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1、七年级英语下Unit8知识点Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?1 .问路的表达方式总结(以询问书店的方位为例):X) Excuse me. Where is the bookshop?2) Excuse me. Is there a bookshop near here?3) Excuse me. Can/Could you tell me the way to the bookshop?4) Excuse me. Can/Could you tell me how to get to the bookshop?5) Excuse me. Can/

2、Could you tell me how I can get to the bookshop?6) Excuse me. Which is the way to the bookshop?7) Excuse me. Could you please tell me if there is a bookshop near here?即学即练:1) ! Can you tell me the way to the post office?A.OKB. HelloC. Excuse meD. sorry2) ., Are you Mr Green?A. sorryB. OKC. Excuse me

3、D. Hello2.There be 句型(1) There be+sb/sth +地点在某地有某人或某物(there是引导词,没有词义;be是谓语动词;某人/物是主语,地点 作状语,多为介词短语)eg. There is a bank in the neighborhood.(2)There be句型就近原则谓语动词be在人称和数上应以后面的第一个名词保持一致。There由 some salad on the table There are some students in the classroom.如果There be句型中有多个名词,be动词通常与第一个名词保持人称和数的一致。Ther

4、e互 a bo、,and fwo 仪irk in the room.There are hvo 史iHs and ain the room.(3)There be句型的一般疑问句:将be动词提到句首。肯定回答:Yes, there is /are否定回答:No, there isn5t/areiVt-Is there a bank near here?Yes, there is JNo ,there isnt.(4)There be句型的否定句:在be后加not.Therejs a post office near hear.There isnt a post office near hear

5、.(5)There be 句型与 have/has 的区别:*There be句型表示客观存在;have/has表示主观拥有*There be句型不能与have/has连用。即学即练:1) . There not milk in the cup on the table .A. are, many B. are, much C. is , many D. is much2) .How manv are there in the room ?A. apple B. students C milk D. paper3) Theres going to in tomorrows newspapers

6、.A. have something new B. have new something C. be something new D. be new something4) .How many boys there in Class one?A. beB. is C. are D. am5) .There a lot of good news in todays newspaper.Ae is B. are C. was D. were6) .There pencil-box, two books and some flowers on the desk.A. is a B. are some

7、 C. has a D. have some7) ) . anv flowers on both sides of the street?A. Is there B. Are there C Has D. Have8) . There is no air or water on the moon. Is there?A. Yes, there are B. No, there isnft C. Yes, there isnt D. No, there is9) .is there on the table?A. How many apples B. How much bread C. How

8、much breads D. How many food 10) There must something wrong with our classroom.A. are B. has C is D. be11) There is some on the table.A. apple B. orange C. cake D. sandwich12) There some sheep and two cows on the farm eating grass.A. are B. is C. have D. has3.介词(课本P115本9):(1) across from在对面,后接地点名词或代

9、词。There is a bank(在对面)the library.cross = go across穿过(指从物体的表面穿过,从一边横穿到另一边,如马路)Through,意为“穿过”,侧重从某一范围内部的空间穿过,The sun is shining through the window.She has to push her way through the crowd to get to her son.Over,越过,多指在正上方越过。从这头到那头。The plane flies over a mountain in the southeast 即学即练:1) - Look! A bli

10、nd man is in the middle of the street If s too dangerous.-Lets go and help him the road.A. through B. along C. across D over2) Dont drive so fast! VVe must slow down when we drive the tunnel(隧道).past B. over C. across D. through3) The moonlight is shining the window. Everything in the room looks so

11、nice.A. through B. past C. across D. over4) I often take a walk the park on Second Avenue.A- across B. throughC. pass D. cross5) Can you swim the river?A. near B. between C. from D. across6) Go(cross) the bridge and youll find it on the left.7) Xinhua Bookshop is across the pay phone.A. from B. for

12、C. to D. at(2) next to在旁边,靠近后接地点名词或代词。1) The pay phone is (紧挨着)the library.2) The garden is nextmy house.A. on B. to C. in D. at(3) betweenand在和之间(两者之间)1) She is sitting Lily and Lucy.A. nearB. next to C. between D. across from2) The pay phone is the post office and the library.A. in B. between C. n

