparationWarming upRhyme: Tommy, thumbSay the rhyme group by group.学过的儿歌为新课打下铺垫。While task procedures Task 1Read and actTask 2Find out the

9、 functions of our parts of the body.1. Show the rhyme:I can, you can, and everybody can,Sing, dance, jump and run.He can, she can, and everybody can,Come, go, sit and stand.You can, they can, and everybody can,Cook, clean, wash our pants.We can, you can, and everybody can,Play, laugh and have a lot

10、of fun.2. Read and do the action after the teachers instruction.1. Learn the sentence “What can you do with your”2. Do some substitution exercises.3. Show a form. The items are: Parts of our body, What can we do with it/them?4. Feedback5. List the content by, for example, smell - with nose;eat and drink - with mouth;walk - with feet;see - with eyes, etc在边说边表演的过程中学生对所学的有关身体部位的单词进行了复习,并且学习了相关的动词,扩大词汇量。通过完成教师布置的任务学习目标句型。Post-task activities .Learn the dialogues on the course book.Listen to the tape and repeat the sentences.Role play the two dialogues.学习表演课本上的对话感受所学句型的功能。4


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