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1、一、选择填空( )1. Which is Lesson Five or Lesson Six?A. interesting B. more interesting C. most interestingD. the most interesting( )2. Sorry, I can t answer your question. I know aboutthe news.A. a littleB. littleC. few11 / 37D. a few( ) 3. T ve got an A forA. sadlyD. happily()4. I think the film songs.B

2、.song inA. the beautiful()5.Jimmost beautifulD. a beautiful works asA. carefulmy history. sadtheB.asJudy saidfilm Titanicmost beautifulZhang Hua.B. carefullyisC. happyone of theC. much moreC. more carefulD. most carefully( ) 6. Can you speak to a person in old clothes?A. kindB. kindlyC. politeD. fri

3、endly()7. Just a moment, please! I 11 finish in five minutes.A. anotherB otherC. moreD. less()8. Who jumped of all in the long jump?A. longestB. longerC. fartherD. farthest ( ) 9. My sister isn t maths.A. good forB well inC. good atD. best at( )10. Of all the shoes in your shop, is this pair one?A.

4、very goodB. much betterC. a cheaperD. the cheapest()11. Jack didn t run to catch up with the otherrunners.A. fast enoughB. quick enough C. enough slowD. slowly enough( )12. India has the second population in the world.A. mostB largestC. leastD. smallest( )13. We have milk for baby. You d better go a

5、nd buy some.A. littleB a littleC. fewD. a few( )14. Jim has friends here. So he often feels lonely.A. a littleB. littleC. a fewD. few( )15. Lucy has made quite friends since she came here. She s very happy.A. fewB. littleC. a fewD. few( )16. The old woman lives, but he doesn,t feel.A. alone, alone B

6、. alone, lonely C. lonely, lonely D. lonely, alone( )17. Mrs. Green gave Lucy to eat.A. delicious something B. Chinese something C. something English D. something England()18. Mum will give him to eat.A. something real ChineseB. real ChinesesomethingC. something really ChineseD. really Chinesesometh

7、ing( )19. I couldn t see much during the flight because there was cloud.A. too manyB. too muchC. much tooD. a lot( )20. The sweater is very beautiful, but it s dear.A. too muchB. much tooC. manyD. more( )21. Today, trees are still being cut down somewhere in the world.A. much tooB too muchC. many to

8、oD. too many( ) 22. I think football is basketball in America.A. more popularB. so popular as C. as popular asD less popular( ) 23. Shanghai is the of all the cities in China.A. largeD. most large()24. The boy doesn,A. much faster as than D. so fast asB. largert run theB. as fastestC. largestbus.as

9、C. more fast( ) 25. Germany has people than France.A. fewerB. smallerC. largeD. more)26. The population of Xi an is than that of Shanghai.D.A. smallerB. fewerC. morelarger ) 27. It rained last night.A. heavilyB. heavyC. heavylyD. hardly( ) 28. Eating more vegetables will keep you .A. goodB. fatC. we

10、akD. healthy( ) 29. The elephant is big that he can t be put into a small cage.A. so, soB such, soC. so, suchD. such, such( ) 30. Lily said she hadn t heard music before.A. such a beautiful piece of B. a beautiful C. so beautiful a D. such a wonderful( )31. Maths is one of the subjects in middle sch

11、ools.A. importantB. most important C. more importantD. much important()32. Jim is of the two.A. tallerB. the tallerC. tallestD. the tallest( ) 33. This book is interesting than that one.A. little moreB. little much C. a little moreD. a little much( )34. He can t help you with your maths. I m afraid

12、I can tA. tooB. elseC. alsoD either) 35. Don t worry. Your granny will get C. well andI can C. nearlyC. heavilyA. well and well B. better and better better D. best and best( ) 36. Can you understand me? Sorry,understand you.A. hardlyB. almostD. ever( )37. The little boy books .A. lovelyB. carefullyD

13、. sadly( ) 38. Jim can draw the teacher.C. as better asA. as well asB. not so well asD. as good asB. a lotC. many( )39. It s going to be a busy day today. I have work to do.A. a hardD. much ()40. How they are working!A. hardlyB. a hardC. hardD. a hardly( ) 41. These shoes are much too for me.A. bigB

14、. biggerC. biggestD. the biggest( )42. There are many tall trees on side of the street.A. bothB. allC. eitherin November, but it s evenD. neitherA. cold, cold()43. In Harbin, it s in December.B. cold, colder C. colder, coldD. colder coldest ( )44. Look! The children are playing , they are alwaysA. h

15、appy, happyB. happily, happily C. happily,happy D. happy, happily ( )45. Jim please turn the radio a little I m talking with your uncle.A. offB. onC. downD. up ( ) 46. Everything is on the moon than on the earth.C. more lightC. realA. much more lighter B. much more lightD. much lighter( )47. It s ni

