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1、连系动词的用法讲解及练习题一 be:is am are四变:get become turn go五感官:feel taste smell sound look系动词系动词亦称联系动词(Link Verb ),作为系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟表语(亦称补语),构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。说明:有些系动词又是实义动词,该动词表达实义时,有词义,可单独作谓语,例如:He fell ill yesterday.他昨天病了。( fell是系动词,后跟补足语,说明主语情况。)He fell off the ladder.他从梯子上摔下来。fell是实义动词,单独作

2、谓语。1)状态系动词用来表示主语状态,只有 be一词,例如:He is a teacher.他是一名教师。(is与补足语一起说明主语的身份。)2)持续系动词用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep, rest, remain, stay, lie, stand, 例如:He always kept silent at meeting.他开会时总保持沉默。This matter rests a mystery.此事仍是一个谜。3)表像系动词用来表示看起来像这一概念,主要有 seem, appear, look, 例如:He looks tired. 他看起来很累。He seems (

3、to be) very sad.他看起来很伤心。4)感官系动词感官系动词主要有 feel, smell, sound, taste, 例如:This kind of cloth feels very soft.这种布手感很软。This flower smells very sweet.这朵花闻起来很香。5)变化系动词这些系动词表示主语变成什么样,变化系动词主要有become, grow, turn, fall, get, go,come, run.例如:He became mad after that.自那之后,他疯了。She grew rich within a short time.她没多

4、长时间就富了。6)终止系动词表示主语已终止动作,主要有 prove, turn out,表达证实,变成之意,例如:The rumor proved false. 这谣言证实有假。The search proved difficult.搜查证实很难。His plan turned out a success.他的计划终于成功了。 ( turn out表终止性结果).系动词与动词的区别系动词亦称联系动词(Link Verb ),作为系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓 语,后边必须跟表语(亦称补语),构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。但是,有些系动词又是实义动词,该动词表达实义时,有

5、词义,可单独作谓语。例如: Hefelt ill yesterday.他昨天病了。 (felt是系动词,后跟补足语,说明主语情况。) He felloff the bike.他从自行车上摔下来。fell是实义动词,单独作谓语。表示动作中状态的词叫做动词。根据其在句中的功能,动词可分为四类,分别是:实义动词、系动词、助动词、情态动词。但是,有些情况下,有些动词是兼类词。例如:We are having a meeting.我们正在开会。(have是实义动词。) He has gone to New York. 他已去纽约。(have 是助动词。)动词根据其后是否带有宾语,可分为两类,分别是:及物

6、动词、不及物动词, 英语缩写形式分别为 vt.和vi.。但是,同一动词有时可用作及物动词,有时可用作不及物 动词。例如: She can dance and sing.她能唱歌又能跳舞。(sing在此用作不及物动词。) She can sing many English songs.她能唱好多首英文歌曲。( sing用作及物动词。) 比较法 比较下列各组句子(1) A. Please look at the blackboard .请看黑板。8. He looked a perfect fool .他看上去是个十足的神经病(2) A . Turn to Page 16 .翻到 16 页。8.

7、He turned traitor to his country .他背叛了祖国。(3)A . He felt it his duty to help others .他认为帮助别人是自己的责任。9. I felt very hungry after a long walk .走了一段长路,我感到很饿。(4)A.Get me some ink .给我一些墨水。10. Our motherland is getting stronger and stronger .我们国家变得越来越强大了。(5)A . Such words do not become a scholar .那样的话不像出自学者

8、之口。11. Some of the fields became covered with water . 一些田地覆盖着水。(6)A . This black key on the piano wont sound .这钢琴上的黑键按下去不响。B. The story sounds interesting这故事听起来很有趣。(7)A.I am sure I smell gas .我肯定闻到了煤气味。B. The flowers smell sweet .花朵散发芳香。(8)A . He was too weak to stand .他太虚弱,不能站立。B. Holding the note

9、in his hand , he stood there dumbfounded 他拿着钞票,站在那里,目瞪口呆。(9)A . He goes to school early every morning.他每天早上很早上学。B. They went mad .他们发狂了。(10)A . I remained 3 weeks in Paris .我在巴黎逗留了三周。B. He never remained satisfied with his success .他从不满足于自己的成绩。练习题1. What is Mr Wang like? 一.A. He is a teacherB. He is

