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1、 課程綱要與教學進度97學年度第 2 學期課程名稱:(中文)管理學開課單位管理學院(英文)Management永久課號授課教師:任維廉學分數3必/選修必修開課年級大二先修科目或先備能力:無課程概述與目標: 這是一門有關管理理論與實務的介紹性課程。管理被視為是一種程序,需有系統地循序分析計畫、組織、領導、控制等管理功能。本課程也會包含管理思想的演進、組織文化與環境、國際管理、管理倫理等議題。課程目標包括:1. 學理架構:使同學通曉管理程序,及瞭解企業功能。應用:藉助個案研討、實做調查、閱讀與寫作,讓同學學習對於特定狀況的分析能力。教科書(請註明書名、作者、出版社、出版年等資訊)Robbins,

2、S. P. & Coulter, M., Management, 9th. ed., 2007, Prentice Hall International, Inc.(華泰)。課程大綱分配時數備註單元主題內容綱要講授示範習作其他1Course Introduction1. Course Introduction 2. Time Management3hrs若該學期時間不夠,則此單元跳過Ch.1 Introduction to Management and Organizations1. Who Are Managers?2. What Is Management?3. What do Manag

3、ers do?4. What Is an Organization?3. Why Study Management?3hrsCh.2 Management Yesterday and Today1. Historical Background of Management2. Scientific Management3. General Administrative Theory4. Quantitative Approach to Management5. Toward Understanding Organizational Behavior6. The Systems Approach7

4、. The Contingency Approach8. Current Trends and Issues2hrs1hrCh.3 Organizational Culture and Environment:The Constraints1. The Manager: Omnipotent or Symbolic?2. The Organizations Culture3. Current Organizational Culture Issues Facing Managers4. The Environment2hrs1hrCh.4 Managing in a Global Enviro

5、nment1. Who Owns What?2. Whats Your Global Perspective?3. Understanding the Global Environment4. Doing Business Globally5. Managing in a Global Environment2hrs1hrCh.6 Decision Making:The Essence of the Managers Job 1. The Decision-Making Process2. The Manager as Decision Maker 3. Decision Making For

6、 Todays World3hrsCh.7 Foundations of Planning1. What Is Planning?2. Why Do Managers Plan?3. How Do Managers Plan?4. Establishing Goals and Developing Plans5. Contemporary Issues in Planning2hrs1hrCh.8 Strategic Management 1. The Importance of Strategic Management2. The Strategic Management Process3.

7、 Types of Organizational Strategies4. Strategic Management in Todays Environment2hrs1hrCh.9 Planning Tools and Techniques 1. Techniques for Assessing the Environment2. Techniques for Allocating Resources3. Contemporary Planning Techniques2hrs1hrCh.18 Foundations of Control1. What Is Control?2. Why I

8、s Control Important?3. The Control Process4. Controlling for Organizational Performance5. Tools for Controlling Organizational Performance6. Contemporary Issues in Control2hrs1hrCh.10 Organizational Structure and Design 1. Defining Organizational Structure2. Organizational Design Decisions3. Common

9、Organizational Designs2hrs1hrCh.11 Managerial Communication and IT1. Understanding Communication2. Interpersonal Communication3. Organizational Communication4. Understanding Information Technology5. Communication Issues in Todays Organization2hrs1hrCh.13 Managing Change and Innovation1. Forces for C

10、hange2. Two Views of the Change Process3. Managing Organizational Change4. Contemporary Issues in Managing Change5. Stimulating Innovation3hrsCh.16 Motivating Employees1. What Is Motivation?2. Contemporary Theories of Motivation 3. Current Issues in Motivation4. From Theory to Practice: Suggestions

11、for Motivating Employees2hrs1hrCh.17 Leadership1. Who Are Leaders and What Is Leadership?2. Contingency Theories of Leadership3. Contemporary Views on Leadership4. Leadership Issues in the Twenty-First Century2hrs1hr教學要點概述1. 學期作業、考試、評量(1) 個人成績:學期考試:三次考試,每次各佔25,總共75。a. Ex.1 (1-4)b. Ex 2 (6-9, 18)c. E

12、x.3 (10, 11, 13, 16, 17) 出席缺席:10%。a. 全勤:10%。b. 缺席:每次扣1分。課鐘響10分鐘後點名。遲到2次扣1分。c. 請假:最多3次, 之後每次扣1分。(2) 團體成績:實作報告15%。a. 全學期三大題目(題目如下)。每題實作時間約三週,於第三週上課前三天繳交作業以利評選,最佳小組將獲得上台報告機會。b. 每組6人。自行分組。 實作調查題目包括: A. 分析服務公司之組織環境(p.64) 與組織文化(p.52)-全部組別,於4/7繳交。 B. 比較主要業務之標準作業程序與實測之差異-前8組,5/26繳交。 C. 估算個人知覺之工作滿足感(p.344,34

13、9) 與激勵潛在分數(p.402) 後8組,6/9繳交 將於 e-Campus網路教學平台公佈缺考與缺繳作業的名單及成績。2. 教學方法及教學相關配合事項(如網站、助教、圖書講義及資料庫等)(1) 座位安排: 將於第一次上課自行選位。之後固定座位,以利助教點名。 每次學期考試後,可以重新選位。(2) 上課前請自行至老師教學網站下載(請至http:/相關教材(講義與簡報)。(3) 助教時間: 覆誦課程:週一17:3019:30 (A307)。 覆誦課程安排小考複習,自由參加。小考成績大於90分, 提報老師加總分, 最多5分。 同學可在助教時間,向值班助教請教個案

14、、課文、講義、ppt、作業和 R.O.L.L.S.(Robbins Online Learning System) Web Site (http:/ )等問題,或是利用e-campus網路教學 平台問問題(http:/dcpc.nctu.edu.tw/ )。 (4) 學期考試: 由授課老師共同出題,以選擇與是非為主。小考內容約佔10%。 兩班同時段考試,但分成兩個地點考試。試後不安排演講。 師生晤談(Office Hours) 排定時間 地 點 連絡方式(三) 09:50-12:10綜合一館810室03-5712121-57213e-mail:wljenmail.nctu.edu.tw教學進度

15、表週次上課日期課程進度、內容、主題12/24Ch1. Introduction to Management and Organizations & 介紹助教23/3Ch2. Management Yesterday and Today33/10Ch3. Organizational Culture and Environment: The Constraints43/17Ch4. Managing in a Global Environment53/24Midterm Examination (Ch1Ch4)63/31Ch6. Decision Making: The Essence of t

16、he Managers Job74/7Ch7. Foundations of Planning84/14Ch8. Strategic Management / 實作A報告94/21Ch9. Planning Tools and Techniques104/28Ch18. Foundations of Control115/5Midterm Examination (Ch6Ch9, Ch18)125/12Ch10. Organizational Structure and Design135/19Ch11. Managerial Communication and IT145/26Ch13. Managing Change and Innovation 156/2Ch16. Motivating Employees / 實作B報告166/9Ch17. Leadership 176/16Ch12. HRM or Practice Lecture or Visit Factory or Film Discussion / 實作C報告 186/23Final Examination (Ch10,Ch11,Ch13,CH16,CH17)備註:1. 其他欄包含參訪、專題演講等活動。2. 請同學遵守智慧財產權觀念及勿使用非法影印教科書。


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