新仁爱版七年英语下册Unit 5 Topic2 A few students are running around the playground Section B导学案.pdf

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1、Unit 5 Topic2 A few students are running around the playground Section BUnit 5 Topic2 A few students are running around the playground Section B导学案导学案 【学习目标】【学习目标】 : 1. 1. 知识目标知识目标: A A:正确朗读并运用本节课生词: borrow, workbook, course, of course, use, look for, shelfborrow, workbook, course, of course, use, l

2、ook for, shelf (shelves), keep, must, return, on time, newspaper, Lost and Found, money, wallet(shelves), keep, must, return, on time, newspaper, Lost and Found, money, wallet要求: 熟 读、识记,课堂上提问展示竞猜,一睹你的风采! B B: 继续学习现在进行时:时态结构是:_ C C:能用有关图书馆借阅图 书的表达法进行礼貌询问以及在情景对话中表达“借书和失物 招领处寻找丢失物品”等语言功能: (1)Excuse me,

3、 may I borrow some English workbooks? Of course. (2)How long can I keep them? Two weeks. (3)You must return them on time. Sure, I will. (4)What are you doing? Im looking for my wallet. D:D:学习写寻物启事和招领启事: 2 2、过程与方法、过程与方法 注意上一节课和本节课的联系;熟读课文,做好预习;借助资料或别人理解课文,不懂之 处做好标注,课堂认真听讲。 3 3、情感态度价值观:、情感态度价值观:拾金不昧 【

4、学习重点】【学习重点】 : 正确使用在图书馆借阅图书进行礼貌询问的有关句型。 【学习难点】【学习难点】 : 仿照例子写出简单的失物招领或寻物启事。 【学习内容】【学习内容】 : 【自主学习自主学习】 : (同学们自己先学一学吧,老师知道你们很棒! ) 1. 单词过关单词过关 借_ 用_保存_必须_ 归还_钱包_钱_报纸_ 2. 翻译下列短语: 2. 2.短语过关短语过关 1).a few2). many students_ 3). of course_ 4). look for_5). on the shelves_ 6). How long ? _ 7). two weeks_ 8). on

5、 time _ 9). return=giveback_ 10). return sth. to = give sth. back to _ 11). do better in = be better at 在失物招领处归还寻找 在架子上当然准时 少量(修饰不可)少量(修饰可数)一些(肯定) 很多(修饰不可)很多(修饰可数)一些(否定,疑问) 3. 3.句型过关句型过关 1)Excuse me, may I borrow .? 2) How long can I keep them ? 3). You must return them on time . 4). Its a pleasure

6、! = Thats OK!= Thats all right!= Not at all != You are welcome! _ 5). Thank you all the same != Thank you anyway . 4. 4.写出现在分词形式:写出现在分词形式: lookwatchcleansing haveusecomewrite shopforgetsitrun 5. 5.对划线部分提问对划线部分提问 She is singing in her room .She is singing in her room ._._. 对进行时态中的现在分词提问要使用:对进行时态中的现在分

7、词提问要使用:Whats /Whatre doiWhats /Whatre doing ?ng ? 牢记哦!牢记哦! 【自主探究自主探究】 : StepStep 4 .4 . Work in pairs and practice 1a.Then make up new conversations about borrowing things from others, using the expressions in the box in 1c.结对练习 1c,然后编关于别人借东西的新对 话。 Step 5:Step 5:听 2a 录音,用适当的单词或短语完成对话。 Notes: LOSTNot

8、es: LOST( (寻物启事寻物启事) );FOUND (FOUND (认领启事认领启事) ) Step 6:Step 6:结对练习 2a,根据 2b 的信息编造新寻物启事。 【展示质疑】【展示质疑】 Case 1、我是朗诵家,大声秀出自己的嗓音。朗读 1a,完成 1b 的内容。 Case 2、我是翻译家,快速转动自己的大脑,能正确恰当的翻译。 Case3、我是小老师,展出自己别样的智慧。仔细阅读课文,画出重要知识点和大家分享。 【快乐达标】【快乐达标】 : I. I.根据汉语意思和句意写出单词根据汉语意思和句意写出单词 1. You must _(归还) it on time . 2. H

9、e is looking for her _(钱包) 3. How long can I _(保持) the book ?4. What _(别的) is in your purse ? II.II.单项选择单项选择 ()1. You must look after your things . Sure , _ . A. I do . B. I will C. I would D. I am ()2. What are you doing ?Im _ my English book . A. looking afterB. looking atC. looking forD. looking

10、like . ()3. Could you give me _ orange juice ?Sorry, there isnt _ . A. any ; anyB. some; someC. some ; anyD. any ; some ()4. My father is _ my mother . A. talking with B. speaking with C. saying D. telling ()5. _can I keep the library book ? A. How often B. How many C. How long D. How much ()6. What

11、s in your bag ?_ A. Something otherB. Nothing otherC. Anything elseD. Nothing else . ()7. Excuse me , do you have a ruler ?Sorry ! I dont have one . _. A. Im sorry , too.B. Thats bad .C. No problem.D. Thank you anyway . ()8. The apples are very nice . Would you like _? A. itB. one C. anotherD. they

12、III.III.句型转换句型转换 1. Please return the book to me now .(同义句转换) Please _ _ _ _ _ now. 2. Thank you all the same . (同义句转换) _ you _. 3. You can keep the story book for two weeks . (对划线部分提问) _ 4. My father always watches TV in the evening .(用 now 改写句子) _ 【整理和评价整理和评价】: 1.请把以上内容补充好,把笔记整理好,若还有问题,请向同学或老师请教。 2.本课我们主要学习了到图书馆借书及在失物招领处的常用句型,所涉及的重点词汇 _ 等 ; 需 要 掌 握 的 重 要 句 型 有 _等; 3.通过本课练习与 测试,我感觉_ (词汇,句型,语音)掌握得较好,我会用 _方法来解决我不足的地方。 4.反思下这节课你的表现,若你做到了,可获得 1 分,若你做的很好,可在后面的括号中计 上 2 分。 这节课我得_分 评价标准我学会 了我展示了我帮助 同我质疑,补充, 及时完成练习小组长签 新知识学了点评了字 分值1212121212 自评


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