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1、Chinese and American traffic rulesChinese and American traffic rules1 .Chinese traffic rules.(1) Parking(2)Traffic signs(3)Motor vehicle drivers must abide by the rules2.Amencan traffic rules.(1) Parking(2)Traffic signs(3)Motor vehicle drivers must abide by the rules1 .Chinese traffic rules1Parking

2、violation to define(1)Parking in with identification(标识)of sections, such as no parking, or in some isolation measures parking place.(2)Parking on the pavement(人彳亍道工 construction road, bus station, fire Station Road .Traffic signs(1)When the green light, allowing cars.(2)When the red light 3baning o

3、n vehicle traffic.(3)When the yellow lights, baning on vehicle traffic, if already over, you should continue to travel.禁止非机动禁止畜力军替止人力货运车通行通行三轮车通行Traffic signs禁止曲蛇值在 车通行禁止臬两种车 通行禁止稿自行车禁止骑自行车禁止行人通行下坡上坡禁止行人通行禁止鸣喇叭禁止直行瀛速让车安全标识安全标识安全标识安全标识禁止人力客运 三乾隼通行禁止人力丰 通行禁止车辆核时停放 禁止直行和向左转弯 禁止直行和向右转弯禁止掉头禁比直行和禁止撞其禁止超车0

4、右转弯禁嚏萨时禁止鸣则限弧度解除禁止超车猱止车辆临时或长时停放限制南底限物面虽安全标识安全标识安全标识安全标识昵图窿比温布piro需止向左向右转弯禁止左籁赢心情NO.20慈盅而蕨噩6000Traffic signs直行靠右恻道路行驶向左转弯向右转弯直行和向右转弯向左和向右转弯直行和向左转弯或左恻道路行驶环岛行驶步行鸣阚叭酸低限速会车先行干笳先行立交存行和左患弯行胰 立交亘好和右转弯行驶人行横道直行车道V I I Ih:T:r:公交缓簿专用车道机动车行驶机动车车道直行和右转合用车道华序雷(向左莫陶?SJ分向行驶车道允许掉头非机动车车道右转车道非机动车行眼交通指示标志i.uninese tratt

5、ic rules Motor vehicle drivers must abide by the rules(1)Must carry a drivers license when driving the vehicle.(2)No driving after drinking.(3)When driving, no smoking, eating and talking2.American traffic rulesparkingAny vehicle left standing along a rural highway for any reason must be moved off t

6、he paved or main traveled portion of the roadway.lf the vehicle cannot be moved5you must take lighting and marking precautions(预防措施)to eliminate changer to other traffic.2.American traffic rulesSCHOOLWARNINGYIELD RIGHTOF WATWARNINGNO PASSINGZONERAILROADWARNINGCONSTRUCTIONSLOW MOVINGVEHICLEREGU LATOR

7、Y INFORMATIONAL OR GUIDANCEThe STOP is the only glided traffic sign.It means that you must come to a com stop before entering the intersection ahead and yield to traffic close enough to be an immediate hazard. If there 皿 a crosswalk1 stop before entering the crosswalk.The YIELD sign means slow down

8、so you can yield the right of way to pedestrians crossing the roadwny and to vehicles on the intersecting meet or highway.1WRONGWAYWhite on red background. Motorist is approaching one-way highway or r&mp from wrong direction.This marks, a (2) Put your children in back!(3) Never drunk drive!(4) You always have to stop at a stop sign.(5) In a crosswalk, pedestrians(行人)have the right of way.


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