10、 old and kindC. He looks like a balloon D. He likes English2. What Mr White said sounds.A. friendly B. wonderfully C. pleasantly D. nicely3. The poor boy blind at the age of three.A. turned B. goes C. became D. went4. When he was a child he.A. grew patience B. was alive C. ran wild D. came true5. Hi

11、s voice as if he has a cold.A. sounds B. listens C. hears D. seems6. This shirt as if it is made of cotton.A. is B. looks C. feels D. seems7. He looks he hadn goodbcheal for a monthA. that B. as if C. when D. so far8. It that he was late for the train.A. looks B. turns C. gets D. seems9. These apple

12、s taste.A. to he good B. to be well C. well D. good10. Do you like the shirt?Yes, it very soft.A. feels B. felt C. is feeling D. is felt11. The moment Mr Zhang went to bed, he asleepA. kept B. got C. fell D. fall12. When I went home yesterday, it was dark.A. going B. getting C. running D.coming13. T

13、heir plan to be a perfect one.proving14. The flowers in the garden sweet.15. She like her mother in character.16. It another fine day tomorrow.17. He much younger than he really is.18. You very pale. Do you feel sick?19. His wish to become a driver has true.A. proved B. was proved C. is proving D.A.

14、 sound B. taste C. become D. smellA. looks B. seems C. is D. feelsA. seems B. promises C. appears D. looksA. appears B. grows C. becomes D. turnsA. looked B. look C. looking D. are lookedA. turned B. realized C. come D. grown20. Her father a writer.A. turned B. grew C. has turned D. has become21. Ne

15、ither of us a doctor. A. am B. are C. is D. were22. He a famous writer. A. turns B. become C. has become D. has turned23. The girls face red. A. turned B. got C. feel D. look24. He very glad. A. looked B. turned C. feel D. looks25. The flowers fragrant (芳香).A. get B. smells C. smell D. feels26. The

16、table very smooth. A. look B. turn C. feels D. smell27. Jack younger than Tom. A. look B. feel C. feels D. looks28. She looks. A. happy B. to be happy C. happily D. that she is happy(二) 用 smell , taste , go , get, become , grow , seem , look , feel, turn 的适当形式填空:1. Youvery young.2. At first those qu

17、estionseasy, but later I found them difficult.3. After the sports meeting, hevery tired.4. My younger brothera student last year.5. When weup, were going to help build up our country.6. The flowersvery sweet.7. Her facered.8. Jackvery happy.9. The mooncakegood.10. The meatbad.答案与分析1. B What s.like是询

18、问人或事物的性质特征情况的交际用语,答语中常含有说明性质特征情况的形容词。2. A sound表示听起来”,后面接形容词作表语,答案B、C、D均为副词。3. D若人或事物的情况变化是永久性的或难以扭转的坏变化时,用系动词go表示。4. C run wild 是固定搭配,表示放荡不羁”。5. A sound表示 听起来”,后面接as if引导的表语从句,表示对主语所表示的特征、状态或 性 质 作 出 的 反 应 及 判 断。6. C feel作系动词用时,表示“(东西)摸上去令人有某种感觉7. B as if引导表语从句时,从句谓语动作发生在主句谓语动作之前,从句谓语用过去完成式。8. D It

19、 seems that表示 看起来工是固定句型,强调根据一定的事实所得出的一种接 近 于 实 际 情 况 的 判 断。9. D taste 表示“尝起来”时,是系动词,后面接形容词作表语。10. A feel表示“某物)摸上去(令人)有某种感觉”时,是系动词,用于一般现在时。11. D fall asleep表示入睡”,是固定搭配,根据题意,应用过去时。12. B get表示逐渐起来”、开始起来”时,是系动词,多用于进行时。13. A prove 表示 证 明 是时, 是系 动 词。14. D smell表示 有的气味”、 散发气味”时,是系动词,后面接形容词。15. C belike表示 看

