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1、精品一、引言基础教育改革对于教育教学提出了较高的要求, 要求各学科教学要以学生为主体, 全面提升学生各方面的能力与素质。 在基础教育改革的要求之下, 小组合作学习发挥了越来越重要的作用。二、小组合作学习对于初中英语教学的意义小组合作学习是一种高效的课堂教学形式, 它不仅有利于学生主体性的激发, 有利于保证学生课堂参与度, 还对提高学习效率起到一定的作用, 同时, 小组合作学习也能在一定程度上训练学生的合作能力,融洽学生之间的关系。1. 小组合作学习可以使学生在英语课堂上凸显主体地位。 课堂的主体是学生, 教学应该围绕学生而进行,但是传统的教学模式是“教师讲,学生听” ,学生的主体地位无法得到凸

2、显。而小组合作学习中, 学生可以表达自己的认识,提出自己的见解, 通过合作与分工体现出主体性, 同时也可以在小组合作中训练听力与口语能力, 避免 “聋子英语” 与“哑巴英语”等教学负面现象。2. 小组合作学习可以使英语课堂气氛轻松,强化学生情感体验。在小组合作过程中,课堂是学生的课堂, 教师与学生之间是双边互动的, 在这样的一个课堂气氛中, 学生可以激发内在的学习兴趣, 并且强化自身情感体验。 此外, 小组合作学习还可以激发学生的团队意识,训练学生的合作能力, 对学生之间的关系也可以起到一个润滑剂的作用。 因此, 初中英语教学中实施小组合作学习是十分有必要的。三、新课程改革对于小组合作学习提出

3、的要求英语课程标准提出: “新一轮英语课程改革的重点就是要改变英语课程过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授, 忽视对学生实际语言运用能力培养的倾向, 强调课程从学生学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径, 发展学生的综合语言运用能力, 使语言学习过程成为学生形成积极的情感态度,主动思维和大胆实践,提高跨文化意识和形成自主学习活动的过程。 ”由此可见,新课程改革对于合作交流的学习方式是十分提倡的, 它更强调学生通过小组合作的形式来完成自主学习和实践。此外,学会合作也是面向 21 世纪的四大教育支柱之一,是教师需要注意与培养的重点,因此开展小组合

4、作学习是新形势下的必然趋势。四、新课改背景下初中英语小组合作学习的步骤前文分析了小组合作学习对于英语教学的重要意义, 以及新课程改革对于小组合作学习提出的要求。那么,新课改背景下,初中英语小组合作学习应该如何开展呢 ?其具体步骤如下。1. 合理划分学习小组。 划分学习小组是小组合作学习的第一个环节, 其重要性自不必言。在划分学习小组的时候, 教师需要注意科学性与合理性。 具体而言, 划分学习小组有很多标准,比如按照成绩划分, 按照座位划分, 按照兴趣爱好划分等,但是一定要注意每个小组都要有至少一名优等生和学困生, 如此一来才能发挥优等生的带动作用, 并且使学困生得到相应的发展 ;同时, 小组之

5、间应具有可比性, 可以开展竞争确保小组内学生之间可以有效互动。至于每个小组内的组长(groupleader) 则由学生自主决定,任务分配也要由组长指定或由组员共同决定,教师不应做过多干预。2. 把握小组合作契机。 小组合作虽然是一种有效的教学模式, 但并非在教学的所有环节都适用。 教师应把握好小组合作的契机, 结合实际生情与学情, 在恰当的时机开展小组合作。新知识的学习遇到困难时开展小组合作学习。 新知识对于学生而言是陌生的, 也是具有一定难度的。 因此在学生进行新知识的学习中遇到困难时, 教师应组织开展小组合作学习, 让学生自主探索、合作学习,主动建构知识,一定会取得预期教学效果。比如,在教

6、学仁爱版初中英语 “ TheseasonsandtheWeather ” 时, 学生对于 seasons 和 Weather 并不太熟悉,容易记混, 教师便可以开展小组活动, 要求学生收集seasons 和 Weather, 并进行对话交流。如此一来, 学生通过小组内的合作与交流, 对于 seasons 和 Weather 的类型有了更为深刻的印象。 学生各持己见时开展小组合作学习。 每一名学生的人生体验不同, 个性特点不同,因此对于事物的看法也不同, 对于同一事物可能会有不同的看法, 这个时候教师不应明确告诉学生孰是孰非, 而应抓住契机, 组织学生开展小组合作学习, 使他们能够学会冷静地思考

