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1、Unit 5 The silver screen训练二Reading课前预习:无师自通.汉英翻译1.脱掉;起飞_ 2.不敢游泳_3.与交朋友_ 4.把剁碎_5.出错;出问题_ 6.食肉恐龙_7.把成功归功于某人_ 8.总共_答案:1.take off 2.be afraid to swim 3.make friends with 4.cut.into pieces .go wrong 6.meat-eating dinosaurs 7.owe success to sb. 8.in all.单词拼写1.In the beginning he created s with toys,but la

2、ter he wrote s and worked with actors.2.Jaws,one of Spielbergs first films,was a real b .3.He has made two films about c that come to the earth from outer space.4.He made several f of Jaws,and Jurassic Park.5.He said that he o much of his success to his wife.答案:1.scenes;scripts 2.blockbuster 3.creat

3、ures 4.follow-ups 5.owes.完成句子1.电影芝加哥获2003年奥斯卡最佳影片奖。The film“Chicago”_ for the best film.2.很多导演将他们的成功归功于他们的妻子。Many directors _ their success _their wives.3.我喜欢看张艺谋导演的影片一个都不能少。Id like to see the film“Not One Less”_ by Zhang Yimou.答案:1.won an Oscar 2.owe;to 3.directed课堂巩固:一点即通.课文理解1.How many of Spielbe

4、rgs movies are mentioned in the text?A.5. B.6. C.7. D.8.答案:B2.Which of the following are Stevens war films?A.Firelight and Jaws.B.Jaws and Jurassic Park.C.Jurassic Park and Schindlers List.D.Schindlers List and Saving Private Ryan.答案:D3.Whats the main idea of the text?A.Spielbergs life as a film dir

5、ector.B.Spielbergs life as an actor.C.Spielbergs successful film.D.Spielbergs family life.答案:A4.What can be inferred from the text?A.All of Spielbergs films are real blockbusters.B.Learning English well plays a very important role in ones success.C.Behind every successful man there must be a great w

6、oman.D.Spielberg has a gift for directing films.答案:D.句型转换1.He could not go there because his grades were too low.The _ he could not go there was _ his grades were too low.2.Spielbergs career really took off at this moment._the moment _ Spielbergs career really took off.3.Following these highly succe

7、ssful films Spielberg made several other films like Jaws and Jurassic Park._these highly successful films Spielberg made several _Jaws and Jurassic Park.答案:1.reason why;that 2.It was;when 3.After;follow-ups of课后检测:融会贯通.单项填空1.You look tired.It seems that you _yourself a good sleep.A.owe B.give C.spen

8、d D.have答案:A解析:owe意为“欠(债)”,与to连用,owe sb.sth.=owe sth.to sb.。2.I owe _to you that Im still alive.A.this B.that C.what D.it答案:D解析:owe it to.that.意为“亏得”,it为形式宾语。3.Something has gone wrong_the experiment.A.for B.to C.with D.at答案:C解析:sth.goes wrong with sth.意为“出毛病了”。4.I found a _of socks in the bedroom,b

9、ut they didnt make a_.A.pair;couple B.pair;doubleC.couple;pair D.couple;twice 答案:C解析:a pair指两个配对的东西,a couple指互有关系的两个,不一定是配对的,还可表示“几个”。5.What do you want from the grocery store?Oh,I just need some toothpaste and_.A.a little bit of other things B.a couple of other thingsC.a few of some other thingsD.s

10、ome other little things or two答案:B解析:选项A、D中little不可修饰可数名词,选项C中a few和some重复。6.My idea is _the mountain from the north.A.climb B.climbingC.climbed D.to climb答案:D解析:动词不定式表示未来要做的事情。7.I can not help _the box for you,as I am too tired.A.carrying B.carryC.be carried D.being carried答案:B解析:help为“帮助”的意思,后接不带t

11、o的不定式作宾语。8.I dont think Professor Jones meant to be funny this morning,do you?No,although I couldnt help_at some of his remarks(话).A.from laughing B.to have laughedC.laughing D.to laugh答案:C解析:couldnt help doing sth.意为“禁不住”,符合题意。9.How long_him?For five years.A.did you know B.have you knownC.did you g

12、et to know D.have you got to know答案:B解析:根据回答知询问时间段,因此要用现在完成时。10.The road to the airport was very busy and we were_the plane.A.afraid to miss B.afraid of missingC.worried to miss D.anxious to miss答案:B解析:be afraid of doing sth.表示“害怕做”,符合题意。11.The girl was so shy that she never speaks until_.A.she is s

13、poken to B.she speaks to C.speaking to D.spoken to答案:D解析:until 之后为省略句,全句为“.until she was spoken to”。12.We owe many thanks_our teachers_their help.A.to;for B.for;toC.for;with D.to;with答案:A解析:owe.to.意为“感激”,符合题意。13.Take the medicine three times a day,and youll soon_better.A.look B.go C.get D.keep答案:C解析

14、:get 强调造成事件的施动者的作用或变化的结果;go往往表示不好的变化。14.His rich knowledge of computer_him a job in a big IT company.A.won B.took C.cost D.give答案:A解析:win 意为“获得;赢得”,符合题意。15.During his stay at home,he received 30 letters_.A.at all B.after all C.in all D.above all答案:C解析:in all 意为“总共”,符合题意;at all 往往和not连用表“根本不;全然不”。aft

15、er all 意为“毕竟,到底”;above all意为“最重要的是”。.书面表达 周笔畅宣布退出“超女”演唱会巡演,重返校园。有些学生认为她应该回校读书,有些学生则不以为然。如果你是她,你会选择退出还是留下?请根据以下表格的内容,以“Wise Choice”为题,为英语广场杂志写一篇120词左右的英语短文。看法理由应该回校读书1.演出花费太多的时间和精力2.不能集中精力学习3.对未来自身的发展不利应该参加演出1.演出提供了一个展示才华的舞台2.丰富演出经验,有利于将来的音乐生涯3.不应使歌迷们失望你的观点请自由发挥注意:1.行文应连贯,内容应完整;2.题目和开头语已经给出;3.词数120左右

16、。Wise Choice After the singing competition “Super Girls Voice”,Zhou Bichang declared that she would quit the “Super Girls” tour and would go back to school studying.Some students think her choice is wise.答案: After the singing competition “Super Girls Voice”,Zhou Bichang declared that she would quit

17、the “Super Girls” tour and would go back to school studying.Some students think her choice is wise.They think the tour takes up too much time and energy.As she is still a student who should concentrate on her study at present,taking part in the conerts is not good for her further progress. On the ot

18、her hand,the others think it is unwise for her to quit the tour.They think that the performances offer a wonderful stage to her to show her singing talents in public.Taking part in the tour can also make her gain musical experience,which will contribute a lot to her future musical career.Whats more,

19、she should think more of her fans,not only of herself.She should not let her fans disappointed. In my opinion,I think that if I were her,I would choose to quit the tour.Anyway,learning at school is more important to ones life experience.With more knowledge,Zhou will surely be more successful,which means a brighter future for her.4用心 爱心 专心


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