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1、页眉内容GESE1-3级目录表GESE各级别总体描述 1-21. 伦三测试级别介绍2. 伦三考试形式3. 伦三考试成绩标准GESE1-3级总体描述 1-21. GESE1-3总体要求2. GESE1-3考试内容3. GESE1-3考前动员4. GESE1-3考试点评GESE预备1级2-51 .预备1级考试大纲1)预备1级考试时间2)预备1级考试要求3)预备1级考试题型4)预备1级考试内容(1)预备1级基本功训练1)语音2)词汇3)语法(2)预备1级真题练习1)词汇储备2)常考话题1页脚内容页眉内容3)真题范文四.GESE预备2级 5-101 .预备2级考试大纲1)预备2级考试时间2)预备2级考

2、试要求3)预备2级考试题型4)预备2级考试内容(1)预备2级基本功训练1)语音2)词汇3)语法(2)预备2级真题练习1)词汇储备2)常考话题3)真题范文五.GESE预备3级10-151 .预备3级考试大纲1)预备3级考试时间2)预备3级考试要求3)预备3级考试题型4)预备3级考试内容(1)预备3级基本功训练1) 语音2)词汇3)语法(2)预备3级真题练习1)词汇储备2)常考话题3)真题范文GESE(伦敦三一)口试级别描述1 . GESEGraded Examinations in Spoken English.2 .伦敦三一测试-分四段12个级别。1-3级-为预备段4-6级-为初级段7-9级-

3、为中级段10-12级一为高级段(注:)高级别考试涵盖低级别内容。3 .考试形式:一对一交流。4 .考试成绩:A - 优秀B - 良好C - 及格D -不及格。GESE1-3级-预备级1 .总体要求:1 .在考官帮助下,能听懂简明,慢速,直接的指令和要求,并做出相 应手势动作。2 .谈个人的学习,工作情况,业余活动。3 .使用词组,短语,惯用语及基本句型描述自己或他人的行为,物品和场景2 .考试内容:1. 预备级考试形式:问答形式,考官调动考生有限语言能力参与到真实有趣交流中去。2 .考官可用与考试级别 相符考具(图片,实物),考生熟悉日常生活 使用物品名称。3 .考生如没听懂可请求重复,不可多

4、使。3 .考前动员:1考前心理准备。2 考前准备工作(考试注意事项,考场规则,考试程序)3 考试中棘手问题的处理与解决。4 .考试点评:预备1级1 .考试时间;一级5分钟。2 .考试要求:用一,两个单词简短回答,能用手势或动作完成指令。3 .考试题型:1 相互问候,2报姓名年龄,3听懂指令完成动作,4辨别物品名称,5告别用语。四.考试内容:I .预备1级基本功训练:5页脚内容页眉内容1语音一单音发音正确,并能识别,听懂单词2词汇-1)介绍个人简单情况单词,2) 考场内物品名称,3) 脸部与身体部位名称,4) 动物名称(家养,常见,野生)5)20内数字,6) 颜色7) 服装名称(T血衫,衬衣,裙

5、子,外套)3语法-理解:1)祈使句用词:go, come, show, point, give, touch, stand up.2) 疑问词:What? How many? How old?3) 指示词:this, that使用:1)be动词:现在时。2) 普通名词:单数及规则复数名词。3) 简单形容词;small, big, green4) 限定词:a, the, my, your, his, her5) 代词:I, you , he, she, it, theyn.真题部分1.词汇储备:(1) desk 书桌 chair(2) head 头 leg椅子 armchair 扶手椅 wind

6、ow 窗户wall 墙腿 hands 手 nose 鼻子 mouth 嘴 ear耳朵6页脚内容页眉内容(3)dog 狗 pigchicken鸡 catduck鸭子bird 鸟(4) white 白色 black 黑色 yellow 黄色 green 绿色 grey灰色(5) coat外套 skirt 裙子 shirt 衬衫 tie 领带 hat帽子(6)数字:1202.常考话题: Go there. / Come here. Show me your book. / Point to your nose. / Touch your head. / Touchyour face. Stand u

7、p. / Sit down.-What s s your name? - My Chinese nameis and my English name iss a (an)- What s this? /What s that? - It-How many people are there in your family?- There are 3 people in my family.- Who are they?They are father, mother and I.-What s your father s (mother s) job?-He(She) is a-How old ar

8、e you?I am 9 years old.(8) Count from one to twenty.3.真题范文(一)相互问候:1. -Good morning/afternoon/evening/ night.-Good morning/afternoon/evening/ night.2. -Hi/Hello. -Hi/Hello.3. - How are you? / How are you doing?- I m fine. / I m good. / I m doing well. / Not bad. Thank you.4. Nice to meet you. / Nice