16、ce of you to help me.A. trueB trulyD. really( )48. Don t eat the meat. It smells .A. dirtyB. deliciousC. badD. sweet( )49. Their school is three times as as ours. That means our school is than theirs.A. big, three times smaller B. small, large C. big, smallD. large, twice smallerone of the worldC. t

17、he greatest( ) 50. The population problem may be today.A. the mostB. most difficultD. more interesting( ) 51. The ice in the lake is about one metre . It s strong enough to skate on.A. long wideB. highC. thickD.( )52. Miss Green asked a question, but it was that nobodycould answer it.A. very difficu

18、ltB. too difficult C. difficultenough D. so difficult ( )53.My watch doesn t work. Could you mend it, please?Sorry. But the workers in that watch shop may be.A. kindB. friendlyC. niceD.helpful ( )54. Sam often talks but does . So everyone says he is a good boy.A. less, moreB. few, much C. more, litt

19、leD. little, many ( )55. When the famous singer started to sing, everyone began to shout very .A. loudlyB. loudC. heavily D.high( )56. In spring and summer, we have rain in Harbin. It s good for growing crops (庄稼).A. a lotB. quite a fewC. lots ofD. many( )57.Can you come on Friday or Saturday?I m af

20、raid day is possible.B. someC. anyA. eitherD. neither ( )58. There is a smile on her face. I think she s with my work.A. strictB. angryC. pleasedD. sorry()59.A.She is thinerthan any other girl in her class.B. thinnerC. thinD.the thinnest()60.Jane s English .as her English.is very good, but herFrench

21、 is not soD.A. bestwellB. goodC. better()61.He is two years than I.D.A. lesselderB smallerC. younger()62.The song soundsD.A. goodsweetlyB nicelyC. well()63.Australia is country.A. an English-spoken B. a speaking-English C. a spoken-EnglishD. an English-speaking()64. I seen to have met you .A. before

22、B. agoC. yetD. some time( )65. They have moved away from Beijing. They don t live thereA. any longerB. once moreC. eitherD. again( )66. The road is not for three trucks to run side by side.A. wide enoughB. so wideC. too wideD enough wide( ) 67. The streets are wet because it has rained all morning.A

23、. thicklyB. stronglyC. heavilyD. deeply( )68. You 11 miss your train if you don t put on your clothesA. fastB. soonD. quickly()69. Who is of you three?A. the oldestB. much olderD. older()70. These apples look .A. niceB. wellC. quickC. oldestC. sweetlyD. nicely( )71. Can we do our work with money and

24、 people?A. less, fewerB. lesser, fewC. few, lessD. little, less( ) 72. He made mistakes in the last exam.A. the leastB. fewerC. the fewestD. less( )73. Which do you think is , the chicken or the fish? A. goodB. betterC. bestD. well( )74. As it was a rainy night, people went to see the film.A. fewB s

25、everalC. manyD. a few ( )75. It takes time to go there by plane than by train.A. littleB. lessC. fewD. fewer( ) 76. This shirt is not good. The one is even .A. betterB. worseC. wellD. worst ()77. Monday is my day.A. the busiestB. busyC. busierD. busiest( ) 78. He drives much than be did three years

26、ago.A. more carefulB. more carefullyC. carefulD. carefully( )79. I couldn, t find my English-Chinese dictionaryA. everywhereB. nowhereC. somewhereD.anywhere)80. John did badly I the sports meeting.I did evenD.A. also badlymore badly)81. He isB. worseC.worstteacher that all oflike him.A. such good aB

27、. a so goodC. so good aD.a such good)82. Jack doesnt workTom.A. as so goodB. so good asC. so hard asD.so harder as)83. The story book wasinterestingI couldnot put it down.A.as, thatB.so, thatC.so, asD. as, as( ) 84. Li Ying understand the foreigner.A. can hardly B. cannot hardly C. can hardly notD.

28、cannot hard( ) 85. His father is than his mother.A. older four years B. as four years older C. four yearsolder D. bigger four years ( ) 86. Shanghai is larger than in Japan.A. any other city B. other citiesC. the other cityD. any city( )87. Don t you think it to write the letter?A. wellB. betterC. b

29、estD. good()88. The Great Pyramid (金字塔)is about 137 metres high today,but it was onceD.D.D.A. highermore high)89. uAre you feelingA. quite goodany better)90.A.late91.I got uplaterShe isn tsoA. wellB. highest?” “Yes,B. quite bettertoday than yesterday.B. more latelyB. goodC.m fineC.high toonow.any we

30、llC. latelyat maths as you are.C. betterD.best92. Who didin the test,Mary, Kate or Betty?A. bestB. betterC. as wellD. well( ) 93. It is today than yesterday.A. very hotterB. quite hotterC. more hotterD. much hotter( ) 94. The water is hot that I can t drink it.A. quiteB. soC. tooD. very( ) 95. Today

