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1、八年级下册 Unit 5 Topic 1Section A1. How are you doing ? = How are you ?2. My father and mother want to invite your parents to go to the movies. invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人去做某事3. My mom will prepare delicious food for us. prepare sth. for sb. 为某人准备某物:He prepared some presents for you.(2) prepare for ( doin

2、g ) sth. 为(做)某事而准备:I am preparing for my exam.4. I went to buy tickets, but there was none left.none表示(三个或三个以上中)没有一个可与 of连用,None可以回答How many引导 的问句;no one = nobody (没有一个人)常只指人,不能与 of连用,常用来回答 Who引 导的问句。5. lonely 孤独的;alone 单独的;单独地。如:He lives alone, and he sometimes feels lonely.Section B1. He feels dis

3、appointed because he can t get a ticket to_ The Sound of Music.to 可表对应”,如:(1) the answer to the question 问题的答案(2)the key to the lock 锁的钥匙 (3)the ticket to the concert 演唱会的票2. be proud of = take pride in以而骄傲 I am proud of my country.3. seem(看起来,似乎)的用法:(1) seem + 形容词:They seem worried.(2) seem to do s

4、th. 如:He seems to know the truth.(3) seem + that 从句, 如:It seems that he knows the truth.4. be pleased/ satisfied with 对一 感至U满意I am pleased with your results.5. Kangkang, are you setting the table for your friends ? set the table摆放餐桌6. Michael isn t able to come.be able to常可和can退换使用,都可以表“能”。7. I hope

5、 everything goes well.我希望一切进展顺利。8. 给某人打电话的常用表达方法有:ring/ call/ phone sb;ring/ call sb up; give sb. a ring/call;Section C1. Maria taught the children to sing lively songs to cheer themsekes up. cheer up 使振奋/高兴起来: Our teachers cheer us up in class every day.(2) cheer on 为力口油,欢呼: Would you like to come

6、and cheer us on.2. What - for ?和Why相近,前者侧重提问目的,后者侧重提问原因。回答前者常用含for短语表目的;而回答后者须用because表原因。如:(1) What did he come here for ?He came here for his bike.(2) Why did he come here ? Because he want to see you.3. When and where will the movie be on ?be on 在经行,在放映:The movie is on.4. Jack and Rose fell into

7、the sea with many other people .fall into掉进,落入 (into有进入的意思,如:jump into跳入)Section D1. It came into being after e into being 诞生,形成:The CPC Party came into being in 1921.2. Its full of famous stories.be full of = be filled with 装满,充满3. This kind of opera is very popular with Chinese people.be popular w

8、ith 受一 的欢迎: Yao Ming is popular with Chinese people.4. 语法:系动词+形容词(作表语)联系动词有五类:(1) 表示 “是 的 be (am, is, are , was, were, been)(2)表示保持一种状态的:keep, stay.(3) 表示变 的: become, get, turn, go, grow.(4) 表示“看起来” 的: look, seem, appear.(5)表示与其它感官有关的:smell(闻起来),taste(尝起来),sound (听起来),feel (摸起来)八年级下册 Unit 5 Topic 2S

9、ection A1. She is very strict with herself.(1) be strict with sb.对某人要求严格:Our teachers strict with us.(2) be strict in sth. 对某事要求严格:My teacher is strict in his work.2. I think I should have a talk with her.have a talk with sb. = talk with sb. 和某人交谈3. Take it easy.别着急,别紧张。Section B1. Im feeling very s

10、ad because I failed the English exam.(1) fail the exam = don t pass the exam 考试不及格(2) fail to do sth.做某事失败:I failed to pass the exam.2. Everyone gets these feelings at your age.(1) at ones age 在某人的这个年龄阶段:Your father began to work at your age.(2) at the age of 在1 岁时: At the age of seven, he could swi

11、m.3 .使令动词(make, let, have )的用法:make/ let / have sb do sth.使某人做某事但have sth done让某人干某事(自己不做),比较: I have my son go instead (我让我儿子代去 )(2) I had the machine repaired (让人修好了机器 ) get也可表“使,让”,但它后常接动词不定式:He got me to wash the car.4 .短语:in ones teens在某人十几岁时;in ones twenties在某人二十几岁时, in ones thirties在某人三十几岁时,i

12、n ones forties在某人四十几岁时Section C1. How time flies! 光阴似箭2. Whats more 此夕卜, 而且:Whats more, it seems that my classmates dont accept me.3. The girl is afraid of speaking in public.be afraid of (doing) sth. 害怕(做)某事 :I am afraid of dogs.Section D1. He refused to play soccer or go to the movies with his fri

