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1、初一英语练习题初一英语练习题( (二二) ) 初一英语练习题初一英语练习题( (二二) ) I I选择最佳答案。选择最佳答案。 ( () ) 1. 1. ThereThere is is _ “u”“u” inin thethe wordword “computer”.“computer”. A. aA. aB. anB. anC. theC. theD. /D. / ( () 2. Kate with her parents often _) 2. Kate with her parents often _ to a movie on weekends.to a movie on weeke

2、nds. A.A. gogoB.B. goesgoesC.C. goinggoingD.D. to goto go ( () 3.) 3. John is my son, but Im not his father.John is my son, but Im not his father. Im his _.Im his _. A.A. uncleuncleB.B. mothermotherC.C. brotherbrother D. auntD. aunt ( () 4. Thanks for _ me.) 4. Thanks for _ me. A.A. helphelpB.B. hel

3、pshelpsC.C. toto helphelpD.D. helpinghelping ( () 5. The pants _ nice, Ill take_.) 5. The pants _ nice, Ill take_. A. look; themA. look; themB. looks; itB. looks; itC. look; itC. look; it D. looks; themD. looks; them ( () )6. 6.MyMysonsonis is_.Today_.Today is ishishis _birthday._birthday. A.A. twel

4、ve;twelve; twelvetwelveB.B. twelfth;twelfth; twelfthtwelfthC.C. 2 2 twelfth; twelvetwelfth; twelveD. twelve; twelfthD. twelve; twelfth ( () 7. _ your father like bananas?) 7. _ your father like bananas? A.A. HasHasB.B. Is IsC.C. DoesDoesD.D. DoDo ( () ) 8. 8. TheseThese greengreen shortsshorts arear

5、e _sale_sale _ $10.$10. A . on; atA . on; atB. on; forB. on; forC. for; ofC. for; of D. in; atD. in; at ( () 9. _ is the first day of a w eek.) 9. _ is the first day of a w eek. A.A. MondayMondayB.B. SundaySundayC.C. SaturdaySaturdayD. FridayD. Friday ( ()10. _ your father _ with you?)10. _ your fat

6、her _ with you? A.A. Does;Does; strictstrictB.B. Do;Do; strictstrictC.C. Is;Is; strictstrictD . Are; strictD . Are; strict ( () 11.) 11. Lets play pingLets play ping-pong.-pong. _ ._ . A.A. Yes,Yes, pleasepleaseB.B. ThankThank youyouC.C. No,No, I I dontdontD. That sounds goodD. That sounds good ( ()

7、 12.) 12. _he paint ?_he paint ?No, he cantNo, he cant A. DoesA. DoesB. IsB. IsC. DoC. DoD. canD. can ( () ) 13.13. BobBob is is _ eleven-year-oldeleven-year-old boy.boy. A. aA. aB. anB. anC. theC. theD. /D. / ( () ) 14.14. -How-How muchmuch areare thethe shoes?shoes? - 3 3 _ 100 dollars._ 100 dolla

8、rs. A. ItsA. ItsB. These areB. These areC. They areC. They are D. This isD. This is ( () 15. The books are very _ . They sell) 15. The books are very _ . They sell very _.very _. A.A. good;good; goodgoodB.B. well;well; wellwellC.C. well;well; goodgoodD. good; wellD. good; well ( () 16. Can I join th

9、e _ club?) 16. Can I join the _ club? A.A. swimsswimsB.B. swimmingswimmingC.C. swimswimD.D. swimingswiming ( () 17. He _ breakfast at home.) 17. He _ breakfast at home. A.A. hasnthasntB.B. haventhaventC.C. doesntdoesnt havehaveD. dont haveD. dont have ( () ) 18.18. -Jane,-Jane, youryour dressdress i

10、s is beautiful(beautiful(美丽美丽 的的). ).-_.-_. A.A. No,No, it it isnt.isnt.B.B. Really?Really?C.C. Thank you.Thank you.D. Yes, it is.D. Yes, it is. ( () ) 19.-What19.-What timetime is is it?it? -I I thinkthink itsits _ 6:00._ 6:00. A.A. atatB.B. ononC.C. aroundaround D. toD. to ( () ) 20.20. I I haveha

11、ve _ soccersoccer ball.ball. _ 4 4 soccer ball is on the floor.soccer ball is on the floor. A.A. /; /; a aB.B. a;a; / /C.C. the;the; TheThe D. a; TheD. a; The II.II.完型填空完型填空 JimJim1 1fromfrom America.America. NowNow hehe is is2 2 China.China. HeHe3 3atat aboutabout 6:306:30 andand eatseats hishis br

