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1、Unit 8 When is your birthday?Section A 1 (1a-2e)一、 TEACHING AIM:1. LANGUAGE AIM:1) WORD: Swhen, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December2) SEBTENCE:S When is your birthday? My birthday is on October 2nd. When is Alices birthday? Its in Septembe

2、r. How old are you? Im thirteen. Happy birthday! Thank you!3)HOW TO EXPRESS FEELING TO OTH;ERS4) LEARN TO KNOW THE MEANING OF BRITHDAY2. EMOTION AIM :LEARN TO TALK ABOUT BIRTHDAY二、 DIFFCULTIES POINTS:1. 教学重点:1) 询问表达他人、自己及父母家人的生日日期。2) 理解序数词的构成方法,掌握日期的表达方式。3)就生日聚会这一话题分角色表演对话。2. 教学难点:1) 询问表达他人、自己及父母家人的

3、生日日期。2) 理解序数词的构成方法,掌握日期的表达方式。三、 TEACHING PROCESSI . Warming-up and revision1. Greet the Ss as usual. Check the homework.2. Review the numbers 0 31 in English.n . Presentation(Sing the song Happy birthday to you ! . )1. T: Whenis mybirthday? Mybirthday is on May2nd. Whenis your birthday? This class,

4、well learn how to express dates.(Show the pictures of the twelve months on the screen, or showa big calendar to the Ss. Learn the names of the twelve months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December )2. Work on 1a. Play the recording for the Ss

5、 to listen and repeat the new words. Ss read the new words and try to remember them.3. T: My birthday is in May. Its on May 2nd. When we talk about months, we use in; When we talk about dates, we use on.e.g.in January/February/March/ April/May/June/July/August/September/October/November/Decemberon J

6、anuary 1st. on February 2nd, on March 3rd 讲解:first (1st), second (2nd), third (3rd)这些叫序数词,表示事物的顺序, 在表达日期时用序数词。序数词的构成是有规律的,它们是由基数词变化而来,我们 先记住下列口诀:基变序,有规律,一、二、三特殊记,词尾字母 t, d, d ;-th四加起,八少t来九去e;(从4起在词尾加th )ve变f替,y要变ie。若想表示几十几,只变个位就可以。4. Ss read and try to remember the phrases.5. T: When is your birthda

7、y, S1?51: My birthday is on March 4th.T: OK, S2. When is his birthday?52: His birthday is on March 4th.6. Ss read the conversation after the teacher. Then practice the conversation with the partner.m. Listening1. T: Listening to the conversations in 2b and number them 1-3.(Play the recording for the

8、 Ss to listen and number.)2. Check the answers.IV. Pair work1. T: Practice the conversations above with your partner.2. Make a survey about the birthdays in your group.51: When is your birthday?52: My birthday is January 5th. When is your birthday, S3?53: My birthday is on May 16th. When is your bir

9、thday, S4? S4:3. Write the birthdays on the chart.NameBirthdayV. Listening1. T: Look at the chart below. Find out the rules.2. RULES:(学生记忆下列口诀)基变序,有规律,一、二、三特殊记,词尾字母 t, d,d;-th四加起,八少t来九去e; (从4起在词尾加ihl3. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and repeat.4. Then let Ss try to remember them.VI. Listeni

10、ng1. T: In 2b, the teacher is asking some Ss about their birthdays.Listento the recording and circle the numbers you hear in 2a.(Play the recording for the first time, Ss only listen. Play the recording again. This time, Ss listen and listen and circle the numbers in 2a)2. T: In this conversation, t

11、he teacher asks four students about their birthdays. Look at the chart below. They are Alice, Frank, Eric, Jane. Now please read the name, months and dates by yourselves.(Ss read the names, months and dates.)3. Now, listen to the recording again and match the names, months and dates.(Play the record

12、ing again, Ss listen and match the names, months and dates. Then check the answers.) VU. Pair work1. (Ask some Ss about the birthdays of the four students in 2c.T: When is Alices birthday, S1?51: Her birthday is on September 5th.T: When is Franks birthday, S2 ?52: His birthday is on T: Now ask and a

13、nswer about the birthdays of the four students in 2c with your partner.(Ss work in pairs to ask and answer about their birthdays.)2. Do you know your parents birthday? Ask your partner about the birthday in his or her family?51: When is your fathers birthday?52: His birthday is on September 10th.51:

14、 When is your mothers birthday?52: Her birthday is on August 20th.(Then S2 ask S1 about the birthdays in his or her family.)皿.Role-play1. Bill and Alan are talking about their ages and birthdays. Now read the conversation and fill the chart below.NameAgeBirthday(party)BillAlanat 3 thisafternoon2. Ch

