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1、课时训练(十四)Units 9-10 (八年级下册)I .单项填空1. Now, people regard drinking tea a culture more than a habit.A . asB . byC. ofD . with2. My teachers often encourage me more friends but I find it difficult.Your teachers idea is right. The more friends you make,you will be.A . making; the more happyB . to make; ha

2、ppierC. making; the happierD. to make; the happier3. 一 How many times Carl to the Great Wall? Only once.A . does; goB. did; goC. has; gone4. The population of China is larger than of India.Yes, but Indias population is increasing rapidly.A . itB. oneC. that5. I have to my room. It is really in a mes

3、s.A . look afterB. take inC. clear outD . has; beenD. thisD. walk into56. of the students in our class are from the town.A . Two thirdsB. Two threeC. Two thirdD. Second three7. 2017 乐山Im sorry for being late.Never mind. The meeting for only 5 minutes. This way, please.A . has begunB . has endedC. ha

4、s been on8. 2017 安徽There are many beautiful places to visit in Anhui,Mount Huang in autumn.A . simplyB. finallyC. luckilyD. especially9. You say you are short of money. Why not sell your old gold watch for some money? Oh, I cant, because it was a gift from my wife. I promised her I would never it.A

5、. care aboutB . look afterC. stick toD. part with10. 2017 邵阳 Frank, where is your father?-He isnt at home now. HeNew York.A . has gone ton .完形填空B. has been toC. goes toThe Sweetest SightI was in the most beautiful city in the world, yet I only wanted home.It was an amazing week for my husband and me

6、 the trip of a lifetime. Months ago, when my husband told me that he would have a meeting in London, I expressed my _11 _to go to Europe together with him. Then we asked his mother to _12 our two children and started off.During the weeks time, _13_ visited London and Paris as much as we could, Big B

7、en, the Louvre and so on. All these were beautiful places we expected to see before. We really enjoyed ourselves.On our last night in Paris, _14_ we enjoyed the night view( 夜景)of the Eiffel Tower, my husband called home. His mother 15 the phone. In a second, my husbands face fell and he looked so wo

8、rried. I could feel something 16 happened.Whats wrong I asked.He didnt answer and continued to listen. A few minutes later, he said _17_ to me that Tony, our seven- year-old son, had fallen off his bike and _18_ his leg. He must be sent to hospital at once.At that moment, Paris suddenly lost its cha

9、rm( 魅力).I dont want to be here! I shouldnt be here! I should be home 19 my kids !”We hurried back to our hotel and then to the airportFinally, we got home. We rushed into our childrens bedroom. Seeing our two children, I suddenly realized the truth: there is no 20 sight (风景)in the world than your ch

10、ildrens faces that greet you at home.11. A. questionB. wishC. stepD. place12. A. look afterB. talk withC. find outD. wake up13. A. heB. sheC. weD. they14. A. afterB. sinceC. thoughD. because15. A. shoutedB. finishedC. wroteD. answered16. A. uglyB. usefulC. rightD. bad17. A. hardlyB. clearlyC. sadlyD

11、 . truly18. A. dancedB. brokenC. thrownD. opened19. A. towardB. withC. underD. from20. A. quieterB. richerC. sweeterD. widerm .阅读理解To travel around the world is the dream of many adventurous people. But very few people can afford a global tour because hotels, food and airplane tickets are too expens

12、ive. Some people, however, have thought of some ways to realize their dreams.Laura Cody and Tanbay Theune, a couple from Britain, decided to travel around the world. They have found a good way to pay for their trips. They look after pets for rich house owners. In exchange, they can stay in the house

13、s for free. They have looked after horses, cows, cats, dogs and fish. In two years, the couple has been to Australia, Germany, Spain and Italy. They have stayed in big cities and small villages. The house owners are usually very generous and have given them food, wine and day trips.Another person wh

14、o tries to realize her travel dream is photographer Rhiannon Taylor. She travels around the world to visit, review and take photos of the best hotels. She shares the places she stays in and the food she eats on the Internet with tens of thousands of followers.With these ways of making money, traveli

15、ng around the world is no longer a dream. More and more young people are thinking creatively to make their dream come true.21 Why do most people feel it hard to make their travel dream come true?A . Because they can hardly find hotels.B . Because the food is not healthy.C Because the cost of travel

