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1、一 年级英语学科教学计划姓名班级一(2)人数男 备注女 情况分析一(2)班共有学生42人,学生整体水平较平均,对英语的学习兴趣较浓厚。课堂上, 学生都比较愿意说,乐于说,但是由于年龄的特点以及对于字母的陌生,学生在认读方面有点困难。虽能把握课本教学内容,但缺乏课外知识的拓展,因而班上缺乏尖子生。经过一学期的学习,大部分学生已经养成了较好的学习习惯,但也有个别学生学习习惯较差,造成英语学习成绩落后。教材分析The students book contains core language learning material, using a wide variety of text types a

2、nd activities to introduce language; poems, stories, cartoons, dialogues and practical tasks all engage the student at his/her personal level. This language preparation provides students with the means to carry out successfully the subsequent learning tasks, which are fully described in the Teachers

3、 Book. A lively group of characters: Ben and Kitty Li, their friends and parents, Sam the dog, Miss Fang the teacher, all provide models to make language learning stimulating, enjoyable and appropriate to students lives.教学目标Module 1: Using my five sensesUnit 1 Look and see Asking and answering quest

4、ions to indicate what people seeUse the key pattern to introduce oneselfUnit 2 Listen and hearAsking and answering questions to indicate what people hear Unit 3 Taste and smell?Using imperatives to give simple instructions and express preferencesUsing formulaic expressions to ask customers preferenc

5、es, offer people things and express thanksModule 2 My favorite thingsUnit 1 Toys and like Begin an interaction by expressing ones preferences Begin an interaction by eliciting a responseUnit 2 Food I like Begin an interaction by introducing ones preferences End an interaction by using simple formula

6、ic expressions Begin an interaction by eliciting a responseUnit 3 Drinks I like Begin an interaction by introducing ones preferences End an interaction by using simple formulaic expressions Begin an interaction by eliciting a response Module 3 Things around us Unit 1 Seasons Begin an interaction by

7、talking about seasons.Unit 2Weather Begin an interaction by talking about the weather Begin an interaction by greeting someone politelyUnit 3 Clothes Begin an interaction by asking what people need Maintain an interaction by providing information in response to factual questionsModule 4Things we do

8、( optional) Unit 1 Activities Begin an interaction and maintain it by providing information in response tofactual questions Begin an interaction by introducing ones abilities briefly Unit2 New Years Day Begin an interaction and maintain it by responding to questions Using modeled phrases to communic

9、ate with other students Using formulaic expressions to offer people things Unit 3 Story timeBegin an interaction by eliciting a responseMaintain an interaction by replying to a questionUse modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with other students教学进度周次日期教 学 内 容备注12/18-2/22 Module1 Unit1 Perio

10、d(1)-(3)22/25-2/29Unit2Period(1)-(3),33/3-3/7 Unit3 Period(1)-(3),43/10-3/14More oral practice(1)(2) Test153/17-3/21Module 2 Unit1 Period (1)-(3) 63/24-3/28Unit2 Period(1)-(3), 73/31-4/4Unit3 Period(1)-(3)84/7-4/11More oral practice(1)(2) Test294/14-4/18Revision(1)-(3)104/21-4/25Mid-term Exam114/28-

11、5/2Module3 Unit1 Period(1) Labor Holidays125/5-5/9Module3 Unit1 Period(2)-(3) Unit2 Period(1),135/12-5/16Unit2 Period(2)-(3), Unit3 Period(1)145/19-5/23Unit3 Period(2)-(3) More oral practice(1)(2) Test3155/26-5/30Module4 Unit1 Period(1)-(3),166/2-6/6Module4 Unit2 Period(1)-(3), 176/9-6/13Unit3 Perio

12、d(1)-(3)186/16-6/20More oral practice(1)-(3) ,Revision 196/23-6/27Final Exam202122具体措施加强理论学习,全面贯彻中小外语课程新标准对小学英语的要求,积极落实上级教育指导精神和新基础教育的理念,努力从课堂教学、作业检查和习惯培养上着手落实教学计划。A课堂教学:1).从教材和班级学生的实际出发,探索情趣化的吸引全体学生积极参与的科学有效的教学方法。2).制作吸引学生的教具,通过多媒体等手段,努力创设轻松和谐,民主平等,学生主动学英语的课堂氛围。3).采用竞赛激励机制和分层教学法,让每一层面的学生都有进步。4).注重听

13、说的同时,加强阅读训练,逐步提高学生的语言理解能力。B作业检查:1).认真批改学生的每一次作业,及时反馈,及时讲评。2).加强口头作业检查的密度,并进行分层要求。3).采用结对子(“一对一”或“几对一”),让学生相互检查,相互帮助,并对学习困难的学生加强个别辅导。C习惯培养:1)。注意培养学生专心听讲,大胆积极举手发言的习惯。2)。注意培养学生主动听、读、说英语的习惯。3)。注意培养学生认真完成作业的习惯。 附:计划制订的常规要求,计划分五个部分 1 情况分析:简述班级概况,学生掌握基础知识基本技能的情况(两头好、差)学生情况分析。 2 教材分析:通读全册教材,简要分析全册教材的概况,分类分析教材的重点、难点。 3 教材目标:根据教学大纲,分年级要求和会册教材,从思想教育 和学科的知识,技能两方面写出全学期的教学目标。 4 教学进度: 5 具体措施:根据教学原则,教材特点和学生实际,准备采取哪些 措施实现本学期的教学目标要求,提高教学质量。


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