四年级英语上册Unit3 My friends A Let’s spell.pdf

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1、Unit3 My friends A Lets spell 教学目标 1. 能够感知并归纳 o-e 在单词中的发音规则。 2. 能够读出符合 o-e 发音规则的单词。 3. 能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合 o-e 发音规则的单词。 教学重点 1. 能够感知并归纳 o-e 在单词中的发音规则。 2. 能够读出符合 o-e 发音规则的单词。 教学难点 1、能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合 o-e 发音规则的单词。 2、能够区分 o-e 和 o 的发音。 教学过程 Step1:Warm-up and revision 1. Enjoy an English song “A is for apple”. 2

2、. Enjoy a story “Hot Dog”. 3. 朗读单词:hot, dog, log, fog.并感知字母 O 在单词中的发音 4. Do a chant. Step2:Presentation 1. 出示一个盖住的鼻子,让学生猜:Whats this?学生回答:Its a nose 再让学生猜 Whose nose is it? Its Mr Jones.教学单词 nose, Jones 再呈现一个年老的 Mr Jones 图片,教学 Old Mr Jones 及 toes 2. 呈现Zip 图片, Today is Zips birthday. He invites some

3、friends to his home.通过鼻子来猜人物,分别是 the dog, the pig, Zoom and Mr Jones 3. Lets chant: the pronunciation of “ose” 4. Zip cant find his mom, and mom leaves him a note.教学单词 mom, note. 5. 呈现可乐放在便条上的图片,教学单词 coke 及句子 Put the Coke on the note. 6. 呈现便条放在 Mr Jones 鼻子上的图片, 引导学生说句子, I can put the note on my nose

4、. 7. 朋友们给 Zip 带来了一些礼物,清同学们说出礼物的名字, 分别是 rose, Coke, joke. 8. Do a chant:Welcome to my home! Home, home, home! A rose for you! A Coke for you! A joke for you! Happy, happy, happy! 9. I can read.让学生读出含有字母组合 oke 的单词:joke, poke, woke, boke. 10.Chant: the pronunciation of“oke”. Step3:Practice 1. Zip wants

5、 to drink some Coke. But four tasks should be finished. Lets help him to get the Coke. 2. Task1:观察单词 nose, note, Coke, Mr Jones 观察他们的共同 之处,并讨论“o-e”的发音。 Chant: The pronunciation of “o-e”. Lets read.读出含有“o-e”的一些单词. 3. Task2:Lets chant Old Mr Jones put the Coke on the note. Old Mr Jones put the note on

6、 his nose. Old Mr Jones put the Coke on the note. Can old Mr Jones put his nose on his toes? 4. Task3:Read,listen and tick.读单词,听录音,并选出正确的选 项。 5. Task4:Listen,circle and write. 6. Classify the words. O:hop,bon,not,lost o-e: hope, bone, note, nose Step4:Production 1. Enjoy a funny poem I put a rose on my nose. I put a Coke on my nose. I hope the rose can sit on my nose. I hope the Coke can sit on my nose. Oh, my nose. Oh, My note. 2. Watch a video Step5:Homework 1.Listen and repeat the words on page 26. 2.Read the funny poem with your friends. 3. To look for more words with“o-e”.


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