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1、高考一轮重点复习ModuIe 6 Unit5 & ModuIe 7 Unitl一.重点单词1. impress(l)v.给予某人深刻的印象He impressed us with his good sense of humor.(2) impress sth. on/ upon sb.使某人铭记His performance impressed itself on my memory.I 11 try to impress my good language skill on the interview.impression n. E|J象; 感觉make/ leave an impressio

2、n upon/on sb.给某人深亥印象impressive adj.给人留下深刻印象的 考点例题:His words are strongly my mind.2. able adj.有才能的,能够的ability n.能力;才干.disability n.无力,无能,残疾disabled adj.伤残的I am able to type fifty words in a minute. 二I have the ability to type fifty words in a minute. 我月目一分钟打 50个字。It is not right to make fun of people

3、 (who live) with disabilities.It is not right to make fun of disabled people.嘲笑残疾人是不对的为点例题:1) For a long time, mental was considered shameful andthe mentally disabled received little treatment or encouragement.2)There was a fire accident in the hotel last night. Fortunately everyone escape from the

4、fire and no one hurt.A. was able to B. could C. can D. is able to3. congratulate vt.祝贺,庆贺,恭喜 同义:celebrateLet me congratulate you on the birth of your daughter.我祝贺你喜获 千金。区别:congratulate的宾语是人;celebrate的宾语是新年、生日、结婚、成功等I congratulated my friend on her birthday. 我向女友祝贺生口。We celebrated the New Year with a

5、 dance party.我们举行跳舞晚会庆 祝新年。考点例题: to you on achievement such a complete victory.(祝贺)4. access n.通路,访问,入门vt.存取,接近.accessible adj.可接近的;可进入的;可使用的There is no access to the street through that door.穿过刃B个门没有 通向大街的路。Every students in our school have access to the library.The library is accessible to every s

6、tudents in our school. 考点例题:The living people in these apartments have free access to that swimming pool 二The swimming pool the living people in these apartments.二.重点短语1. make one s way 行进;向前The enemy were making their way towards this village.拓展:stand in one s way阻止某人做某事give way to sth.被取彳弋考点例题:1)

7、The old practice will surelya new one.2)Short as he was, the little boy managed to through the crowd.2. in other words 换句话说Money is important but it is not everything. In other words, you can t live well without money, but money can t buy everything.拓展:have words with sb.与某人吵嘴have a word with sb.= t

8、alk with sb.keep one s word/ promise 信守诺吉break one s word/promise 食言word for word原原本本地考点彳列题:Li Hong is a quiet and honest girl. When she 1 with others, she speaks 2. She never breaks her word. 3 she always 4(1. has a word 2. word for word 3. In other words 4. keeps her word)3. all in all 总而言之=in a w

9、ord 二 on the whole = in conclusion All in all, it has been a great success.拓展:in all总共;共计 after all毕竟;终究all over遍及;到处 above all门先考点例题: You shouldn t have punished Tom 1 He is a child, 2; 3 he made only two mi stakes 4(1. at all; 2. after all ; all; 4. in all)4. take on承担;从事;呈现;开始雇用He took on so much

10、 work that he couldn, t really do it efficiently.拓展:take ,as把当作take away 拿走take down 记下take off起飞;匆匆离去take out 取出take over 接管考点例题:(1) Paul has graduated from university, and his father is old. So many employees guess Paul will his father s business.(2) The plane has to delay due to the badweather.(3

11、) You had better everything in detail at themeeting since it is so important.(4) It is not wise to too much work at a time.5. have difficulty in doing 干某事有困难We have no difficulty in finding his house. = We have no trouble in finding his house.拓展:have difficulty with sth.做某事有困难with difficulty困难地;吃力地w

12、ithout difficulty 容易地make no difficulty无异议;不反对in difficulties 处境尴尬考点例题: You can never imagine what great we had you schoollast time.A. difficult; findingB. difficulty ; to findC. difficulty findingD. difficult ; found三.重点句型1. I was about to go back to sleep when suddenly my bedroom became as bright

13、as day.我刚要再睡,突然我的卧室亮如白昼。be about to do sth. when 正当突然类似的结构还有:be doing sth. when正在做突然He was about to leave when the telephone rang.他正要离开,突然电话 铃响了起来。试翻译:他正要到河里游泳,突然导游制止了他。He swim in the river theguide stopped him.拓展:as soon as, hardly* when ;no soonerthan这三个短语都 有“一就”,“刚刚就”的意思,它们的意思相近,因此有时可以互换。 例如:我刚到公

