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1、time do you get up?释:这是一个由疑问词 what time (几点)引导的特殊问句。其结构:What time +助动词do/does +主语+动词原形,询问某人做某事的具体时间。例如: what time do you begin class in the morning?你们早晨几点开课?注:What s the time=What time is it?也是用来询问时间,意为几点了。用 it作答。 例如:What s the time? It s 7:30.几点了?七点半了。2. I usually get up at five o clock.我通常在五点钟起床。释

2、:1)句中usually与often 一样都是频度副词,常用于动词be之后,行为动词之前。always意思是“总是”、“永远”,表示动作重复,状态继续,中间没有间断,通常 用来修饰动词的一般时态。例如:We always get up before six oclock.我们总是六点前起床。若修饰动词进行时,则有“老是”,“再三地”的意思,带有厌烦、不满、赞美等感情色彩。例如:You are always coming late.你老是迟到。(含有责备的意思)He is always thinking of others.他总是想着别人。usually (75%)意为通常,着重表示已习惯的动作

3、。反义词为:unusually 。例如:They usually have four classes in the morning.他们上午通常上四节课。They usually do some shopping on Sunday.他们通常星期天买东西。often (50%)意为时常、经常,表示常常这样,但不总是这样,反义词为:seldom。 例如: She often helps her mother with her housework after school.放学后她常常帮助母亲做家务。We often go to see our teacher.我们常去看望我们的老师。someti

4、mes (20%)表示“有时”、“不时”的意思,说明的是偶尔发生的事情或情况。它的位置比较灵活,可置于句首、句中、句末。例如:Sometimes I come on foot.有时我步行来。It is sometimes hot and sometimes cold here.这里有时,热有时冷。下面的排列更直观地说明了这几个词的频率的大小。alwaysusuallyoftensometimesseldomnever2)介词at常用于具体时刻之前,意义为 在,如:at 5 : 00在5: 00钟。o clock=of the clock 表示 点钟 ,其前通常是整点, 如:six/seven/

5、eighto clock 六/七/八点钟。注:介词at除了指时间以外,还可指 1)人物的所在之处,如:at my uncle s home在我 姑姑家,at the station在火车站.2 )朝向,如:look at me !看我! 3)指速度或价格.如:she buys the book at a good price她以优惠的价格买了这本书。3. What a funny time to eat breakfast! 在这个时间做早饭是多么有趣的啊!释:这是一个感叹句,what意为 多么的,何等的,用于感叹句中,修饰后面的单数或复数名词,其句式结构为:(1) What a/an +形容

6、词+单数名词+主语+谓语!what a good girl she is !她是多么好的女孩啊!(2) What+形容词+可数名t复数+主语+谓语!What good girls they are !她们是多么好的女子啊!(3) What +形容词+不可为名词+主语+谓语!What terrible weather it is!多么恶劣的天气啊!注:how也可以引导感叹句,how为副词,在感叹句中修饰动词,形容词或副词(4) How玻容词/副词+陈述句(主语+谓语)How cold it is!? 多冷啊! How hard he works!?他工作多么努力啊!(5) How称述句(主语+谓

7、语)How he loves his son!?他多么爱他的儿子啊!(6) How玻容词+a/an+单数可数名词+陈述句(主语+谓语)How tall a tree it is!?多么高的一棵树啊!,then he goes to work4. After breakfast he plays his guitar早餐以后,他练习吉它,然后他去上班了。释:1) go to work的意思是去上班,work是不可数名词,其前面不加冠词,该短语同go to school 去上学。例如:They go to work in their cars= by car. 他们开车去上班。We go to s

8、chool by bus. 我们乘公共汽车上学。get to work,he takes the number17 bus to the Sai Te Hotel.为了工作,他乘坐 17路公交车到赛特宾馆。释:动词take在此时“乘坐”的意思;而 by也有“乘坐”的意思,但它是介词。比较:He often takes the bus to work.他经常乘公交车上班。He often go to work by bus.注:动词词组作谓语,介词短语作状语。works all night.他工作一整夜。释:all修饰一个表示时间的单数可数名词,表示整个这一段时间。例如:Don t read a