12、eakfastbreakfast atat7:07:00 0ininthethemorning.morning.AfterAfter breakfast,breakfast, hehe sayssays “goodbye”“goodbye”4 4hishis parentsparents and leaves (and leaves (离开离开)home at 7:30. He usually walks)home at 7:30. He usually walks to school. He gets there at 7:55.to school. He gets there at 7:5

13、5. HeHe5 5hishis firstfirst classclass atat eight.eight. MorningMorning classes are over at 12:10, and he eats lunch tenclasses are over at 12:10, and he eats lunch ten minutesminutes laterlater atat aboutabout 12:20.12:20. AfterAfter lunchlunch hehe playsplays6 6hishis friends.friends. AfternoonAft

14、ernoon classesclasses beginbegin at 1:30. Usually there are two classes in theat 1:30. Usually there are two classes in the7 .7 . School is over at 3:30. Usually he plays games orSchool is over at 3:30. Usually he plays games or dodo8 8things and gets home at about 5:15. Hethings and gets home at ab

15、out 5:15. He eatseats suppersupper atat 6:006:00 andand thenthen9 9 , , thenthen hehe watcheswatches TVTV. . HeHe wwW.xwwW.x kBkB 1.c1.c OmOm 1010atat around 10:00.around 10:00. ( ()1.)1. A.A. comecomeB.B. is isC.C. areare D. beD. be 5 5 ( ()2.)2. A.A. ininB.B. atatC.C. onon D. ofD. of ( ()3. A. pla

16、ys)3. A. playsB. gets upB. gets upC. goesC. goes homehomeD. goes to schoolD. goes to school ( ()4.)4. A.A. withwithB.B. forforC.C. andand D. toD. to ( ()5.)5. A.A. havehaveB.B. hashasC.C. startstart D. beginD. begin ( ()6. A. with)6. A. withB. andB. andC. toC. to D. orD. or ( ()7.)7. A.A. afternoona

17、fternoonB.B. morningmorningC.C. eveningeveningD. nightD. night ( ()8.)8. A.A. anotheranotherB.B. anan otherotherC.C. otherotherD. othersD. others ( ()9.)9. A.A. swimswimB.B. goesgoes toto bedbedC.C. takestakesD. does his homeworkD. does his homework ( ()10. A . goes to school)10. A . goes to schoolB

18、. goes to bedB. goes to bedC.C. goes home D. goes to the roomgoes home D. goes to the room III.III. 阅读理解阅读理解 A A One dayOne day,a little boy came to a shop anda little boy came to a shop and said to the shop assistant(said to the shop assistant( 店员店员): I want to buy): I want to buy 6 6 twelvetwelve

19、exercise-booksexercise-books ofof 1010 cents(cents(美分美分)(1)(1 0000 美美 分分=1=1 美元美元) ) andand ninenine pencilspencils ofof 1515 cents,cents, fourfour eraserserasers ofof 2020 cents.cents. HowHow muchmuch shallshall I I pay(pay(付付 款款)?)? If I give you 5 dollars, how much shall I getIf I give you 5 doll

20、ars, how much shall I get back?back? Youll get back 1.65 dollars. Shall I pack(Youll get back 1.65 dollars. Shall I pack(打打 包包) these things for you?) these things for you? No, I dont buy anything the boy looked atNo, I dont buy anything the boy looked at thethe piecepiece ofof paperpaper andand sai

21、dsaid politely(politely(礼貌地礼貌地). ). ThisThis is is mymy mathmath homework.homework. CanCan I I taketake thethe answer away?answer away? ( ()1. _ kinds of things are mentioned)1. _ kinds of things are mentioned by(by(被提到被提到) the boy.) the boy. A.A. OneOneB.B. TwoTwoC.C. ThreeThree D. FourD. Four ( ()

22、2. The boy went to the shop _.)2. The boy went to the shop _. A. to buy something for his schoolA. to buy something for his schoolB. to buyB. to buy something for his homesomething for his home C. to see how many things the shop hasC. to see how many things the shop hasD. toD. to get an answerget an

23、 answer ( ()3. Nine pencils of 15 cents is _.)3. Nine pencils of 15 cents is _.A.A. 7 7 $ 1.35$ 1.35B. $ 1.65B. $ 1.65C. $ 0.15C. $ 0.15D. 2.15D. 2.15 ( ()4.)4. TheThe shopshop assistantassistant asked(asked(要求要求) ) thethe boyboy to pay _ after sheto pay _ after sheanswered boy.answered boy. A.A. no

