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1、新人教版英语八年级上册1-12单元汉译英附答案1单元1、你的生活方式与她的一样吗?Is your lifestyle?2、他不是很健康,因为他几乎不锻炼。He isn t very. Because he.3、我认为经常吃垃圾食品对你的健康没有好处。I think eating food usually your health.4、好的学习习惯帮助我取得好成绩。Good habits me grades.5、一你们多久进行一次大扫除?一大概一周一次。一 do you have a day? About a week.6、少数学生从不锻炼,他们经常感到体弱。students never. The

2、y often feel.7、一你哥哥周末常常干什么?一他经常上网或者滑滑板。-What your brother usually do on?- He usually theinternet or goes.8、你必须要尽量少吃肉。You mustmeat.9、说到学校的郊游,大多数学生都很积极。the school trip,students are very.10、为了保持健康的身体,你应该照顾好你自己。 keep in good, you should yourself. 2单元1.传统的中医们相信良药苦口。 Chinese doctors believe that good tast

3、es bitter to the2、他嗓子疼需要吃点儿药。He a throat. He have some medicine.3、你的气色不太好,哪儿不舒服?What s the you? You don so.4、医生说她二十四小时都不该吃东西。The doctor says she eat hours.5、好好休息,我保证你会很快就好些。Have a, I am sure you will soon.6、太过紧张的人们需要在工作和生活之间找到一种平衡来保持愉快的心情。The people are too out need a of and living to keep happy.7、如

4、果你肚子疼,你应该躺下休息;如果你牙疼,你应该去看牙医。If you have a , you should down and rest. If you have a ,you should see a.8、我好口渴,桌子上的这杯蜂蜜水我能喝吗?Irtoo , could I the water on thetable?9、吃均衡的饮食是很重要的。It s eat a.10、在许多西方国家有越来越多的肥胖儿童,因为他们有不健康的生活方式。There nr ore and more fat kids in many countries because they have 3单元1、他父母本想去西

5、班牙,但最后决定到夏威夷度假。His parents going to Spain, butHawaii.2、我们正在计划到美丽的乡间去度个长假。 We to a long vacation in the beautiful.3?一明天去钓鱼吗?一那得看天气了。What about tomorrow? It the weather.4?她要怎样度假呢?一她要照顾她的小妹妹。 she doing vacation? She herlittle sister.5、我们12号就去香港,那是一个观光旅游的好地方。We are for Hong Kong the 12th, that as good p

6、lace go.6、John刚做完作业,他等不及去租碟子看了。 John just finished homework. Now he can tvideos.7、我要和朋友们去露营,也许要离开一个星期。I m with my friends and we ll perhaps for one week.8、骑自行车旅行在欧洲非常流行。It s very to go in.9、我叔叔正在准备着他这周的意大利之行。他答应我要给我寄明信片回来。 My uncle is getting ready for his Italy this week. He promised me tome a10、不要

7、睡得太久,做一些有趣的事情吧! Don t sleep too. Do instead!4单元1、他怎样到达上海? he Shanghai?2、步行从我家到学校花半小时。me half an hour from myhome to school.3、他家离这里有多远?from here to his home?4、要花多久?赶火车 800分钟,走路50小时。How does it take? It takes 800 minutes train and 50 hours5、他骑自行车去地铁站。He his the subway6、在日本,去学校最普遍的三种交通方式是公车,火车和自行车。In J

8、apan, the most of to school bus,train and bike.7、在山城重庆,为数不多的人才把自行车当成交通工具。A of people use bikes as of inMountain City, Chongqing.8、那一定比赶车有趣多了。That must a fun than a bus.9、我住在离学校10英里远的地方。每天早班车带我到学校。I live 10 miles school. The bus me to school every day. 10、他每天6点钟起床,洗澡,然后快速吃完早饭。He gets up at six every

9、day, then abreakfast.5单元1、你能来参加我的新年聚会吗?好啊,我很愿意。 you my New Year party? Sure,love to.2、后天他们不能来参加我们的班会了。看来只有下次了。They can t come to our class meeting the .Maybe time.3、我周六上午要去学吉他,下午去上钢琴课。I go to my on Saturday morning, and have a on Saturday afternoon. 4、我和校队今天下午有网球训练。I am tennis with the this afternoo

10、n.5、谢谢你的邀请,但对不起我来不了,因为我得为星期三的化学考试学习。Thank you for your . But I nsorry I can (tome, because I have to my test on Wednesday.6、你能顺便来学校和我们一起讨论一下运动会的事吗?Can you to the school to the sports meetingus?7、为什么不邀请王老师加入我们呢?我知道他明天有空。Why not Mr Wang us. I know he,stomorrow.8、今天多少号星期几?星期一,14号。? It s 14th.9、一我都吊了一天的