9、to see you. / Pleased to meet you./ Goodto see you.(二)说出姓名和年龄l.I m a student. (I m not a teacher /I m an engineer/ I m not a keyboard operator. )I m Chinese. (I m not French./ Im not English./ I, m not Japanese.)2 . My Chinese name is and my English name is . I m (years old).He is my brother. (She i

10、s my sister. They are my parents. It s mydog.)(三)辨认和说出物品名称1. - What s this? / What s that?-It s a book / table / T- shirt / window.2. - What color is it?-It s red/ white/ grey/ yellow/ blue/ black/ green/ orange/ brown.3. Their shoes are small/ big/ clean/ dirty/ new/ old/ long/ short.(四)告别用语Goodbye

11、. / Bye. / See you. / See you soon. / See you tomorrow.预备2级1 .考试时间:二级6分钟。2 .考试要求:用简单完整句子描述人和物。3 .考试题型:1 听懂简单问题,要求,陈述,用相应动作反应,给予肯或否的简 答。2 用基础词汇,短语描述个人情况或场景含:1)表述简单事实,个人拥有物品。2)人,动物,物品位置,地点,场景3 简单提问个人情况。4 .考试内容:I .预备2级基本功训练:1 .语音一单词发音准确,简答会用重读,会用缩略形式。2 .词汇-1)家中各房间名,2)家居物品,3 )家庭和朋友,4 )宠物5)个人物品10页脚内容页眉内容

12、6) 一周中每日,一年中每月。7)50 内数字3.语法-理解:1) 一般现在时问句:when is she come?2) 疑问词: when who what where that3) 现在进行问句:how is he coming?4) 限定词:some, any使用:1) 一般现在时:They are students.5) 句型:there is/are, has/have got, have you got?6) 疑问词:where, what7) 位置介词:in, on, under,between, next to8) 限定词:our, their, its9) 物主代词: mi

13、ne, yours,his,hers10) yesno:回答现进问句。n.真题部分1 .词汇储备:(1) bedroom 卧室 living room 起居室 dining room 起居室 study 书房 dressing table 梳妆台 bed 床 sofa 沙发 television电视stereo立体声音响 cupboard 橱柜 refrigerator 冰箱 cooker厨具(3) friend 朋友 classmate 同学 schoolmate 校友12页脚内容页眉内容father 父亲 mother 母亲 grandpa 爷爷 grandma奶奶sister 姐妹 br

14、other 哥哥,弟弟 uncle 叔叔 aunt 阿姨,婶婶nephew侄子 niece 侄女 husband 丈夫 wife 妻子(4) puppy 小狗 kitten 小猫 turtle 乌龟 golden fish 金鱼 rabbit兔子(5) my book / my pencil / my pen / my schoolbag / my hair / my nose(6) 星期:(on) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridaySaturday月份:(in) January February March April May Ju

15、neJulyAugust September October NovemberDecember季节:(in) spring summer autumn winter(7)数字:1-502.常考问题:-Do you have a sister? - Yes, I do. / No, I don t.-Are you a student? Yes, I am. / No, I m not.-Is she a good teacher? - Yes, she is. / No, she isn t.-Who are they? They are my good friends.-When do yo

16、u usually go to school?I usually go to school at 7: 00.一What are you doing now?-I m doing my homework.-Are you playing basketball now?-Yes, I am. / No, I m not.- Where are you now? - I m at home now.-Have you got a beautiful skirt?- Yes, I have. / No, Ihaven t.(10) - Is it your pencil? - No, it s no

17、t mine. It s my brother s.3.真题范文(一)表述人或物的位置1. A: Where is your mom/dad?B: She/He is at home.2. A: Where is the pen? (Pointing to the pen on the table)B: It s on the table.3. A: Where is the woman? (Pointing to the pic)B: She s under the tree.4. A: Where is the kitchen in your home?B: It s next to th

18、e living room.5. A: Where is the cup? (pointing to the cup on the table)B: It s between the pen and book.6. A: What s in the bag?8: There is a book in the bag.(二)描述人、动物、物品和地点、场景1. My mom is a doctor. She is very nice. She is very beautiful ands veryhas long hair. She s 30 years old but she looks ver

19、y young.2. I have a dog in my house. I t s only 5 months old and i t cute. It likes to eat meat and sleep.3. There is a cup on the table. It s new and blue.4. A: Where is the bus stop? (pointing to the pic)B: The bus stop is next to the shop.5. I have a very nice bedroom. The wall is pink. And the b

20、ed is very big. There is a brown desk in my bedroom. And I study there every day.(三)表述简单的事实A: What day is it today?B: It is Saturday today.A: What day is it tomorrow?B: Tomorrow is Sunday.A: What s the date today?C: It s November 1st.(四了告知拥有的物品A: Do you have a bag?B: Yes, I do.A: What s in it?B: The

