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1、高考话题十U!热点话题而话题单词1. absorb v.吸收;吸引的注意2. activity n.活动;活跃3. admirer n.钦佩者;仰慕者4. afford v.负担得起;给予;提供5. attitude n.态度;看法6. ban v. &n. 禁止,取缔;禁令7. budget n.预算8. career n.事业;职业9. cash n.现金10. celebrityn.名人11. circulatev.传播12. combine v.(使)结合;(使)组合13. conclude v.推断出,断定;结束,终止14. consultant n.咨询者;顾问15. consum

2、ption n.消费;消耗16. cough v. &n.咳嗽17. countryside n.农村,乡下18. defend v.防守,捍卫19. discourage v.使气馁;阻碍20. earning n.收入21. economicallyadv.在经济上;节俭地22. essentialadj.必要的;基本的23. evolutionn.进化;演变24. ever-increasing adj .不断增长的25. financialadj.财政的;金融的26. first-rate adj.第一流的,最上等的27. fit adj.合适的;健康的28. harmful adj

3、.有害的29. harmonious adj . 和谐的;和睦的30. hesitate vi . 犹豫,踌躇31. improve v.改善;提高32. instructor n.教员,指导老师33. irresponsible adj . 不负责任的;不可靠的34. majority n.多数35. manufacturer n.制造商36. massive adj . 大量的;巨大的37. mental adj . 心理的;精神的38. moral adj . 道德的;精神上的39. negative adj . 消极的;否定的40. observe vt . 观察;注意到;遵守41.

4、phenomenon n.现象42. product n.产品43. professional adj . 职业的;专业的44. prohibit v.阻止;禁止45. purchase v. &n.购买;购买的东西46. psychological adj . 心理的;心理学的47. relax v.放松;休息48. remain v.保持;依然;留下;剩余49. rural adj . 农村的,乡下的50. risk-free adj . 无风险的51. savings n.存款52. security n.安全53. sneeze vi . 打喷嚏54. spoilt adj . 宠坏的

5、;损坏的55. spokesman n.发言人;代言人56. strength n.力气;长处57. urgent adj . 紧急的;急迫的58. version n.版本;译文59. volunteer n.志愿者60. warm-hearted adj . 热忱的,热心肠的61. weaken v.变弱62. weakness n.弱点;软弱63. well-received adj.受到欢迎的64. win-win adj .双赢的;互利互惠的1. . adapt to 适应于2. avoid contacts with 避免与接触3. be aware of 意识至U4. be bo

6、und to 必然;必定5. be classified as.被归类为6. be devoted to 专心于,献身于7. be ignorant of 对不知道,不了解8. be isolated from 与隔离9. broaden one s horizon拓宽视野10. credit card 信用卡11. develop a fever 发烧12. driving forces驱动力,推动力13. draw up起草,拟定14. face mask 面罩15. famous scenic spots 胜地16. far away 遥远的17. food poisoning食物中毒1

7、8. food security 食品安全19. go up上升;增长;升起20. heavy pressure 高压21. in favor of 有利于;支持,赞同22. in possession of 拥有,占有23. in the long run 长远;终究24. hot button 敏感问题25. lack of 没有,缺乏26. lose sight of 忽略;看不见27. misunderstanding误解,误会28. moonlight clan 月光族29. online education网络教育30. operate on 对动手术;对起作用31. oppose

8、 to 反对32. part-time job兼职工作33. pull down摧毁;推翻34. run into trouble陷入困境之中35. release the pressure释放压力36. result in 导致37. search for 搜寻,搜索38. strong point 特长,长处39. studying abroad 出国留学40. surf the Internet 网上冲浪41. take.for instance 拿来说,例如42. the general public 公众,群众43. underdeveloped region 不发达地区44. we

9、ak point 弱点,缺点in鳏典句式1 .状语从句的省略It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using it- if notturn it off!只要你在使用电气设备,你可以让它开着,如果不用就关掉它。2 . as long as引导条件状语从句As long as biomass is produced continuouslywith only as much as is usedthe“battery lasts forever.只要物质能可以持续地产生,只要能够使用,这种“电池”就能持续到

10、永远。3 . even if引导让步状语从句Even if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases , the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries.即使我们开始减少二氧化碳和其他温室气体的含量,在未来几十年或几个世纪内,气候仍会持续转暖。4 .过去分词(短语)作定语Many of the traffic accidents caused by drunk-driving have brought about traffic jams , injuries and even death.许多醉酒驾驶的交通事故已经造成了交通堵塞、受伤、甚至死亡。


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