20、起来像”时,既可指外貌,又可指品质和特征,侧重于特征。16. B promise表示 有的可能”、给人以的指望”时,是系动词,后面接名词作表语。17. A appear表示 看起来”时,是系动词。侧重于在外表给人某种印象,常为 假象工18. B look表示 显得“、看起来”时,是系动词,后面接形容词作表语,用进行时态,常带 有感情色彩。19. C come true是固定搭配,表示 实现,其中come是系动词,表示 成为“、变得”。20. D become表示 变成“,作系动词用,在后面作表语的名词前要加a或an。turn后跟可数 名 词 单 数 要 去 掉 a(n) 。 汉语中表示两个过程

21、按比例同时增加时,用越越结构。英语中用“the +比较级,the+比较级”结构。这种结构通常从句在前,主句在后,即:第一个 the+比较级为状语从 句,第二个the+比较级为主句。句型中的连个“the都是指示副词。两个“the的后面都必须跟形容词或副词的比较级形式。不过有的语法书中说第一个the引导的句子是比较状语从句”。这种结构中的谓语动词一般情况下:主句用将来时态,从句用一般现在时态(代替将来时态)。试比较下歹U例句的用法1.Themore,thebetter.多多益善2.Thesooner,thebetter.愈快愈好3.Themoreyou learn,themore you wish

22、to learn.你学得越多,你越是想学4.The sooner you start, the sooner you will finish.你开始的越早,你就完成得越快。21. hemoreexcitingit is,the happiertheyare.越是有趣, 他们 就越是高兴。22. hemoreI knowhim,the moreI likehim.我越认识他,就越喜欢他。23. he more you read, the better you understand.你看的书越多,你懂得就越多。24. he hotter the air is, the more quickly i

23、t will rise.空气越热,它就上升得越快。25. he more learned a man is ,the more modest he usually is.一个人越有学问,就往往越谦虚。26. The more you know ,the more you will realize how little you know.知道得越多,越会体会 到 自 己 知 道 得 有 限。注意:有 时 这 种句 型 中主 句 用 主谓 倒 装形 式。例如:The smaller the house is, the less will it cost us to heat. 房子越小,花的取暖费

24、就越 少。The more we thought of the lost boy, the more did we get worried.我们越想那个丢失的孩子,就越是着急。(1) the more,the more句型为the+比较级,the+比较级”结构,常表示 越原越:是一个复合句,其中前面句子是状语从句,后面的句子是主句。The用在形容词或 副 词的 比 较 级 前。The more he gets, the more he wants.他越来越贪(他得到的越多,就越想要)。The more she learns, the more she wants to learn.她越 学就越

25、 想学。(2) “the+比较级,the+比较级”句型主从句的时态常用一般现在时或一般过去时。The higher the ground is, the thinner the air becomes.离地面越高,空气就越稀薄。The harder he worked, the more he got.他工作越努力,得 到的就越多。 (3)若主句的谓语动词用一般将来时,从句的谓语动词要用一般现在时表示将来。The harder you work, the greater progress you will make.你越用功,进步就越大。The longer the war lasts, th

26、e more the people there will suffer .战争持续越久,那里的人们 受难就越多。(4)在这种句型中,主句在程度上随着从句变化而变化,常把被强调的部分提前。The faster you run, the better it will be.你跑得越快越好。 =(5)这种句型的特点是前后都可以有所省略,特别是谚语、俗语只要意义明确,越简单 越好。The more,the better. 多 多 益 善。The sooner, the better. 越 早 越 好。(6)这种句型中的比较部分通常是状语、宾语、表语,也可以是主语。The more English yo

27、u practice, the better your English is.你练习英语越多, 你的英语就越好。The busier he is, the happier he feels. 他 越 忙 越 高 兴 。The more air there is inside the tyre, the greater the pressure there is in it.轮胎里空气越多, 里 面 的 压 力 就 越 大。 (7 ) 若表示“越,越不,常用 the more,theless”句型。The more she flatters me, the less Ilike her.她越逢迎我,我越不喜欢她。 (8 )若表示“越不,就越,常用 the less,the more”句型。他越不烦恼,工作就干得越好。The less he worried, the better he worked.


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