21、re are some books and pens in it.A: Where is your bag?B: It s in my bedroom.A: Is this your bag? (pointing to the bag in the office)B: No, it s not mine. My bag is blue.(五)提问个人情况A: How old are you?B: I m 8 years old.A: Are you a student?B: Yes, I am. I study in school.A: What does your father/mother

22、 do?B: He/She s a teacher/doctor A: Where do you live?B: I live in Chaoyang (district).4.老师点评:预备3级一考试时间:三级7分钟。二 考试要求:用完整句子基础上,会用简单连词。三考试题型:1 理解简单问题,要求,做出相应反应回答:1 )日常活动,事情,天气2 )表时间,日期2用简单句就日常生活进行交谈:1 )表能或不能2 )简单指示方向地点3 个人基本情况,日常生活活动进行交谈:18页脚内容页眉内容1 )描述真实人物,图片人物正进行活动2 )表述过去状态四:考试内容:I .预备3级基本功训练:1语音一发音

23、正确用缩略式 单词重音,短句语调。2词汇一有关工作,当地场所,家庭生活,天气,业余活动,时 间日期的词汇。3 语法-1 )现进时:What are they doing?2 ) Can can t:3 ) 动态介词:from, to, up, down, along, across4 )时间介词:on, in, at5 ) 地点方位介词: near, in front of, behind,opposite6 )be动词过去时:was/were7 )31内序数词(日期):8 )简单连词:and, thenH .真题部分1.词汇储备:(1)teacher 老师 doctor 医生 nurse 护

24、士 dentist 牙医 milkman 送牛奶 的人postman 邮递员 fireman 消防员 manager 经理 engineer 工19页脚内容页眉内容程师 (2) park 公园 zoo影院(3) kindergarten 幼儿园primary school 小学 junior middle school初中 senior middleschool 高中university 大学 college 学院动物园 amusement park 娱乐园 cinema 电22页脚内容library 图书馆(4) bedroom 卧室 livingroom起居室sofa 沙发 televis

25、ion(5) windy / cloudy / snowy / rainy / sunny /(6) play football / basketball / table tennis / badminton / volleyballplay the piano / guitar / violin /go swimming / skating / skiing / 5: 00 five o clock 55: 30 half past five 512 月 5 日 December the fifth eighteenth9 月 10 日 September the tenth2 .常考问题:

26、:15 a quarter past five:45 a quarter to six6月 18 日 June the3 月 8 日 March the eighth有关时间和日期的:What time(when) do you usually get up?Whats the date today? What day is it today?-What time(when) do you usually get up?I usually get up at 7:30.-Whats the date today? - Its November 17th.-What day is it toda

27、y? - It s Sunday.有关业余时间的:Do you have classes at the weekends?What do you usually do after school or class?Do you have classes at the weekends?What do you usually do after school or class?有关天气的:Whats the weather like today?What was the weather like yesterday?Whats the weather like today?What was the

28、weather like yesterday?What will the weather be like tomorrow?有关家庭生活和个人熟悉的场景:a) What did you study in your school?b) What (kind of) subject do you like?c) Is your home/house far from your school? How far is it?d) Which subject do you like best? What are you doing? What were they doing yesterday? Can

29、 you do ? - What did you do yesterday? - I played football with my good friends.3.真题范文(一)描述日常活动、事情和天气1. I m a student now. And I m busy everyday. I get up at 7 in the morning then after breakfast I go to school around 8 by bus. After the afternoon classes I go homeand do my homework. .Then I go swim

30、ming with my parents. There is a swimming pool near /in front of /behind /opposite my house.2. It s a nice day today. It s very sunny outside. / It s snowing now.The weather is bad. It s foggy outside. /It s raining now.(二)表达时间和日期A: What time is it now?B: It s (about) ten/ ten twenty.A: What date is

31、 it today?B: Today it s Monday/ Tuesday / Wednesday/ Thursday/ Friday /Saturday / Sunday.页眉内容(2 ) It s September 10th,2007 (三)表达能与不能A: Can you swim?B: Yes, I can. No, I can t.A: What language can you speak, English or French?B: I can speak English.(四)指示方向和地点A: Where is the post office?B: (1 ) It s n

32、ear / in front of / behind / opposite the bookstore.(2 ) Go down/ along the street then u can find it.(3 ) It s across from the school.(五)描述真实人物或图片中人物正在进彳%A: What is your mother/father doing?B: She / He s waiting for me outside.A: What is the girl doing in the picture?B: She s reading.A: What about

33、the boy?B: He s singing.(六)表述过去的时态A: Where did u go after class yesterday?B: I went back home with my classmates after class yesterday.A: What did u do last night?B: I did my homework last night.23页脚内容页眉内容A: How did u go to school this morning?B: I took a taxi to my school this morning. / I went to school by subway.A: When did you go to bed last night?B: I went to bed at 9 last night.A: Why did u go to the hospital the day before yesterday?B: Because I was sick the day before yesterday.4.老师点评:24页脚内容


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