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1、教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学科英语年级 七年级教学形式五指教学教师 李鸟鸟 单位公白中学课题名称Unit 2 Topic 1 Section B学情分析对小学升入初中的初一学生来说,经历/三年基本的小学英语学习后,对英语的基本知识有r一个大 概的了解。1农村学生与城市学生在英语学习中存在很严重的差距,而且这种 差距在进入初中阶段后越来越大,腐者学科的增加,知识量的加大,农村 学生对教材的不适应,中小学的教材在教学重点上有所区别,以知识的广 度和深度为主,培养学生学习应用为主,学习对自己有用的知识,各科的 知识压力大,所以学生的在短时间内很难转变小学生那种学习方法。2农村的生源基础相对较薄弱。

2、多年来,由干各种因素,和城区的 学生比较存在很大差距。3由于学生学习成绩基础不是很理想,所以目前很难在短时间内 提高他们的英语学习能力,语言的表达能力欠加。由于没有养成好的学习 习惯,所以分析题的难度不是很难都难以解决,所以学生学习缺少热情。教学目标1. Knowledge aims能够掌握并应用新学习的单词:acton Chinese, does, arm, hand, leg, foot, short 等;能够用英语熟练表达询问人物外貌、体格特征及所属关系的表达方法:She/He/It has.Does he/she have.?能够掌握元音字母U,辅音字母r, y及组合ng的读音规则。2

3、. Skill aims能听懂有关询问人物外貌特征及所属关系的表达方式:能运用表示询问人物外貌特征及所属关系的表达方式进行简单的交流;能正确地朗读对话,并能注意语音语调;能正确书写和使用新学习的单词。3. Emotional aims能够与同学积极合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践;能够认真,规范书写单词;能够培养学生善于观察周围人或物的能力。教学过程VI. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternsStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction (8minutes)l.Tlie whole class work.

4、2.1ndividual work.3.Individual work.4.The whole class work.1 .Students follow the teacher and review the words.2.Students say the word one by one quickly.3.One student answers, Yes, I do./ No, I dont; Tlien one by one.4.Students guess who it is together.1 .Draw a picture of a girl on the blackboard,

5、 and then describe it, using the sentences, This is a nose. This is a mouth. These are eyes. Let students follow the teacher and review the new words they have learnt.2 .Point out any part of the picture and let students say the word one by one quickly.3 .Walk to one student and ask, “Do you have.?

6、Let student answers, Yes, I do. / No, I dont; Then one by one.4 .Check students homework (Draw a picture of themselves, then write a short passage about themselves); Select three pictures and read the passages, then let students guess who it is.Presentation (I2minutes)l.The whole class work.2 .Pair

7、work.3 .The whole class work.l.Do la. Students follow the teacher for several time.2.Students talk about the question in pairs, . is my favorite actor. Who is your favorite actor? My favorite actor is. v Two pairs show their conversations.3.Students answer thequestions1 .Show an actors picture and s

8、ay: He is an actor(老师解 释:actor意为演员尤其指男 演员,一位男演员:an actor.) Let student read the word for several times.2.Then say, “He is my favorite actor. Who is your favorite actor?”(老师解释:favorite 意 为最喜爱的)Give students I minute to talk about the question in pairs; Then choose two pairs to show their conversation

9、s to the whole class.3.Show a picture of Jackie Chan and ask the questions: fcWho is4.The whole class work and iiidividiial work.together;4.Students listen to the tape and try to get the answer; One student answer the question: He is Jackie Chan二Then all students follow the tape.he? Does he have.?”L

10、et student try to answer the questions in English.4.Play the tape. Let students listen to the tape and answer the question: Who is it?” ;Then choose one student to answer the question (老师可补 充另一种答案ItS Jackie Chan);At last, play the tape again and let students follow the tape.Consolidation (12minutes)

11、1 .Pair work.2.The whole class work.3.Individual work.4. Pair work.5.Individual work.1 .Two pairs act out the dialogue.2 . The student answers the teachers question.Ss:Does he/she have ?T: Yes, he/she does. /No. he/she doesn k3 .Do lb. Students listen and fill in the blanks in lb; One student check

12、the answer;4 . Do 1c. lvo pairs show their new Conversations.5 .Do 2. Students look at the picture carefully, and then listen and check the number;Some students tell their answer.l.Let students practice and act la out the dialogue in pairs, then choose two pairs to act out the dialogue.2 .Walk to an