15、eck the answers with the class.3. Practice the conversation with your partner.4. Let some pairs act out the conversation in front of the class.5. 评价: (让学生们对自己的表现及语言表达能力进行自我评价, 在小组内评价, 然后进行评出最优秀的小组。并鼓励学生们下一次争取做最优秀的小组及个人。 )IX. Language points1. When is your birthday, Linda?when 是疑问副词,意为“什么时候;何时”,常见结构为

16、“When + be/ 助动词 +主语 (+其他 )? ” 用来询问时间, 既可询问某个时段或时刻, 也可询问具体的日期。如: When is the football match?足球比赛在什么时候? It s on September 15th.在九月 15 号。 When do you watch TV? 你什么时候看电视? At eight o clock. 在八点钟。2. My birthday is on May 2nd.May 2nd ( 5 月 2 日)是日期的表达法。表达具体日期通常为“月份+ 序数词”,月份为专有名词,首字母必须大写、书写时日期可以是序数词,也可以是基数词。

17、如:6 月 8 日 June 8th 或 June 88 月 3 日 August 3rd 或 August 3 拓展 英语中表示具体年、 月、 日的方式通常有两种: “月 + 日 + 年”或“日 + 月 + 年”。年份要用逗号隔开。如:2014年 9月 9 日可表达为: September 9th, 20149th September, 20143. It s on January 5th.1)月份后有具体的日期时,前面的介词用 on;若只有年、月就用介词in o如:on May 22nd 在5月 22 日inOctober 在 10 月in 2012在2012年2) 该句中的 it 用来代

18、指时间。如:It s August 1st today. 今天是 8 月 1 日。It s six o clock now. 现在是 6 点钟。 归纳 it 还可以代指上文中提到的单数名词(事物) 。如:What s this in English?这个用英语怎么说? It s a cup. 这是一个茶杯。4. Happy birthday! 生日快乐!句中的happy用于表达祝愿。回答时一般用 Thank you!。如: Happy Teach ers Day! 教师节快乐! Thank you. 谢谢。 拓展 happy 还可以用作形容词,意为“高兴的,愉快的” 相当于 glad 。如:

19、She has a happy party.她过了一个愉快的聚会。5. How old are you?询问及回答年龄。how old 意为“多大年纪; 几岁”, 引导特殊疑问句询问年龄。 其句型结构为 “ How old + be + 主语?”答语通常为“主语+ be + 基数词 + years old ” ,其中 yearsold 可以省略。如: How old is your cousin? 表姐多大了? She s thirteen (years old).她 13 岁了。 How old are your grandparents?你爷爷奶奶多大岁数了?They re eighty.

20、他们八十岁了。6. At three this afternoon.介词at意为“在”,在本句中表示时间,其后一般跟表示钟点的词。如:at 6:00 在6点 at 7:15 在 7点 15分 辨一辨 表示时间的介词 at, in 与 on(1) at 常用于时刻前或一些固定的习惯用语中。如:at 9:00 在 9 点钟 at noon 在中午(2) in 用在月份、季节、年份等前面,也可以表示“在早上、在下午、在晚上”。如:in May 在五月in 2014 在 2014年in the morning/afternoon/evening在早上 / 下午 / 晚上(3) on 用在日期、星期几、

21、节日前,也可用来表示具体某一天的上午、下午或晚上。如:on November 1st在 11 月 1 日on Children s Day 在儿童节on Tuesday evening 在周二晚上Then make some exercises.Homework:1. 复习记忆本课所学的生词。2. 用今天所学的句型,询问一下你的两位好朋友的年龄与生日。Section A 2 (Grammar focus-3c)一、 TEACHING AIM:1. LANGUAGE AIM:1) 揭示并让学生掌握序数词的构成方式,重点记忆部分特殊的序数词的书写。2)总结归纳when 引导的特殊疑问句对生日的询问

22、和应答来学习日期的表达法。3) 能够询问或确认他人的年龄及生日日期。2. EMOTION AIM:通过互相询问生日的日期, 可以增进同学之间的了解和友情并学会在英语交流中注意他人的情感。2、 DIFFCULTIES POINTS1. 教学重点:1)揭示并让学生掌握序数词的构成方式,重点记忆部分特殊的序数词的书写。2)总结归纳when 引导的特殊疑问句对生日的询问和应答来学习日期的表达法。2. 教学难点:揭示并让学生掌握序数词的构成方式,重点记忆部分特殊的序数词的书写。3、 TEACHING PROCESS. Warming- up and revision1. Greeting the Ss

