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1、 第三方物流物流外包现状 2008年年中,凯捷咨询 、乔治亚理工大学、Oracle、和DIIL组成研究小组,共同研究发布了 2008第三方物流一一 物流外包现状的研究报告。该报告共有1644名物流专家参与,内容涉及2008年第三方物流趋势及重大事件,研究结果主要涉及一体化物流、绿色供应链和供应链安全三个方面。这些研究结果可以有效帮助物流外包企业更好地理解、 更有效地管理各方关系。市场现状第三方物流用户高度看中他们与第三方物流的关系。有89的被调查用户认为 ,第三方物流商为其提供了战略性的、具有竞争力的优 势,主要体现在成本、固定资产和短期订单循环时间的节约方面。第三方物流商还有效传播了客户服务

2、与商业流程。而这些成果的取得仅仅是由建立强有力的合作关系和使用预期矩阵等细化合同获得的。但是,专家们也警告,为了保障第三方物流商的眼务质量应当注意个别事项。这些注意事项包括服务水平承诺,对服务提供的持续改善性投资,以及降低成本。其中降低成本是第三方物流用户面临的最普遍问题。而最值得注意的方面则是第三方物流计划中的技术投资以及用户的IT预期和第三方物流商满足其能力之间的差异。这些问题已经持续数年成为专家们关注的热点 。 另外,值得注意的是,尽管用户越来越多的使用外包物流服务、增加外包物流预算,但是外包眼务质量并没有出现大幅度的提升。企业仍旧外包相对商品化的服务,而保留面向客户或更为战略性的物流服

3、务。一体化物流纵观历史,客户对一体化系统和服务的需求很好地推动了企业采购单个物流服务的进程。 目前,第三方物流已经成为客户系统和服务一体化的有效手段。人们往往将第 三方物流商与 “批量化”、“综合 化”和 “一站式消费”联系起来,并且承认其拥有包括一体化流程、技术、人员和服务的众多优势。 有四分之一的第三方物流用户承认其依赖第三方物流商提供的系统和服务一体化,特别是成熟而复杂的供应链;而他们自身则更多地关注消除内部管理的负担、提高产出比、降低成本和提高整体效率的方面。但是不同的企业对第三方物流商提供系统和服务一体化的要求并不相同。控制缺失、可视性 、内在实力以及依赖程度是第三方物流商获取潜在客

4、户的主要障碍。这些因素限制了现有客户,它们只是更多地倾向于外包普通的、商品化的服务,而不是采用更具有创新性,战略性的服务。这也提醒了一 些第三方物流用户应 当采取步骤 ,避免过度地依赖或限制第三方物流商,以平衡成本和风险。总体来说,采取系统和服务一体化需要慎重考虑。绿色供应链 86的被调查者认为绿色供应链是重要的,并且有98的被调查者认同采取绿色供应链有利于企业的未来。然而 ,被调查者在涉及投资回报、绿色作为选取第三方物流商的因素、改变运输模式等方面,反映出不同的观点。有接近一半的第三方物流用户乐于采取行动、获取绿色行动中的收益,而另一半不但不确信 、甚至有些悲观。目前,对于如何推动绿色供应链

5、行动,的确有着广泛的不确定性。专家组成的焦点访谈和工作小组参与者强烈认同将转变绿色供应链的流程分为三个步骤:推广教育、测量碳踪迹、确认变化杠杆以及着手商业支持的行动。绿色行动应当注意三个关键点:他们必须在融资、环境和社会三方面具有一定接受度。 供应链安全 在变化的商业环境面前,企业不得不更多地致力于保护供应链,防止其遭受其他安全威胁、自然灾害、港口或运输中断和产品错位的困扰。用户对第三方物流商的服务基本满意,76的被调查者认为他们的供应链是安全的。然而,一项供应链安全测试回顾则反映了第三方物流用户预期与目前第三方物流商供应链安全能力之间的差异。第三方物流用户认为物理安全、合作与警戒是第三方物流

6、商提供安全服务的最有效方式,但是它们往往担心金融或运作能否符合要求。值得庆幸的是,提高可视度、建立正确的流程、最小化直接接触等措施可以供企业及其第三方物流商衡量、确定安全隐患,其中最小化直接接触是最为关键的手段。也许最好的办法就是企业及其第三方物流商共同致力于供应链安全创新,并且这个过程中产生了大量附属效应,可以有效补偿成本并提高供应链整体运作水平。 战略性评定 通过专家组长达13年的研究,他们发现大量的第三方物流市场上的 主客双方在外包服务的类型和第三方物流商对于I T 的投资 方面增长缓慢。为了获取潜在利益并且提供更为 战略性、创造性的服务,第三方物流商及其用户必须建立良好的合作关系。而这


8、13年的研究中,他们已经收集了丰富的数据,反映了第三方物流商及用户在更好地解决新问题的经验。不管是环境问题还是供应链安全需求,第三方物流商都将很好地面对下一次挑战。2008 third-party logistics-logistics outsourcing status capgemini consulting, Georgia tech university, Oracle, DHL The middle of 2008, capgemini consultation, George tech university, Oracle, and DIIL composition resear

9、ch group, to jointly study released of one of the research report. The report were 1644 name logistics specialist participation, and the content involves 2008 third-party logistics trend and major event, the research results mainly involves the integration of green supply chain and logistics, supply

