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1、沪教版英语八年级下册Body language教学设计沪教版英语八年级下册Module 1 Social communicationUnit 2 Body language Reading(Period Two)二曲中学大学区1 / 8沪教版英语八年级下册Body language教学设计彭瑞敏2017. 3. 22#/8沪教版英语八年级下册Body language教学设计Unit 2 Body language Reading(Period Two)教学设计一、教材分析本节课学习的是沪教版英语八年级下册Modulel Social communication Unit2 Body lang

2、uage Reading (Period Two) 的内 容。本单元围绕“肢体语言”的话题展开。Reading板块是一则发生 在旅行社中的有关不同肢体语言给顾客留下不同印象的故事。学生通 过阅读可以了解肢体语言及其在日常交际中的重要作用。二、教学内容及其设计意图本节课的教学内容是 Reading (p. 19)和 Comprehension (p. 21)。 阅读课的第二课时是以帮助学生深入学习主阅读篇章中的重点短语 和文本内容为主要目标。由于在第一课时已经处理了生单词和一些核 心词汇的用法,并对文本内容有了初步的了解,所以本节课着重通过 划分段落大意并通过分析故事的起因、经过、结果更加深入的

3、理解文 木。在分析文本的过程中,学习和掌握一些重点短语的用法。Comprehension部分的练习可以检测学生对主阅读篇章中关键信息理 解的准确度。三、学情分析学生己经在第一课时中学习并掌握了生单词的拼读、意思和用 法,为进一步的学习扫清了障碍,也在第一课时对文章有了初步的了 解,形成了一个初步的整体印象。四、课型阅读课五、教具准备多媒体设备、U盘、PPT课件六、教学目标1、语言目标:学习并会应用主阅读篇章中出现的重点短语。2、语言技能:通过进一步阅读,深入理解主阅读篇章的内容。理解故事情节发展的顺序,并通过人物举止行为 了解他们的性格特征。3、学习策略:通过分析事件的原因和结果,加深对篇章内

4、容的理 解。4、情感态度:运用恰当的肢体语言,及他人融洽交往。七、教学重点:通过进一步阅读,深入理解主阅读篇章的内容。八、教学难点:深入文本,分析事件的原因和结果。#/8沪教版英语八年级下册Body language教学设计九、教学过程:Stepl. Revision and Lead-in1. Say: Last period, we learned about some new vocabulary in the story. And we knew something about body language. Now, let s look at some pictures about

5、body language.2. Showing two groups of pictures, ask the Ss uWhat does the body language mean?v to revise the body language.3. Say: Ok, next, let s go on learning the storyBody-language.Step2. Cause and effect1. Skim the whole storyand divide it into three parts. Thebeginning:Paragraphs1-2 Themiddle

6、:Paragraphs3-10 Theending:Paragraphs11-142. Listen to the beginning of the story and answer the following questions. Whom did the well-dressed woman prefer?(She preferred Debbie.) How did Debbie greet the woman?(She gave her a cheerful greeting.) What did Simon do then?(He sighed and walked away.)3

7、. Read the middle of the story in roles and complete the summary.Mr Yang noticed that Simon was unhappy because no one came to him. He explained that the problem was Simon s body language, Simon didn t understand what he meant. Mr Yang told him that body language includes gestures,the expression on

8、his face and his whole appearance. Simon made a bad impression on others with his body language. On the other hand, when Debbie works, she always smiles, holds her head up and looks friendly, so people like to go to Debbie for help.4 .Listen to the ending of the story and tell whether the following

9、statements are True (T) or False (F).after A beautiful girl came into the travel companybefore Simon decided to improve his body language. (F)3/8沪教版英语八年级下册Body language教学设计she wasSimon s sister The girl went directly over to Simon becauseSimon had made a good impression on her. (F) Simon s sister ca

10、me in to remind him that thenext day was her birthday. (T)5.Read the story and complete the table below.0)AAZZd0)P00dqiqeMPasqo-at a trave8aBS0)u z zO0)-rdco(DMM2W。.sSI0) COu4d-TbflpdP0boUqcooqo-tMqu/quCusto mersalway s wentto Debbi e for0)I4dp Jpd PD POqpoqeMqu,已o圭Jco ipda)xu4d,pd p0Poeqpoquq- 芋 q

11、u g 。2。gYang congratula ted SimonStep3 Comprehension1. Finish the exercises in DI.2. Finish the exercises in D2.3. In pairs, discuss what your classmate * s body language is saying about him/her.In this class, weve learned some key phrases. What s more, weve understood the passage further by analyzing the cause and effect of the story. In our future daily life, we should use proper body language to make a good impression on others.Step5 Homework1 .根据小组交流的内容,将自己的肢体语言及某位同学的肢 体语言列表进行比较,并准备口头汇报。Body langu age2工2 .完成目标及检测第13至14页B sentences的练习。Step4 Summary5 / 8


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