31、, he is feeling to go Changjiang River.A. enough goodB well enough C. good enoughD. enough well( ) 96. Your grandmother goes to the cinema, does she?A. usuallyB. alwaysC. hardlyD. sometimes( ) 97. He made the mistakes in the best.A. lessB leastC. fewerD. fewest() 98. John was so tired that he could

32、hardly keep his eyesA. openB. to be openC. to openD.opening( )99. Can you believe that in a rich country there shouldbe many poor people?A. such, suchB. so, soC. so, suchD. such, so() 100. There are more books in our library than intheirs.A. muchB too muchC. manyD.little ( )101. His sister is than h

33、e.A. older four years B. four years older C. elder four years D. four years elder ( )102. A: How do you go shopping? B: Once a week.A. manyB. muchC. longD.often( )103. You don* t like him .A. veryB. oftenC. mar i ngD. much( )104. My father comes home from work late every day. So he is man.A. a quite

34、 busyB. a busy quiteC. quite a busy12/37D. quite busy a( )105. Do you sleep every night?C. wellA. badB. niceD. good( )106. The green shirt is as as the yellow one.A. cheapB. cheaperC. cheapestD. the cheapest ( )107. You know about it than Jim does.A. even littleB. even lessC. more littleD. more less

35、( )108. Lucy is to make a living by herself.A. very oldB too youngC.so bigD. much strong ( )109. The school is that one.A. three times as large asB. three timelarger asC. three times larger asD. as large asthree times ()110. The earth is getting .A. warm and warm B. warmer and warm C. warmer and war

36、mer D. warm and warmer ( )111. the ground is, the air becomes.A. The higher, the thinner B. Higher, thinner C. The high, the thin D. Higher, the thinner ( )112. To my surprise, a little boy can draw many beautiful pictures.A. such, soB. so, suchC. so, soD. such, such () 113. Several weeks later, Li

37、Lei found maths chemistry.A. less difficult B. less difficult than C. the more difficult than D. as difficult than ()114. He can draw an artist.A. as well as B. not so well as C. as good as D. as better as( )115. I have never seen flower before. It s wonderful.A. such a beautiful B. a such beautiful

38、 C. so a beautiful D. a so beautiful( )116. I don t feel very today. I can t go to school.A. goodB. betterC. niceD. well( )117. Have you got money to buy this car?A. a littleB. fewC. enoughD. many( )118. I m interested in the film.A. deepB. depthC. deeplyD. deepen( )119. The wind is blowing hard, th

39、e rain isfalling.A. strong, heavy B. big, largeC. great, hugeD. strongly, heavily( )120. The trousers were . He paid a price for it.A. high, dearB. expensive, highC. dear,expensive D. low, cheap ( )121. John is his brother.A. as clever as B. so clever as C. cleverer as D. more clever than()122. It i

40、s not in Nanjing .A. so cold, as ShenyangB. colder, thanShenyangC. as cold, as in ShenyangD. so colder, asShenyang( )123. I was at the news that the kind man was.A. surprised, died B. surprised, dead C. surprising, dead D. surprised, death( )124. Jim is much today, but Lucy is even .A. well, illB. w

41、ell, worseC. better, illD. better, worse ( )125. He was too tired to go any .A. farB Both are OKC. farthestD. farest( )126. Let s go by bus. It s .A. cheap a lotB. cheap muchC. more cheapD. much cheaper()127. she is she feels.A. Busy, happy B. Busier, happier C. The busier, the happier D. The busy,

42、the happy( )128. The horse is getting old and can t run it did.A. as fast asB. so fast thanC. fast asD. faster as( ) 129. He drives much than he did one year ago.A. carefulB. carefullyC. morecareful D. more carefully ( )130. Kate has some pears. Jim has pears than Kate. Lucy has of all.A. more, the

43、most B. the most, more C. more, most D. many, the more( )131. This one isn, t good, that one is .A. more badB. still worstC. even worseD. more badly( )132. Of all the apples in the paper box, this one is .A. redB. rederC. redderD. the reddest ( )133. Of all the apples in the paper box, this one is A

44、. very carefullyB the most carefully C. morecarefully D. the most careful ( )134. As the girl was so , she soon fell .A. tiring, sleeping B. tired, sleeping C. tired,asleep D. tired, sleepy( )135. Which subject do you like , English or Chinese?A. betterB. bestC. wellD. very much ( )136. The girl was

45、 when she heard the words.A. frightening, frighteningB. frightened,frightenedC. frightening, frightenedD. frightened,frightening ()137. This city has bridge.A. a stone old fine B. a fine old stone C. an old stone fine D. an old fine stone ( )138. in his class is taller than he.A. No boysB. No other boy C. No other boy


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