7、,理智地分析,从而培养学生良好的思维品质。 当然,小组合作的契机不止于以上两种, 教师应把握好合作的契机,具体问题具体分析,最大限度地发挥小组合作的效用。3. 进行科学指导评价。 小组合作学习虽然是学生之间的合作与交流, 虽然要求教师放手,但是科学的指导与评价还是必不可少的。 因为学生毕竟缺乏组织活动、 在活动中学习的经验,缺乏应对问题的能力, 在合作学习中会遇到种种问题, 即便是顺利完成了小组合作学习, 也很少反思自己在合作学习中的地位与作用以及本小组合作学习的欠缺之处。 这就需要教师进行科学的指导与评价。 科学的评价能够激发学生的自信心和进取心, 调动学生学习的积极性和主动性。 具体而言,

8、 指导评价时要注意客观地将学生小组合作过程中的优势与缺陷一一指出,为学生提供更完善的解决办法,才能提高小组合作学习效率。4. 做好小组合作反思。 一些教师认为小组合作学习完成之后就已万事大吉, 于是急于进行下一项学习任务, 忽略了小组合作之后的反思。 其实, 这种想法是不科学的。小组合作的过程中,由于学生个体性的发挥与课堂的随机生成,会有许多经验值得教师去反思。因此,教师在学生小组合作学习活动结束之后, 要及时带领学生做出反思, 对小组合作过程中的经验与教训进行分析,以便于下一次的合作取得成功。五、初中英语小组合作学习需要注意的问题上文对初中英语小组合作学习的步骤进行了探索。 那么, 在具体的

9、初中英语小组合作学习中,还需要注意哪些问题呢?下文将从三个方面进行分析。1. 在合作中更多地去关注学困生。 很多小组的合作学习过程中, 学困生都是最沉默的群体, 他们为自己的成绩而感到自卑, 自己的想法也是羞于说出口, 即便是他们想要参与小组合作, 也可能会因为优等生的存在而丧失表现的机会。 这样一来, 学困生的主体性无法得到发挥, 小组合作学习便无法达到目的。因此, 教师在学生小组合作学习过程中,要注意为学困生创造机会,多关注学困生,使学困生也能充分表现自己,参与课堂合作。比如,在汇报成果时, 教师可以点名叫学困生汇报, 在进行小组间的竞争时, 教师也可点名两组的学困生进行竞争。这样一来,学

10、困生在课堂上受到重视,就会逐渐参与到小组合作学习中来。2. 在合作中维持基本的课堂秩序。初中生活泼好动,正处于青春期和叛逆期,自制能力较差, 喜欢引起别人的注意。 所以教师可以发现小组合作学习的课堂秩序总是难以维持, 总会有学生讨论课堂之外的话题, 影响到了组内其他学生的学习。因此, 教师一定要注意,在小组合作学习的过程中维持基本的课堂秩序, 要勤走动, 用语言、 神态等方式加以引导和制止。对互动的内容要引导, 设定情景或主题, 对学习能力较好的学生适当提高难度, 对学困生和较顽皮的学生则应加以控制和引导, 充分发挥小组长的作用, 进行实时的评价, 倡导团队合作的思想,把控课堂秩序。3. 适当

11、运用竞争来激活小组合作。实践证明,将竞争机制与小组合作学习结合起来,更能充分发挥小组合作学习的效用。 因此在小组合作之余, 教师还可以适当运用小组之间的竞争来激活小组合作。 具体的竞争可以有多种形式, 如英语故事比赛、英语歌曲比赛、英语单词接龙比赛、口语比赛等,在这些比赛中评选出最佳小组,排出小组名次, 使小组合作变成了 组 间 竞 争 , 调 动 每 一 位 学 生 的 积 极 性 。 比 如 , 在 仁 爱 版 英 语 Unit2“ Topic3WhatshouldwedotofightSARS? ”一课的教学中,教师可以要求学生小组内搜集疾病的英文名称, 并以英文探讨对抗该疾病的办法,

