八年级下册英语期末复习——Units 3单元测试卷.pdf

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1、八年级下册英语期末复习八年级下册英语期末复习Units3-5Units3-5 单元测试卷单元测试卷 一. 单项选择。 ()1.- I forgot to take the camera with me. Could I use yours? -Yes, you. A. canB. mustC. couldD. should ()2.I was singing, my friend Judy was playing the piano. A. BeforeB. WhileC. SinceD. Until ()3. Mr. Green met his old friend while hein t

2、he park. A. will walkB. walksC. is walkingD. was walking ()4.My parentsdumplings when I got home yesterday. A.are makingB. were makingC. will makeD. made ()5. -Were you at home at 8:00 last night? -Yes. Iwith my cousin at that time. A. talkedB. will talkC. was talkingD. am talking ()6.-Could you ple

3、asethe windows open? -Sorry, but I feel hot inside. A. keepB. not keepC. to keepD. not to keep ()7. -How about traveling around Shanghai by bus. -. Im expecting to visit it by bus. A. It s a good ideaB. Its good news C. Good luck to youD. Have a good time ()8. -Could we stay here for the night? -. M

4、y room is too small to hold you all. A. Of course you canB. Sorry, you cantC. I hope soD. I hope not ()9. -Susan, could you please pass me the cup? -. Here you are. A. No thanksB. Youre rightC. Yes, sureD. Thats all ()10. -My English is very poor. What should I do? -. A. Lets begin our classB. You s

5、houldnt stay up late C. What about having a rest on Sunday?D. Why dont you ask Miss white for help? 二.根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。 date, quick, hate, member, sudden,drop, true, throwdate, quick, hate, member, sudden,drop, true, throw 1. Its badrubbish into the river. 2. Andymath because its too diff

6、icult. 3.a dog ran to us and we were very afraid. 4. Paul and Nick areof our school basketball team. 5. My sisterthe bowl and it broke in two. 6. We didnt have much time left so we had to have abreakfast. 7. -Mike, do you know theof the English speech competition? -Yes, its on May 20th. 8. Emily did

7、nt tell her mother the.That made her mother unhappy. 三根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。 1我醒来时风并没有减弱。 When I woke up, the wind. 2Bruce 沉默地看着他爸爸。 Bruce looked at his father. 3老师让我们反复做这些练习题。 The teacher asked us to do these exercises. 4我的父母相信我能照顺好自己。 My parents believe that I can. 5Kelly 和养老院的老人们相处得很好。 Kellyin

8、 the old peoples home. 6这里太吵了,所以我很难入睡。 Its too noisy here, so its very difficult for me to. 7我认为你应该减少几项课外活动。 I think you shoulda few of the after-school activities. 8.依我看,你应该每天吃蔬菜和水果. , you should eat vegetables and fruit every day. 9我的祖父母不允许我留卷发. My grandparents dontcurly hair. 10你打电话给我的时候,我正前往动物园。

9、 Ithe zoo when you called me. 11我听说你在海南拍了很多照片,我能看一看它们吗? I heard you took lots of photos in Hainan. Can I? 12为了学好英语,她决定加入英语俱乐部。 English well, she decided to join the English club. 四.根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。 A: Eliza, we have two weeks off!(1) B: What are you going to do, Carla? Any plans? A: W

10、ell, my family are going to Florida. My parents have rented(租)an apartment there. What about you? B: Im not sure. (2)Maybe Ill do some reading. A: That sounds boring! You should relax. B:Er,I know(3) A:Poor girl! Florida is a nice place. Im going to take walks along the beach every day and do lots o

11、f swimming. B: Sounds great! Im looking forward to going there some day! A:(4)We have plenty of (充足的) rooms. B: Do you mean it? Id love to! But I have to talk to my parents first. A:OK.(5) B: OK. A. I m so excited!A. I m so excited!B. I guess Ill just stay home.B. I guess Ill just stay home. C. They

12、 think itC. They think it s a great idea .s a great idea .D. You should go with someone.D. You should go with someone. E. Say, why don t you come with us?E. Say, why don t you come with us?F. But my parents are strict with meF. But my parents are strict with me G. Please tell me your decision as soo

13、n as possible.G. Please tell me your decision as soon as possible. 五.阅读短文,从所给词中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。 毎词限用一次。 tell, bored, because, same, he, day, without, reply, again, keeptell, bored, because, same, he, day, without, reply, again, keep One day, Peter went to visit Mr. Allen, an expert on jade

14、stones ( 玉石). Peter wanted to study under Mr. Allen. However, the expert turned him down (1)he worried that the young man would not have the patience (耐心) to learn. Peter (2) asking for a chance(机会)Finally Mr Allen said,“ Be here tomorrow.” The next morning Mr. Allen put a jade stone in Peters hand

15、and (3)him to hold(抓住)it.Mr. Allen then went about his work. Peter sat quietly and waited. In the evening, Mr. Allen took away the jade stone. 参考答案 一. 1-5 ABDBC6-10 BABCD 二. 1.to throw2.hates3.Suddenly4.members5.dropped6.quick 7.date8.truth 三. 1.didnt die down2.in silence3.all the time4.take care of

16、 myself The following morning, Mr Allen (4)put the jade stone in Peters hand. On the third, fourth, and fifth day Mr Allen asked (5)to do the same thing. On the sixth day, Peter was still asked to hold the jade stone. He felt a bit (6). “Mr Allen, he asked, when am I going to learn something?” “ You

17、ll learn,”MrAllen(7)and went about his work. Several more (8)went by. Peter was tired of this, and wanted to give up. The next morning, before he said goodbye to Mr. Allen,Mr. Allen put a jade stone in his hand. Peter said(9)thinking, This is not the (10)jade stone!” “You have begun to learn,” said Mr Allen. 5.gets on with the old people6.fall asleep 9.allow me to have10.was making my way to order to study/learn 四. 1-5 ABFEG 五. 1.because2.kept3.told4.again 8.days9.without10.same 7.cut out8.In my opinion 11.have a look at them12.In 5.him6.bored7.replied


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