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1、模仿朗读的专项训练连读(2) 范例指导:在连贯地说话或朗读时,在同一个意群(即短语或从句)中,如果相邻的两个词前者以辅 音音素结尾,后者以元音音素开头,就要自然地将辅音和元音相拼,构成一个音节,这就 是连读。连读时的音节一般不重读,只需顺其自然地一带而过,不可以加音,也不可以读 得太重。以下几种情况常要连读1 .(词末)辅音+(词首)元音It is an old book. Let me have a look at it.2 .(词末)r/re+(词首阮音Here are four eggs. I looked for it here and there.3 .(词末)辅音+(词首)半元音英

2、语语音中的小和八v/是半元音,如果前一个词是以辅音结尾,后一个词是以半元音(特 别是4。开头,此时也要连读。Thank you. Nice to meet you.例句巩固:1. Thus, this world is getting smaller and smaller, just like one big family.2. They carry goods and passengers to and from every corner of the world.3. They come and visit some of the most famous places in Englan

3、d.4. It takes us right to the edge of whats safe to eat.5. So one of the best ways of making sense of the city is to take a trip along the river.6. Scientists suggest we should reuse it, or remove the salt in seawater and make it fresh.7. Today, afternoon tea parties continue to play an important pa

4、rt in the social life in modernBritain.8. Scientists think that a game like bowling was played in Egypt thousands of years ago.9. To solve this problem, people started inviting friends for an afternoon meal between four andfive oclock.10. The day is a national holiday which is set aside each year as a time to give thanks to God forour blessings.短篇巩固:


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