11、鱼了,但最终却没吊到几条。一那是因为你在钓鱼的时候不能保持安静。I fish the but I fish pieces at last.That s becauseyou can t keep while fishing.10、根据Eliza的日程表,她周一下午要练习打排球。to Eliza , she soing to practice volleyballMonday afternoon.6单元1、Tom和Sam都很外向,但 Sam比Tom更强健。Tom and Sam are , But Sam is than Tom.2、那是Sam吗?不,是 Tom。Sam要瘦点儿。Is that

12、Sam? No, isn t.Tom. Sam is a.3、对我来说,好朋友喜欢跟我做一样的事。 me, a good friend likes the same things I .4、我喜欢与我有异于我的朋友。I like to friends are me.5、我认为差异在友谊当中并不重要。I think are not a.6、正如你能看到的,好朋友使我笑口常开。 you can , a good friend meoften.7、Tom是我最好的朋友,我们却没什么共同点。我认为没有必要非得一样。Tom is my best friend. But we have in . Ithi

13、nk it ,s to be the same.8、我爸爸没我妈妈严肃,他有趣得多。My father isn _t my mother. He isfunnier.9、我的朋友比我擅长数学。他总是在考试中打败我。My friend is than me math. He always me the exam.10、我问了一些人他们是怎么想,这就是他们所说的。I asked some people think and this they said.7单元1、在面包顶上放一些奶酪。some cheese of the bread.2、目前那所工厂仍然把污水倒进附近的河里。moment, the

14、factory is still waste water the river nearby.3、你们还需要其它的什么东西?两勺蜂蜜和一些调味品。 What do you need? We need two honey and some .4、我们需要多少香蕉多少酸奶?How bananas and do we need?5、这是美味面包酱的制作食谱。首先混合所有的配料,再添加点糖。Here s a the tasty bread jam. first all the ingredientsup. Then some sugar.6、你知道香蕉奶昔怎么做吗?Do you know a banan

15、a milk ?7、首先削去西瓜皮,然后切碎,放进榨汁机,最后打开电源。First a watermelon and it ,then put it into the blender,the blender at last.8、鸡肉三明治主要就是两片面包夹着鸡肉,生菜和一些黄油组成的。Chicken are by two of bread chicken, some lettuce and some butter in the middle mainly.9、照说明书上说,一个番茄有可能不够,再递一个给我吧,两个番茄应该够了。 According to the , one tomato is

16、probably not enough. Pass me one please. Two should be.10、他饿极了,但是他妈妈不在家。最后他自己煮了一碗面吃。 He was so hungry, but his mother wasn t. He a bowl ofnoodles by.8单元1、在奥运会结束时,我遇见了刘翔,并得到了他的亲笔签名。I Liu Xiang and got his the of theOlympic Games.2、昨天一班同学一大清早从学校出发去了新华水族馆。他们高兴的在那里玩了一整天。 Yesterday Class One from school

17、to Xinghua early in the morning. They a great time there day.3、来新华公园玩吧,这里你能看见许多奇怪的海生动物,你还能观赏海豚表演并且你还能和他们照相呢。Come and have fun in Xinghua Park. Here, you can see lots of sea animals, a show, and you can also with them.4、元旦我们放了三天假,去乐山旅游了。但是天气不好我们浑身都被雨淋透了,而且一个 纪念品都没有买到。We had three days in New Year Day

18、 and visited Leshan. But we all over because of the bad weather, even I couldn t buy any5、你去年去那儿的时候有鲨鱼吗?没有。我只看到了一些海豹。there any sharks when you went there last year?No, . I only saw some 6、我带着我的一个从北京远道而来的老朋友逛了逛春熙路,我们非常愉快地谈论起往事。I my old friend came back from Beijing to out in ChunXi Road. We had a gre

19、at fun about the old things.7、在我下一个休息日,我不想开车去兜风了。 my next day , I don t want to go for .8、这次的学校郊游,我们参观了好多地方。最后,虽然疲惫但是很兴奋,我们下午6点就打道回府了。We visited so many places this school . Finally, excited, we went back at 6:00 p.m.9、在昨天的歌唱比赛中,我们的班长一举夺魁。In the competition, our class first prize.10、前天下午,当我们在庭院卖旧货的时

20、候,突然下起了大雨。但是幸运的是,我们都带 了雨伞和雨衣。Yesterday, it rained suddenly while we were having a yard , But , We all and raincoats.9单元1、依我看,peter是我们学校80年历史上最有创造力的学生。 my opinion, Peter is the student in the history of our school,.2、在罗拉尔多17岁时,便开始为国家足球队效力。the of 17, Ronaldo started to play hisfootball team.3、你知道那些国际体

