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1、课时作业 ( 十五 )1 .阅读理解2017 东北三省三校高三二联Alina Adams 12-year-old son , Gregory , is exceptionally good at computer programming , with talents beyond his young age.When he was 10 , he was accepted into a well-known programming course at a university , but then told he wa s too young to attend. “ So he got ma

2、d and built his own website where everyone can learn how to code , whatever age they are ,” said Adams,46 , who lives in New York.As Gregory has gotten older , funding his interest has gotten more expensive. “ Some of the things he wants to develop now require hardware ,” Adams said ,“ and that cost

3、s money. ”Then theres the price of travel and events.Two years ago Gregory attended Young Rewired State , a conference in the UK for young “digital makers”He applied forand received a grant ( 补助金 ) that covered travel expenses for both himself and his father to attend.But the cost forbad him to retu

4、rn. “I explained to him: No grant , no trip to Europe ,” Adams said.Meanwhile , Adams keeps her own principles. “If money were unlimited , I would allow him to take all the classes he wanted ,” Adams said ,“ however,theres areasonable amount that is put into his interest , but were not going to go o

5、verboard. ”The USNational Association of Gifted Children places the number of academically gifted students at 6%to 10% of the total American student population.Thatdoesntaccount for kids who shine in music , sports , or a specific subject area , like computer programming.Of course , many parents thi

6、nk their children are exceptional.A quarter of parents of high school athletes hope their children will go on to play professional sports.(Reality check : Only 1% do.)But for parents of truly gifted children, its often a financial struggle tobalance a limited budget with private lessons , pricey coa

7、ches , and travel to national and international events.1 Adams makes it a rule that.A whatever the cost is , she will fund Gregorys interestB she wont fund her sons interest without limitationC its impossible for Gregory to go abroad to attend activitiesD Gregory can buy any hardware as long as he n

8、eeds it2 It can be learned from the passage that.A being refused to attend a programming course led to Gregorys own websiteB Gregory quit school at an early age because of his failure in examinationsC in the US , the percentage of children gifted in sports is 6% to 10%D most parents consider their k

9、ids talented and can play professional sports3 For parents of truly gifted children, what is their main concern?A Time.B Excellent teachers.C Budget.D Lessons and events.4 What will the author most probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?A Who will be the next genius after Gregory.B What achi

10、evements Gregory will make.C Whether the US government will fund gifted childrenD How parents support gifted children with limited money.答案:解题导语本文是一篇新闻报道。Adams十二岁的儿子在电脑编程方面非常有天赋,但是要培养他的兴趣需要花很多钱,所以Adams只能适当支持孩子的兴趣。其实在美国很多父母也遇到和 Adams一样的问题。1 B 解析:细节理解题。由“ Ifmoney were unlimited , I would allow him to

11、takeall the classes he wanted ,” Adams said ,“ however,theres a reasonable amountthat is put into his interest, but were not going to go overboard. ” ( “如果钱不受限制的话,我会让他学他想学的所有课程,” Adams 说,“不过,用来投入他兴趣的钱要 适当,我们不会过度投资。” ) 可知, Adams 坚持的原则就是不会毫无限制地为她儿子的兴 趣投资。故选 B 项。2 A 解析:细节理解题。由.but then told he was too

12、young to attend.“Sohe got mad and built his own website where everyone can learn how to code , whatever age they are , said Adams.(但然后被告知他还太小不能参加这个编程课程。“因此他非常气愤,便建立了自己的网站,在这个网站上无论多大年纪的人都可以学习如何编码,Adams说)可知,被一所大学拒绝参加编程课程这件事迫使Gregory建立了自己的网站。故选 A 项。3 C 解析:细节理解题。 But for parents of truly gifted children

13、, its oftena financial struggle to balance a limited budget with private lessons, priceycoaches , and travel to national and international events.(但是对于真正有天赋的孩子的父母而言,在有限的预算和私人课程、收费昂贵的教师、去参与国内外各种活动之间维持平衡,通常都是因为经济上的拮据。)可知,真正有天赋的孩子的父母主要关心的是预算的问题。故选C项。4 D解析:推理判断题。最后一段提到对于那些真正有天赋的孩子的父母而言,他们 既要支持孩子学习,又要平衡预

14、算;由此可推知,接下来一段可能会介绍这样的父母怎样用有限的预算来支持孩子学习。故选 D项。n.阅读填空2017 湖南郴州教学质检Are you planning to take a course in a foreign university? Here are some tipsfor studying abroad!Learn about the country.Before you go abroad , make sure that youve known its culture, customs andtraditions._1 Another important thing is

15、to find out about the laws of the land.This way youll know exactly how you should behave.Ensure you have all the documents.This is perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind before you go abroad to study._2_Dont just follow the advertisements blindly.Instead, talk to the people whohave complet

16、ed their studies from that country._3_Develop good communication skills.One of the things that will truly help you during your stay abroad is developing good communication skills.It helps you face personal interviews and communicate with the local people and fellow students._4_Know what to do in tro

17、uble.Dont forget to make sure that you know what to do when you are in trouble.Get the details of the China Embassy in the city youre moving to, including the phonenumber._5_A. Learn about the university.B. Be well prepared for a new environment.C. Its a good way to drive depression away!D. Studying

18、 abroad in a university is quite a good experience.E. This way youll get some true information about the university.F. This way youll know whom to turn to for help if youre in trouble.G Every country has its own culture , which may be different from yours.答案: 解题导语 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了出国留学需要注意的一些事情。1 G 解析:

19、本段主题是了解国家, 出国前一定要了解当地的文化传统习俗,因为每个 国家的传统习俗可能都不一样。选项中只有G项符合语境,而 E项和F项与国家没有关系,故选G项。2 A 解析:本空考查标题。本段主要讲到不要盲目相信广告,要与在那个国家留学过的人交流。 A 项句意:了解学校。符合本段主题,故选 A 项。3 E 解析: 本段主题是了解大学, 通过与在此留学过的人交流可以得到这所大学的一 些真实的信息。故选 E 项。4 C 解析: 本段主题是培养良好的沟通技能。 沟通技能在面试和与当地人或同伴的交流中很有帮助,这不仅有助于在当地生活,还可能有助于排遣压抑的情绪。C项和F项中,C项与培养沟通技能关系更紧

20、密。故选 C项。5 F 解析:本段主题是要知道遇到危险该怎么做。上文提到,要非常熟悉当地的中国大使馆的详细情况, 包括电话号码, 如果在国外遇到危险情况, 这是一个非常好的求助方式。 故选 F 项。m.语法填空2017 河北“五个一名校联盟”质检 I can well remember that I was once asked todeliver a speech titled“A RealTest in MyLife ” before the whole class at the age of 9! You can imagine how 1.(terrible) shy I was wi

21、th so many eyes 2.(fix) on me.I had no 3.(choose) but to prepare for it, though.First of all , I was to draft the speech ,which was just a piece of cake for me, a good writer.But the hardest part 4.(lie) in my oral presentation from my memory for to read from the paperwas not allowed.The real moment

22、 began 5.I stood on the platform with mylegstrembling and mymind blank.But my listeners were waiting patiently without any signs of rushing me.Gradually I found myself back,6.(deliver) my speech withdifficulty.After what seemed to be a hundred years , I found myaudience applauding I made 7. ! From t

23、hen on , my fear of talking before the audiencedisappeared.Actually with my 8.(confident) built up, I now turn out to bea great speaker.Looking back , I know the greatest difficulty on our way 9.success is our fear.Overcome it 10.we will be able to achieve ourgoals.答案: 解题导语 本文主要讲述了作者第一次公开演讲的故事。1 ter

24、ribly 解析: 考查副词。 修饰形容词应用副词,故用副词terribly 修饰形容词shy 作状语。fix 和 eyes 构成动宾关系,2 fixed 解析:考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,故用过去分词。3 choice 解析:考查名词。 have no choice but to do sth. 为固定搭配,故用名词 choice 。4 lay 解析: 考查动词时态。 根据全文可知, 本文是对过去的回忆, 故用一般过去时, 故此处应用 lie( 存在,在于) 的一般过去式,即 lay 。5 when 解析:考查连词。 when 引导时间状语从句,在从句中作时间状语,与语境中 的“ Th

25、e real moment ”呼应。6 delivering 解析:考查非谓语动词。 deliver 和句子谓语 found 之间没有连词, 故空处为非谓语动词, 且 deliver 和句子主语 I 构成逻辑上的主谓关系, 故用现在分词作伴 随状语。7 it 解析:考查代词。 make it 意为“获得成功”,为固定搭配,故用代词it 。8 confidence 解析:考查名词。由形容词性物主代词my可知,此处应用名词形式,即 confidence 。9 to 解析:考查介词。on ones way to.意为“在去的路上”,为固定搭配,故用介词 to 。10 and 解析:考查连词。此处为“

26、祈使句 and 陈述句”,故用连词 and。W.短文改错People often say “ Time is money ”, and in fact time is more valuable than money.Why? Because when money is spend , we can earn it back.However , when time is lost , it will never return back.This is the reason why we must value time.The time we have is limiting.Every sec

27、ond is precious.We should make fully use of our time.But there are lots of people who do not know importance of time.They kill their time smoking , drinkingor gambling.They do not realizethat wasting timeis simply wasting our valuable life.In a word , we should get into the good habit of save time.D

28、o not leave that can be done today until tomorrow.Lazy will not only bring us failure but also lead us to the road of poverty.答案:People often say Time is moneyand in fact time is butmore valuable than money. Why7 Because when money isspend - we can earn it back. However when time is lost - it will 5

29、pentnever return 诲k. This is ihe reason why we muwt value rirne.The time we have is limiting. Every second is precious.limitedWe should make fullv use of our time. But there are lots offUllpeople who do nor know A imporrance of time. They kill cheir thetime smokings drinking or gambling. They do not

30、 realize that wasting rime is simply wasting our valuable life.theirTn a word, w? should gel into the good habit of 一一 savingTime. Do not leave that can be done today until tomorrow, whatLazy will not onl57 bring u号 failure but al?o lead us to th总 Lazinessroad of poverty,V .书面表达2017 山东临沂二模他读到“孟封电子邮件

31、,假定你是李华,你的网友Charlie正在美国的一家孔子学院学习中国文化, 母三迁”的图片文字,不太理解“昔孟母,择邻处”故事的内容,请你给他写 要点如下:1 .简要介绍“孟母三迁”的故事;2 .说明故事的教育意义;3 .欢迎他来中国学习。注意:1.词数100左右;4 .可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;5 .开头语已为你写好,不计入总词数;6 .参考词汇:孟母三迁:Mencius Mother Moving Three TimesDear Charlie ,Im glad to hear that you are learning Chinese culture in Confucius In

32、stitute.Yours ,Li Hua 答案: One possible version :Dear Charlie ,Im glad to_hear that you are_learning Chinese culture_in Confucius Institu te.Mencius Mother Moving Three Times tells about Mencius mother moved again and again to provide her son with a good study environment , because her son was so muc

33、h influenced by the people in the neighborhood.Finally they came to a place near a school.Mencius mother was satisfied with the people living here were well educated.The story shows that the environment is very important for a kids study.And nowadays, people still value it a lot.In fact , there is so much to learn about Chinese culture and Im sure you can learn more if you come to study in China.Yours ,Li Hua


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