13、ear D. front3) Lucy sits on SusaiVs left and on Georges right.(改为同义句)Lucy sits Susan George.4) There is a river the two villages.A. between B. on C along D. front(4) in front of在前面(范围之外)in the front of在前面(范围之内)1) Tom sits the classroom and listens to the teacher carefully.A. in the front of B. in fr

14、ont of C. in the front D. in front(5)behind 在后面,behind the house 0(6) on . Street在.街上,美式英语用on,英式英语用in。-Excuse me. Is there a post office near here?-Yes. There is one Wang Fujln street.A. for B. on C. at D. next(7) along 沿着,相当于 down, go along this street = go down this street l)Go this street and the

15、n turn right.A. from B. to C. down D. on2) My father has a habit of jogging the Jinchuan River for an hour in the morning,A. between B. along C. overD. through3) Walk this street. YouUl find the school the park.A. down; in the front ofB. along; in the front ofC. along; in front ofD. away; in front o

16、f(8) down,意思也是沿着“,相当于along。如:Just go down North Road and turn left.1) Just go straightFourth Avenue. The cinema is .A. along; in the right B. down; in the left C. down; on the left D. along; on right2) Go down this street and turn right in Zhongshan Avenue(改为同义句)this street and turn right in Zhongsh

17、an Avenue.3)沿着新大街一直走,超市就在你的左边。New Street, and the supermarket is .另补充:表示方位的in, on, to的区别:1) In表示在某一地区之内的某方位(属于该范围);Fujian is in the southeast of China.2) To表示在某一地区之外的某方位(不属于该范围);Singapore is to the south of China.3) On表示与某地的毗邻关系。Russia is on the north of China.4) turn leftl)Turn在此处是动词,表示“转弯;转变方向”。lr

18、nleft意为“向左转”,turn right /left 向右转/左转(right /left 是 adv:)TVs one?s turn to do sth轮到某人做某事turn on打开(电灯,电视等)turn off关掉(电灯,电视等)2) on the right/left 在右边/左边(right /left 是 n.)即学即练:1) -Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the bus station?-Go straight and right. Youll see it.A. turning B. turn C. to turn D

19、. turns2) Just go straight and turn The hotel is.A. right; right B. right; on the right C on the right; right D. right; to the right3) The hotel is down Bridge Street the right.A. in B. on C. at D. to5.1) pay v支付,付钱*pay for +物“付钱买某物”*pay +钱+for+物“付多少钱买某物She pays 5 yuan for the books.2)spend time wit

20、h sb和某人共度时光l)English is a little difficult. I must spend more time it.A. in B. at C. on D. for2)-Do you always spend a lot of time computer?- No, but I spend much time doing my homework.A. on, in B. in, in C In, on D. on, on3)-Do you often get online?-Yes. I lots of time on it. If s a good way to ki

21、ll time.A. cost B. spend C. take D. use4) I enjoy playing computer games, but I cant too much time that.A. take, doing B. spend, for doing C. spend, doing D. take, to do5) How much does the ticket from Shanghai to Beijing?A. cost B. take C. spend D. pay6) To get there, I usually walk out and turn ri

22、ght on Bridge Street.Todo短语表示目的,意为“要做的话”To get good grades, you must study hard every day.1) -What do you think of New York city?-It is a good place A. have fun B. having fun C. to have fun D. for funny2) Mom makes me eat an apple every day the doctors away.A. keepsB. Is kept C. to keep D. kept7.You

23、Jre welcome不客气当别人向你道谢时的应答语。表示不用谢的用语还有:Thafs all right /Not at all /Ifs a pleasure.交际用语总结:1)A:在某一方面做得好或取得了某一成绩或成功8: Well done. / Congratulations.真棒。/祝贺。如:-Mum, I got an A In the English exam today.-Well done!2) A:请求对方帮忙B: With pleasure* 乐意效劳。如:-Could you help me look after the cat while I Is not at h