12、然后小组间进行比赛, 看哪个小组说得最多, 最准确。 在这样的小组间竞争中, 学生不仅更好地发挥了学习的主动性,其集体荣誉感得到了激发, 并且对于相关疾病的名称以及对抗办法也有了进一步的了解, 还训练了口语能力,可谓是一举多得。六、结语小组合作学习是一项比较复杂的任务, 涉及到了众多的要素, 但是只要我们认真总结和探索, 按照科学的步骤进行合作学习, 学生合作学习的有效性定会得到提高, 而合作学习这 种教学模式也会最大程度地发挥作用,真正地提高英语教学效率。One, the introductionElementary education reform put forward higher r

13、equest for education teaching requires interdisciplinary teaching should take the student as the main body, improve students various aspects ability and quality. Under the requirement of elementary education reform, cooperative learning group has played a more and more important role.Second, group c

14、ooperative learning in junior middle school English teachingThe group cooperative learning is an effective form of classroom teaching, it is notonly beneficial to inspire students subjectivity, to guarantee the studentsclassroom participation, also play a role to improve learning efficiency, at the

15、same time, the group cooperative learning can also to some extent, training ability to cooperate, harmonizing the relationship between the students.1. The group cooperative learning can make students to highlight the main body status in the English class. The body of the classroom is students, teach

16、ing should be around for the students, but the traditional teaching mode is the teacher speak, students listen , cannot get highlight students main body status. learning group, students can express their understanding, put forward their own views, through the cooperation and division of labor reflec

17、ts the subjectivity, at the same time can also be in the team cooperation training in listening and speaking ability, avoid deaf English and dumb English teaching negative phenomenon.2. The cooperative learning group can make the English classroom relaxed, strengthen students emotional experience. I

18、n the process of group work, class is a class of students, between teachers and students is a bilateral interactive, in such a classroom atmosphere, students can stimulate the intrinsic learning, and strengthen their own emotional experience. In addition, cooperative learning can stimulate students

19、team consciousness, training students ability to cooperate, to the relationship between the students can also play the role of a lubricant. Therefore, implementation of group cooperative learning in junior middle school English teaching is very necessary.studentsCooperativeatmosphereinterest inthe g

20、roupThird, the new curriculum reform for cooperative learning groupEnglish curriculum standard put forward: the focus of the new English curriculumreform is to change the interpretation of English course too much emphasis ongrammar and vocabulary knowledge and teaching, the tendency of neglecting th

21、eactual language using ability for students, emphasizing the course from thestudents interest in learning, life experience and cognitive level, advocatesexperience, practice, participation, cooperation and exchange of learning style andtask-based teaching approach, developing students comprehensive

22、languageusing ability, make the language learning process become students form positiveemotional attitude and active thinking and bold practice, improve thecross-cultural consciousness and the formation of independent learning activities.Thus, the new curriculum reform for the cooperation and commun

23、ication way oflearning is advocated, it is more of an emphasis on students through group cooperation in the form of a complete autonomous learning and practice. In addition, learn to cooperate also is one of the pillars of the four major education ofthe 21st century, is one of the focus, training te

24、achers need to pay attention to andtherefore to carry out the cooperative learning group is the inevitable trend in thenew situation.Four, under the background of new curriculum reform of junior middle schoolEnglish cooperative learning group stepsAbove analysis of the significance of group cooperat

25、ive learning in English teaching, and the new curriculum reform for cooperative learning group. Then, under the background of new curriculum reform, the junior middle school English cooperativelearning group should be how to develop? The specific steps are as follows.1. Reasonable divided into study

26、 group. Study group is divided into the first link incooperative learning group, its importance since dont have to speak. In learninggroups, teachers need to pay attention to the scientific nature and rationality.Specifically, divided into study group there are a lot of standards, such as accordingt

27、o the result, according to the seat, according to the interest division, etc., but it isimportant to note that each group should have at least a straight a student and apoor student, so to play a leading role of, and make the poor student get corresponding development; At the same time, the group sh

28、ould be comparablebetween, can compete ensure can effective interaction between students in the group. As to each group leader (groupleader) is determined by students, task allocation is designated by the team leader or decided by the team members together, teachers should not do too much interventi

29、on.2. Grasp the team cooperation opportunity. Group work is a kind of effective teaching modes, but does not apply to all the links in the teaching. Teachers shouldgrasp the cooperation opportunity with a good team, combined with the actual living feeling and learning, at the right time to team coop

30、eration. (1) the new knowledge learning some difficulties to carry out the cooperative learning group.New knowledge for students is strange, also has the certain difficulty. So had somedifficulties in students learning new knowledge, teachers should organize to carryout the cooperativelearninggroup,

