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1、【摘 要】 课堂提问是教师训练学生思维和提高学生理解能力的主要手段。 本文 就初中英语阅读教学课堂提问的方式提出了一些建议,并结合教学实践进行了阐述。 【关键词】 初中英语 阅读教学 课堂提问 设计策略 英语课程标准下的英语阅读教学就是培养学生的兴趣?信心?策略和习惯。中学阅读 教学的目的不仅是获取信息,而且是为了培养一种语言技能。传统的英语阅读教学方式只注 重讲?读?练这些机械化环节,不利于培养学生的阅读兴趣,而且效率低下。新课程理念下的 英语阅读教学应是以培养学生的阅读兴趣?提高阅读能力为中心的。 而阅读兴趣主要是通过课 堂提问来激发的。正是基于这个目的,新版Go for it! 教材提供

2、了大量的阅读材料,不 仅题材广泛,而且体裁多样。这些阅读材料是训练学生思维?开阔学生视野?提高学生修养的 宝贵资源。笔者认为,初中英语教师应充分利用这些资源设计各种类型的问题,来激发学生 的学习兴趣?形成学生观察思考的习惯?训练学生的逻辑思维能力?拓展学生的想象力?升华学 生的道德品质?培养学生运用英语的能力。 笔者根据平时的教学体会,总结出以下几种阅读教学课堂提问类型: 1. 观察预测型提问 观察预测型提问旨在提高学生的观察预测能力。同时激活学生的思维,激发学生的阅读 兴趣。当教师提出一个问题时,学生为了表现自己的观察预测本领,他们的思维往往处于十 分活跃的状态。观察预测型提问主要用于课堂的

3、开始,可以从插图入手,也可以从文章的标 题入手。常用的提问形式有: 1)What can you see in the picture? 2)What did you notice in the picture? 3)What are the differences between and ? 4)What can you think of when you see the title? 5)What do you think will happen? 例如,在教学Go for it九年级 Unit 8 (Section A 3A)时,教师可以让学生观察 图片,然后提出以下问题: T: Wha

4、t can you see in the picture? S: There is a women looking out of the window. T: What can you know about the women? S: She is a little frightened and confused. T: Why does she feel frightened and confused? Do you want to know? S:Yes. 通过以上问题,学生的情绪被调动起来了,思维被激活了,阅读的兴趣和欲望被激发起 来了。教师可以抓住这一契机,让学生快速浏览课文,然后提出

5、一些细节性问题,让学生了 解文章大意。 2. 细节查询型提问 此类提问主要是考查学生对阅读材料的表层理解能力,考查学生从文本中获取最基本的 信息的能力,为更深层次的理解打下基础。常用的提问形式有: 1)When did the story happen? 2)Where did the story happen? 3)How did it happen? 4)Who is mentioned in the passage? 例如,在教学Go for it九年级 Unit 6 (Section B 2b)时,教师让学生快速浏览 课文,然后提出以下问题: 1)Who invented basket

6、ball and how is it played? 2)When was the first basketball game in history played? 3)Why were the Berlin Olympics important for basketball? 4)What are the professional basketball groups in America and China? 5)How popular is basketball? 学生通过寻读迅速从文中获取了上述问题的答案,对文本有了初步的理解,教师就可以 提出更深层次的主观性问题。 3. 主观认识型提问

7、 主观认识型问题是从文本事实入手,探求对事物的主观看法或可能采取的行动。此类问 题旨在训练学生的逻辑思维能力,拓展学生的想象力。常用的提问形式有: 1)What is your attitude towards ? 2)Suppose ? 3)If you could , what ? 4)What do you think is true about ? 例如,在教学Go for it九年级 Unit 7 (Section B 2b)后,教师可以询问学生对青少 年是否应该允许训练他们的业余爱好的看法。 T: Many teenagers think they should be allowe

8、d to practice their hobbies as much as they want. What is your attitude towards this idea? S1: I agree. Teenagers should be allowed to do everything that they are interested in. They can help them open their eyes. S2: I dont agree. They can get in the way of our schoolwork. S3: I dont agree, either.

9、 I think it s a waste of time. We must spend all the time on schoolwork and enter university. 4. 辩题型提问 辩题型提问可以同时培养学生的观察、 逻辑思维和想象等多种能力。 常见的提问形式有: 1)Should teenagers wear school uniforms or their own clothes? 2)Is it necessary to build a zoo in our city? 3)Should the government stop people from killin

10、g the sharks? 4)Should young people celebrate Chinese festivals or western festival? 例如,在教学Go for it九年级 Unit 13 (Section A 3a)后,教师作如下总结: From the text, we know the numbers of some kinds of sharks have fallen by over 90 percent in the last 20 to 30 years. They are endangered. And many animals like sh

11、arks are endangered, too. How can we protect these animals ? 待学生回答后,教师引出以 下辩题: Is it necessary to build a zoo in our city? Side A: It is necessary to build a zoo in our city. 1) Zoos can provide clean and safe places for endangered animals to live. And they can provide food for endangered animals to

12、 eat. So they dont worry about their food every day. 2) Zoos are very important places. They are like living textbooks for young people. They also help to educate the public about caring for them. Side B: It is not necessary to build a zoo in our city. 1) In the zoo, animals cant run 、jump or hunt.

13、They will become weak day by day. Its not good for their health. 2) I think there is not a zoo that is suitable for animals to live in. Zoos are terrible places for animals to live. The animals are always kept in tiny cages and can hardly move at all. Animals should live in the wild forests. 通过辩论,学生

14、的思辩能力和英语表达能力都可以得到有效的培养。 5?反思型提问 反思型提问旨在通过对所学课文的反思,提高学生的人文素养,培养正确的人生观、世 界观和价值观。常用的提问形式有: 1) What should we learn from ? 2) What do you learn from ? 3) What lesson has the story taught us? 例如,在教学Go for it九年级 Unit 2 (Section B 2b)后,教师通过下列问题进 行反思: T: Why did Scrooge have no friends before? S1: Because h

15、e was mean and only thought about himself. T: What kind of person is he now? S2: He is kind and generous. T: What do you learn from this story? S3: Helping others makes me happier! S4: To give is better than to receive. 当然,阅读教学课堂提问的类型还有很多。比如:探询型提问、评价型提问等。这就要 求我们教师一定要根据不同的教学目的来设计不同类型的问题,用问题去激活学生的语言潜 能,激发学生的思维能力和创造力。只有那样,我们的课堂提问才会更高效。 1 陈琳,王蔷,程晓棠. 英语课程标准解读M. 北京:北京师范大学出版社, 2011. 2 张厚玲. 课堂提问的误区种种J. 中小学外语教学, 2006(05). 3 昝淑华. 小学英语课堂提问的艺术J. 中小学外语教学, 2004(11). 4 琚华明. 高中英语课堂提问的设计J. 中小学外语教学, 2004(04).


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