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1、2019年托福阅读细节题三原则托福阅读细节题三原则经过国内各种考试洗礼的同学一定对细节题不陌生,那么我们托福阅 读的细节题(Factual Information questions)会有哪些有效的解题方法呢,我们今天就先从细节题的三个原则说起。一般学生在做托福阅读细节的时候往往会遇到3个问题:1 :最常见的问题是根据定位词找不到对应的原文。当然找不到有两 个原因,一个是定位词在段落中多次出现,以至于不知道定位到哪一句; 另外一个原因就是定位词被改写,而在原文中又不知道它的替换词。2:选了本身说法完全准确的选项(原文中提及或者符合常理的选项) 但悲催的发现这不是准确答案。3:还有找到了对应的原

2、文但不知道哪个是准确答案。这三个问题其实也就对应我们的细节题的三个原则:1 .定位原则2 .符合题干原则3 .同义改写原则首先,针对第一种情况,根据定位词找不到对应的原文就出现了我们 的第一个原则,定位原则。说到定位,我们一般都会首先想到名词定位,什么样的名词呢?有特 点的名词,能够一眼看到的名词,比如专业术语,数字,年代,引号和斜 体字等。这就好比在茫茫人海中找一个2.62的高人。但是,大家在托福 阅读实战演习中往往会发现用名词定位会有一个很普遍的问题,就是名词往往会多次出现。这时候怎么办呢?用非名词定位,即动 词和 形容词定位。名词和非名词定位各有哪些优缺点呢?名词定位优点:不容易被改写缺

3、点:可能会多次出现 非名词定位优点:一般只出现一次缺点:容易被替换 所以我们在考试和平时练习时一定要注意名词和非名词结合着去 定位,名词多次出现的时候记得在题干中看看有没有合适的动词和形容词协助定 位。但要记得一般不用文章或段落的核心词去定位。但非名词的定位一定要 注意找到它的替换词,这就要我们在平时练习中多加积累。接下来我们来看一道题TPO-9 Reflection in TeachingParagraph 2 : Wildman and Niles were particularly interested in investigating the conditions under whic

4、h reflecti on might flourish - a subject on which there is little guidance in the literature. They designed an experimental strategy for a group of teachers in Virginia and worked with 40 practicing teachers over several years. They were concerned that many would be “drawn to these new, refreshing ”

5、 conceptions of teaching only to find that the void between the abstractions and the realities of teacher reflection is too great to bridge. Reflection on a complex task such asteaching is not easy. The teachers were taken through a program of talking about teaching events, moving on to reflecting a

6、bout specific issues in a supported, and later an independent, manner.5. According to paragraph 2, Wildman and Niles worried that the teachers they were working with might feel thatO the nu mber of teachers invo Ived in their progra m was too largeO the concepts of teacher reflection were so abstrac

7、t that they could not be appliedO the ideas involved in reflection were actually not new and refreshingO several years would be needed to acquire the habit of reflecting on their teaching首先我们来找一下定位词,用Wildman and Niles定位显然不太 合适, 因为全段都在讲这两个人的研究。剩下的词的就是worried 了,看看原文有 没有worried的近义词。第二句讲到了这两个人做的一个实验。接下来

8、第3 句中有个词concerned (担心的),是不是=worried呀,所以这个句就讲 个实验者比较担心的问题,即m any would be “drawn to these new, refreshing55 conceptions of teachingonly to find that the void between the abstractions and the realities of teacher reflection is too great to bridge1.drawn t。是被吸引,感兴趣的意思;void是差别,空隙的意思。即抽象 的概念和教学反思的现实之间鸿沟太大而无法逾越。对应的就是B选项,其 中be applied替换原文中的reaMy.而A选项并没有提到实验的人数是个问 题。C 选项与many would be udrawn to thesenew, refreshing 55 conceptions of teaching 不符,即教学反思确实是一种new and refreshing concept. D 选项与A类似,原文并没 提到实睑所需时间太长是个问题。所以准确选项是Bo


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