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1、Module 5Unit 1 I was two then一、教学目标:1 知识目标:(1) 能听、 说、认读单词:was, were, then, young, old, short, long, hair(2) 能用 “ They were young then . I was two then论过去的状态。2能力目标:学生能够运用was和were来描述自己或他人过去与现在状态的变化。能听懂、会读、理解课文大意。3情感目标:通过对比过去和现在的变化, 教育学生要学会感恩, 感恩父母、 亲人、老师和朋友。二、教学重点:1.理解be动词和它对应的过去式,正确使用人称和be动词,使其搭配正确。能

2、听懂、会说、会读句型:He/She was then. They were- then.三、教学难点:能够区别运用am, is, are和was, were,来对比描述自己或他人过去与现在状态的变化。四、教学用具:CD-ROM, 课件,多媒体,单词卡 五、教学过程:(一)Warm- upGreetings板出“am”“ is”“ are” ,让学生认读后,告诉学生,这三个单词又称作be动词。回忆并齐唱过去自编的chant: I用am, you用are, is跟着he, she, it所有复数人称都用areRevision some wordsT: Before our class, lets

3、play a game (和老师唱反调)。 I say “ big”and you say “ small” . OK?Ss : OK.T: bigSs: smallBig small fat thin cute naughty tall short (通过游戏的方式对所学过的形容词进行复习, 既增加了学生的学习兴趣又为下面的学习做了铺垫。 )(二)Presetation3.(继续出示一对年轻夫妻的相片 , 让学生猜一猜) T: Who arethey? Ss: They are .J: They are my grandparensl出新词 grandparent 并教授 ) They we

4、re young then. Now they are old.( 引出新词were,young ,old 并教授 )(3) Learn the text.1、 播放课文的录音前, 向学生提出 “How old is the little girl?” 的问题,让学生有针对性的听音。听完第一遍录音后,向学生提出“ H ow old was she then?的问题,引导学生在文中找到答案。(设计意图: 生动的动画能极大限度地唤起学生的注意力, 能很好地将学生带入到语境之中去, 问题的设计让听音变得有效, 帮助学生提高对短文的理解力。 )2、播放第二遍录音,让学生画出 be动词am, is, a

5、re以及它的过 去式was, were以及划出then和now。对比观察它们的用法。3、播放第二遍录音,让学生逐句跟读。(设计意图:用纯正的语音语调影响学生的发音。 )(全班读,分组读,个别读)(设计意图:给学生开口讲英语的机会,使其感受成功的快乐。 )(4) PracticeSay a chant.Then then then. I was short.Now now now. I am tall.Then then then. He was thin.Now now now. He is fat.Then then then . It was short.Now now now. It i

6、s long.Then then then . They were young.Now now now. They are old.Then then then . You were cute.Now now now. You are naughty.(设计意图:用chant的形式唤起学生学习的兴趣,Chant的引入明确了 be动词的用法,为语言的输出提供了保证。)2.Choise: (ppt 出示试题,让学生选择 )( 1) Then they_ young. A.were B.are C.i s( 2) Now they_ old. A.were B,are C.is( 3) Then h

7、e_ short. A.was B.is C.am( 4) Now he_ tall A.was B.am C.is(设计意图:进一步巩固人称与be 动词的对应。通过完成教师设定的对句子内容进行填补,学生能逐步的掌握be 的用法,为学生的语言输出创造了条件。 )(5) Summary.1 . “What did you leathis class? ” (设计意图: 帮助学生对本课的学习内容进行梳理, 以养成良好的学习习惯。 )2 .播放时间都去哪儿了的视频,教师作以对比描述,介绍现在与过去状态的变化,引出本模块主题词“changes” 。教育学生要学会感恩,感恩父母,感恩亲人,感恩老师,感恩

8、朋友。(设计意图:在感人的 MV 中让学生的情感得到升华,已达到情感目标的生成。 )Step 6: Homework1. Read the text for three time1 .write some changes about yourself. Please use the words: was/ were/then ; am/ is/ are/ now (写一写自己的变化)板书设计Module5 Unit1 I was two then.ThenNowwas I was two then.is/am Now I am ten.were They were young then. are Now they are old.


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