24、no thingthingB.B. $ $ 3.353.35C.C. $ $ 1.651.65 D. $ 5D. $ 5 ( ()5.)5. TheThe boyboy bought(bought(买买) ) _ atat last(last(最最 后后). ). A.A. nothingnothingB.B. ninenine pencilspencilsC.C. twelvetwelve exercise-booksexercise-booksD. four erasersD. four erasers B B Dear Mr. Wang,Dear Mr. Wang, SomeoneSom

25、eone comescomes toto thethe officeoffice toto seesee youyou inin the morning, but you and your wife are out. Hethe morning, but you and your wife are out. He comes here at 10am. Because he is very busy, hecomes here at 10am. Because he is very busy, he goes away half an hour later. He tells me that

26、hegoes away half an hour later. He tells me that he is is youryour classmateclassmate atat college(college(大大学学). ). NowNow hehe teachesteaches ChineseChinese inin a a highhigh school(school(高中高中) ) inin thisthis city and he livescity and he lives near the No.near the No. 6 Middle School.6 Middle Sc

27、hool. He is a very tall man with short hair. He wears aHe is a very tall man with short hair. He wears a pair of glasses. He tells me his telephone numberpair of glasses. He tells me his telephone number is 33426685. He is often at home at 7:00 pm. Sois 33426685. He is often at home at 7:00 pm. So y

28、ou can call him in the evening.you can call him in the evening. 8 8 ( ()1.)1. TheThe author(author(作者作者) ) writeswrites thisthis note(note(便条便条) ) to _.to _. A.A. Mr.Mr. WangWangB.B. Mr.Mr. WangsWangs wifewifeC.C. Mr.Mr. Wangs classmateWangs classmateD. meD. me ( ()2.)2. Mr. Wangs cl assmate is _Mr.

29、 Wangs cl assmate is _ _. _. A.A. a a teacherteacherB.B. a a workerworkerC.C. a a farmerfarmerD. an actorD. an actor ( ()3.)3. WhenWhen is is Mr.Mr. WangsWangs classmateclassmate oftenoften atat home?home? A.A.InInthethemorningmorningB.B.InInthethe afternoon.afternoon.C. At 7:00 pm.C. At 7:00 pm.D.

30、We dontD. We dont know.know. ( ()4.)4. HowHow longlong doesdoes Mr.Mr. WangsWangs classmateclassmate stay in the office?stay in the office? A.A. TenTen hours.hours.B.B. AnAn hour.hour.C.C. TwoTwo hours.hours.D. Half an hour.D. Half an hour. ( ()5. Which of the following is TRUE?)5. Which of the foll

31、owing is TRUE? A. Mr. Wang and his wife are classmates.A. Mr. Wang and his wife are classmates. B. Mr. Wangs classmate is short.B. Mr. Wangs classmate is short. C. Mr. Wang goes out with Mrs. Wang in theC. Mr. Wang goes out with Mrs. Wang in the morning.morning. D.D. Mr.Mr. WangsWangs classmclassmat

32、eate meetsmeets Mr.Mr. WangWang inin 9 9 the morningthe morning C C Old Henry lived on a clean street in Green C ity.Old Henry lived on a clean street in Green C ity. EveryEvery weekend,weekend, AlanAlan andand hishis friendsfriends playedplayed soccer in the street. The children were too noisysocce

33、r in the street. The children were too noisy (吵闹的)(吵闹的)for the old man to have a goodfor the old man to have a goodrest.rest. OneOne day,day, OldOld HenryHenry toldtold thethe childrenchildren thatthat hehe wouldwould givegive themthem $ $ 1010 eacheach weekendweekend toto watchwatch them play socce

34、r in the street. He said, “I am sothem play soccer in the street. He said, “I am so glad when seeing you play soccer happily.” Alanglad when seeing you play soccer happily.” Alan andand hishis friendsfriends werewere surprisedsurprised toto hearhear OldOld Henrys words.Henrys words. TheThe firstfirs

35、t weekendweekend afterafter that,that, thethe boysboys wentwent toto play soccer near the old mans house, and wentplay soccer near the old mans house, and went awayaway happilyhappily withwith 1010 dollars.dollars. TheThe secondsecond weekendweekend theythey alsoalso gotgot 1010 dollars.dollars. The

