新人教版八年级英语下册Unit 1 What's the matter Section A (Ⅰ) 1a-2c教案.pdf

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1、Unit 1 Whats the matter Section A (Unit 1 Whats the matter Section A () 1a-2c) 1a-2c 教案教案 Teaching aims and demands: 1. 知识与技能: 1) Master the words, phrases and expressions in (1a-1d). 2) Learn healthy problems and give advice . Know how to keep healthy. 3) Practice the listening and speaking skills

2、about health. 2. 过程与方法: 1) Work in pairs and groups to learn the cooperative learning. 2) Task-based learning approach.(任务型学习方法) 3) Autonomous learning and cooperative investigation. (自主学习,合作探究) 3. 情感态度与价值观: Care for each others health. Important and Difficult Points in Teaching 1 Practice the liste

3、ning and speaking skills about health. 2 Talk about healthy problems and the treatment. Know how to keep healthy. Teaching aids A recorder, Computer, Screen, Main Procedures in Teaching 一、设疑(5 分) 1Lead in. T:In our daily life , not everything goes well . We usually have accidents or healthy problems

4、 . When some of them happen , what should we do ? Lets talk about them . Today we are going to share Unit 1 Whats the matter ? Section B .First lets go through the language goals: 2.Show learning goals. 1) Master the words, phrases and expressions in 1a-1d. (several ,strong , feeling , satisfaction

5、, joy , owner, try out , journey ) 2) Talk about healthy problems and the treatment. Know how to keep healthy. 3) Practice the listening and reading skills about healthy problems. (根据学生提问归纳出自探提纲,并将提纲预设自探用屏幕呈现给学生。) 1 What are the healthy problems ? 2 When the accidents happen , what should we do ? 3

6、How do we make a conversation about talking about accidents? 二、探究 (15 分钟) 1.Showing a picture ( A boy cut his figures ) T: What the matter with him ? S: He cut his figure. T: What should he do ? S: First he should run it under water, then put some medicine on it ,at last put a bandage on it . T: Gre

7、at ! Then showing other pictures (fall down , have a nosebleed ,feel sick , have a fever , hurt back , get hit on the head ) This time students work in pairs to make a conversation like that : S1 : Whats the trouble with her ? S2 : She has a nosebleed . Work in groups and discuss Question 1 and Ques

8、tion 2 . 三、展示(5 分钟) G1:Healthy problems : 1 fall down2 cut yourself3 have a nosebleed4 feel sick 5 cut knee6 have a fever7 get hit on the head G2: Advice : 1fall down- Go to the hospital , get an X-ray ,rest for a few days 2cut yourself - Run it under water , put some medicine on it , put a bandage

9、on it . 3have a nosebleed - Put ones head back , clean ones face , out on a clean T-shirt . 4feel sick - Take ones temperature , tell sb. to rest 5cut knee - put a bandage on it , take sb. to the hospital to get an X-ray . 6have a fever- take ones temperature , 7 get hit on the head-Take sb. to the

10、hospital to get an X-ray. G3: Conversations : Conversations A : A: Whats the matter with your face ? B: Its not my face . Its my tooth. I have a toothache. A: You should see a dentist and get an X-ray . B: But will it hurt ? A: No, and if you dont go to the dentist now, its hurt even more later. Con

11、versations A : A: Whats the matter ? B: I didnt take good care of myself . I didnt wear enough warm clothes yesterday . Now I have a cough and a sore throat. A: You should drink some hot tea with honey . B: That sounds like a good idea. 四、评价(10 分钟) (一)The students comment (二)The teacher gives some a

12、dvice and explanation. Whats the matter ? = Whats the trouble ? = Whats wrong ? 注意 the 和没有 the . 五、运用 (10 分钟) (一) Learn deeply. The students may have the following questions. Clean your face and put on a clean T-shirt中 clean 的词性是否相同? Clean your face 中的 clean 是动词,弄干净 ,put on a clean T-shirt 中 clean 是

13、形容词 干 净的. (二)Do some exercises. 1. The students make up some exercises by themselves . 2. Prepare some exercises for students 根据汉语意思完成句子: 1 你应该在上面缠上绷带。 You _ _ a on it 2 起床后, 他迅速地洗了一下脸。 After getting up , he quickly _ _ _. 3 他妈妈不得不带他去了医院。 His mother had to _ him _ the hospital. 4 昨天他忘记量体温了。 He _ to _ _ _ yesterday . 5 你应该带她去医院拍X 片。 You _ _ her _ the hospital to _ _ _. (三) Summary 1、The subject monitor has a summary. 2、Homework. 板书设计: Unit 1 Whats the matter ? Section B (1a-1d) 1 Healthy problems ? 2 Treatments ? 3 Make a conversation ?


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