13、ends.refuse to do sth.拒绝去做某事(refuse的反义词为 accept)2. (1) instead表“代替”,副词,后不接词,常放在句末或句首,如:If you are busy, you can come another day instead.(2) instead of表“代替”,介词短语,后接词(被代替的内容),常放句中(谓语动词后), 但不能做谓语,如:We eat rice instead of beef.(3) take the place of表代替,动词短语,常放句中作谓语动词。如:He took the place of me to finish

14、the work.3. be angry with sb. 生某人的气;be angry at sth. 因某事而生气。八年级下册 Unit 5 Topic 3Section A1. Michael, I am sorry about your illness, but it cant be SARS.must be 定是; may be/ can be 可能是; cant be 不可能是2. Follow the doctor s advice, and you will get well soon.(1) follow one s advice遵循某人的建议(2) get well恢复健康

15、3. I missed a lot of lessons.miss lessons 意为 缺课,miss 的意思有:(1) 错过, 如 :I missed the early bus.(2)想念:I miss you very much.4. I m worried about the test at the end of the month.(1) at the end of 在一 的最后: You will find the post office at the end of the road.(2) by the end of 不迟于:I will finish my work by t

16、he end of this month.5. We can take turns to help you with your lessons.take turns to do sth.轮流去做某事:We take turns to clean the classroom.6. You can study by yourself. 你可以自学study/ learn (sth) by oneself = teach oneself (sth.) 自学一如:I learn English by myself. = I teach myself English.Section B1. If we

17、are usually in a good mood, we may become healthier.be in a good / bad mood 处于好/坏心情;be in good health 很健康2. When someone is ill, he or she should try to smile at life.smile at life 笑对人生3. We can put on a short play.put on (1) 穿上: put on your shoes. (2) 上演: Put on a play.4. on the way home, you meet

18、a big dog.On the/ ones way (to)+地点:(在去某地的路上)当地点是副词(如home),不用to.5. Your mother get along well with her workmates.get along (well) with 与一 相处好:I get along with my classmates.Section C1. 易混淆的几个词:sometimes有时;sometime将来的某个时候; some times 几次; some time 一些时间2. When it rains, I often have unhappy thoughtstho

19、ught (1)名词,想法; 主意。 (2)动词think的过去式,过去分词。3. We can try out different colors if we arent feeling our best.我可以尝试不同颜色(1) try out 试用, 试验: Jim wants to try out his new bike.(2) try on 试穿 : Try on your new coat.4.单词辨析:sound 声音;voice 嗓音(人说话);noise噪音Section D1. If we are in good spirls, we can study or work b

20、etter.in good spirits 心情好2. Before making an important decision, think it over.(1) think over仔细考虑 (2) think of想起;考虑;认为think about考虑;认为。3. Get back to your daily life. It will help you bring back a sense of happiness. daily life = everyday life 日常生活 (2) bring back 带回(3) a sense of happiness 快乐感八年级下册

21、Unit 6 Topic 1Section A1. We will go on a tow-day visit to Mount Tai.go on a visit to 去某地参观2. 短语辨析:look for寻找;find找到;find out找出3. We ll decide on the best way to go on our field trip.(1) decide on sth 选定/决定某事物: We will try to decide on a school.(2) decide to do sth.决定去做某事(3) make a decision 做决定4.短语:

22、see the sunrise 看日出;raise money 筹款; My pleasure = Its a pleasure 不客气 Section B1. The train leaves at 11:45a.m.(1) leave 出发,表示出发,动身的有: set off / out = start off/ out(2) leave for动身去Ill leave for Beijing tomorrow.明天我将离开(这儿)去北京。2. We have tickets ai_ 145 for the hard sleeper.(1) at常用于价格,年龄,速度,比率等数词前。如:

23、 at $20; at 70k/h.(2) for表“供,适合于3. Id like to book 21 tickets for the hard sleeper.(1) book = order 预定,order/ book a room for sb. 为某人定一个房间。(2) tickets for the hard sleeper = hard sleeper tickets.4. make a room reservation预定房间Section C1. Some schools come up with great ideas such as King or Queen for

24、 a Day.” come up with an idea 想出一个主意2. one ticket is drawn and the student with the ticket will be the king or queen. draw抽出画3. I am looking forward to hearing from you.(1) look forward to 盼望(在此to为介词,后接动词 ing.)(2) hear from收到某人的来信 Section D1. have a good/ nice/ great time = enjoy oneself = have fun.