9、ll day.不要整天看书。He stays at home all morning.他整个上午呆在家。love to listen to him. 人们喜欢听他的!释:love to do sth.=like to do much.喜欢做某事,强调具体活动。而 love doing sth.= like doing sth. very much则强调习惯。例如:Do you come out to play with me?你喜欢出来和我玩吗?I like watching TV.我喜欢看电视。与 listen to释:hear意为“听见”,表示听的结果,而 liste n to则表示“听”

10、,强调的是“听”的动 作。咱们听音乐吧!如:Let s listen to the music.We listen but don t hear.我们听了,但什么也没听见。9. He gets home at 7: 00, and he watches morning TV. 他七点钟回家,然后看早见新闻。释:1)句中get意为“到达,后接地点名词时,要加介词to ,后接副词时,不能加注:to , 例如:She gets to school at six o home是一个副词,所以其前不能加介词 时,可以加to ,例如:She gtes to her home at eight oclock

11、.她六点钟到校。to ,但hom曲可作名词,这时其前有物主代词clock.她8点钟到家。Can you get there at eight tomorrow morning?明天上午八点你能至U那儿吗?2)句中morning news 表示 早间新闻,其中news是一个不可数名词。例如:a piece of news一条新闻,two pieces of news两条新闻WatchOn TV表示 通过电视看节目 。例如:We often watch football game on TV.我们经常通过电视看是球赛。you think what his job is ?你能想到他的工作是什么吗?

12、释:这里what his job is 表示“他的工作是什么,其中,what his job I 作think的宾语。英语中类似的表达很多,它们在句中可充当主语、宾语、表语等。例如:What she says is very good. 她说得很好。(作主语。注意,谓语动词要 用单数。)The book is just what you want.这本书正是你想要的。(作表语)I dont know what you say.我不懂你说的话。(作宾语) time is it ?-几点了? -It s eight thirty. 八点三十分。 释:本句是就具体时刻进行提问的,what time意

13、为“几点”,这是特殊问句,它的同义句为:What s the time? /What time is it by your watch?在回答这个句子时,要用It s +钟点。注:英语时刻的表达法:顺读法和逆读法。顺读法:钟点数+分钟数。例如:4: 25一four twenty-five , 6: 58一six fifty-eight , 7: 00一seven o clock说明:这种表达不论分钟数是多少,均可使用。逆读法:分钟为+介词to/past+钟点数,可分两种情况:1)分钟为不超过半小时,用分钟数+past (/pa : st/过)+钟点数。例如:4: 23-twenty-three

14、 past four , 5: 19-nineteen past five.2)分钟数超过了半小时,用(所差的)分钟的 +to+ (下一个)钟点为。例如:7: 31 twenty-nine to eight, 10: 58two to eleven说 明:在逆读法中分钟数逢“五”逢 “十”可省略minute (s)。否则应加上。当然,英语习惯上把十五分钟(fifteen )称作一刻a quarter,三十分钟(thirty )称为half/half ,因此10: 30,可以用两种表达方式,half past ten , tenthirty 。for your letter.感谢你的来信。释:t

15、hanks for 表示因而感谢某人。for是介词,后跟名词,代词宾格或者动名词。例如:Thanks for your help.感谢你帮助我。Thanks for telling me the good news.谢谢你告诉我这好消息。13. Do you want to know about my morning ?你想知道关于我的早晨吗?释:1)该句中want to do句型。表示“想要做某事”,该短语中want为及物动词,后面的 to do是不定式(英语中把to+动词称为不定式 Mwant的宾语,不定式符号不可以省略。例如:I want to play the drum. 我想打鼓。I