31、 lets the student independentexploration,cooperativelearning, actively constructingknowledge, will obtain the expectedteaching effect. For example,in the teachingof charityTheseasonsandtheWeather version of the junior middle school English, studentsin the seasons and the Weather is not too familiar,

32、 easy to remember, teachers cancarry out group activities, students are required to collect the seasons and theWeather, and communication. As a result, the students through group cooperation and exchanges, to the type of the seasons and the Weather has a more profound impression. (2) the students we

33、re at sixes and sevens when the group cooperative learning. Every students life experience is different, different personality characteristics, so the perception of things is different also, for the same thing mayhave different opinions, teachers should not be clearly told students at this time ofgo

34、od or bad, but should seize the opportunity, organizing students to carry outcooperativelearning group, so they can begin to think calmly and rationallyanalysis, so as to cultivate students good thinking quality. Team cooperation opportunity,of course, beyond the above two, the teacher should graspe

35、d thechance of good cooperation, specific issues specific analysis, maximize the effectiveness of group work.3. Evaluate scientific guidance. Though cooperative learning group is thecooperation and exchanges between students, although requires teachers to let itgo, but the scientific guidance and ev

36、aluation is indispensable. After all, becausestudents lack of organization activities, learning experience in the activities, the lackof the ability to deal withproblems, will encounterall sorts of problems incooperative learning, even if is successfullycompletedthe cooperative learninggroup, rarely

37、 reflect on yourself in the position and role of the cooperative learningand the lack of cooperative learning group. This requires teachers to guide and evaluation of science. Scientific evaluation can stimulate students self-confidenceand enterprise, arouse the enthusiasm of students learning and i

38、nitiative.Specifically, instruction evaluation should pay attention to the students objectivelythe advantages and defects in the process of team cooperationone by one,according to provide students with a better solution, to improve the efficiency ofcooperative learning group.4. Good team cooperation

39、. Some teachers think that cooperative learning groupafter everything is all right, so eager to study on to the next task, ignore the teamafter the reflection. In fact, this idea is not scientific. Team cooperation process, because the student individuality play with classroom randomly generated, th

40、erewill be a lot of experience is worth to reflect on teachers. Therefore, the teacher inthe student after the group cooperative learning activities, to lead the students tomake timely reflection, to analyze the experiences and lessons in the process of team cooperation, in order to facilitate coope

41、ration success next time.Five, the junior middle school English cooperative learning group need to pay attention to the problemThe above steps for the junior middle school English cooperative learning group has explored. So, in the specific junior middle school English cooperative learning group, al

42、so need to pay attention to what issues? Below will be analyzed from three aspects.1. Pay more attention to to poor student in the cooperation. A lot of group cooperative learning in the process, poor student is the most silent group, and theyfeel inferior, for your accomplishments is ashamed to say

43、 what I thought, even ifthey want to participate in group work, may also show that the existence of the topstudents lose the chance. As a result, the subjectivity of the poor student cant get to play, group cooperative learning cant achieve a goal. Therefore, the teacher in the process ofstudents

44、 cooperative learning group, should pay attention to create opportunitiesfor the poor student, pay more attention to the poor student, make poor studentcanfullyexpressthemselves, participatein class.For example,when reportingresults, teachers can point named poor student report, in the team competit

45、ion, teachers can also compete in two groups of poor student attendance. As a result,thepoorstudentin the classroom, willgradually involved inthe cooperativelearning group.2. Maintain basic classroom order in cooperation. Junior high school studentsactive, are at puberty and rebellious period, self-

46、control ability is poor, like to attractattention. So the teachers can find group cooperative learning classroom order isalways difficult to maintain, there will always be discussed outside of the classroom students, affected the other students in the group learning. Therefore, the teachermust pay a

47、ttention to, in the process of cooperative learning group to maintain thebasic classroom order, frequently, in language, expression way, such as guide and stop.For interactive content to boot, situation or subject, ability to learn better studentsappropriately raise the difficulty, the poor student

48、and a naughty student shouldcontrol and guide, give full play to their role as the team long, real-time evaluation, proposing the thought of teamwork, to control the classroom order.3. The proper use of competition to activate the team cooperation. Practice provesthat the combined competition mechanism and cooperative learning group, cangive full play to the effectiveness of group cooperative le


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