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1、留学收入证明范例样本-条据书信 留学收入证明怎么写呢出国留同学们是不是在苦恼呢?下面是我搜集整理的留学收入证明范例样本,欢迎阅读,更多资讯尽在工作证明栏目! 留学父母收入证明范例样本 (需要用法带有单位名称、地址、联系方式的正式公函信笺)证明兹证明_先生/女士系我司员工,职务_, 202119年收入为: 202119年收入为: 年收入包含年薪、奖金、提成、及各项补贴,个人所得税已由单位代扣代缴。 某某单位(公章)年 月日 留学收入证明范例样本 Proof of Funds: A prospective foreign student is required to demonstrate Pro

2、of of Availability of Funds when he applies for F-1 student visa in or outside of the United States. USCIS or an Officer at the local US Embassy need to be sure that the student can live in the US and pay his tuition without working, which is permitted for foreign students only under rare circumstan

3、ces. Proof of Availability of Funds can be demonstrated either by the prospective student directly, or through Sponsorship. The following is a list of the standard requirements and conditions for Proof of Funds. All financial support documents must be dated within 6 months of the intended program st

4、art date or date of extension request. All financial support documents must be in English, or with an official translation into English from the bank attached. All bank statements and bank letters must be on bank letterhead and include the name of the account holder, account number, and specific amo

5、unt of funds. The name of the sponsor on the affidavit of support must match the name of the account holder on the bank statement or bank letter. All funds must be readily accessible and liquid, such as savings accounts and checking accounts. Investments with fluctuating values are generally not rec

6、ommended as viable proof of funds. An F-1 student may not act as a sponsor for a fellow F-1 student. There are seven types of sponsorship that an F-1 student can have: Change of Status US Sponsor Affidavit of Support (Notarized) Income Tax Return or letter from employer stating annual salary Change

7、of Status Sponsor Abroad Guarantee letter of support Change of Status Self Sponsor Initial Entry US Sponsor Affidavit of Support (Notarized) Income Tax Return or letter from employer stating annual salary Initial Entry Sponsor Abroad Guarantee letter of support Initial Entry Self Sponsor TransferIn

8、Self Sponsor, US Sponsor, or Sponsor Abroad Recent bank statement with appropriate amount of funds for duration of I-20 工作和收入证明模板 CERTIFICATE OF EMPLOYINCOME This is to certify that *(male, born on Oct. 29,1975) was employed by *from July 1998 to present. During this period Mr. *worked very hardhave

9、 done a good job. According to records of personal income kept by the financial department of *the details of *s annual income during this period are listed as follows (unit: MB/Yuan). Annual salary 11,820 Allowance for post 11,000 Bonus 10,000 This is to certify the authenticity of all listed above

10、. Certifier (signature): Tel: The Personal Section Of * 出国留学父母财务规划需先行许多人商量过子女出国留学的费用应当提前预备,不过很少有人会提示父母要替孩子作好财务规划,那么这个财务规划的目的就是制订消费预算, 让孩子根据方案消费,是完全可以做到的,尤其是孩子年纪越小就越得规划。 困难是如何知道所前往国家的平均月消费,事实上完全可以通过留同学论坛了解到,目前为止,有中国留同学的地方,基本上都有自己的论坛。 为什么我要忠告那些预备送子女出国留学的父母呢?由于我作为留同学的时候看到过和听说过太多的事例。比如,几个19岁的孩子一起来到法国留学,

11、结果从未自己独立过的孩子,去超市买菜,看到牛肉,我们平常吃的牛肉也就20元RMB一块,可是由于没有方案这些孩子们买的是最贵的牛肉90RMB一块(100 克),而且每人买了一块,连欧洲人都对他们刮目相看,不过结果是煮熟的牛肉咬不烂,都丢掉了。 然后,几个孩子认为是欧洲用法的炉子不好,于是,几个人合伙买了一套1600欧元的无烟组合电饭锅。堡,铁板等,在自己的屋子里做饭,结果弄脏了天花板,赔偿给了房东2021欧元的装修费用。然后,他们又在市中心地区合伙租了一间4室两厅的发房子,要知道一般同学住房面积是人均12平方,他们是人均50平方,而且支付了中介公司2个月房租的中介费,结果仅仅半年的时间,这几个孩

12、子的平均花费(不算学费和预定房间时已支付3个月房租)都在20万RMB以上,也就是说这20万RMB是用来支付3个月的房租+半年的生活费。所以,在这里提示那些父母要替孩子作好的规划如下。 1、每月房租的范围。假如前往留学城市每月平均房租为500欧元,那么应当将孩子的每月房租平均费用制订在400-600欧元的范围内,假如孩子要换房子就参照这个数目,否则不要更换住房。 2、每月平均日常花费假如每天的费用是10欧元,那么应当的范围是10-20欧元,否则应当掌握花费。 3、学费的规划应当在出国前就选定3-5个目标专业学校(挺直前往专业学校的除外),并计算好他们的平均年学费提前预备好,到达留学国家后开设一个定期存款账户,存入,并不得任意支取,或由父母在孩子确定被录用后再电汇给孩子。 4、国外的学校会常常组织旅游或其它活动,应当鼓舞孩子前往,可以每月规定100-200欧元用于这类活动为的是让孩子快速融入当地文化 文章来源: 1/5


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