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1、精品资料CEScr i ptv5051 3-clean谢谢,大家好。欢迎大家参加微博财报电话会议。Thank you and good morning. Welcome to Weibos first quarter 2015 earnings conference call.本次财报会议,我会向大家重点介绍微博产品及用户在一季度的情况,以及我 们在建设原生广告平台上的进展。During todays conference call, let me share with you the latest updates on Weibo product and user traffic, as w

2、ell as the progress we have made on Weibos social marketing.在2015年第一季度,我们的收入和用户依旧保持了快速增长,一季度微博总营 收达到了 9630万美金,年对年增长43%,其中广告营收达到7920万,年对年 增长53%,广告中来自于移动端的比例达到了 58%;公司利润达到了 290万美 金。Let me start with our first quarter performance.In the first quarter of 2015, Weibo continued to achieve strong revenue g

3、rowth and user growth. Weibos total revenues grew 43% year over year to $96,3 million. Advertising revenues grew 53% to $79,2 million, with mobile ad revenue reaching 58% of our total advertising revenues. Our non-GAAP net income in the first quarter reached $2.9 million, compared to a non-GAAP loss

4、 of $4.8 million last year.在用户活跃方面,截至一季度末,我们的月活跃用户达到了 1.98亿,年对年增 长38%,环比增长13%, DAU达到了 8900万,年对年增长34%,环比增长 11%, 一季度是微博上市以来增长最快的一个季度,同时一季度来自移动端的 用户占比也有了显著提升,微博的月活跃用户中来自移动端的比例达到了 86%,而开通支付功能的用户达到了 4500万,已经占移动月活跃用户的27%。 Turning to operating results, in March, Weibos monthly active users reached 198 mill

5、ion, up 38% from the same period last year and 13% from last quarter. Daily active users reached 89 million, up 34% from the same period last year and 11% from last quarter, representing the largest user growth rate since our IPO in April 2014. We also saw significant growth in mobile usage, with 86

6、% of Weibos MAU in March being mobile. Weibo users who have activated Weibo Pay reached 45 million in March, or 27% of our mobile MAU.一季度的运营情况,我主要介绍如下几个方面:On the operational front, let me elaborate on the key progress we have made.首先,一季度是中国春节,部分微博用户会从一二线城市回到二三线城市,这 也是我们借势加强品牌推广,提升用户规模的重要节点。在过去的3年中,每

7、 年的一季度春节期间,微博都会围绕新春祝福,推出红包主题的社区营销活 动,由微博用户给自己的粉丝发送红包,一方面带动用户规模和活跃,通过这 种活动让更多的用户接触并使用微博,同时也是对微博社交营销模式的重要普 及,让更多的企业通过活动获得粉丝,体验社交营销的魅力,#让红包飞#也成 为每年年初微博用户及商业的主要活动;Each year around Lunar New Year in China, many Weibo users living in first and second tier cities in China would return to their home in the

8、second and third tier cities to celebrate with their families and friends. We have in the past three years taken this opportunity to run a large-scale “Red Envelop Giveaway“ social marketing campaign to expand Weibo?s user base and increase user stickiness. Known as ”红包 K” or let lucky money fly,“ W

9、eibo users can giveaway red envelops, or kicky money, to attract new fans, as well as compete to “grab” the lucky money, the winning of which can be into cash on Alipay. Our Lunar New Year Red Envelop Giveaway campaign this year not only significantly increased Weibo5s user activity throughout the f

10、irst quarter, it also gave businesses the opportunity to participate in social marketing, by letting them experience first handedly how to grow their fan base on Weibo through a promotional event. Weibo9s Red Envelop Giveaway campaign has really become our hallmark event at the beginning of each yea

11、r to generate massive user engagements and strong participation from our ad customers, including key accounts, large brand advertisers, and small and medium-sized enterprises, or SMEs.在今年一季度,微博整个红包活动期间,参与用户数达到了 7000万,共有190 万个企业和明星及微博用户发出价值人民币15亿的现金和卡券红包,活动一方 面在用户参与上获得了成功,同时在商业收入上也获得了不错的成绩,今年的 红包飞的收入

12、达到了去年的2倍多;同时今年的红包活动,微博首次与支付宝 的战略联合,也大大提升了微博商业工具一一支付和卡券的用户规模,整个活 动期间,使用微博支付的用户达到3600万,微博卡券用户达到1700万;活动 期间与央视春晚、元宵晚会的合作,也推动了微博日活用户峰值突破了 1亿: 红包活动对我们2015年继续提升微博用户规模,向客户普及微博商业产品,以 及为微博支付、卡券等基础商业工具打下了坚实的基础;Results for this years Red Envelop campaign are quite encouraging. Over 70 million users participate

13、d in the campaign and over 1.9 million businesses celebrities and other Weibo user accounts together gave away rmb 1.5 billion (or approximately $140 M) in cash and coupon value. Compared to last years Red Envelop campaign, revenue from tliis years campaign increase over two times.This was also the

14、first time we worked with Alipay at a strategic level to integrate our product and campaign promotion, which significantly increased the usage of Weibo Pay and Weibo Coupon. For example, during the campaign 36 M users used Weibo Pay and 17 M Weibo users redeemed coupons. In coordination with CCTVs C

15、hinese New Year Gala and Lantern Festival shows, Weibo5 s daily active users for the first time surpassed 100 million. The Red Envelope campaign not only expanded Weibos user scale and increased user engagement, it also showcased Weibos marketing tools like Weibo Pay, Red Envelop Giveaway and Weibo