25、玩得高兴,过得愉快2. As soon as we arrived there, we began to climb Mout Tai.as soon as = when引导时间状语从句,表一 就3. in the daytime = in the day 在白天; in the night = at night 在晚上。八年级下册 Unit 6 Topic 2Section A1. Would you like to come to China for your vacation ?- You bet !You bet= Sure = Certainly 当然,的确。2. Would you

26、 help me plan a trip ?(1) plan a trip制定旅行计划(2) trip over 被绊侄T Tom tripped over a stone. (Tom 被一块石头绊倒)3. Could you come along with me ?come along (with)跟随 如:Come along with us 跟我们一道去吧。Section B1. The tombs spread over an area of 40km2.spread over 蔓延 Smoke spread over the city.spread 后还可接介词 through; t

27、o ; across 等.用法见九年级 Unit 5 topic 3 section D2. In the 01d days, only the emperors could ride horses through it.in the old days 在古代3. They surveyed the area to make sure their tombs faced south and had mountains at the back.(1) make sure 确保,弄清楚:Make sure all the windows are closed before you leave.(2

28、) at the back 在背后4. Its about two and a half hours by bike.(1)同义句:Its about two and a half hours ride.(2)two and half hours = two hours and a half(3)表距离的还有: Its about 2 kilometers away from my school. It takes about two and a half hours to get there.Section C1. They were surprised at the wonders.be

29、surprised at对 感到吃惊2. Someone stepped on Darren s toes.step on sth.踏,踩某物:Dont step on the grass.3. While the crowd was pushing him in all directions.(1) in all directions 向四面八方(2) in the direction of 朝方向4. His friends were both out of sightout of sight 看不见 :He said goodbye to me, then he was out of s

30、ight.Section D1 .时间状语从句,见课本。八年级下册 Unit 6 Topic 3Section A1. If people obey the traffic rules, there will be fewer actions.rule 名词,规则 obey the rules.动词,统治: The king rules his country.2. before与ago的区别:before常用于现在完成时态, ago常用于一般过去时态,如: I have been there before. (2) I went there two days ago.3. be popula

31、r with sb. 受某人的欢迎: L i Yuchun is popular with young people.4. There was a sharp turn .短语:a sharp turn 一个急转弯5. But the young man didn t slow down.slow down 减速: He slowed down slowly and stopped at last.6. To avoid hitting the truck, he ran into the wall and his arm was badly hurt.avoid doing sth.(避免做

32、某事),可与keep/prevent/ from doing sth.(阻止做某事)联系记忆。(2) run into (跑动时)撞到:The boy ran into the old man .Section B1. 题: The young man who is on the bike is my brother ( 改为简单句 ) f The young man on the bike is my brother.分析:on the bike介词短语做后置定语,修饰the man,相当于一个定语从句2. If we break the traffic rules, we will get

33、 a fine and even be in danger. break/ disobey the rules 违反规则;obey the rules 遵守规则(2) get a fine受到罚款3. It warns us to be more careful.(1) warn sb. (not) to do sth. 警告某人(不)去做某事 I warn you to keep away from him.(2) warn sb. sth. 警告某人某事物: The police often warn us about the thieves.4. on the left-hand sid

34、e of the road = on the left of the road. 在路的左边Section C1. By 1996 he was one of the top cyclists in the world.by表”不迟与,在 之前” :by the end of this term.(2) top 顶尖的:the top school in China.2. Like the other challenges in his life, Lance faced it head-on.(1) in ones life在某人的一生中;all ones life某人的一生(2) face

35、 sth. head-on 迎头面对某事:We should face our difficulties head-on.3. Lance Armstrong rode into history by winning the Tour de-France.ride into history跻身于史册4. a dark horse 黑马(有本事而又深藏不露的人)Section D1 . It has the highest altitude of any race hosted by the International Cycling Union.host动词,主办,有时可与hold(举行)替换

36、。名词,主人,东道主2 .语法重点:条件状语从句同时间状语一样,常用一般现在时态表将来,主句用将来时态。(1) If it doesn t rain tomorrow , I will go to the park.( 条件状语从句,不用wont rain)(2) I will ring you up as soon as I arrive in Beijing .(时间状语从句, 不用will arrive)八年级下册 Unit 7 Topic 1Section A1. Do you know about Daniel Igali ?know about 了解; hear about 彳导知