36、The thirdthird weekend, Old Henry said he spent his money onweekend, Old Henry said he spent his money on his grandsons school things. So he only gave thehis grandsons school things. So he only gave the childrenchildren 4 4 dollars.dollars. TheThe nextnext weekend,weekend, OldOld HenryHenry saidsaid

37、 hehe hadhad a a coldcold andand hehe spentspent hishis moneymoney onon medicine(medicine(药药). ). HeHe onlyonly gavegave themthem 1 1 dollar.dollar. AfterAfter that,that, AlanAlan andand hishis friendsfriends didntdidnt 1010 play soccer in that street any more.play soccer in that street any more. 判断

38、正(判断正(T T)误()误(F F) ( ()1. Alan likes playing soccer.)1. Alan likes playing soccer. ( ()2.)2.AlanAlan andand hishisfriendsfriendscleanedcleanedthethe streetstreet every weekend.every weekend. ( ()3. Old Henrys grandson is a student.)3. Old Henrys grandson is a student. ( ()4.)4.OldOld HenryHenry gav

39、egave 2626 dollarsdollarsinin allall( (总共总共) ) to the children.to the children. ( ()5.)5.InIn fact,fact,OldOld HenryHenrydidntdidnt wantwant thethe children to play soccer near his house.children to play soccer near his house. D D ItsIts AprilApril 13th.13th.ItsIts MaryMary s s birthday.birthday.(A)

40、(A) She and her mother go to a big city by bus. TheyShe and her mother go to a big city by bus. They see manysee many clothes storclothes stor es and hotelses and hotels there.there.TheyThey come to a clothes store first. (B) Marys mothercome to a clothes store first. (B) Marys mother buysbuys a a r

41、edred skirtskirtforfor Mary.Mary. ThenThen theythey gogo toto a a foodfood store.store.(C)(C) ThereThere theythey buybuy somesome chickenchicken hamburgers. Then they go to Green Hotel. Theyhamburgers. Then they go to Green Hotel. They go to see Marys uncle. (D)go to see Marys uncle. (D)他在这个旅馆工作。他在这

42、个旅馆工作。 GreenGreen HotelHotel isis a a bigbig hotelhotelwithwith 120120 rooms.rooms. Each room is very nice. Mary has a good time inEach room is very nice. Mary has a good time in the hotel.the hotel. 1111 按下列任务要求完成各项。按下列任务要求完成各项。 (共(共 1010 分,每小题分,每小题 2 2 分。分。 ) 1. 1. 写出划线部分(写出划线部分(A A)处的同义句)处的同义句 Sh

43、e and her mother _ _She and her mother _ _to a big_to a big city.city. 2. 2. 将划线部分(将划线部分(B B)处译为汉语)处译为汉语 _ _ 3. 3. 将划线部分(将划线部分(C C)处改为否定句)处改为否定句 ThereTheretheythey_buybuy_chickenchicken hamburgers.hamburgers. 4. 4. 将划线部分(将划线部分(D D)处译为英语)处译为英语 _ _ 5. 5. 根据短文内容回答问题:根据短文内容回答问题: How many ro oms are ther

44、e in Green Hotel?How many ro oms are there in Green Hotel? _ _ IVIV. . 用括号内单词的适当形式填空。用括号内单词的适当形式填空。 1. I dont like _ _ ( comedy).1. I dont like _ _ ( comedy). 2. Do you want _ (go) to a movie?2. Do you want _ (go) to a movie? 3. 3.MaryMary_(not_(not 1212 do)do) homework today.homework today. 4. 4. T

45、hursdayThursday is is thethe _(five)_(five) day of a week.day of a week. 5. 5. TheyThey oftenoften gogo outout _(eat)_(eat) with Mr. Green.with Mr. Green. 6. 6. 7. 7. 8. 8. CanCan LiuLiu youyou WeWe helphelp wantwant is is kidskids twotwo a a withwith goodgood greatgreat _(swim)?_(swim)? _(music)._(music). XiangXiang _(run) star._(run) star. 9. 9. _ youryour friendfriend _ (like) soccer?(like) soccer? 10.10. _ (she)(she) favoritefavorite colorcolor is is white.white. . . 翻译句子翻译句子 1. 1. 我我 的的 妈妈 妈妈 正正 在在 打打 扫扫 房房 子子 和和 扫扫 除除 霉霉 运运 。 _ _ 2. 2.你你正正在在为为春春节节做做准准备备吗吗? _


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