24、ome?- With pleasure!3) A:将要去旅行或度假B: Have a good trip/Have a good (great, wonderful, nice) tlme/EnJoy yourself (yourselves)/Have fun.如:-We are flying to Beijing for the summer vacation next week.- Have a good trip!4) A:表示感谢、是否介意、请求或为某事到歉8: Not at all.如:-Fm sorry for breaking your glass on the table.A

25、Vould you mind my opening the vvindow?/Thanks for helping me so much.-Not at all.没关系。/当然可以/不用谢。With pleasure 和 Its a pleasure的区别:4) Ifs a pleasure. = Youre welcome.用语回答“Thank you”,用于事情发生之后;5) With pleasure. = No problem. = All right. = Pd like to.用于别人请求你做某事,你很乐意去做 时。用于事情发生之后。即学即练:-Sally, I am going

26、to Shanghai tomorrow.A. Well doneB. With pleasure. C. Have a good trip. D. Not at alL一Thank you very much, Eric!A. Tin sorrv B. Yoifre welcome C Here vou are D.I dont know8. busy adj 忙的be busy doing sth=be busy with sth 忙于做某事He is busy(do) his homework.9. enjoy v 喜欢 - enjoyable adj 高兴的enjoy sth喜欢某物e

27、njoy doing sth喜欢做某事enjoy oneself=have fun =have a good/great time 玩得高兴 Ton】 enjoys(play) soccer.(2)Jim and Sunsan enjoy(watch) TV .(3)Do you enjoy English in our class , Mr Green?A. teach B. teaches C. to teach D. teachingBoys and girls, did you enjoy (你们)during the vacation (在假期期间)? Pet er and Simo

28、n enjoyed (他们)at the English party last night.lO.let sb do sth让某人做某事Let me(help) you.lefs do sth让我们一起做某事Lets(go) to school.ll.tell v 告诉tell sb about sth告诉某人关于某事tell sb to do sth告诉某人去做某事tell sb not to do sth告诉某人不要去做某事12.1) the way to +地点去的路Can you tell me the way to the post office?2) On the way to +

29、地点 在去的路上We are on the wav to school.3) By the way顺便说一下By the way, do you know when we will have the English test?-Excuse me. Do you know the way the park?Sorry, I dont know.A. ofB. for C. toD. to go13.hope v 希望hope to do sth 希望去做某事I hope to visit Beijing.hope + that 从句 I hope that I can visit Beijin

30、g.I hope you a good time A. to have B. have C. has D. havingIntake a walk =have a walk = go for a walk 散步一 Lets -All right.A. take a walk B. take walk C. to take walk D. to take a walkIS.welcome to +地点 欢迎到某地来Welcome my birthday party.A. at B. in C. to D./拓展练习题一.从下面方框中选出与下列各句中划线部分意思相同或相近,并能替换划线部分的选项。

31、A. looked afterB. eatD.(1) .She took care of her grandpa when she was free.(2) .Are you sure he Is able te do the work by himself.(3) .Mum, Im hungry. Can I have some cakes?(4) .Jack, please come and sit bv the teacher.二.从下面四个选项中选出正确答案。(1) John wants to buy a big house three rooms for his parents.A.

32、 throughB. with C. in D. on(2) I want to find a house many trees around it A. with B. have C. has D. there are(3)Which would you like, tea or coffee?一Either OK, but I prefer coffee milk.A. is; withB. is; to C. are; with D. are; to(4) -Can we run across the road now?No, we . We have to wait until the

33、 light turns green.A. neediVt B. mustiTt C. couldnt D. shouldiVt(5)-Li Lei, hurry up! The bus is coming!-Oh, no- VVe across the street until the traffic lights turn green.A. mustirt B. may not C. needntD. have to(6) It is very important for us English well.A. learn B. learning C. to learn D. learned

34、(7)VVe can go there on foot. Two kilometers not far.A. are B. is C. am D. be(8) -How much is the pair of shoes?Twenty dollars enough.A. is B. are C. am D. be(9)David has been away for more than 25 days.-I miss him very much. You know, 25 days short.A. IsB. isntC. are D. arent(10) There in the large