16、 want to see my old teacher next week.下周我想去看我以前的老师。2) want也可以带名词或代词作宾语。例如:I want a bottle of orange.我想要一瓶桔汁。He wants you in the classroom.他想要你进教室去。3) know about知道有关,了解有关,句中 about意为“关于,有关”的意思。 与on释:about作介词,意为“关于、大约、对于。作“关于”解,可用on代替。例如: a song about him 有关他的一首歌。on作介词,意为“关于”。侧重于书籍、文章、演讲的严肃性或学术性,指可供专门研

17、究某一问题的人阅读的书籍。例如: a book on the history 有关历史的书。注: 在动词 learn 、 read 、 quarrel 、 hear 和名词 story 后一般用 about 而非 on。do my homework at 6:30. 六点半我做家庭作业。释:do homework意为做家庭作业,其中homework为不可数名词,这个短语=do one slessons.starts at nine o clock. 学校九点开始上课。释:start=begin, 意为开始。 常见句型有 start/begin to do sth.和 start/begin d

18、oing sth.例如: She starts/begins to learn English.她开始学习英语、They start/begin learning English.他们开始学习英语了。write and tell me about your morning.请写信告诉我你的早晨。释: 1) tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人有关某事的情况。例如: My father often tells me about China.我爸爸经常告诉我有关中国的情况。2) write sb. a letter=write a letter to sb.给某人写信。例如: She

19、often writes me a letter=She often writes a letter to me.她经常给我写信。18一般现在时1) 句型语序:主语谓语(行为动词)宾语状语2) 主谓一致:主语三单,谓语三单;主语非三单,谓语用原形。3) 句 型 转 换 : 变 疑 问 句首 加 do/does, 谓 语 动 词用 原 形 ; 变 否 定 谓 语 动词 原 形 前 加 don t/doesn t.注: 一般现在时的第三人称单数动词的变化规则:.一般在动词词尾加s。如:like f likes,play fplays 。(2) . 以ch,sh,s,x,o结尾的动词,在词尾力口 e

20、s,如:do-does,teach fteaches,go -goes(3) .以“辅音字母 +y”结尾的词,变 y为i ,再加 es。如:fly -flies, apply fapplies study fstudies三典型例解() 1 important information hes given us!B. How C. What an D. What分析:D本题考查感叹句的用法。中心词是名词用What(单数可数名词用 What a(或an),中心词是形容词或副词用 How 。( )2. is it? It s six o clock.A. WhatB. What colorC. Wh

21、at timeD. How分析: C 本题是通过语境考查询问时间的表达方法。常有两种问法: What time is it ?或 What s the time? 。( )3.“ 12: 45 ” reads( 读作 ) .A. a quarter past twelveB. a quarter to twelveC. twelve forty-fiveD. three quarters past twelve分析: C 本题考查时间的表示法。 除整点时间有一种表示方法外, 一般有两种表示方法。D. : 45 既可以表示为a quarter to one, 也可以表示为 twelve fort

22、y-five 。( )4. Mike often gets up 6:40 the morning.A. in; inB. on; onC. at; atD. at; in分析: D 本题考查表示在某一确定时刻和在上午/ 下午 / 晚上时 , 一些介词的应用。在几点钟常用介词evening 。)5. Maria often A. drink分析: B have breakfastat, 在上午 / 下午 / 晚上常表达为 in the morning/ afternoon/breakfast at seven o clock.B. has“吃早饭”,C. haveD. eatMaria 是第三

23、人称单数, 动词应与主语在人称和上保持一致, 故选B。)6.What s wrong you?A. aboutB. withC. of分析: B 本题考查固定句子结构What s wrong with .?D. on/ 出什么事了 ? ”。)7. It s very kindA. forhim to cook food for his mother.B. toC. of分析: C 本题考查句式It s (very) kind of sb. to do sth.)8. It s seven o clock, it s time to .D. with的用法。A. goes homeB. go h

