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1、地质与地球物理实验班培养方案专业名称及代码:地球物理学 070801专业培养目标: 具有扎实的数学、 物理和地球科学基础, 掌握地球物理的基础理论与方法技术, 初步具备在多时空尺度上理解、 模拟和解释地球圈层的结构、物质与能量交换及其动力学特征的能力, 为人类开发利用资源、 认识自然灾害及地质环境评价等服务, 能从事相关领域的科学研究、 教学、 应用与管理等方面的复合型高级人才。专业培养要求 :具备数学、物理学、地质学及信息科学等学科基础,系统地掌握地震学、重力学、地磁学、地电学等地球物理学基本理论及地球物理数据的处理与解释方法,具备从事地质与地球物理学研究和应用的能力。毕业生应获得以下几方面

2、的知识和能力 :1、掌握数学、物理学、地质学、信息科学、地球物理学等方面基本理论、基本知识和基本技能;2、了解地球物理学的发展动态及应用前景;3、掌握运用文献检索等技术获取专业知识的基本方法;4、具有撰写专业论文、参与学术交流的能力。主干学科 :地球物理学、数学、物理学、地质学、信息科学。主要课程:大地构造学、地震波理论、地球内部物理学、连续介质力学、地震学、重力学、地磁学、地电学、地球物理观测与实验、地球动力学、地震资料处理与解释、地球物理资料综合解释等。主要专业实验 :地球物理观测技术、实验地球物理。主要实践性教学环节 :包括测量实习、地质认识实习、课外科技实践、地球物理教学实习、生产实习

3、和毕业设计等。学制 :四年。授予学位:理学学士。相近专业:应用地球物理、地质学、大地测量学、空间物理学。Undergraduate Program in Solid Earth GeophysicsProgram Name and Code: Solid Earth Geophysics 070801Training Objectives: The students are equipped with a solid foundation of mathematics, physics and the general knowledge about Earth. They are expect

4、ed to master the fundamental theory and technology of Geophysics, as well as be capable to understand, simulate and interpret the structure of the earth sphere, the exchange of material and energy in the interior of the solid earth, and the characteristic of geodynamics in multi-spatial and temporal

5、 scale. These capabilities can be applied to resources development and exploitation, the understanding of natural disasters, and the evaluation of geological environment. Graduates are able to engage in scientific research, education, application, consultancy and management of sustainable developmen

6、t in related fields.Training Requirements: A solid basis in fundamental subjects such as mathematics, physics, geology and information science; systematic mastering of fundamental theories of geophysics, such as Gravity, Geomagnetism, Geoelectrics, and Seismology, as well as the processing and inter

7、pretation of geophysical data; the capability to engage in both theoretical research and application in the area of geology and geophysicsRequired Knowledge and Ability:1. To master the basic theory, knowledge and technology of mathematics, physics, geology, information science, and geophysics.2. To

8、 grasp the developing trend as well as the application prospects of geophysics.3. To know the basic method of acquire professional knowledge such as literature searching.4. To be capable of writing professional papers and engaging in academic communications.Major Subjects: Geophysics, mathematics, p

9、hysics, geology, and information Science.Main Courses: Tectonics, Seismic Wave Theory, The Physics of the EarthCont inusuImnterior,Mechanics, Seismology, Gravity, Geomagnetism, Geoelectrics, Geophysical Measurement and Experimentation, Geodynamics, Seismic Data Processing and Interpretation, Integra

10、ted interpretation of Geophysical data.Main Professional Experiments: Observational Techniques in Geophysics, Experimental Geophysics.Main Field Courses: Survey Practice, Geological Field Training, Extracurricular Scientific and Technology Practice Activities, Practice of Geophysical Course, Graduation Internship and Graduation Thesis.Duration of the Program: four years. Degree Offered: Bachelor of Science.Related Programs: Applied Geophysics, Geology, Geodesy, Space Physics.


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