21、育明星的出生日期吗?Do you know the sports stars ?4、当他出生的时候,他就开始不停地打嗝了。He started he.5、在世界记录大全中,记载着有个叫 Donna Green的女人打喷嚏打了978天。In the, it was said that a woman Donna Greenfor 978days.6、李云迪,这个著名中国钢琴家,从他还是小孩子的时候就能够哼歌了,真是个天才啊!Li Yundi,a Chinese,could songs when he was asmall boy.What a!7、我爷爷年龄太大了而无法与我们很地交流。My gr

22、andfather is old with us.8、邓亚萍出生于 1973年2月6号,1983年加入河南乒乓球队。Deng Yaping was born the of ,1973. Shethe Henan table team 1983.9、这位电影明星现在正在北京大学主修英语和管理学。The movie is English and in Tsinghua University.10、当他生病住院时,他还一直坚持练习作曲。He kept practicing when he was 10单元1、甜甜得找一份兼职工作,因为她打算用这笔钱来补贴家用。Tiantian to find a j

23、ob, because she is going to herfamily the money.2、迈克打算去全世界旅游。Mike is going to travel.3、他们打算搬到加拿大去。我去不去那里,仍然还不能确定。They re going to Canada. Go there or not, I m yet.4、他决定隐居在一个宁静而美丽的地方。He decided and beautiful.5、在她还在读艺校的时候就喜欢看电视上的时装秀。When she was at school, she liked watching on TV.6、你长大后想当什么?我想当一名工程师。

24、What are you going to when you up ? I want to be .7、我将要做我想做的事。我想成为时尚杂志的记者。I mgoing to do I to do. I want to be a reporter a magazine.8、我梦想着有一天举行一场属于我自己的艺术展览。My dream is an of my own oneday.9、假如你想成为专业的演员,你必须得先上表演课。If you want to be a, you take lessons first.10、一明年我想学一种乐器,你呢?一我想组建一只足球队,我爷爷想多锻炼保持健康。-I

25、want to play next year. What about you? I m going toa soccer team, and my grandfather wants to exercise to keep fit.11、我打算在国外找一份程序设计员的工作存一些钱好让我的父母过上好日子。I mgoing to find a job a computer aboard, and some money make my parents live a good life.11单元1、我认为青少年不应该向父母要钱。I think teenagers their parents money

26、.2、非常感谢你在我度假时照看房子。looking after my house while I was.3、一我可以去超市买一些饮料和小吃吗?一当然可以。Could I buy some and in the? Yes,.4、他爸爸经常早晨带他去散步。His father often him in the morning.5、我们应该在家帮助我们的妈妈做家务,比如说,洗洗碗啊,擦擦地啊We should help our mothers some at home, for example,do the or the floor, and so on.6、如果你经常忘记倒垃圾的话,老鼠就会光顾

27、你家了。If you often forget the trash,willvisit your room.7、我的弟弟非常乖,三岁就能自己穿衣服和叠衣服了。My brother is good. He himself and his clothes attheof 3.8、我宁愿整理床也不愿意洗衣服。Iratherthe beddo the.9、你能帮我照顾一下我的狗吗?每天喂他一些狗粮就行。Could you please help meof my dog?It OK tohimsomedogs food every day.10、我能搭车吗?对不起,这里没有你的位置了。Could I?

28、Sorry, you.There s noroom for you.12单元1、Elisa在才艺表演中获一等奖,并当选为最佳演员。Elisa the first prize in the show, and she was the actress.2、上周的英语节取得了极大的成功。其中李涛获得了最佳表演奖。Last week s English Festival a great. The for thebest performer to Li Tao.3、昨天Linda与她的朋友们在购物中心逛了整个下午,但是她什么也没有买到。Yesterday Linda with her friends a

29、ll afternoon out at the mall, but she.4、我认为Movie Palace是最好的电影院,因为它有最舒服的椅子,最大的屏幕和最友好 的服务。I think Movie Palace is the best cinema, because it has the seats,the biggest screens and the.5、我更喜欢那家离我们家最近的餐馆。那里的菜好吃价格又不贵。I prefer the restaurant the to my home.Their food is delicious and the price isn t.6、在廉价

30、店里,虽然你可以从砍价中找到乐趣,但是那里的衣服质量最差。Although you can have fun it s in Bargain House, ithas the clothes.7、一个成功的舞者不是用音乐跳,而是用心跳,这就是我所学的。A dancer music but heart. This is I learn.8、你认为谁是这些学生中年龄最小的。 you think is the all the students?9、就班上同学怎么看动作片的问题,我做了一次调查。I did a of the class ofmovies.10、哈尔滨是中国北部的一个城市,那里每年都有一