35、bowls.A. are some rices B. is some rice C. has some eggs D. have some noodles(11) There is a beautiful garden fifth avenue.A. on B. in C. at D. with三.用词的适当形式填空。(X) Every year many(visit) come to visit the West Lake in Hangzhou.(2) Center park is a good place (play) the guitar.(3) I am very hungry. C

36、an you give me something (eat)?(4) I can find the hotel (easy).(5) You should turn right at the second(cross).(6) I think money(be not)everything.(7) I love to watch monkeys(climb) trees.四、阅读理解。根据所读内容选择正确答案.AMr. Black was traveling around along a road and looking for a hotel when he saw an old man a

37、t the side of the road. He stopped his car and said to the old man, Excuse me, could you tell me where the Sun Hotel is?“Yes, the old man answered. “PH show you the way.”He got into Mr. Blacks car, and they drove for about twelve kilometers. When they came to a small house, the old man said, “Stop h

38、ere.”Mr. Black stopped his car and looked at the house. “But this isnt a hotel” he said to the old man.“No”, the old man answered, “this is my house. And now 141 show you the way to the Sun Hotel. lirn around and go back nine kilometers. Then youll see the Sun Hotel on the left.”(1) . Where did Mr.

39、Black want to go that day?A. He wanted to go back home.B. He wanted to go to a hotel.C. He wanted to go to the old mans house D. He wanted to go to a hospital.(2) . Why did Mr. Black stop his car at the side of the road?A. He found something special.B. He saw a hotelC. He wanted to ask the old man t

40、he way. D. He wanted to have a rest.(3) . Where did the old man take Mr. Black to?A. The small hotel B. The Sun Hotel C. Mr. Blacks house D. The old mans house(4) . Why didnt the old man stop Mr. Black when they passed the hotel?A. He wanted to get home.B. He didnt know the hoteLC. He wanted Mr. Ada

41、mson to stay in his house. D. He didnt see the hotel.(5) . How far was the Sun Hotel from the place where Mr. Black asked the way?A. Two kilometers B. Three kilometers C. Nine kilometers D. Seven kilometersIf you go to Brisbane, Austral ia, you can easi ly get a smaI I book called r,Discover Brisban

42、e free.The book tells you almost everything in Brisbane: the restaurants, the shops, the cinemas, the streets, the buses, the trains, the banks, etc. Here is something about on page 49:ANZ Banking Group Corner of Greek & Queen Streets2283228Bank of New Zea I and 410 Queen Street2210411Bank of Queens

43、land 229 El izabeth Street2293122CommonweaI th Banking Group 240 Queen Street2373111National Australia Bank Ltd.225 Adelaide Street2216422Westpac Bank i ng Corp. 260 Queen Street2272666Banking Hours:10Mon.Thurs. 9:30 a. m. to 4 p. m. Fr i. 9:30 a. m. to 5 p. m.Al I banks close Sat. Sun. & Pub Ii c H

44、olidays.(6) From the material, we can knowA.Brisbane is a city in AustraliaB.C.D.,fDi scover,rDi scover,rDi scover(7) You can findBr i sbane” i s expensiveBrisbane has about 49 pagesBrisbane” tells you everything in Brisbane Bank of Queensland on .A.C.Queen StreetAde I a i de Street seems to beA. Gr

45、eekC. Queen(9) At 5:30StreetStreetB. Elizabeth StreetD. the corner of Greek Street and the banking center in Brisbane.B. Elizabeth StreetD. Ade I a i de StreetQueen Streetp. m., youA. no bankscan go to toB. ANZC. NationaI Australia Bank Ltd. D.(10) In Australia, the banks have theirput your money in

46、 orBanking GroupCommonweaI th Bankingtake your money out.GroupIongest service hours on12A. FridaysC. weekends8. Mondays and ThursdaysD. pub Iic hoiidaysA man and his wife want to move to a new house. They look for a long time and find a nice one. They look at the house together and want to buy it, b

47、ut they have to learn something about the neighborhood first. Would the neighbors be nice or not? An old man is walking in front of the house, so they go to him to get some information (信息)“Sir J says the husband (丈夫),“my wife and I are looking at this house. It looks great and we may buy it. But first, could


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