10、 chain security three aspects. These research results can effectively help outsourcing logistics enterprises to better understand and more effective management parties relationship.The market situation The third party logistics users with highly after their third party logistics relationship. Have 8

11、9 percent of surveyed the user thinks, third party logistics providers offer for its strategic, competitive optimal potential, is mainly reflected in cost, fixed assets and short-term order cycle time savings. Third party logistics providers also effective spreading the customer service and business

12、 processes. And these results achieved only by building strong relationships and use expected contract obtain refined matrix, etc. But, experts have warned, in order to protect the eyes of the third party logistics providers room-service quality attention shall be paid to the individual matters. The

13、se precautions includes service level of service commitment, provide the continuous improvement of investment, and reduce costs. Third-party logistics cost is one of the most common problems facing users. But the most notable aspects of the plan is the third party logistics technology investment and

14、 users IT expected and third party logistics providers to satisfy their ability differences. These problems have lasted for several years to become experts are concerned hot. In addition, it is worth noting, although the user more and more use of outsourcing logistics services, increase outsourcing

15、logistics budget, but outsourcing eye service quality and did not appear drastically in ascension. Enterprise still outsourcing services, and relative commercialization retained its customers or more strategic logistics services. Integrated logistics Throughout history, the customer to integration s

16、ystem and service requirement is very good to promote the enterprise procurement single logistics service process. At present, the third party logistics has become customer systems and services integration effective means. People tend to be the first trilateral logistics providers and PiLiangHua, co

17、mprehensive change and one-stop consumption that links, and that its had including integration process, technical, personnel and the numerous advantages. Service A quarter of the third party logistics user admits its dependence on third party logistics providers provide systems and services integrat

18、ion, especially mature and complex supply chain; And they themselves are more attention to eliminate internal management, improve the burden of output ratio, reduce costs and improve the overall efficiency. But different enterprises for third party logistics providers provide system and service inte

19、gration request is not the same. Control loss, visibility, inner strength as well as dependent degree is the third party logistics providers obtain potential customers the main obstacle. These factors that restrict the existing customer, they are more inclined to outsourcing ordinary, the commercial

20、ization of service, rather than the more innovative and strategic services. This also remind a some third-party logistics users should when taken steps and avoid excessive dependence or limit to third party logistics providers to balance the cost and risk. Overall, adopt systems and services integra

21、tion requires careful thought. Green supply chain 86 percent of respondents believed that green supply chain is important, and ninety-eight percent of respondents agree to take green supply chain to the future of the company. However, respondents in involving ROI, green as selecting third-party logi

22、stics business factor, changing transport modes etc, reflects different point of view. Nearly half of the third party logistics users willing to take action, obtain green action of earnings, while the other half will not sure, even some pessimistic. Currently, about how to promote green supply chain

23、 operations, indeed have a broad uncertainty. Experts composed of focus talk and working groups participants identify strongly will transform of green supply chain process is divided into three steps: promote education, measuring carbon traces, the confirmation and support to business changes lever

24、of action. Green action attention shall be paid to the three point: they must in financing, environmental and social three aspects has certain Acceptance. Supply chain security In a changing business environment in front, enterprises have to more committed to the protection of supply chain, prevent

25、its suffered other security threats, natural disaster, port or transportation interrupt and the product of a dislocated troubling. User to the third party logistics providers of services basic satisfaction, 76 percent of the respondents thought that their supply chain is safe. However, a supply chai

26、n security test review is an indication of third-party logistics user pre period and currently third party logistics providers supply chain security ability differences. The third party logistics users think of physical security, cooperation and vigilance is third party logistics providers provide s

27、ecurity service the most effective way, but they often worry that financial or operation can meet requirements. Luckily, improve mandible, establishing the correct procedure, minimize direct contact with the measures for the enterprise and its third party logistics providers measure, determine the s

28、afe hidden trouble, including minimise direct contact are the key method. Maybe the best way is to enterprise and its third party logistics providers are committed to supply chain security innovation, and this process produces a lot of subsidiary effect, can effective compensation costs and improve

29、supply chain operation. Strategic evaluation Through the expert group for 13 years of study, they found a lot of third-party logistics market subject-object parties in outsourcing service and the type of third party logistics providers for I Ts investment is slow. In order to obtain potential benefi

30、ts and offer more The strategic and creative services, third party logistics providers and users must be established good relations of cooperation. And this also is those who have tried to outsourcing integrated supply chain systems and services for business requirements. The third party logistics b

31、usiness cooperation intention and integrated technology use is successful practice of third-party logistics systems and services integration of core. Participate in integration systems and services of the third party logistics must be strong, but on the other hand, green supply chain and supply chai

32、n security must also as a factor. Green is fast becoming measure supply chain of success benchmarks. The green supply chain will strongly enhance strategic tactical supply chain management. Enterprise must act immediately and begin green supply chain operations, solve sustainable operation to the th

33、reats facing the supply chain. If the enterprise to take the initiative development supply chain security solutions, so more likely from supply chain security of subsidiary effect solving more broad risk crisis, obtain equilibrium income statement more positive influence. Supply-chain expert continu

34、ed face new challenges, the supply chain management needs revising the market operation. In 13 years of study, they have gathered rich data, reflects the third party logistics providers and users in better solve new problems of experience. Whether environmental problems or supply chain security requirements, the third party logistics providers, will well face the next challenge.


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