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1、The Third Period Listening and SpeakingTeaching goal散学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词语和短语apply for, contract, career prospectsb. 重点句式Do I have to do any special training?How did you find out about us?What makes you think you ll like the job?What sort of career prospects will I have with you?When can

2、 I start work?2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to apply for a job, ask and answer questions about a job.3. Learning ability goal静能目标Help the students learn how to apply for a job and perform well in an interview.Teaching important & difficult pointS重难点Get the students to ask and answer quest

3、ions properly in an interview when applying for a job.Teaching method敬学方法Listening and task-based activity.Teaching aid教具准备A tape recorder, a projector, a microphone and some slides.Teaching procedures and wa fS 过程与方式Step I RevisionCheck their homework.Revision of the grammar.T: Now, let s do some e

4、xercises to practise the grammar you reviewed yesterday.Show the exercises on the screen.1. The policeman s attention was suddenly caught by a small box whichplacedunder the Minister s car.A. has beenB. was beingC. had been D. had been traveling2. How are the team playing? They are playing well, but

5、 one of them hurt.A. got B. gets C. are D. were3. You haven t said a word about my new coat, Brenda. Do you like it? I m sorry. I anything about it sooner. I certainly think its pretty on you.A. wasn t sayingB. don t sayC. won t sayD. didn t say4. The news came as no surprise to me. I for some time

6、that the factory wasgoing to shut down.A. had known B. know C. have known D. know5. I arrived late; I the road to be so icy.A. wouldn t expectB. haven t expectedC. hadn t expectedD. wasn t expecting6. He kept looking at her, wondering whether he her somewhere.A. saw B. has seen C. sees D. had seen7.

7、 Sorry Im late. I have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleepagain.A. might B. should C. can D. will8. I have been more than six years old when the accident happened.A. shouldn t B. couldn t C. mustn t D. needn t9. What s wrong with your coat? Just now when I wanted to get off the bus, th

8、e man next to me on it.A. satB. had satC. had been sitting D. was sitting10. I have lost one of my gloves, Iit somewhere.A. must drop B. must have droppedC. must be dropping D. must have been droppedKey:15 CADAC 610 DABDBStep II ListeningT: We are going to listen to an interview. In this interview,

9、Claire is applying for a job. Listen to Part 1 of the interview, and say what job he is applying for.Play the tape and ask a student to answer the question.T: In the interview, Claire asked the manager some questions. Write a question he may ask the manager.51: He may ask:“ When can I start work? ”5

10、2: I think he will ask“How about my salary? ”53: What are the hours?.T: Then what questions would the manager ask him?54: Do you have any working experience in this field?55: What makes you think that you are qualified for this job?56: What kind of person do you think you are?57: What are your hobbi

11、es?.T: OK. Let s listen to Part 2 of the interview, and check whether Claire asked your questions or not.Play the tape, and let the students check the questions they have written.T: Read the form in Exercise 3. It is a resume of Claire. Find the items you have to write down. Then listen to Parts 1 a

12、nd 2 again and get the specific information. Play the tape again. After the students complete the form, check the answers with the whole class.Ask the students to do Exercise 4 and then check the answers together.Step III SpeakingT: Now let s role-play the interview we just heard. Work in pairs, one

13、 of you will be the manager, and the other Claire. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 4. You may add more questions.Give the students 6 minutes to make up dialogues.6 minutes later. Ask a pair to act out the situation.T: Wonderful performance. Now choose another job and role-play a similar sit

14、uation.Sample dialogue 1:A: Good morning, sir! I am Liu Yang. Nice to meet you.B: Good morning!A: I am here to apply for the job.B: How did you find about us?A: I read an advertisement in the newspaper.B: What makes you think you ll like the job?A: I like the job because I think the job is interesti

15、ng as well as challenging.B: Have you traveled much yourself?A: Yes, I have traveled much. I like traveling and communicating with different people.B: What languages can you speak?A: Besides our native language, I can speak English and a little French.B: Very good. Do you have any questions about th

16、e job?A: Yes. Do I have to do any special training before I work?B: Yes, you need a ten-day training.A: What about the hours?B: We work 8 hours a day and five days a week. You have known the salary from the paper. You can start work next month. Any other questions?A: No. Thank you! See you next mont

17、h then.Sample dialogue 2:A: How do you know we need a teacher?B: I read an advertisement in the local paper.A: Did you teach before?B: Yes. I have taught English for 3 years in a school in Beijing.A: What languages can you speak?B: I can speak English and a little Japanese.A: What makes you think yo

18、u are qualified for this job?B: I have three years of experience. I like teaching and I like being with kids. So I think I am fit for the job.A: OK, you will be a member of our school. Congratulations. You can start work next week.B: Thank you very much.Step IV Listening and Speaking (WORKBOOK)T: Pl

19、ease turn to page 77. First read the two advertisements in Exercise 10. After reading, tell what jobs are being advertised?S1: In the first advertisement, the job is to look after the children of guests to a hotel.While in the second advertisement, a teaching assistant is wanted.T: You got it. Now l

20、isten to Part 1 of the interview and decide which job Peter is applying for?Play the tape and then check the answer with the class.T: After listening, we know that Peter is applying for the job in the second advertisement. Do you think the head of the school will give Peter the job?Why?Let the stude

21、nts discuss the question in groups. And then ask two groups to present their opinions.T: Now let s listen to Part 2 of the interview and decide if you were correct about Peter s job.Play the tape and let the students check their predictions.Let the students finish Exercise 13 and then check the answ

22、ers with the class.Step V Homework1. Preview CULTURAL CORNER and Reading in WORKBOOK.2. Do the exercise in EVERYDAY ENGLISH on page 17 and remember the words and phrases.人品好的人,自带光芒,无论走到哪里,总会熠熠生辉。人活着,谁都会有烦恼,每天都有烦恼,最重要的是你不理会烦恼,烦恼自然就没有了!因此,朋友们,最好的活法,就只要记住这 两句话:烦恼天天有,不捡自然无!当你不开心的时候,想想自己还剩下多少天可以折腾,还有多少时间

23、够你作践。你开心,这一天过了;不开心,一天也过了。想明白了,你就再也不会生 气了。当你烦恼的时候,想想人生就是减法,见一面少一面,活一天就少一天,还有什么好烦恼的呢,不忘人恩,不念人过,不思人非,不计人怨。不缺谁,不少谁,对得起良心就好。当你 忧伤的时候,想想生活就是一场路过,赤条条来,赤条条去,带不来一丝尘土,带不走半片云彩。什么功名利禄,什么人情往份,啥你都带不走,想明白了,还有什么好难过的?当你不满的 时候,想想和富人比,我们活着知足就是幸福。和病人比,我们活着健康就是幸福。和死人比,我们还活着就是幸福。人这辈子想活好,心要简单,人要糊涂。当你生气的时候,想想是否有 必要为不值得的人生气?有必要为不值得的事闹心?好好吃饭,好好睡觉,好好养老,好好花钱就可以了。你好好的,家人好好的,一切也就好好的了!当你计较的时候,想想人在世间走, 本是一场空,何必处处计较


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