23、as usual. Check their homework.2. Lets review the cardinal numbers together. Count from first to thirty-first.3. Play a number game:T: Your partner says a ordinal number and you say a cardinal number. Then exchange roles.51: elevenS2: eleventh; twenty52: twentieth; thirteen S2: thirteenth; sixteen53

24、: sixteenth;4. Ask your partner a question chain like this:T: How old are you?S1: Im thirteen.T: When is your birthday?S1: My birthday is October 16th.T: When is your mothers birthday?S1: Her birthday is on June 3rd.T: When is your fathers birthday?S1: His birthday is July 5th.Ss work with their par

25、tner ask and answer in a question chain. n . Grammar Focus.1. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子: 你的生日是什么时候? your birthday? 我的生日是8 月 2 日。 My birthday is . 他的生日是什么时候 his ? 他的生日是在1 月 17 日。 His is 17th. 她的生日是在什么时候? When is ? 是在八月份。 August. 爱丽丝的生日是什么时候? When is ? 她的生日在九月五日。 birthday is 5th. 你爸爸的生日是什么时候? When birthday? 他的生日是在

26、四月 21日。is 21st.2. INSTRUCTION序数词:表示事物顺序的词,其前常加定冠词 the。勃字乐和词而仆柳则例词1、2、3特殊记One first第一 two f second 第二;Three -third 第三基数词词尾加特殊:five -fifth 第五;eight - eighth 第八;nine -ninth第九 twelve 一 twelfth 第十二419-th-dS: four -fourth 第四 six -sixth 第K sevenfseventh 第七 nineteen f nineteenth 第十九20, 30 ,40,50,60,70,80, 9

27、0-ty变为-tie 再加thtwenty 一 twentieth 第二十 thirty 一 thirtieth 第三十forty - fortieth第四十 fifty - fiftieth第五十sixty 一 sixtieth第六十 seventy 一seventieth 第七十eighty f eightieth 第八十 ninety - ninetieth 第九十其余两位数性相应基数词的个位改为基数词twenty-one 一 twenty-first第二 十一;thirty-ninef thirty-ninth第三 十九;forty-six 一 forty-sixth第四十六3. 读序

28、数词表,然后写出下列基数词的序数词。one two three five eightnine twelve fifteen eighteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two4. Check the answers.m. Practice1. Now lets work on 3a. Read the questions and answers then match the questions and answers.指导:应明确问题是一般疑问句还是特殊疑问句。还要根据问句中物主代词或名词 所有格的人称及数来确定答语。比如:第一个问题中名词所有格是 Jennys ,而J

29、enny是女性,可知答语中应用 Her birthday 来回答,故应选b 项。2. Ss read the questions and answers. Find the answers to the questions.Then check the answers with the class.3. Ss work with his or her partner. Ask and answer the questions.IV. Practice1. T: Grace and her friends are talking about their ages and birthdays. R

30、ead the conversation and fill in the blanks.2. Ss read and complete the conversation.3. Check the answers with the class.4. Practice the conversation with your partner.5. Ask some pairs act out the conversation.V. Survey1. T: Do you know your classmates ages and birthdays. Nowlets makea survey of ev

31、eryones ages and birthdays. Then line up from the youngest to the oldest.2. Ss ask and answer about each others age and birthdays. How old are you? Im When is your birthday? My birthday is on 3. Make a report.students birthdays are in January. students birthdays are in February. students birthdays a

32、re in March 4. Then line up all the students from the youngest to the oldest.VI. Language points1. When are their birthdays?他们的生日是什么时候?their birthdays 是本句的主语, birthdays 是 birthday 的复数形式,因此be 动词应用 are 。例如:Their birthdays are in February.他们的生日是在二月。Our birthdays are in May.我们的生日是在五月。2. Is your birthday

33、 in July? 你的生日在七月份吗?这是一个一般疑问句,应以 Yes, it is. 或 No, it isn t. 来回答。用 it 来指代 birthday 。如: Is Linda s birthday on July 2nd?琳达的生日在七月二日吗? No, her birthday is on July 12th.不,她的生日在七月十二日。 Is your mother s birthday in August?你妈妈的生日在八月份吗? Yes, it is. 是的。Then do some exercises.Homework1. 强化记忆所学序数词的形式。2. Review