31、次冰雪节。Harbin is a city in.There is Ice and Snow一单元:1、the, same, as, hersis, good, for4、studying, help, get, good for2、healthy, hardly, ever, exercises5、How long, clean, once3、dont, junk,6、A, few,every year.第三版块(八年级上册)exercise, week7、does, weekends, surfs, skateboarding 8、try, to, eat, less9、As,for, m

32、ost, active10、To, health, look, after二单元:1、Traditional, medicine, illnesslook, well4、shouldnt, anything, in, 24balance, working7、stomachache, lie, toothache, dentist balanced, diet10、western, an, unhealthy, lifestyle2、has, sore, needs, to5、good, rest, feel, better8、thirsty, drink, with, honey3、 matt

33、er, with,6、who, stressed,9、important, to,2、are, planning, take, countryside 3、going,5、leaving, on, to, sightseeing 6、doing, wait,8、popular, bike, riding, Europe9、vacation, to,二单兀:1、thought, about, decided, onfishing, depends, on4、Whats, for, is, babysittingto, sightseeing7、going, camping, go, awayse

34、nd, postcard10、for, long, something, interesting四单元:1 、 How, does, get, to2 、is, it4 、 long, by, on, it5 、ways, getting, are7 、 small, number, means, transportation 8 、 early, takes10 、 o clock, showers, has, quick五单元:1 、 Can, come, to, I d2、lesson, piano, lesson4 、 having, training, school, team5 、

35、discuss, with7 、 invite, to, join, free8 、day, few, quiet10 、 According, calendar, playing, on六单元:1 、 both, outgoing, more, athletic2 、doing, as, do4 、 have, who, different, from5 、see, makes, laugh7、 nothing, common, don t, necessary 8、 at, beats, in10 、 what, they, is, whatIt, takes, to, walk3 、 H

36、ow, for,rides, bike/bicycle, to, station6 、 popular,be, lot, more, taking9 、 away, from,day, after, tomorrow, next/another3 、 guitar,invitation, study, for, chemistry6、 come, over,Whats, today, Monday, the9、 whole,it, It s, little, thinner3 、 For,differences, important, in, friendship6 、 As,as, seri

37、ous, as, much9、 better,3 、 else,6 、 how, to,9 、 instruction,七单元:1 、 Put, on, the, top teaspoons, of, relish4 、 many, how, much, yogurt make, shake7 、 peel, cup, up, turn, on another, tomatoes, enough10 、 in, boiled, finally, himself2、 At, the, pouring, into5、 recipe, for, mix, add8、 sandwiches, made

38、, slices, with3 、 strange,6 、 took, who,9、yesterdays,八单元:1 、 met, autograph, at, end watch, dolphin, take, photos4 、 off, got/were, wet, souvenir hang, talking7 、 On, off, a, ride2、 went, Aquarium, had, all5、 Were, there, weren t, seals8、 on, trip, tired, butsinging, monitor, won10、 sale, luckily, b

39、rought, umbrellas2、 At, age, for, national5、 world, records, called/named, sneezed7 、 too, to, communicate, well majoring, in, management10、 writing, music, in, hospital十单元:1 、 has, part-time, feed, with not, sure4 、 to, retire, somewhere, quiet an, engineer7 、 what, want, for, fashion professional,

40、 actor, should, acting 10、 an, instrument, make, more十一单元:1 、 don t, should, ask, for snacks, supermarket, sure4 、 takes, for, a, walkout, mice7 、 could, dress, fold, agefeed, with10、 get, a, ride, can t十二单元:1 、 won, for, talent, best hanging, bought, nothing3 、 when,6、9、 star,3 、 move, to,6 、 be, g

41、row,9、3 、 drinks,6 、 to, take,9 、 take, care,3 、 spent,6 、 cutting,9 、 survey,5、 which/that, is, closest, high8、 Who, do, youngest, of九单元:1 、 In, most, creative, 80-year-old international, were, born4 、 hiccupping, when, was, born well-known/famous, pianist, hum, talent8、 on, second, June, joined2、

42、all, over, the, world5、 an, art, fashion, shows8、 to, hold, art, exhibition11 、 as, programmer, save, to2 、 Thanks, for, on, vacation5 、 do, chores, dishes, sweep8 、 would, make, than, laundry2、 had, success, prize, went4 、 most, comfortable, friendliest, service prices, worst, quality7 、 successful, dances, without, what what, thought, action10、 northern, China, an, Festival


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