24、ome分析: B It s time to do sth.为“七点钟了 , 该回家了。”故选C. to go home是固定搭配, go homeB。D. going home的意思是“回家”。整个句意( )9. What time do you get up, Jim? I get up .B. at about six o clockA. about six o clockC. about at six o clockD. six o clock分析:B 本题通过语境考查at 和 about 的用法。“大约在几点钟”通常表示为 at about+时间。( )10. , w hat s th

25、e time, please? It s half past six.A. HiB. SorryC. HelloD. Excuse me分析: D 本题考查日常交际用语。当麻烦别人的时候常说 Excuse me “打扰了 / 麻烦您了/ 劳驾”。作业1 .根据句意及词首字母写出单词1 What time do you usually get up? I usually get up at five o 2 Li Lei isn t at school today. B he is ill.3 Which bus do you t to go to work?4 What do you know

26、 a him?5 My son does his h at 6:30.6 The children often play football at 4:00 in the a .7 My father goes to work very e in the morning.8 What do you often eat for b ?9 The bus usually l at 8:00 and comes back at 12:00.10 Are you b today? No. I have nothing to do.n .写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式11. have12 go13.do1

27、4 .put15. dance16.talk17.speak18.help19. watch20.studym.单项选择(does he go to school on weekdays?)21.)r22.A)23.A)24.A)25.A)26.A)27.)to B.What B . What time CWe go to work at 8:00.Why D the morning.What aboutinHe was borninWhen do you getthe morning of December 8th.Shanghai?.down D . inyour coat, please

28、. ItPut up B . Put on Cs very cold today.Wear D . DressMike likes playingthe, the BI likeA sleep, on B 28. Is it guitar afterC . the, a D a little longer .to sleep, on C boring job? No, it isweekends.breakfast.the, x.sleep, in D.to sleep, inA a, an B . an, a C29.A.30.31.What time the childdoes, does

29、 B . does, dointeresting work.x , a D . a, x his homework?C. do,does Ddo, doI work all the day. Ihappy BWe.sorrym very .C . tired Da shower schedule and I am the one to.take, take B . make, make C . take, make32.A.33.A.34.A.35.a shower.make, takeDo you oftenlisten Bmusic?.listen to CDo you think the

30、 news are B . isC.hearvery interesting?.sound D.watch.lookWhat timeyour teachersupper?does, has B . does, have C . do, has D People usually eat dinner.do, have.in the morning B . in the afternoon C . in the evening D . at the nightIV.选用所给词或词组的正确形式完成句子put sleep get have take look work do tell36. What

31、37.your brotherin the evening? He watches TV at home.38.Do you likeWherea little longer in the morning?your uncle? In Beijing39.He40.on his jacket and goes to work.Can you a little Chinese? Yes, I can.Which bus shall I?42.What timeyoulunch?43. me what his job is.44. He to the bus stop very late. The

32、 bus leaves.45. at the clock. It s time to go home.V .句型转换46. Mr Li usually goes to work at 7:45.(就划线部分提问)47. I want to run in the morning.(就划线部分提问)48. He does his homework at home.(变为否定句)49. School starts at nine o clock.(变为一般疑问句)50. I think the job is boring.(变为否定句)VI.选择句子补全对话,有两项是多余的。A: Hello, Ji

33、m, where are you going?B: 51 .A.No,it isn t.B.s it?C.I dont t know.D.I don t like it.E.I m going to the s the time?F.Yes, it is in my you very much.G.Oh,you have a new watch!It s nice!A: It s six o clock.B: 52 .A: But where is your watch?B: 53 .A: Is it in your pocket?B: 54 .A: How about your bag?B:

34、 55 .A: That s all right.A57 in a big store. I 58 work in thevn.完形填空morning.I only work at night. Every morning I come home 59 . I 60 breakfastat seven.After breakfast I 61 .I 62 atabout half past two. I have lunch63 and supper at twenty to eight. Then I 64 at a quarter past eight. I start work at n

