(公开课教案)外研版五年级下册英语Module 10 Unit 1 Where are you going.pdf

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1、Module 10 UnitModule 10 Unit 1 1WhereWhere areare youyou goinggoing? 教学目标 知识目标: 1 1.学习新单词 when,end,nervous,all right,airport,ticket,passport,safe。 2 2.学习目标语句:Where are you going? What are you going to take?When are you going to the airport?Whos going to go to the airport with you? 3 3.能听懂、认读以 where、

2、what、when、who 四个单词开头的疑 问句。 4 4.能够和同学用 where、what、when、who 这四个单词开头的疑 问句谈论旅行前的准备。 能力目标:能用所学单词和词组询问家人或朋友外出旅行的情况。 情感目标:激发学生对英语学习的兴趣。 教学重点和难点 1 1.重点单词和句型的学习并能在现实生活中应用。 2 2.能用 where,when,what,who 开头的疑问句谈论旅行前的准备。 教学工具 清单、 幻灯片、 单词卡、 装满物品的包(bread、 clothes、 present、 shoes、ticket、toothbrush)。 教学过程 StepStep 1 1

3、WarmingWarming upup(热身复习) 1 1.Sing a songWhere did you go? 2 2.Free talk T:Did you have a nice vacation? Where did you go in your winter holidays? When did you go there? What did you take? What did you do there? (学生逐一回答后,老师总结):I think you had a lovely time. StepStep 2 2WordsWords LearningLearning(单词

4、学习) T:This weekend,we are going to have a lovely time.We are going to go to New York.Im going to take something to New York.Now they are in the bag.Look,I made a list too. 1 1.学习单词list(出示清单) (list这个单词前面学过,教师领读 几遍即可) 2 2.(教师出示装满物品的包)Who can guess whats in my bag? (学生随意猜测,猜中时教师及时总结)Yes,Im going to tak

5、e. 3 3.遇到生词,学生猜不出时,教师取出相应物品并说 Im going to take the ticket,passport. 以上述方法教授本单元单词。 StepStep 3 3TextText LearningLearning(课文学习) Daming is going to have a trip.He is going to go to New York.Now he feels nervous.(出示背景单词 nervous,简单介绍学 习。) 1 1.听录音,了解文章大意。 2 2.再次听录音,学生跟读。 教师讲解课文重点内容,加深学生的理 解。 3 3.分角色表演对话。 StepStep 4 4SummarySummary(课堂小结) 师生共同看板书总结本节课内容。 StepStep 5 5HomeworkHomework(家庭作业) 用今天所学的单词和句型询问朋友或家人外出旅游的准备情况。 板书设计 Unit 1 Where are you going? whereto the airport whatclothes,shoes,presents,ticket,passport whenat 7 oclock tomorrow morning whoDaming


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