13、y student and ask the other students question.3 .Play the tape for the third time and let students listen and fill in the blanks in lb;Choose one student to check the answer of lb.4 .Give students 2 minutes to talk about their favorite people, then make up new conversations in pairs.5 .Let students

14、look at the picture of 2 carefully and guess、Who is Mr. Wang? Play the tape and check the number;Let some students tell their answer.Practice (lOminutes)1.Individual work and the whole class work.2 .The whole class work.3 .Tiie whole class work.4 .Group work and the whole class work.5 .The whole cla

15、ss work.1 .Do 3. All students write the name of each part by themselves; Then read the words by tlieniselves: Some students try to read the words;Then all Students follow the teacher for several times.2 .Do 4. Students look at the flaslicaid aixl read after tlic teacher for two times:Thenstudentscha

16、ngethesentence to “You have a long face.3 .Do Section A-un y ng. Students read the letter together.4 .Students read the words one group by one group; Thenstudentslisten to tlie teacher carcfully.5.Find the sound according to the1 .Show a picture of 3. Let students write the name of each part first;P

17、oint out some cards with new words arm. hand, leg, foot and their pronunciations. Let all students try to read the words by themselves; Choose some students to try to read the words;Teach the new words while pointing the part for several times.2.Show a flashcard with the sentence “My face is round.

18、on one side, then points the other side with the sentence I have a round face. (Write the two sentences on the blackboard.) teach the sentences twice;Show the second flashcard with Your face is long. on it, and let students try to change the sentence to You have a long face. together/以下句型转换 老师可以让单人变

19、换句型) 3.Say, Lets play a game.” Show the letter u. and let students read it together (老师 告诉学生此处u发的是字母 音).Divide the students into five groups, each group should read the word correctly.4.Let students read the word: excuse, Cuba. pupiL unit, use;Make a summary about the game.5.Show the cards with red.

20、 rice, roseM on them, and read them.6.Pairwork,individual work and the whole class work.teachers pronunciation. Listen to the tape and repeat the words.6.D0 Section-A3b. Students read the words in 3b in pairs first;Some students read the words;All Students read after the tape and check.Then let stud

21、ents find the same sound in these three words. Write the sound on the blackboard and ask students to connect and practice the sound and the letter. Play the sound and the tape.(其他辅音音素以 同样方式教授)6.The teacher gives students 1 minute to read the words in 3b in pairs.Then choose some students to read the

22、 words;Play the tape and let students check and repeat.Production (3minutes)1 .Group work.l.Do 5. Five students come to the blackboard and play the game;Students listen to the teacher carefully.l.Let students play a gameBobby Says. Choose five students to come to the blackboard and play the game. Wh

23、en the teacher says, “Touch your head. the five students do it , the one who cant touch the part quickly will go to back the seat. The last one is the winner;Make a summary about the game.2.Assign homework:Draw a picture of your favorite teacher. Then write a short passage about him/licr;Review the

24、words we have learnt;Preview the words and la.4a in Section C.板书设计I have a small nose.Section B1. Does he/she have?actorarmYes, he/she does. No. he/she doesntfavoritehand2.My face is round.= I have a round face.Chineseshort3.Your face is long. = You have a long face.legfoot作业或预习Homework:Draw a pictu

25、re of your favorite teacher. Then write a short passage about him/her;Review the words we have learnt;Preview the words and la,4a in Section C.自我评价自我评价一、精心备课在上课之前,我细致地分析学生,充分地把握教材,精心地设计教学进程,恰当地选择教学方法,准确 地拟定教学目标并对学生多种可能的反映做出预期C实践经验告诉我们,课前准备越充分,教师在课堂上 就越能游刃有余,得心应手,否则很容易出现问题甚至出现僵局。二、让教学设计在课堂上落实到位组长评议或同行评议(可选多人):1、激发学生学习积极性,关注到不同学习基础的学生,做到全员参与。2组织和调控好课堂学习秩序,学生的注意力集中,做到全程参与。3、探究学习、自主学习不流于形式,处理好合作学习与独立思考的关系,做到有效参 与。4、讲授条理清楚,重视培养学生的优秀的思维品质和良好的心理素质。评议一单位:公白中学 姓名:罗纯斌 日期:2013. 10


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