35、ine. I 65 the store every night. I like my work very much.( )56. A. beB. amC. isD. are( )57. A. a studentB. a teacherC. a nurseD. a worker( )58. A. am notB. don tC. doesn t D. aren t( )59. A. at half sixB. at half past six C. at six half D. at six pasthalf( )60. A. haveB. hasC. eatsD. do( )61. A. go

36、 bedB. go to the bedC. go to bedD. go to my bed( )62. A. getB. stand upC. get upD. get down( )C63. A. at a quarter threeB. at a quarter to three.at three quarterD. at three to quarter( )64. A. go workB. go the storeC. go to work D. to go workMy name 56 Ted Pike. I am()65. A. look likeB. look forC. l

37、ook outD. look afterOscar has two brothers, mog 67 up at five-thirty.Oliver and Andy, and o 66 sister, Nancy. Oscar s therShe t 68 a shower and then she eats b 69 at sixo clock. Oscar and Nancy get up at six-thirty, b 70 Oliver and Andy get upAndy d 72. Oscar,his mother, Oliverand Andy w 73 TVin the

38、 evening.Nancydoesherh7 4and g oe s t obede 75 .66.67 .68 .69 .70 .at eight-thirty. Oscar and Nancy t 71 showers in the morning, but Oliver and71.72 .73 .74 .75vm.阅读对话,根据对话内容完成下列句子Jack: Two tickets(离开)?(票) to London , please. What time is the next trainleavingMan: At nineteen past eight.Jack: Which

39、platform?Man: Platform Two.Kate: What time is the next train leaving?Jack: At eight nineteen. It s three to eight now. Lets go and have a drink.There s a bar next tothe station (火车站)Kate: Now lets go back to the station.Man: Tickets , please.Jack: Here they are. Its the train to London at eight nine

40、teen.Man: The train has left(离开)Jack: What? But it s only eight fifteen. Man: I m sorry , si r. Your watch is slow 76 . Jack and Kate are going to. 77(慢).I think.Their train leaves at78 . Jack and Katein a bar.79 . What s platform in Chinese?.80 . How many minutes (分钟)is the watch slow?IX.根据短文内容判断正(

41、T)误(F)Tom is a seaman. He is always drunk(喝醉).One day Tom goes to a new cit y.He drinks very much in a bar that night. When he goes out of the bar, he sees a manlying in the street. The man is quite drunk When Tom comes nearer, the man pointsto the sky and asks. Excuse me , is that the sun or the mo

42、on? Tom looks at the sky for a few minutes and answers , I m afraid I can t help you. I m a stranger(陌生人) here myself. ”()81. Tom works on the ship.()82. Tom often drinks too much.()83. Tom doesn t know if it is the sun or the moon because he is new there.()84. Tom tells the man not to drink any mor

43、e.()85. Tom tells the man the way.X.书面表达写一篇短文,介绍自己:每天几点钟起床、吃早饭、上学;下午几点钟放学、 回家;晚上几点钟吃晚餐、看电视、几点睡觉。要求 40字左右。参考答案I . 1.o clock 2 . Because 3 . take 4 . about 5 . homework 6 . afternoon 7. early8. breakfast 9. leaves 10 . busyn. 11. has 12 . goes 13 . does 14 . puts 15 .dances 16 . talks 17. speaks 18 .

44、helps19. watches 20 . studiesm. 21_25. BABAB 26_30. DBDBC 31_35. DBBBCIV. 36. does - do 37 . to sleep 38 . does - work 39 . puts 40 .speak 41 . take 42 .do have 43 . Tell 44. gets 45 . LookV . 46. What time does Mr Li usually go to work? 47. What do you want to do in themorning?48. He doen t do his homework at home. 49 . Does school start at nine o clock?50. I don t think the job is borin


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