16、is high.D Because they are afraid of adventure.22 The best word to describe the ways of realizing the travel dream is A specialB creativeC richD adventurous23 It is known from the passage that Laura and Tanbay paid for their trips by A staying in the house for freeB being given food and wineC going

17、to Australia and other countriesD looking after pets for rich house owners24 According to the passage, Taylor is a photographer who shares her photos A on the InternetB during her travelC with hundreds of followersD during staying in hotels25 What does the underlined wo rd “ generous ” mean in Chine

18、se?A.吝啬的B.友善的C.慷慨的D.冷漠的W .从方框中选择恰当的短语并用其正确形式填空according to no longer put up to be honest part with26 Please show me how a tent.27 friends made him very sad.28 Bob is lazy. Now he is working hard at his lessons.29 , I have nothing else to tell you.30 the weather report, there will be heavy rain in So

19、uth China tomorrow.V .根据汉语意思完成句子31做一个善于倾听的人,鼓励别人多谈谈他们自己。Be a good listener. about themselves more.32一方面这份工作报酬不高,可另一方面我又找不到其他工作。 , this job doesnt pay very much, but , I cant get another one.33他随时都可以把车开出去吗?Can he take the car out ?34他们昨天也没有打篮球。They basketball yesterday, .35他父亲回来两天了。His father for two

20、 days.从方框中选择恰当的单词并用其正确形式完成短文sweet plant she child run high sit feel day noticeOne day, I took my two kids to the local playground. As soon as we got there, my daughter36.to the swing( 秋千 ) and asked for a push. When I was helping my daughter, I 37 .another girl trying to make her own swing go highby

21、 herself. Her old grandmother was 38.on the chair nearby and smiled at me.I gave my daughter one big push and then walked towards the little girl. I asked if she wanted me to give39.apush. She smiled and said“ Yes ” . For the next twopuhsohuersd, tIhe swings, and played with my two 40.and thelittle

22、girl. When we went home, I was very tired. But my heart was flying much 41 .than the swings.One day two years later, after a 42.work, I was a little tired. But I needed to pick up my kids before going home.While I was waiting outside the school gate, a little girl came over and smiled 43.at me. She

23、gave me a big hug( 拥抱 )before catching her school bus. As I watched her running away, I didnt 44 .tired anymore.In life, the love we give others will find its way back to us. It may travel from heart to heart or it may blossom( 开花 ) in the heart which it was 45.in. The love we share, the kindness we

24、 give, and the happiness we create will always comeback to us with a pleasant surprise.参考答案I .1.A regardas意为 把看作: 是固定搭配。故选 A。2 . D encourage sb.to do sth.意为 鼓励某人做某事;the比较级,the+比较级”意为 越越”。故选 D。3 D4 C 用 that 指代前面提到的 population 。5 . C 根据It is really in a mess.可知,要整理房间。故选 C。7 . C 根据Never mind.可知,此处指会议刚开

25、始;根据 for only 5 minutes可知,需用延续性动词。begin是短暂性动词,其延续性动词形式是be on。故选Co8 D 9.D10. A has/have gone to意为 去某地了 ”,强调在路上或已经到达;has/have been to意为 去过某地”,现已回。结合He isnt at home now.可知,他在去纽约的路上或者已经到了纽约。故选 A。.11 15 BACAD16 20 DCBBC出.【主旨大意】本文介绍了一对来自英国的夫妇Laura Cody和Tanbay Theune,以及一位摄影师 Taylor周游世界的好方法。这对夫妇采取帮富裕家庭照看宠物的

26、方法解决食宿问题;摄影师通过为最好的旅馆拍照并上传到网上的办法实现旅游的梦想。21 C 细节理解题。 由第一段第二句 “ But very few people can afford a global tour because hotels, food and airplane tickets are too expensive. 可知,旅行的费用很高,导致很少人能实现自己环游世界的梦想。故选 ”C 。22 B 推理判断题。由文章末段关键词 creatively可知;这些实现旅行梦想的方法非常有创意。23 D 24.A 25.C.26.to put up 27.Parting with 28 no longer 29.To be honest 30 According to.31.Encourage others to talk 32 On the one hand; on the other hand33 whenever he likes/at any time 34 didnt play; either 35 has been back.36.ran 37.noticed 38.sitting 39.her 40 children 41.higher 42.days43 sweetly 44.feel 45.planted


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