16、Coupon, which provide the foundation for businesses and marketers on Weibo to leverage event-based social marketing to grow their following.我们在2014四季度末推出了微博群组功能,与QQ/微信等通讯群组不同,微博 群组还是侧重于优化微博单向关系的沟通体验,以加强明星/用户与粉丝之间, 以及共同兴趣的粉丝之间的沟通和交流,2015年一季度,微博群组月活跃群组 达到了 12万,目前数据显示,使用微博群组的用户群每天打开微博的次数,是 平均值的L5倍。微博群组

17、目前的模式初步证明了 “基于兴趣的群组”与微博 用户群体的契合,我们未来会继续加大在群组产品上的投入,并将目前的粉丝 群继续提升用户体验和应用场景。群组类产品对于微博提升用户活跃率和粘性 非常关键,也是微博未来提升用户使用场景的重要工具。At the end of the fourth quarter last year, we launched Weibo Group Chat, which differs from QQs and WeChats, as our Group Chat is interest based and is designed to enhance the asym

18、metrical relationship between celebrities and others with their fan base, increasing the liveliness of the fans. In a little over three months, we saw the monthly active chat groups reached 120,000, which validates the value interest-based gi,oup chat brings to Weibos user base. Weibo9s group chat f

19、unction increases users activeness and engagement. We noted that Weibo users who use Weibo Group Chat on average log in to Weibo 1.5 times more than our average user. We will continue to ramp up our efforts in Weibo Group Chat to provide improve user experiences.在商业化生态方面,我在上次四季度财报中提及过,微博商业模式的核心还是 坚持

20、打造基于原生,基于信息流,基于移动的商业营销产品体系,我们通过给 企业打造一系列的营销工具,以推动他们使用微博的营销产品。但我们也关注 到,在中国社交营销仍处于普及阶段,扩大在微博进行营销的企业规模的优先 级和重要性,目前还大于我们把这些企业发展为广告客户。因此在营销产品完 善之前,我们并不要求企业在微博进行社交营销时.,必须使用微博的商业产 品。但是随着微博的企业规模超过白.万,以及微博各种商业营销产品的完善, 我们已经开始对部分行业的营销行为进行逐步规范,我们希望与第三方服务公 司一起,在规范营销的前提下,为企业在微博的社交营销提供更好的服务。例 如在一季度,我们对在微博进行活动营销进行了

21、规范,我们相信这会改善用户 消费信息流产品的体验,加快社交营销市场的规范性,让企业可以从社交营销 中获得更好的效果;On our call last quarter, we highlighted that Weibo core advertising offerings evolve around native ads, news feeds and mobile marketing solutions. We recognize that social marketing in China is currently at an early stage. Thus, our priority

22、 at the moment is to attract businesses and marketers to Weibo to experience social marketing without the requirement to spend a lot of marketing dollars nor compel them to use Weibos marketing tools and sendee. We are working with third-party service providers to develop and improve service support

23、 for businesses who wish to do social marketing on Weibo. With Weibo enterprise accounts reaching one million and a series of marketing solutions now available, we are gradually cleaning up undesirable marketing behaviors on Weibo. We believe the net impact of our actions will create a healthier env

24、ironment for business and marketers to conduct social marketing on Weibo.在商业化产品方面,一季度是常规品牌广告市场的淡季,但是我们也看到在一 季度,我们的广告客户数,特别是中小和自助客户仍旧维持了不错的增长,一 季度微博活跃中小广告主的数量超过了 38.8万,环比增长21%,特别是我们看 到有越来越多的自助客户会使用我们的原生广告产品,目前原生广告(指的是 博文和帐号为落地页的广告)占整体收入的比重还不大,但是互动率是普通广 告的1.4倍,因此我们在一段时间内仍会使用优惠、打折等举措,促使我们的 客户更多的使用微博原生广

25、告。Historically, the first quarter is the slowest quarter for online advertising in China, particularly with Lunar New Year this year occurring in the middle of Febnjary. Nevertheless, we witnessed strong growth in advertising sales this year. In the first quarter, the number of active SME ad custome

26、rs reached 388,000, or 21% increase QoQ. One key point to highlight is the rapid pace we are seeing Wuibos self-service business growing. Although revenues from self-service native ads represent a small fraction of Weibo SME revenues, the engagement rate of such product line is 1.4 times of normal a

27、ds. Self-service native ads is an important offering on Weibo, and we plan to offer promotions and price discounts for this native ad service to establish a broad customer base.最后,随着微博移动用户占比越来越高,随着微博商业工具体系逐步完善,我 们也开始基于微博客户端,与一些垂直行业进行战略合作,通过这种合作我们 希望拓展用户使用微博的场景,并帮助微博获取更多的垂直行业客户,去年微 博卡券和电影在这方面做了部分尝试,取

28、的了不错的效果,今年我们会加大微 博从信息消费到服务消费的投入。接下来,让我转给Herman介绍第一季度的财务结果。Lastly, with mobile user proportion increasing, we are cooperating with mobile-based businesses in various industries to increase Weibo usage as well as increase users from such verticals. We tested such vertical strategy last year, for examp

29、le, in the area of movies using Weibo s promotional tools, and saw very good results. Our focus this year is also to broaden Weibo*s offering from iiifbnnation sliaring and discovery to offering lifestyle services and related promotions.With that, let me turn the call over to Herman for financial update.仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢5


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