14、共汽车站,汽车就开了。As soon as I got to the bus stop, the bus started.Hardly had I got to the bus stop when the bus started.No sooner had I got to the bus stop than the bus started.但它们之间也有差异,例如,如果从两件事情的间隔时间来说,as soon as 较长(A事情发生以后,就做B这件事),no soonerthan居中(刚做完A这 件事,就做B这件事),hardlywhen间隔时间最短(儿乎未来得及做完A件 事,紧接着就做B这

15、件事)。考点例题:1)我一到那儿就给你来信。2)运动会刚开始,天就下起了大雨。3)他刚写完文章,灯就熄了。1)1 11 write you as soon as I get there.2) No sooner had the game started than it began to rain heavily.3)He had hardly finished the article when the light went out. 二 Hardly had he finished the article when the light went out.2. The other two cli

16、mbed into the crater to collect some lava for late study, but this being my first experience, I stayed at the top and watched them.另外两个人攀下火山口去收集日后研究用的岩浆,我是第一次经历这样的 事,所以留在山顶上观察他们。This being my first experience是“代词+”构成的独立主格结构,在句 中作原因状语。拓展:独立主格结构的构成:独立主格结构的逻辑主语与主句的主语不是同一主 语,它的构成为“主格词(代词主格或名词)+非谓语动词”,在句

17、中作状语, 表示时间,原因,条件和伴随。Her glasses broken, she couldn, t see the words on the blackboard.So many people to help him, he is sure to succeed.The weather being fine, we have made up our minds to go for a picnic. 考点例题:If the weather , we would to out for fishing.A. permitsB. permitted C. being permitting D

18、./【模拟试题】一、框内所给词组的适当形式完成下列句子。keep one s word; make ones way; amaze at ; all in all; makean effort; adapt to ; burn to the ground; a diversity of; in other word; adapt from1. During the terrorist attack on September 11 the World Trade Center2. I know you don t like her, but you could to be polite.3. S

19、hort as he was, the little boy managed to through the crowd.4. He the stranger* s behaviour.5. Mary has interests; she likes sports, travel, photography, and making radio sets.6. He has promised to help you and I m sure he .7. The price of gasoline has gone up. , we have to pay more for it.8. To tel

20、l you the truth, my daughter is to me.9. This novel the Russian original for radio.10. His is quick new circumstances.二、根据句子意思写出括号内所给单词的恰当形式。1. (compare) with other methods, this one is relatively more effective.2. I could easily imagine her(regard) him as a man of fine quality.3. His habit is (list

21、en) to some news in the morning.4. (receive) her letter for a long time, I phoned her to see what was wrong.(accept) as a member of the company, he took over the job of the former secretary.6. The criminal was about to tell the truth he was shot.7. His attention(fix) his own research work, he did no

22、t even notice the loudly noise around him.8. So many people(look) at her, she couldn t speak out a single word.9. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found(smoke) in the kitchen.10. He is said (travel) around the country for 3 times. 三、语法填空There are many types of reports. A report is simply an

23、 account of something 1 has happened. The commonest are news reports. We get them in newspapers, 2 the radio, and on television. The main purpose of a newspaper 3 (provide) news. If you examine a newspaper 4 (close), you will find that there are all types of news: accident, floods, fires, wars, fash

24、ions, sports, books, etc. The news 5 (cover) everything that happens to people and their surroundings. Sometimes there 6 (be) news items which are very amusing. A news report is usually very short, except 7 it is about something very important. It is also written in shortparagraphs. The first paragr

25、aph is in fact 8 summary of the news item. The other paragraph give full details of the subject. There 9 (情态 动词)also be interviews with people. Often there are photographs to 10 (动词短语)the news to make it more interesting.【试题答案】一、 burnt to the ground an effort 3. make his way4. was amazed at5. a dive

26、rsity of 6. will keep his word7. In other word8. all in all9. has been adaptedfrom10. to adapt to二、1. Compared2. regarding3. listening 4. Nothaving received5. Having been accepted 6. when7. fixed on8.looking9. smoking10. to have traveled三、 2. on3. to provide 4. closely5. covers6. are 7. when 8. a9. may 10. go with


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