37、2. I will turn to our teachers.turn to sb.向某人求助3. Lets try our best to make it successful.try ones best to do sth.尽力去做谋事Section B1. I have a sweet tooth.have a sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜食2. enough(足够的/地)的用法: 修饰形容词或副词日放与其后: big enough; slowly enough(2)修饰名词时,可放名词后或前:enough money / money enough3. May I invite yo

38、u to our food festival.invite sb. to + 某地:邀请某人到某地,May I invite you to my party.4. . I will send you an e-mail later on .(1)动词 + sb.+ sth = 动词+sb +to sb:止匕类动,有:send; give; pass; lend; write; show 等如:Please give me the book.= Please give the book to me.(2) 动词 + sb.+ sth =动词 +sth. for sb:止匕类动词有:make; b

39、uy; draw; sing; get 等如: Kangkang made Jim a model plane.= Kangkang made a model plane for Jim.注意:to强调动作的方向性;for表 为。Section C1. It has only a few supplies.supply (1)名词,设施。(2)动词,提供 supply sb with sth.= provide sb with sth.表“提供的还有:offer,表(主动)提供,如:I offered some money to him, but he refused.afford指 提供,供

40、给“,还可以特指经济能力, 负担得起,常与can, could和be able to 连用。例如:I think I can afford this.我认为我可以负担得起。2. I am pleased with what you are doing for us.(1) pleased形容词,高兴的,喜欢的;满意的。be pleased/satisfied with sth.对 感到满意。(2) pleasant 形容词,令人愉快的;舒适的 The walk was very pleasant.(3) pleasure 名词,愉快,高兴。Its my pleasure.Section D1.

41、 be hosted by 由主办 The 29th Olympics was hosted by China.2. Make invitations to your teachers or other people.Make an invitation to sb. 给某人写请柬八年级下册 Unit 7 Topic 2Section A1. Its kind of you.你真好(谢谢你),回答常用Youre welcome./ It ,s my pleasure等Its very kind of you.Its my pleasure.2. cut sth finely 把 细细地切;fr

42、y sth. lightly 轻轻的炒一下 .3. then短语:by then到那时;from then on从那以后; since then从那时起;till then到那时为止4. cut up the ham 切碎火腿5. After that, fill the bowls 70%-80% full with bone soup slowly.(1) fill sth. with sth.(fill 动词)用装满 :Fill the glass with water.(2) be filled with sth. ( filled 形容词)=be full of 装满 The gla

43、ss is filled with water.6. They are tired of cooking.be tired of sth/ doing sth. 厌烦于(做)某事: I am tired of listening to you.Section B1. First, you take two pieces of bread and spread butter on them.spread sth. on sth.往 一 上涂抹 2. Would you mind if I learn to make it from you ?Would you mind (if 从句)? = W

44、ould you mind one s / sb. doing sth ?(物主代词 /人称代词宾 格)如: Would you mind if I open the door ?= Would you mind my/ me opening the door?3. 短语(1)try out 试验 When Edison was a child he was always trying out his new ideas.(2) try on 试穿 May I try the coat on ?(3) try doing sth.试着做某事 He is trying cooking for h

45、is mother.(不需要尽力)(4) try to do sth. 尽力去做某事He tried to save the man.4. I dont know there is no need for knives.There is no need to do sth.没必要去做某事:There is no need to tell you.(2) There is no doubt (that 从句): 毫无疑问 ;There is no doubt that he is suitable for the job.Section C1. dinner和meal的区别:meal是一日三餐的

46、通称,可以指早餐、中餐,也可以指晚餐;dinner指一天中的一次正餐。例如: We have meals every day.我们一日三餐。What time do you have dinner? 你们几点钟吃正餐?2. at the table在桌旁;at table在用餐。类似的区别的词有:in the hospital在医院(工作);in hospital在住院in the tree (不是树上长的东西)在树上; on the tree (树上长的)在树上3. Its polite to eat up the food on your plate.up在此是副词,表完了,如:eat u

47、p吃完;use up用完4. Youd better raise your glass and take only a sip.take a sip 喝一小 口Section D1. pick up 拾起,捡起: She picked up a stone and threw it at the window.(2) 搭载:Ill pick you up at your place at 8 o clock.2 .做某件事情的先后顺序:First SecondNext Then After that Finally 3 . Please add some butter to_the cake .add sth. to sth.把加到Add some salt to the taste.(按 口 味加盐)4 .宾语从句:见语法表5. 题:I don


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