34、the Grammar Focus.Section B 1 (1a-2c)一、 TEACHING AIM:1. LANGUAGE POINT:S1) 掌握下列词汇: test, trip, art, festival, dear, thing, term, month, busy, time, there, Have a good time!2) 掌握一些常见的学校活动的表达方式,并能熟练询问其日期。3) 能听懂有关学校组织活动话题的听力材料,并能获得相关信息。4) 能阅读有关学校组织活动内容的短文,并能获得相关信息。2. EMOTION AIM:本课时的学习内容为安排课内外的一些组织活动,

35、非常贴近学生的学习生活。 通过互相询问课内外活动的安排日程, 不仅可以增进同学之间的了解和友情, 而且还能学会合理地安排自己的作息时间,养成有规律地生活、学习的好习惯。二、 DIFFCULTIES POINTS1. 教学重点:1 ) 学习并掌握常见的课内外组织活动,并能询问其日期。2 ) 就课内外学生们的组织活动的话题内容,展开听、说、读的的训练。2. 教学难点:能阅读有关学校组织活动内容的短文,并能获得相关信息,提高学生们的阅读能 力。三、 TEACHING PROCESSI . Warming- up and revision1. Greet the Ss as usual and che

36、ck the homework.2. Review the cardinal numbers together. Count from first to thirty-first.3. Play a date game:1: Your partner says a date in Chinese, you say the date in English quickly. e.g.51: 11 月 7 日S2: November seventh; 12 月 9 日52: December ninth; 8 月 30 日; S2: August thirtieth; 10 月 3 日53: Oct

37、ober, third4. Report some of your family members birthdays.51: Mybirthday is on January 10th. Myfathers birthday is on July 23rd.My mothers birthday is on June 7th. My grandfathers birthday is onn . Presentation1. (Show someschool activities on the screen. Teach Ss the school activities) basketball

38、game, soccer game, volleyball game, English test, school trip,School Day, English Day, Sports Day, book sale, art festival, party2. Ss read and try to remember the activities.3. Look at the activities 1a. Then look at the pictures below. Match the pictures with the events.4. Ss work on 1a. Then chec

39、k the answers.m. Listening1. John and Sally are talking about his calendar. Listen to the recording and circle the events you hear in 1a.(Play the recording for the first time, Ss only listen. Play the recordingagain. Ss listen and circle the events they hear in 1a.)2. Check the answers. Let some Ss

40、 read the answers.3. This time lets listen and fill in Johns calendar. Write the properactivity in the right date chart.(Ss listen and write the proper activity in the right date chart.)4. Play the recording again for the Ss listen and check the answers.IV. Pair work1. Look at the Johns calendar. As

41、k and answer questions about it with your partner.51: When is Sallys birthday party?52: Its on October 5th.53: When is the basketball game?54: Its October 2nd.55: When is S2:2. Then exchange roles. S2 ask S1 about Johns calendar again.V. Pair work1. Look at the activities in 2a. First, let some Ss r

42、ead aloud. Make sure they know the meaning of every activity.2. Suppose you are a newstudent here. Ask your partner about these activities likes this?51: Do we have a soccer game?52: Yes, we do.53: When is the soccer game?54: Its on October 11th. / I dont know.55: Do we have a school trip?56: No, we

43、 dont.2. Check (V) the activities you have at your school and write down the dates behind the activities.3. Then its your partners turn to ask you questions. (You must answer thequestions according to your partners answers.)S2: Do we have a soccer game?S1: Yes, we do.S2: When is it?51: Its on Octobe

44、r 11th.52: Do we have a school trip?S1: No, we dont.VI. Reading1. ScanningT: Look at 2b. This is a school notice of our school. It tells you about the main events in this term.Now scanning the notice and find the answer to this question:Is this a busy term?(Ss read the notice and find the answer to

45、the questions. Let some Ss say their answers to this question.)2. Careful readingT: Read the notice carefully and find the activities they have this term. Then list the activities and the dates.3. INSTRUCTION该文是按时间顺序,列举了学校一学期的大事活动安排。读短文前浏览表格,由 Dates和Activities两词可知,该文的任务是找出活动及举行日期。然后,带着任务快速阅读短文,用下划线画

46、出活动时间,再圈出此活动。如该句 “Next month, we have an art festival. It s on November 3rd. ” 在 November 3rd 这大,举行的 活动是art festival 。最后,按时间的先后顺序,将日期与活动一一列出。4. Ss read the notice and list the dates and activities in the chart.5. Check the answers with the class.VU. Discussing1. T: Well, S1, do you like school trip?S1: Yes, I do.T: Do you like soccer game?S1: No, I dont.T: What other activities in 2b do you like?51: Well, I like School Day and art festival.2. OK. Now d


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